Towering babel

You might expect a big ego on a big award-winner, but JOHN KAZEK lets his acting do

the talking. Words: Steve Cramer

s John Ka/ek sits before me. his reluctance to give an

interview is wordlessly explained in the nicest possible

way. I‘ve pursued the interview for sortie time. and have been offered such articulate and agreeable alternatives as writer l.i/. l.ochhead and director (iraham .\Icl.aren the moving forces behind theatre habel's 'I'lte/mns - but insisted upon Kit/Ck. I wonder as I wait. eyeing tny deadlines witlt increasing unease. whether he might be one of those actors who considers himself above the tnere giving of interviews to lowly hacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. As he sits before me in the Traverse bar. a pint of lager before him. it emerges that Kazek is just a very nice and very modest gtiy'. unable to comprehend why I'd want to talk to him.

But the winner of the inaugural (‘ritics' Award for 'l'heatre in Scotland for best actor after his performance in David Mark 'I'homson's Pleasure and Pain is bound to be an increasing foctts of attention. A 14—year professional career has brought many triumphs. with tremendous performances in such productions as l’uysiltg I’lut‘es. King oft/1e lie/(ls and (Hire.

Ka/ek has the feel of a natural. instinctive actor and tnttch of what he says confirms this. ‘Research is important. btit I don't do that thing of reading and researching everythingf he says. ‘That's just making it look like you‘re working hard. What you really need to know is what the writer‘s intentions are and what angle your director is taking on it.'

Kazek's modest origins in (ilasgow‘s Dennistoun have. he feels. contributed to his approach. ‘lt was a great place to grow tip. btit nobody expected anyone to go into the theatre. I really have no idea why I became an actor. But the thing about where I'm from is everyone wanted to team a trade. and that‘s how I feel about acting: it‘s my trade. Actors are expendable. I wish we weren't btit I know we are. so I see it as just doing the best you can. It‘s about serving the play.‘

The play he's currently serving is in fact three plays in one. Liz Lochhead's Theme is an amalgam of Oedipus. Plteneceun li'omen and Antigone. Lochhead's collaboration with theatre babel has already produced the legendary success of Medea. There's plenty of buzz around this production:

Kazek says that's thanks to Lochhead‘s writing. ‘Because of

the poet in her. she produces this wonderful. rhythmic writing.‘ he says. ‘The audience is hearing poetry and they don't know

it. As a performer. you just have to surrender to it. lf you're in a play with that calibre of writing and you fail. it's your own fault. because it‘s all there for ,Vou.‘

llis character. (icon. has no shortage of contemporary parallels. 11ch a guy who fucks tip early on. and he knows it.‘ he says. ‘llopefully. you won't just see a tyrant. though. You'll see where that comes from. He isn't just laying down the law willy-nilly he does things for a reason. You see a politician who has made decisions he doesn't really belicye in. and that comes back to haunt him. 'l'herc are a lot of resonances to Blair and Bush. Nothing's changed. they 're still making decisions and fucking up.‘

He's plainly more comfortable talking ahottt the play than himself. but I bring him back to his own achievements. and ask again wlty he became an actor. He grins uneasily. looking down at his second pint. "the reason I'm an actor is because I can‘t talk for fuck all. I’m really terrible at conversation. But on a stage. you're never stuck for a word. because sotttcottc\ written something for you to say.'

I switch off my recorder. and we relax into talking about other things. .-\s long as it's not himself he's talking abottt. I reckon he's pretty good at com crsation. And actually. I don't care why he's an actor. bttt I'm very glad he is.

Thebans, Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 2-24 Aug, 3.15pm, 210—212 (119-5210).

In Thebans, theatre babel and Liz Lochhead hope to match the success of Medea


I lee-c Jullen (Pictured) Film about an Achilles-like character. Black Box at Edinburgh College of Art, 1 Aug-7 Sep. I leave Inspired by the myth of Icarus. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 2-24 Aug (not 4, 11, 18), 3.15pm. I'l'he Becchee Euripedes in 19603 London. Rocket @ Demarco Roxy Art House, 556 3102, 11-16Aug, 4.45pm. IJeeon end the Golden Fleece Performed panto style. Diverse Attractions, 225 8961, 12-16 Aug, 7.20pm. ITelee from Ovld Ted Hughes version. Venue 45, 556 0476, 17-23 Aug, 4. 15pm. I mien Women The women are left to pick up the pieces after a man's war. Komedia Roman Eagle Lodge, 3-24 Aug, 1. 10pm.