Pinstripe Suite Hull/(It’l' I’luu'rx. (iulr'iuuu 'I‘ln'um'. 3’ [J .‘IUL', 6pm. .-\Iucnatuon in modern L‘Hrptlrulltllh explored in ('onstancc Alexandch play. Play Short and (iur/ur 'I'luum (hm/mm. (1 4 30.1142. //._i’I/pm. KII\L'II count-d} Irom IIII\ ya} -gurl theatre ciiuuupan}. Plum Mouth Hal/um ".VHH/It’l‘t’. lllt’ I'm/r'rlu'l/u. 5 .30 .rqu. III, l5/mu. \Varuuck- based company IIaIIua} -.\'o\\ hch cordially 1m IIL‘ you to an cwng tuI gentle na}. gentch audience particupaluon at the l'ndcrhcll}. Izyct'} night. an cxcluuxnc gathering til \ntccn u. u]! _|Hlll tour pcrl‘ornucrs at the dunner table for the company '\ shimmering ncu pit-cc I’lumu .llnullu. Non- linear and Iragmcntcd. action-packed. funny and titlgltmI. atltIlan‘C members \\ III IM' enticed Into participation through that mmt IllllL‘-IIUIIUUI'L‘(I HI routes their \toiuuachs, 'It's an mtcractuw shun] \a} \ pcu'lormcu Agnes Matthews, ‘\\'c gnu IIIL' atltIIt‘tlL't‘ IUtKI \kIllt'Il coaws lhcm Into the piece. but no don‘t hull} them unto taking part. It's \t't') rclawd,‘

l’lum .Ilnullu is the Itllt‘\l \Iltm. from the troupe ol' War“ Ic‘k l'nixcrxit} alumni who struck gold at last year's National Student I)rauna I‘estixal, \\ inning a phy sical theatre auartl for Il'utnrnu .Ilr'. :\.\ Matthcux ptlllllx out. this is a blissful time for the fledgling company. ‘Bccauw ol the nay these picccs L'\t)I\L‘(I. as part of our course. thcu‘c\ a great let-ling of collective o\\t1t‘t'\Ilip about them. w it's great fun. very democratic.‘ (All;qu RatIcIiII-t‘) Popcorn Bt'llt’! (‘utlt’ pn'u'uh li/Iun and Manuel in [lolly-tram]. (I until 26 Aug. SHIN/mu. Ben Iilton's award-u Inning comic thriller.


'It's about a woman who has been locked up in a Victorian asylum all her

Orgasmo Adulto (now Dolly)

Postcards from Maupassant 1m. I’l'u'mlx l’rm/uu 1mm. Kumc'u/m Kit/mun litre/r [Minx ." 3“- .-Iut'. ."._‘_ll;u1n. I)t'\lt‘t‘. rcwngc and nut in 19th century I'ranct- Primary Symptoms of Name Loss Kuimn/m SI Step/1w“. until I." .vIu-J. mm \ uur\_ :\ pct‘lormancc based on a \Il;tl'_\ Iound m a remote Sm uct uaxhumum sounds a little unusual. men by I-rungc standards. but this I\ precisely the I\;t\l\ «it 'Icatu Nmogo I-ronta\ contribution to the Aurora~.\'o\a \Vorld 'I'Iicatrc I‘k'\II\;lI .ut Komcdia St Stephens. I-nu'iuucd in St I’cterxburg in 1903. the coiuupan} might almost be puckung up \\ hurt- the original amnt-gat'dc tll'll\I\ It'll oil alter the .uu'tNut' \llppl‘LNHHll that accompanied the l'l\t' ol (‘onumunuxuur Its uploratwry presentation couuupruscs a dncu‘xc Ill\ltull ol theatrical

st} IL'\. Irom dance and mumc to chm nung; and umprm isatiouu: ‘( )ui images stand on the Irontucr but“ ccn

my stut‘ixm and abstraction' In \Iututl. ut'x lulc. ('omradc. but not necessarily as \w knou ut.

i(iarcth l)a\ ucsu Princess Plimsole - Incarnate l’lt'uwm'c’ (‘nuu'lmn/ tlm/ ()t'r'l' I/lt' Rural. Imlu/ SKI/re. mumr I‘amily \IIU“ featuring brass giralltw. big; nuns and a butler called Brcakliust. Private Angelo III/Hum! & (‘ml/u. Ix’mu/ Lyceum 'l'lu’um'. .t' A'- 4 .qu. 7. l5/mu. Iiu‘uc l.inklater\ tale of an Italian soldier. with mum by Duck Ice.

The Proper Charlies .‘I/tll' l’I'm/M‘Iu'mux. U/(l SI I’uu/‘x ('luurr/i A" Hull. 5 26 :qut'. Hip/n. ('umtc dialogue and physical antics from three stereotypes Toll. Wide Boy and Yank. (Rimes \\ ith a warning that it may he ol‘lcnsnc to \UIIIL'

eyes and cars.

st show in town

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Evswm' “up too

In 'Groovy


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Att‘ mic Theatre


by .‘unangmniunt WlIIl Samuel liuunt h l [U


‘n’ Under

by John Godber

A comedy ith plenty of cracks



225 5105

it ii i u t

1 - 26 August, 9pm

Tickets £8 (£6 concs)

Arl..u'|t m1 IXX‘Ktt'tl IIluIII “11- Minimum IlIZlIu' I{.,uu

2 ’1 “2’; 203' THE LIST 61