4-Mality Live! C... The Bongo ('lul) out of the blue. until 27Aug, (). 15pm. See Jazz. Nenwen The Famous Spiegeltent. 23» 26 Aug. 2pm. lf five no-longer-young females performing unaccompanied might not seem like everyone's cup of tea. singer Rowena Sornerville assures Us that ‘You might think we wouldn't be a natural with teenage boys. but we go down well with everyone from feminist right-ons to beery men.‘
With a repertoire that takes in \‘ega. (‘ohen. Sting and Lyle Lovett. and recent gigs with Poet Laureate Andrew Motion. ('ND Stalwart Bruce Kent and even Danny La Rue. she must be telling the truth. (Norman (‘harmerst Jamoral The Bongo ('luli out of the blue. 24- 2.5 Aug, 8. l5pnt. See Ja/./..
Jimmy Crowley 8: cMc (‘harlotte Square Gardens. 26 Aug. 8pm. lrish singer/songwriter (‘rowley teams up with c.\lc AKA the fiddling ladies from respected folk outfit Deaf Shepherd.
Jock Tamson’s Bairns Royal British Hotel. until 24 Aug. [0pm. The release earlier this year of May You .Vever lack A Seone ((ireentrax). the long awaited new album from the reunited Jock 'l‘amson‘s Bairns continued the band‘s standing as one of the major names in Scottish folk tnusic.
La Familia Flamenca Riearilo (ittl't‘itl & Siroeo.’ la l-amilia I’lamenea. The ('anteo Bar Hole. until 25 Aug. 8.30pm. l'nique flamenco from .-\ndalucia mixing salsa. Latin American and (‘uban rhythms creating an astonishing sound of the life and blood of Spain.
Mac Tontoh and the Kete Warriors 0... Inigo. until 27Aug. times vary. Trumpeter .‘yiac Tontoh. is a legendary figure in African jazz. He formed the thirteen piece Kete Warriors to continue developing a new fusion of jail and traditional rhythms. Magic in the Mist l't'ttlttit‘ Ri'illtt'utl l’l‘tulut‘tttms. ('I'olt‘tte l’lt13tt llutt'l. until 20 Aug. 7.10pm. Scottish musicians perform traditional Scottish and (‘eltic tunes. Malinky (Jutt'lotte Square Gardens. 24 Atte. 8pm. Well-established. innovative folk collective led by the vocal strength of Karine Polwart.
Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers .lapan lfyperienee. The (image. until 27Aug. 7pm. liurope's leading Taiko drum group give a typically energetic performance. Neapolitan Songs lit/vona A'- (‘rolla. until 25 Aug. times vary. Philip ('ontini and his band play songs and tell stories frorn Napoli. Neil Dixon and Colin Donati l'lipvule .ltusie l-estival. ll'hixtleliinkies. Southln'ulge. 23 Aug. 2pm. Acoustic l'nderground host today's events at lilipside.
None of the Above The Bongo ('luli out oftlte lilue. until 2/) Aug. 8.30pm. See panel. Northern Frisk St Andrew '.v atul Sr (ieot'ge'y A! l'extivttl lime. St Andrew's ck St George's ('hureh. 25’ Aug. 2..\'()prn. North West performance concept double hornpipcs. fast reels. percussive step dance. melodies. harmony singing.
O’Carolan’s Dream Kometlia Southyirle. 25 26 Aug. /.l()pm. l-‘ormer punk-pop star (Y('onnor's journey back to self in her lrish rural retreat has developed into a love of the island's great tradition of music and especially the music of ()'('arolan. the legendary blind travelling harper/compivscr of the l7th/ l Sth centuries.
()'('onnor contributes songs. the composer's little—known verse is Used. and the harp is allowed full reign on ('arolan‘s classic airs and planxtys. Derived from historical sources. it‘s also a drama where ()'(‘onnor gets to play. she says. 'everyone but him.‘ (Norman ('halmerst Hazel O’Connor KHHtt'tlltl .lluyit‘. Komeilia Southyiile. 24 20 Aug. 5.45pm. See Rock. Old Blind Dogs THU l'itmouy .S'ptegt‘ltt'ltt. 26 Aug. l/pm. Aberdeen's favourite sons. now featuring lead singer Jim Malcolm. totrr their latest album.
Polly May (mezzo-soprano), Andrew Matthews-Owen (pianist) St .’llllll'('lt‘ iv and St (ieorge 's At l’t'ytit'itl lime. St Anrlren"s A’- St (ieorge's ('hureh. 27Aug. 2.30pm. l’olksongs by De Palla. Berio
and Britten. l‘rench chansons and new works. Samba Sene, Diwan and Little Green Monkeys Mela. I’ilrig Park. I .Sep. ()pm. I‘ree. An eclectic mix of Scots and Senegalese sounds as part of this year‘s Mela.
Samuel Oyediji (‘afe Royal l-‘ringe Theatre. until 26 Aug. 7pm. An innovative world music artist digitally mixing live sampling. with special effects and rhythms. forming multi-layers of sound. livocative songs are delivered in linglish. Latin and Nigerian
Simon Elba: - Musical Matrouz Randolph Sttulio (0‘ The l’reneh Institute. until 25 Aug. (rpm. ()ttd (Arabic lute) player and singer returns to lidinburgh.
Soweto String Quartet Assent/)ly Rooms. until 24 Aug. ()prn. Punk. pop and even classical sounds from this outfit all combined with upbeat traditional South African rhythms. Recommended.
Steve Robert and Andi Neate l'lips‘itle .ltus'ie I'estival. ll'hixtlehinkies. Southln'ulge. 28 Aug. 2pm. Acoustic l'ndeground present this dotrble bill of acoustic (surprisingly) acts. Taiko Drum Workshop with Mugenkyo Japan lait'ln'rienee. (iarage ('hapiteau t'l'heatre ilu Risoriust. until 27 Attg. 4.30pm. Your chance to learn Taiko drum techniques.
Tokyo Triangle in Tantra Vision
0. Japan [ix/wrienee. 'l'he (ntrage. until 27Aug. times vary. A strange combination of the ancient art of the strip tease and the more straightforward modern dance where there is obviously much ftrn to be had in performing but not so tnttch in watching.
The Waifs The Famous Spiegeltent. until 25’ Aug. times vary. See Rock.
Waverley Nights talk at The llitverley. 'I‘he llitverlev But: until 25 Aug. times vary. This intimate venue has been at the heart of lidinburgh's traditional and folk music scene for decades .
Whistlebinkies ll'histleln'nkies. Sr Anrlrevv's di- St George's (‘hurelt 25 Aug. 7.30pm. Long-running traditional music group perform Using small pipes. flue. clarsach and other instruments.
Ray Wilson Unplugged/The Storyteller Tour Ray ll'ilxon. .llatlogs Restaurant A’- Bar: until 26 Aug. 8pm. See Rock.
World Routes-Live [me Rtullt) .i’ l.ive l.ine l'p. Home Base National ('entrefor Danee. 25 Aug. l2.55pm. Lucy Duran hosts sessions with the top world music acts - a fitting finale to l.ive Line l'p?
Yard of Ale ('aleilonian l’olk Blues at the (:‘uililjoril, (iuiltltonlArms. until 2.5 Aug. 8pm. Local acottstic band.
Ian Ainsworth St :‘lntlrew'v d" St George's ('hureh. 25 Aug. 12.30pm. The bass baritone explores pagan and ('hristian themes in Schubert and Schumann. accompanied by pianist Alan (iraham.
An Evening of Songs St Mark ’s- l'nitarian ('hureh. until 23 Aug, 8pm. Soprano Phyllis Shilling sings modern classical music.
An Evening with Oscar Wilde .S‘r .ltark 's' ('nitarian ('hureh. 27~28Aug. 8pm. (‘ostumed entertainment combining excerpts from Wilde‘s writing with period music. Anne Evans and Dick Lee litlvona A’- (‘rolla. 25 Aug. 6pm. lilautist and pianist livans and reeds player Lee merge musicality and mith in this mixed programme. Arborea Musica Plays J.S. Bach St ('eeilia '5 Hall. 2.? Aug. 7.30pm. Sonatas for flute and obligato harpsichord.
Arborea Musica: The Art of the Virtuoso St .'ilt(/I‘(’H".\ & St (iem‘ge's ('hureh. 24 Aug l2..i()pm: 25 Aug 2.30pm. Recorder and organ works by Bach. Handel. 'I‘elemann and ('orelli.
Arco Ensemble St Mark 's ('nitarian (‘lture/r. .t’l Aug. 8pm. ('lassical string orchestral rnusic condttcted by John Mortimer. feattrring 'l’chaikovsky‘s Serenade.
Bach’s ‘The Art of Fugue’ .S't Andrew's A: St Georgi") ('ltltl‘t'll. 27.4!!3’. 7.30pm. Arranged by John ('lapperton as an organ duet. played by Thomas Laing-Reilly and John Kitchen.
Bank of Scotland Fireworks Concert Scottish (‘lutmlter ()I’t‘hes‘tt'tt. Princes Street Gardens. 1 Sep. [0.30pm. (iarry Walker condttcts the most popular concert of the Festival.
The Banquet of Musick: Bach, Biber, Buxtehude St ( ‘eeilta '.\' Hall. 25 Aug. 3pm. Violin. viola. organ and soprano quartet perform works by (ierman composers. Barthold Kuiiken, Wieland Kuijken and Robert Kohnen Queen '3 Hall. 29 Aug. llam. Flute. viola and harpsichord trio perform works by ('ouperin. Marais. Rarneau and others.
Bedfordshire County Youth Second Orchestra and Danesborough Chorus (‘entral Hall. 5’!) Aug. 7.30pm. (‘onductor Ian Smith leads the orchestra in works by Puccini. Williamson. Arnold and Borodin.
Beethoven in Vienna Royal Scottish National ()rehestra. ('sher Ila/l. 25 Aug. 6.30pm. At least you could have been sure of an interesting evening if Handel or Beethoven was wielding the baton. Recreating the ways in which past audiences would have heard their rntrsic is a mini-series which features programmes originally conducted by composers. Music's patron saint. St ('ecilia most have beamed with pride as two of the greatest sy‘mphonies ever written received their world premieres. Apart from the 5th and (“it symphonies. the programme also included Beethoven's I’iano ('oneerto .\'o 4. with the composer as soloist. as well as his ('horal fantasia. ((‘arol Main)
Bluebeard’s Castle BB(’ Symphony ()rehextra. ('sher Hall. 5’] Aug. 8pm. Pierre Boule/ is at the baton for two self-penned works and Bartok's only opera. performed by the BB(' Singers and guest soloists.
Boston Symphony Orchestra (iv-Im- Ila/l. 28 Aug. «Spin. Stravinskyk beautiful Symphony ()t‘l’xalms was commissioned for the 50m anniversary of the orchestra. which was founded in lSS’l and is generally regarded as one of the best in the world. Twenty five years later the ('Iech born. but l'S domiciled.
composer Martinu was invited to write his Symphony No ()_ I'antaisies Synrphrntiques. drawing colourful inspiration from the music of his homeland. ((‘arol Main)
Boston Symphony Orchestra (1va- Hall. 2‘) Aug. 8pm. See panel. above. Breakfast with Bach Roxl Am. Royal ()verseas League. until 23’ Aug. 9.30am. A selection of R()SL Pri/ewinners perform well- known classics by Bach. Beethoven. Schumann and Schubert.
Britten Canticles l,'slter Hall. 26 Aug. 8pm. Tenor Ian Bostridge. countertenor David Daniels and baritone (‘hristopher Maltman perform Britten's beautiful vocal works. Gianluca Cascioli Queen ‘x Hall. 30 Aug. llani. Italian pianist ('ascioli performs works by Berg. Bartok. l)ebussy and Schumann. Cathedral Festival Choral Evensong St .llary's ('atheilral. until 24 Aug. 5.30pm. Sung by the (’athedral (‘hoir
Cathedral Festival Choral Sunday Services St .1!at‘y"s ('atheilral. 2!) Aug. It)..i’()am ((- .1’..i’()pm. Two works by .‘yio/art. Cathedral Choir Concert St .llary iv ('athetlral. 25 Aug. 7.30pm. The ehoirpertortn l-aure's Requiem plus the world premiere of Dave Heath's Requiem.
Chetham’s Symphony Orchestra ('entral Hall. 3/ Aug I Sep. 7.30pm. See panel.
Choral Captivation ('anongate Kirk. 2 Sep. 7.30pm. London-based group. ('hantagc present works by Tallis. l)espre/ and two young contemporary composers.
Choral Classics ('atlennt (ltUl/Z St John 's ( 'hureh. 25 Aug. Spin. The choir perform works by Vivaldi. Rutter and Verdi's Ave Maria. accompanied by Philomusica. soprano Wilma McDongall and memo—soprano Lucy 'l‘aylor.
Classical Guitar Jonathan l’rag. (an Royal l-‘ringe theatre. until 27Aug. 205an A mixed programme from this talented guitarist. David Daniels Sings Handel Seottish (‘hamher ()reheytra. ('sher Hall. 25’ Aug. Spin. ()utstanding countertenor Daniels sings five works by Handel.
215 Aug-(3 Set) 2001 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 35