Space and Sizer Barker lion Ilu' l'ringi'. Ila lu/uitl Room. 34 Aug. ._..\'(I/nn. it's a little- acknowledged fact that 'l'ommy Scott is one of the most paranoid men in music. Apparently. w e should he wary of the neighhours tall lt'atts\esliles and serial killers - see ‘\eighlmtirhood' t. women in general t‘l‘emale ()f 'l'he Species' i and ('ery s Mathew s in l‘articular l "l‘he Ballad Of Tom Jones' l. who'\ so shifty she iiiust he terminated with extreme premdice. 'l'liis is a chance for you - and the (‘l.\ to catch all tiie old material and some new stuff from the oft-delay ed third alhum li’u/lt't/n'oot. tl)a\ id l’ollocki
The Sundancer and Rowena I’li/nitle .lluvu I'('\lll'tll. lllll\ll(‘l’lll/\lt'\. Soul/t/n'iilge. 34 Aug. 3'm1. A douhle hill of acoustic ensemhles featuring the vocal talents ol
Row ctia.
Supergrass I'on the fringe. llu‘ ('om
/; \. luutge. 3.\' Aug. Swill/int. ()\l'ord trio Supergrass hring their hleiid ol mdte pop to the lestival with their only Scottish show this year. l'.\pccl a high energy show from hits Alright' and ‘Mov in" to sneaky peaks at material from their new alhum due for release in 3llli3.
The Waifs l'lu liunouv Spiegelti'nt. until 3.? .lug. ltliti'\ vim. Australia‘s linest folk/pop act have heen a hit across ('anada and the [S Ray Wilson Unplugged/The Storyteller Tour l\’a\ llilxott. .ltuitogx /\’i'\lt::n‘ttnt A'- llal; until 3/» .lug. Spin. Stories and music from the c\-( ienesis and Stiltskin singer songwriter Ray \\'ilson.
Wine and Wooing \itllttllo‘ a“ (tot/ti. ItI'lll 3.3 .lug. tinuv rurv. Songwritcr(iill Bowman and poet. journalist. hroadcaster l)onn_\ (l'lx’ourke present a seductive mix of words and music.
The World’s Gone Mad Suva/i Inuit. (' o3. until 3!) Aug. ‘lpin. l’tal. Bowie. Queen. opera and more in a caharet show hy ati tip- .ind coming talent.
Antonio Forcione and Friends .l\\(’l)tlll\ /\’ooni\. until 3‘.lug. (min. A tnan w ho seems to have houndless skill at vaulting genre pigeonholes and can conlidently and setttttlt‘ssl} merge Stevie \VtttttlL‘l'. ilhltx‘ llc‘ullc‘s and Man II] (iaye tracks into his set of eclectic guitar instrumentals.
The Bongo Club Cabaret llu' lloltgo ("luli out ot the lilue. lllllll 3-.lug. III..\'ll/nn. See rock.
Caramba .lllL’IHl/Ili’ "v. Illllll 3‘.lug.
II. I (pm. I alin. gypsy and llamenco music and dance from the l’iha \ ishmck (’ompany.
Choro Escoses Ilenrv's 1a.“: ( 'ellai: 26 Aug. Built/mi. Mario (‘arihe‘s new l.atin- styled group hringing the sound and rhytlnn of their native Sari Paulo.
Fionna Duncan llenrv's .la:: (‘ellar 33' Aug. Salli/mi. Renowned vocalist Duncan presents a varied repertoire ol'ja/l classics. Edinburgh Schools Jazz Orchestra National .’l.\.\tl('l(lllllll o/ lout/i ()I'('ll(’.\ll'(i.\_ (’entra/ Ila/l. / Se/i. l3..\‘()/nn. l)an llallam directs this young hand through a selection of 4th swing. Latin and rock jan numhers. Fife Youth Jazz Orchestra National .-'l.\.\oi‘iation ot loin/i ()ri‘liestrav. (lent/til Ila/l. .i’UAug. l3..i’(I/nn. The File Youth Jal/ ()rchestra cclehrates its 35th anniversary this year. a prospect that must have seemed remote w hen Richard Michael first took on the task of teaching jan phrasing and rhythm to local school kids. at the hehest ol'At‘ls in life. Since then. the l-‘YJO has expanded to incorporate l‘YJU 3 and 3. and if standards inev itath \ary. their achievement has heen suhstantial. the anniversary concerts will include a new work h_\ Richard Michael. hased on the songs of Rohert Burns. (Kenny Mathiesoni
4-Mality Live! 0... ’Ilie Bongo (‘lu/i out o/ the ltlue. until 3,— Aug. 6. l5/ini. lixciting young group. headed hy pei'cussion soloist Adrian Spillett. the l‘NS BB(‘ Young Mtisician of the Year.
Freddie King llenrv'v ./a:: (‘elltuz 37Aug. Kalli/mi. Behopja/I fronted hy renowned vocalist around lidinhurgh and l.ondon. and lather of a whole ia/l family. King. Gershwin 8. Porter - From Broadway To Basin Street Sir/"tilt Songtinu'. Stork/iriilge llottu'. until 35 Aug. Spin. Anne l)iack. (ireig \\' W Hill and lidith Budge in a hlend of music theatre and tan interpretations.
Groove Diggaz Henrik ./a;'." (kl/tn; .i‘l Aug. nut/night. A dose of the funk from lidinhurgh's premiere heavyweight soul outfit. featuring vocalist ‘l‘ony King and the talents of .Martin Kershaw on sax.
Jam Session Henri 'v ./a:: ('el/ai: 3.\‘ Aug. mulnig/it. the renowned l‘cstival Jam Sessions are hack attracting a range of musicians from through out the festi\a|. Jamoral 'l'lu' Bongo (‘liili out o/ the Nile. 34 iv 3)" Aug. SIS/rm. (‘ontcmporary West African roots. witli a twist oflia/I. lead hy the mysterious Kora.
Jazz & Jokes (it/e RUHl/ I't'itlgi' lllr'ttll't’. until 3/) Aug. 43er A sassy mix of upheat
jax/ numhers and comic ohservation from this
pianist and vocalist duo.
None Of The Above 0000 D) lan credited a singer he met in lingland as the source of one of his songs. Well. here we are. Atigtist 3001. at .\'one (It 'l’lu' Alun'e. lidinhurgh's monthly cclehration of tnusic-centrcd cclectica.
and there's the man Martin ('arthy
Bongo ('luli. Sun 36 Aug. ()n the cover of his lirsl alhutn. Boh
on stage with his liddle-playing and Mercury-nominee
daughter lzli/a doing w hat the (‘artliys ha\e always done hest: taking linglish traditional music hy the scroll ol the neck. Sweet—voiced though she is. and very handy on the liddlc. Ms (‘arthy still has much to learn from her dad. whose timing. phrasing and enthusiastic respect for the songs
always hrings them truly alive.
Shine shone vocally. their twin electroharps ttsed effectively htit minimally iii a set that entwined the voices of Mary .\lacmastcr. (‘orrina llew‘at and Alyth .\lc('ormack in hrave. original arrangements of songs from centuries-old Burns to recent Michael Marra.
Bag 0' ('ats. true to their name. squealed and squalled rcedily through their times. setting sa\ and clarinet against hagpipes and hongos. the cittern chattering away underneath. l.ikc a Braveheart on the Bosphorus. this milsic looks east rather than west. is lull of milsical skill. especially in l)ick l.ce's hass clarinet. and doesn't lack humour.
Keep an ear out this week as Mr Mcl'all‘s ('hamher with Valentina Mai‘tiiieI. Baehtie and (ian ('eron make tip the liiial line-up of the l‘estival. tNorman (‘halmcrsi
Jazz Line Up-Live litit‘ Rat/ll) .w‘ I.ii‘e line (.1). Dance Base .Vational (‘entrejor Dance. 33’ Aug. Ill/int. A selection ofja/l. acts supply the music for this night of quality sounds presented hy ('laire Martin.
Jazzed Up and Winding Down Frantic Retl/ieail I’riuliu‘lions. ('roii'ne l’la:a Hotel. until 3!) Aug. tiniev varv. Louise lloldcn arid the Dev lin-'I‘horpe 'l‘rio return with jazz standards. contemporary and original material. Relax with a drink alter racing from show to show.
JD Hinton and His American band I'rantu' Red/teat! I’rotliu'tionx. ('rou'ne I’la:a Hotel. until 36 Aug. times vary. A touch of real life .-\mericana from 1D and his hand mixing tip hlues. county and the sound of his home land.
Dillie Keane l’leasanee Home. until 37 Aug. Ill/mi. See Rock.
Late-Night Jazz ('e/lar Bar .\'o. I. until 35 Aug. times vary. A mix of respected local ja/I musicians perform and jam at this great late night hangout. With performances from Four (Thu 33 Aug )1 .-\fro-ja// from A/iti/ tl‘ri 3-1 Augi and jan rock from (iraenie Rob and Bill Ky lc's quintet llcadlllead (Sat 35 Augl. Martin Kershaw Quartet Henry is Jar: ('e/lai: .i’UAug. SAW/nu. A new outlit fronted hy innovative saxman and Berklee graduate Kershaw. of(ireen Juice. Rarel‘aetion and (iroovedigga/ lame.
Melting Pot llenrv's 1a.": (‘ellaiz 34 Aug. niulniglit. 'l‘rumpetcr (’olin Steele (Midnight Blue Band) leads his six-piece through a danccfloor-minded jal/ set. with the emphasis on the funk.
Music To Watch Boys By Kate Nimble/iv. l’leastuu‘e ('ourtvanl and Over the Road. until 37Aug. (LAN/WI. The excellent l’egg} l.ce specialist turns her vocal attention on the ratpack. l‘our stars in The Scotsman. Nextet ('ollege ot Fine Arts. l'nivers’itv of Nevada. l.a.\ li'gus. 'llte (iarage. until 37Aug. tS/nn. \iirko Bale) directs this l'tti\ct‘sity ol .\'e\ada. Vegas hand and their unique ‘new music for the 3lst century '.
Nigel Clark Trio Ilenljv'v .la."." (‘e/ltu: 25 Aug. SAW/mi. ()n all acoustic tip these days. guitarist (‘lark isjoined hy hassist liwan Vernal and drummer Mike Bradley.
None Of the Above The Bongo (‘luli out ol the blue. until 3/) Aug. (Salli/int. Sec panel. Paul Towndrow Quartet Ilenrv it to: (ll/at: 3N Aug. «Salli/int. l.ike Konrad Wis/mew ski. featured at this venue last week. alto saxophonist l’aul 'l'ow ndrow is regarded as one of the most promising young ja/x musicians around. A Strathclyde l'niv ersin intisic graduate. the Airdrie-hased player has already spent a year at Berklee ('ollege in Boston. and his recent pi'cstigious support slot to the Dave Douglas Sextet in (ilasgow conlirmcd that he is continuing to develop into a considerahle play er. \Vhile alto is his main horn. he douhles on tenor. soprano. clarinet and flute. and is currently holding down a chair in the sax section of the Scottish National Jan ()rchestra. (Kenny Mathiesoni Pindorama Henrva Jar: ('ellai: 34 Aug. SA’U/ini. Hot Latin Amerieanja/l from this new group formed hy memhers of Bra/illiance.
Rhythm Sharks (ii/eilonian loll. Blues at the (iuiltltoril. (iuililtortlArmy. 3.? 35 Aug. Spin. ()uality hlues on the slide guitar and harp from (iary and Salt} respectively.
The Rite at Midnite Rm/ Am. Royal ()verwav league. 3.i’Aug. ll)..\’()/ini. Sarah l’ield conjures a ‘saxy ' atmosphere with the l’iax/ola 'l’ango. followed hy Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring for [our hands. played it} the Moore/(’raw ford-Phillips piano duo. llot chiicolale/col'l‘ee and Scottish tahlct afterwards.
Rosie Brown and This 0000 Roxie Brown. (2 until 3!) Aug. Inn/night. See Rock. Rumba Caliente. llenrv's .Iaf." (it'llall 35 Aug. inn/night. Six piece hand lead by Salsa (’eltica trumpeter 'lohy Shippey. providing the finest in hot raunchy Latin sounds.
Society Blues .St'uli‘lt .llttll llllhki‘ .Sm'lt’h‘. 3/) A 3".»lug. A’I’In. A return \ isit from Aherdeen’s toughest hlues hand. Big Mama Jay. two nights of no-nonsense. in-your-lace hlnes
Soweto String Quartet 0... .l\.\i'ltllll\ RUUHH. until 34 Aug. (ill/II. The SSl‘) may not he able to cotint there are nine
superh musicians grooving round the stage — but they create one of the richest sounds I‘ve heard in a long time. Turning their undoubted talents to joyful African township tunes with a strong Zulu llavour as well as contemporary classics. their playing is resonant. funky and implicitly emotional. l’eppering the set with Paul Simon and Sting tracks. This is an irresistihle feel-good-show which had the straightest punters dancing in the aisles. (Jan l-‘airleyl
Tony McLennan Band Henry’s Jazz ('el/ar. 39Aug. 8.30pm. Powerful modern jau from Scottish jazz legend Mchnnan. Vente d’Est Henry's Jazz ('e/lai: 3] Aug. SJ’U/HH. Premier of the new group formed by guitarists lain ('arleton and (iraham High with violinist lan King.
Abrar-ul-Haq .llela. I’ilrig Park. 3 Sep, 7pm. £30 tjront ran“) [/0. One of Pakistan‘s higgest top songwriters and performers makes him lidinhurgh debut with his heady mix of pop. hhangra and folk.
Absolute Guitar Music Segovia Trio. .\'ieo/.von Square .lletltoilist (lune/t. until 34 Aug. lpni. Mitsie for three guitars from South America and Spain.
Adriana and Anne Cessner Hips-ide .llusie festival. ll'liistleliinkies. .S'outltln'iilge. 3‘) Aug. 3pm. A dotihle hill of acoustic performers.
An Evening with Oscar Wilde St Mark 'x in ( 'astle 'Ii'rraee. St Mark 3‘ ('nitarian (lilll't‘ll. 37 ‘38 Aug. 8pm. ('ameo present an evening with ()sear Wilde. a costumed entertainment comhining excerpts from Wilde's writing with period music. Antonio Forcione and Friends Assembly Rooms. until 37Aug. 6pm. See .la//.
The Bongo Club Cabaret The Bongo ('luli out oft/re lilue. until 37Aug. 10.30pm. See Rock.
A Canny Neet Oot! Si Mark is in (‘usile 'Ii'rriu‘e. St Mark’s ('nitarian ('lturelt. 36 Aug. 8pm. Miisic and humour from the North liast of lingland.
Caramba Augustine 's. until 37 Aug. [1.15pm. Latin. gypsy and llamenco music and dance from the l’iha-Vishnick Company. Caribba Stargazers Steel Band .llela. I’ilrig Park. 3.30pm. Free. Some (‘arihhean sounds to add to the eclectic. multinational mela melting pot.
Catriona McKay (Scottish harp), Chris Stout (Shetland fiddle, viola) (larvae/t (Scottish Harp) Society. SI Alttll‘t'ii"$ A'- St (ieorge‘s ( ‘lturelt. 33’ Aug. 7. .i’()pm. Two acclaimed young Scottish musicians perform a mix of traditional music.
Ceilidh Extravaganza Seoul: .lIa/t lllllxk)‘ Society. 3‘) Aug. 8pm. 'l'raditional music and song.
Ceilidhs At The Caley ('aleilonian Breii'erv. 'l'lie ('aleilonian Bren'erv. until 35 Aug. 7pm. (iet traditional at these ceilidh dances w ith live hands. All dances walked and called.
Chris Conway and Judith Silver I'li/isiile .llus'u' l'estival. ll'liistleliinkie.\'. Shut/iln'iilge. 30 Aug. 3pm. More Acoustic l'nderground shenanigans from this double bill ttl l'ilipside.
Classical Saturday .lle/a. I’ilrig Park. I Se/t. 3.45pm. Free. A numher ofestecmed names from the world of Indian (‘lassical music converge for this year's Mela including santoor player Salish \'yas and vocalist Pandit .lttgdish l’l’asatl.
Classical Sunday .llela. l’ilrig Park. 3 .Sep. 3.45pm. I'ree. Satish \"yas and vocalist l’andit .lagdisli l’rasad team up with tahla master Aditya Kalyanpur for the second of these L'UttL‘L‘t‘ls.
Eddie Walker ('aleilonian Folk Blues at the (iuililtoril. (iuilil/orilArms. until 34 Aug. .s’lmi. Step onto the porch for some linger- pickiiig hillhilly American and British folk. Festival Ceilidh ('larxaeli (Scottish Harp) Society. St Andrew's- A'- St (ieorge's ('liure/t. 34 Aug. 7.30pm. llarpers na (‘larsairean and guests provide the music and this ceilidh. Folk Songs of Robert Burns Sum-Ii .llalt ll'liiskv .Soi‘ietv. until 3iS'Aug. 8pm. lan Bruce provides the iiiusic and Dr l"rcd Freeman the commentary on the life and songs of Burns.