Mosic ~'o rock _&pop—- '
Adriana and Anne Cessner Flipside Music Festival. Wltistlehiitkies. .S'outhhridge. 29 Aug. 2pm. A double bill of acoustic performers.
Arab Strap Ton the Fringe. The Liquid Room. 26 Aug. 7.30pm. Once upon a time. they used to throw chairs around at Arab Strap gigs. Now everyone just stands and stares. perhaps admiring the fact that none of them are in rehab yet. Though they're more likely in awe at the non-shambolic way the Strap conduct themselves on a stage these days. The hand have become tighter than a featherlight between consenting elephants. Dodging flying fumiture asides. lead man Aidan Moffat has always had a slightly ambivalent attitude towards playing live: ‘well. this was a mistake.‘ he was heard to rnurnble at the start of a largely unsuccessful ()ld Fruitmarket acoustic set. Now though. when everyone‘s favourite lialkirk misery guts come to town. it‘s a matter for celebration. (Brian Donaldson) ballboy, Yessa De Paso and Aether Flux Venue. 30 Aug. 8pm. Free. Edinburgh's heartfelt harbingers of indie beauty top an eclectic triple bill of an altogether more gentle guitar strums.
Big Hand, Baltic and The Erratix Flipside Music Festival. Wltistlehinkies. .S'outhhridge. 24 Aug. 8pm. So Purple licosse presents this indie triple bill headed by ska act Big Hand.
The Blue House Tlte Famous .S'piegeltent. until 26 Aug. times vary. A new show frotn this Australian trio with a wicked sense of humour.
The Bongo Club Cabaret Tlte Bongo Club - out of the blue. until 27 Aug. [0.30pm. Edinburgh's legendary home of eclectic music. dance. comedy and clubs presents a cauldron of cabaret delights to keep you entertained into the wee small hours.
Darkness and Disgrace o
Pleasance Music. Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug. l2.l5am. Before I go any further. I think it‘s only fair to mention that everyone else in the audience loved this. That I found it almost unbearable perhaps says more about me than the show itself. A cabaret-style adaptation of David Bowie‘s lesser-known music. I found it hard to know quite what to make of this. That the two performers are highly accomplished is beyond question. but I was left with the feeling that their talents would have been better directed elsewhere. (Kirsty Knaggs)
El Segundo The Bongo ('luh - out ofthe blue. 24 Aug. llpin. Live hip hop showcase with various guests. DJs and Mes joining residents Braintax. Task Force. Jehst and Harry Love.
EMS on My Mind coo Assentth Rooms. until 26 Aug, 9pm. See. this is tnore about reinterpreting the King's songbook in a bid to make it relevant to the two young Norweigan girls. The actual linkage of the tunes is fairly spurious but has something to do with lorry drivers looking like lilvis and the ghost that haunts a million fans. Really. this is just a showcase for a really tight band and two brilliant singers. There are really great versions of "Trouble‘. ‘(‘rying In The (‘hapel' and ‘(iuitar Man‘. But ultimately. this is just good karaoke and it doesn‘t really justify the entrance fee. Next stop Vegas. (Paul Dale) Festival Revue Ross Theatre and Princes Street Gardens. until 25 Aug. noon. Watch the world's largest live arts broadcast.
Foo Fighters Ton the Fringe. ('orn Exchange. 30 Aug. 7. 30pm CANCELLED. Frank McLaughlin a. Gillian MacDonald and David Kilkpatriclt Flipside Music Festival. Whistlebinkies. .S'outhhridge. 25 Aug. 8pm. A line-up of more eatablished artists for today's Flipside fun. Gonzo ‘Dog Do’ Bar Band Pleasance Music. Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug. times vary. Dadaist music-hall ja/J. roek'n'roll cabaret tribute to the Bonzos. featuring guest comedians and musicians. And a Swedish translator in a bear suit.
Instant Sunshine Pleasance tl/Iusic. Pleasance ( 'ourtvard and Over the Road. until 25 Aug. times vary. Unlikely harmonies. songs and comedy from this quartet.
Jakata (' Belle Ange/e. until 26 Aug. I l/im. International and local DJ's. rnusicians. street performers and visual treats in aid of the World Development Movement. which campaigns to end world poverty.
Jake And Elwood - The Blues Brothers Show .VT‘JTT (3K. Knitter/lit Southside. until 26 Aug. [0.30pm. 'I'oe-tappin'. hip-swayin'. singalong tribute to the silver screen siblings of cool.
Jane Bombane - Queen of the Funky Harmonium oooo Pleasance Music. Pleasance ( 'ourtvard and Over the
Road. until 27Aug. 2.40pm. lfthis isn't one of
the down right oddest shows on the Fringe. I'll eat one of latte Bombane's mechanical hats. Yet who could have thought that an hour spent in the company of an eccentric lady. a harmonittm disguised as a train and several of the aforementioned adornments could be so pleasant'.’ iispecially when yott consider that latte litters her organ-driven sea shanties with poetry that is part-lylcfionagal and part-Pam Ayers. Yet the beautiful latte Bombane wins through becattse she is as generous with her off-killer personality as she is with the Edinburgh rock. (Tim Abrahams)
The Judy Circus l‘Tl/M‘lllt' Mus-ti- l'estival. ll’histlehinkies. South/Midge. until 28 Aug. 8pm. Music from (ilasgow singer/songwriters Johnny Hill. Neil Thomson and Larry (iuild. Kathy Stewart & Alan Bertram, Allie Fox & Hell Warden and Emily Bruce Flipside Music Festival. ll'hist/eln'nkies. .S'outhln'idge. 23 (C- 30 Aug. Spin. A triple bill of new acoustic sounds.
Katie Tunstall and Elspeth 8. Jules Flipside Music Festival. ll'hist/ehinkies. .S'outhlnidge. until I Sep, 2pm. The final day of the Flipside fest kicks off with a dottble whammy of acoustic acts.
Dillie Keane Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug. [Up/n. Fascinating Aida writer and singer performs her latest collection of humorous and moving songs.
Kirby, Sunshine Delay and Judith Silver Flipside Music l'estit'al. ll'histleliinkies. .S'outhhridge. 2‘) Aug. Spin. A triple bill for the final female performers night at the l’lipside MUsic Festival.
Kitsch! Hill Street Theatre. until 27Aug. [2.05am A celebration of kitsch classics from the swinging (ills. Song. dance and comedy. Late Nights at the Dome I’leasance Music. Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug. l..i‘()am. Late nights with Dls. hip karaoke and a licensed bar with food till 3am.
Lee Paterson andNaomi Dijkman Flipside Music Festival. llhistleldltkles. .S'outh/nidge. 3/ Aug. 2pm. Popular covers and original tunes from this double bill.
Jackie Leven Komedia .S‘outhside. until 26 Aug. 4.25pm. A singer/songwriter ofgreat power and conviction with some stirring and poignant songs.
Live DJ’S and Comedy Iguana. until .i’l Aug. 9pm. DJ's playing music from Alroja/l to underground house.
Lowgold and Astrid Ton the Fringe. Tlte Liqqu Room. 25 Aug. 7.30pm. Lowgold are still playing on the back of their much-praised debut album Just Backwards ()t’Square. With this year's T on the Fringe being so heavily populated by quality guitar acts. the St. Albans-based qttartet are a natural choice. They have a healthy support act (V. including (‘oldplay. (irandaddy and Doves. and are possibly second only behind Starsailor in the race to rank alongside the fortncr as dcmigods of brittle indie-pop. (David Pollock) Macrocosmica, Gasgiant and Cannon Venue. 27 Aug. 8pm. Free. Brendan ()‘llarc‘s experimenting ways have got a little heavier of late and tonight sees their own individual brand of post-rock share the stage with two other local acts who enjoy Tortoise (the hand not the animal) like sensibilities.
My Room of Pianos ooo (iilded Balloon Theatre. until 27Aug. 2..t’()/mt. With a great technique. a superb tone and a clear voice she renders the songs of Nina Simone. Julia Lee and Dorothy LaBostrie superbly. liven her own songs. which may be a little too Radio 4 for sortie. are deftly played. The problem though is the frankly llakey poetry and less-than-inspiring personal anecdotes which continually interrupt the flow of high class blues. It makes you want to scream ‘shut up and play". (Tim Abrahams)
My," :
Papa M Liquid Room. Fri 3 I Aug. 7.30pm. David Pajo has said in the past that he only tours to give his social skills a workout and to listen to the latest tunes. He then goes back to his house and its ubiquitous home studio in Louisville. Kentucky to work his new-found experiences and influences into more exciting and original music for himself and his select
coterie of fans.
For a man who helped put Louisville at the centre of the post-rock map. it is a strangely reassuring pattern and perhaps the only one that is immediately obvious in the distinguished mttsical (‘V of David szo. It would be a bold tnusic fan who could categorically trace a single style through Slint. Tortoise. Royal Trux. Stereolab and The For (‘amation - it's difficult to pttll out a single unifying characteristic other than they‘re very good.
No sooner did we have Papa M (AKA M/Acrial M) down as a distant. alienated series of textured sounds but his latest liP Papa M Sings (released on Mogwai's Rock Action). is as straight forward a country record as you could imagine frorn someone who was once in Tortoise. Who knows who he had met before he disappeared off to make it and who knows what he will come up with when he goes borne after this meeting of reclusive singer and
shatnelessly adoring fans. (Tim Abrahams)
My Vitriol and Hundred Reasons '1‘”): tlte Fringe. The Liquid Room. 27 Aug.
7. 30pm. Kermng.’ magazine stated that My Vitriol‘s Som Wardner is ‘in possession of possibly the most beguiling voice in British rock‘. So why. if they are headlining small liuropean festivals and developing a fervently loyal fanbase. did their debut album Fine/mes not make a bigger impact'.’ The terminal malaise of indie rock perhaps'.’ ()r a sign that My V'itriol have yet to fully work out their Manics rock/Shoega/ing split personality"? They may come to terms with their issues if they continue developing the reputation for liery live performances. (Tim .-\brahams) Mystery Guest I'll/tyltll’ Music T'esllt'al.
ll'histlehinkies. South/Midge. until / Sep. «Spin.
lixpcct a mystery guest to be announced just days before the show And they promise it will be a fully established act to end the lilipside Music l‘cstival with a bang. Naked Voices O... (' lenue. until 26 Aug. [2.20pm. From a haunting ballad by Suzanne Vega to (‘urtis Maylield's soulful It Has Love. from early Pink Floyd to Bach's Air ()n A (i String. the company have put together a real mixed bag. all ingeniously arranged. And although not all the individual soloists quite cttt the milstard. as art ensemble ottllit they 't'e a force to be reckoned with. (Kelly Apter)
Terry Neason: Slaps ‘n’ Tickles 0.. Traverse Theatre. until 25 Aug. ll/nn. Terry Neason is a phenomenon. There is no other Scottish singer who has a voice like hers. and it is astounding she hasn't become a major recording star. (‘laiming to be getting on in years what nonsense. her voice still sends shivers down your spine. In this hour long set. she tackles an eclectic. always fascinating range of songs accompanied by ‘cultural vandal' Brian Prentice on keyboard. llcr singing is infused with a knowledge of passion. pain and poverty. which makes her unique. ller poems between songs are quirky and not to everyone's taste. btit she clearly enjoys them and this communicates itself to the audiencc.(John Binnie)
None of the Above The Bongo ( ‘lu/i
out ot'the lilue. until 26 Aug. 8.30pm. 'l‘onigltt's show includes Mr .‘ylc littll‘s ('hamber with Valentina Martinel. Bachue and (ialo ('eron. Sec panel.
Obaben, Pupkin and Nibushi Shang Hong lenue. 2‘) Aug.
N/Htt. I'Tt't’. The ever idiosyncratic ()babcn parade their llispanic folk/ indie rock hybrid
71) Atttjti Sop 2001 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 33
to considerable success with able support from Wecgie indie pop tarts Pupkin and Nibushi Shang llong.
Hazel O’Connor Kontetllu Soul/tyitle. 24 26 Aug. 5.45pm. Teaming tip with (’ormac De Barra (lrish harp). Mario N'(ioma (percussion) O‘Connor presents Breaking (ilass. The story of her experiences iii the music bi/ including accoustic versions of her best know songs. Papa M, The Zephyrs and James 0" Complex l’lanet PHI). Ltc/Itlcl Room. .i'l Aug. 7pm. Sec panel.
The Peggy Vestas, Big Hand and Colony Flipside Music l‘estival. ll‘histlehinkies. Sout/thridge. .i/ Aug. (Spin. So Purple licosse present a triple bill of indie and ska.
Radiotones and Tim Elliot 8. The Troublemakers I-‘li'psit/e .llusic l'cstli‘itl. ll'hist/ehinkies. .S'outh/iridge. 26 Aug. 8pm. lixcellent alt. blues terrorists Radiotoncs and lidinburgh's Tim lilliot & The 'l'roublemakcrs play a special Bun Records showcase.
Rosie Brown and This oooo
Rosie Brown. (I tottil 26 Aug. midnight. You would never gttess it from Rosie Brown‘s nervy dcmeanour. btit her music is pure chill. An exceptionally tight and sensitive band give Rosie‘s voice tremendotIs support. underpinning the vocals with a resonant force. There‘s no tise protesting: just lay back and relax into the early hours.
Samuel Oyediji (“n/e Rova/ Fringe Theatre. ioiti/ 26 Aug. 7pm. An innovative world itittsic artist digitally mixing live sampling. with special effects and rhythms. forming mttlti-laycrs of sound. livocativc songs are delivered in tinglish. Latin and Nigerian.
Singing Stars of the Silver Screen - Part I l'il'tlllllt‘ Reillli'tlt/ I’I'Utllti‘lluns. ('ron‘ne Flora Hotel. until 26 Aug. 5pm. Lainic Nelson salutes the great singers of the classic musical tttovies ol' the 30s. 40s. and 50s. like Lena Horne. Bing ('rosby. lirank Sinatra and more.
Singing Stars of the Silver Screen - Part II Frantic Redhead l’I‘m/ta'tions. ('roivne l’la:a Hotel. until 26 Aug. 6.15pm. A companion show to Part I. the great songs and stories continue vs ith selections from the likes ofJudy (iarland. Roy Rogers. Jeanette MacDonald. Shirley 'l‘cmplc. liddic ('antor. Mario Lari/a. l‘rcd Astaire.