
Pull My Strings National Student Theatre (inn/nary I.\'ST( 'i. (' helle an gele.

(i 2/; Aug. 4pm. Imaginative award-winning new theatre lrotn York t'mversity iii which a puppeteer goes into hiding after his father's stIIL‘ILlL‘.

Quentin Crisp/Resident Alien Bette Itourne. Avvemlily Rooms. .t 27Aug. ITS/lam. Bette Bournc stars in Tim I-‘ountaiii's dryly lllllil()r()tls work. See I’eature.

Rantin’ ROVifl’ RObil‘l Randolph Studio (0 The I'reni‘h t'nvtituti'. o l/ Aug. lift/mi. 'I‘wo actors play twenty characters In this race through the life of Robert Burns. in rhyming Scots.

Rasputin I’eri/ilum Tree. Komediii Roma/i [fag/e Lodge. 0 33 Aug. 3.40pm. Russia's greatest love machine revealed.

Rather Me Than You by Brandon Reed (it/(led [fill/ooh Theatre. .i 37Aug. 6pm. A new play about what happens when you remove someone from the food chain. Raw - Theatre Absolute I'leiiviinee ('ourtyard and ()l't't' the Road. until 37Aug. 3.20pm. "l‘hose who are good citi/ens are often Just a whisker away from being as culpable as those w ho we say are ruining our society.' sat,“ (‘hris ()'(‘oiinell. writer of Row. The middle episode in a trilogy of plays he's w riting. it follows hard on the heels of I‘N‘Ts liriiige First-winning ('iir. ‘lt's more about the world of violence that people are trapped in. which ('ar touched on in lots of ways. but also with the notion that from the legitimate side of the tracks it's very easy to go round to the otlter side.' he says.

Having spent a couple of years working in the probation service in Coventry. ()‘(‘oniiell had first-hand experience of violent young people. and in this new play decided to explore the relationship between women and violence: ‘.\'ot that women are trying to be like men. btit no matter what sev you are if the pressure becomes so great a person‘s natural liiik is perhaps to resort to violeiice.‘ he says. While the media tends to sensatioiialise violence perpetrated by females. from Myra Ilindley to Madonna's ‘l‘or A (iirl‘ video, ()'('oiinell is more interested in looking at hidden causes than creating outrage: ‘it's abotit how the worlds inside people can become so huge and uncontrollable that rationale goes out the window.’ (Louisa Pearson)

Reader I Murdered Him - SK Productions l’leasani'e ('ourtvard and ()l't’t' the Road. until 27Aug. 2pm. (iothic fantasy meets romantic farce in this corpse- strewii comedy.

Redwood Curtain Tltt’ Project, Stage hv Stage ifdinlmrgh Academy; 6 [8 Aug. 3.30pm. An adopted Vietnamese-American piano prodigy searches for her real father in l.aiiford Wilson's story.

Reservoir Dogs (A Tribute) 2 Way- Mirror Film and Theatre Productions. Komedia Roman Eagle Lodge. 3- 36 Aug. times vary. Quentin 'l'arantino‘s script is brought to life live on stage in this adaptation of the cult classic.

Resolution Assembly Rooms, 3 ~27 Aug. 5.25pm. Pip Utton's Adoltis remembered as one of the most challenging I‘ringe productions of recent years. llis latest play Revolution sees the w riter/performer entering equally difficult territory. tackling questions of jUstice. guilt and mercy. 'I was inspired by one of the Northern Ireland boiiibiiigs,‘ says t'tton. 'I remember how forgiving the father of a dead woman was and that tnade me wonder why people feel the need to forgive and whether I could forgive someone who murdered my children.‘ Issues of liberal complacency and media responsibility are also raised in an aptly timed monologue. Resolution also marks the latest collaboration between l‘tton and director (iuy Masterson. ‘lt works well despite our different backgrounds. I think because we both believe in the kind of theatre that doesn't just let you sit back and smile and join in the community singing.‘ (Allan Radcliffe)

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.

62 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 2001

The Spice “‘8” Theatrum Botanii‘um. Royal Botanic Gardens. 4—25 Aug. 8pm. Chicken Tiklv‘a Masala. if you believe a certain cabinet minister. is the new national dish. If you believe the tabloids. meanwhile. our multi-cultural society is dOomed to be crushed beneath a rioter's boot. Toby (iough's new production. The Spice Trail. looks to ptit some perspective on cultural exchange through the oldest of communication tools the stomach.

'Food isn't something to be taken for granted.‘ he explains. ‘and spices are central to the history of collaboration between East and West. They played a major role in seducing Western explorers -- (‘olumbus was motivated by pepper to seek the Indies. and the British East India company

colonised India to look for saffron and nutmeg.‘

Festival punters w ill not have to travel so far to get a taste of the Orient. The Spice Trail takes place in the tranquil Botanical Gardens. where audiences will be guided on a walk through the rock gardens. The narrative follows a Scottish Indian who. in search of the perfect curry. travels back through time to uncover the history of the spice trade. and features dancers from Zanzibar. India and l.eith. puppets. a comedian from Bangladesh and an Indian Yoga champion. And if all that leaves you feeling peckish. Michelin Star chef l)r Wali l'ddin will be providing curries before and after the performance. Lager will. of course. be served. (.lames Smart)

Return to the Forbidden Planet on A Role Productions. (ieorge Square Theatre.

.t l? Aug. 3.20pm. Bob (‘arltoii‘s musical creates a collision between Shakespeare's The Tempest and classic rock ‘n' roll. Revolting Young Men Stage hv .y'iiiee Iz'dinhiirg/i Academy; 5 [8 Aug. 3.45pm. In their Soho office. four graduates plot to overthrow the government in this satire. reworkingCassandra Iii-mote Ihtt‘tti'y I’rodiu'tions. (iiiteii'av Theatre. .t‘ 37Aug. 2.30pm. Provoking visual imagery. stylised gesture and soundscapes feature in this New York retelling of the (‘assaiidra myth. Richard Demarco and Friends Demareo Rocket Productions. Rocket (.0 Royal College ofSurjgeonx. (is I 3 Aug. times vary. An hour of conversation. mUsic and poetry with reminiscences of liringe's past.

Richard I" Tremor ('ol'div. (. too. .i 35 Aug. noon. llighly physical version of Shakespeare's tale of one man's killing charm.

Ristorante lmmortale Avvemhlv Roomy, 4 27Aug. 5.40pm. A fusion of poetry. comedy. slapstick. dance. mime and masks.

Road Music ('amln‘idge ('nii'ersity Al)(‘. ('. until 26 Aug. 1.40pm. A new play telling the story of when Allen (iinsberg met li/ra Pound.

Rope lz’t‘it Theatre. Old St Paul's ('liio'i'h A" Hall. 7' I7Aug. 12.15iiiii. lllack humour and murder are on the menu in Patrick Hamilton's play. made famous by Hitchcock‘s film version. Rotozaza/lcarus [Take It, Take It] I)emari‘o Rocket Productions. Rocket (0 Royal (‘ollege o/‘Surgeonv. ()--27Aug, Rpm. littiigittutit'i' technological theatre.

Ross Mcoilty’s Dream Rim .llitiiltv Productions Ltd. The .N'inniids Tent. 5 // Aug. 8pm. Realities of the present combine with a futuristic vision in this contemporary tale.

Rough Crossing ('amliridge ('nii'ervitv Al)(‘. (1 until 2/) Aug. 2.50pm. Tom Stoppard‘s take on the romantic comedy genre is performed in this new production. complete with live jazz.

Rudolph Hess Prince Of Spandau 2 “av Mirror Film and Theatre Productions. Komedia Roman Eagle Lodge. 3 —2() Aug. 11.20am. Black comedy with the Ftihrer‘s maniac disciple.

Runt The Production Line. Gilded Ila/loot! at Tev'iot Row House. 3—27Aug. 7pm. As the youngest family member. I was often subjected to my brother calling me ‘Runt‘. Michael Edward‘s one man show has comforted me greatly. It seems I was not alone.

‘I)ad tised to call me rtint.' says six foot tall lidward. ‘He thought I was small iiiside.' 'I‘hi.s show discusses the effect moving from Jamaica to the USA as a child had upon lidward. ‘My mother said that my father was the sweetest man in the world iiiiiil I came along. Then he had the fear that he wasn't man enough to raise a son. I wrote the play when my son was born. It was an attempt to get to this fear before it got to me.‘ (Kik Reid)


'lt's rather tiring being deep. I'd much rather have m

Sakura »~ The Bandit Princess

Sakura - The Bandit Princess

:lvvi'mlilv lv’oomv. o -"lug. l.‘ “pm

laptttit‘sc tltt‘att‘c Is a mass i)l ciittllatltctltitts .-\s a result. you either love it or loathe it lliit performed well. it can generate a presence that ov cr~rides the dead hand ot tiadition

Set in Japan iii the lltli century. Nation The lhtttillt l’l'ltti ('\\ lt‘lls the tale (il a country girl's iourncy fioiii young innocent to powerful princess. Directed by Penny Bergman (nominated for this year's I'lltttt} award for direction i. the one woman play borrows from both Kabuki and \oh traditions. l'amed iii her native country for challenging e\pcct.'itions. Kati Kattida takcs centre stage playing nine separate characters. So does she look‘ set to change the face of .'\\l;ttt theatt'e'.’ ‘lt's rather tiring being dcep.‘ she laughs. 'l'd much iathcr have fun‘ l.-\tttt.l \lillar) The Scarlet Letter Iilltt' I.Ittt' xll‘lv .liigiivtine'v. ’i 3‘ Aug. ‘/ lll/tttt. \cw musical based on Ilawthoriic's talc ol hypocrisy. dissent .iiid ScarletZone Japan I: i/ierieni‘i'. The (forage. 5 27Aug. 5pm. Tales of wartime manipulation in this physical play, Semblance of Madness! iii/lilo“ Theatre. ('o3. ." 3/i Aug. 3pm. Solv ing a murder is the aim of a psychiatric hospital‘s drama therapy group iii this daik comedy Sentimental Suspicion: The Girls Room Hurrah l’roiliii tionv. (‘roii IIi' I’lit.'ii Hotel. /) // slag. .<.."/l/tttt. l)irty secrets and bitching abound in this comedy drama 59‘ & ChOCOIa‘e (illili’il Hill/Hill] ill Ti’l'lltl Iv’oii' Home. A, 37sliig. " I’ll/mi, I‘lttlld Knowles (aka The \lsl’itsi stars in Rona .‘vlunro’s comedy about the important things in life. Sex 1: Dea‘h 2 I’li'ilultti i' (iitttt‘lVilt'il and ()I'l'l' the Road. until 3“ .lug. 3pm. ’l'hrce women channel the voices of st'\ workers. funeral directors and tanning girls using digital technology. Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll Pleasant-e ('oiirtviiril and ()l‘t‘l‘ the Road. until 3" slug. 1/. [5pm. Izric Bogosiaii. isn‘t he the love child of l.enny' Bruce and David Mamet ' Best know ii iii this country for his devastating performance iii the ()II\L‘t' Stone lilm ol Ilogosian's play Iii/l Radio. :\s compelling as it was horrin ing. the film launched a run of quite L'\L'L'Pltt)tl.'ll plays for Bogosian. The uncrow ned prince ot ()tt Broadway. you may also have seen his wiggy mug in Woody Allen's Dei‘onvtrui‘ting Hiirrv or l‘nili'r Siege I‘Nll's Sl'i. Drugs, Rink (k lv'itll Is one ()l Bogosian's earlier brilliant one-man show s studying the nature the macho selt abuse. this production performed by Danny Richman (\'|assky in Sally Potter‘s The Man Who ('ried). and directed by John MacSpadyen was widely acclaimed iii London. and they‘ll be hoping for the same success here. (Paul Dale) Sexing Alan Titchmarsh - Doran and Braine I’leavani‘e ('oiirtvard and Over the Road. until 37Aug. llttt('\ i'iirv. llas Alan Titchmarsh been possessed by Satan .’ Yoti decide.

Shagnasty and Duck (ii/a. ./ i. n.- lliii.'tii.-1 3* lug. " l‘pn: l iitoitiiiiatclv llils l\ tb‘l lltt‘ lllt' slitty (\l lltt‘ I’t‘lt'l \tiingtcllow look .i like who stalks the cailv morning slot on tlic lantasy (‘lianiicl supposedly talking coiiiplcte stiaiigcis (ptctty girls) into liav ing scv with hiiii .iiid his iiiatc iii oidci to make .i siipiciiicly \lt'.t/y [)lv'v't‘ ()l stiltctitc, \(i. lltls Is the l’aiadigiii llicatic production ol .iwaid winning wiitci Rigel I dwaids' new comedy li)llt)\\lltg ‘lyvii \ltl\\ll and Hills. st‘t‘tly .tsct'tll it) the \l‘ltlltl ltt‘tg‘ltts ()l .t l‘cilstt brothel ' \ppareiiily about as vulgai and rude as they \i‘lllk'. this is diicctcd by the vcnciablc at tot llav id 'l liiclall so it is bound to be at least ol passing pcivy iiitci'cst. 'l his lt.t\ how t‘y ct l‘t'v'tt ltv't’dltlt'tl liy It‘l\ til coiitcnt warnings .i must see then (l’aiil I)alci Shakers Hit/land [lit/iivlriiigs Illi'iitri (T’Hl/HlllL Ilti' \llltltifl. /) l” ‘14:; ill/in) .loliii (iodbci 's broad coincdy Shakespeare - The Good Beer Guide Ii’iirliiig .iliiil. ('of. i’ 3/) tag. I) “pm ('iiiiibriaii poet and di'iiikci liiii llaikci gives his iiitcipi'ctation ot the llard's “(irks Shakespeare For Breakfast ( ‘. mm/ 3/) .‘lllL’. I’liittt l‘t'cc v‘tillcc .ilitl cliitssattts with a healthy dose of Shakcspcaic on the \ltlt‘. Shakespeare’s Dog Iii/in I’m/u. hum, Hill Street Theatre. .\' .‘Txlug. 3. ill/mi. .-\ new one man play with scs. death and a dog who does Shakespeare Shakespeare’s Shorts In Rina! I)!\illt/Htlltlttlt‘ltl, ('lielle iiiigi'li. f) 3/) .lug. iii/mi. llantltto t'cltiscs to die and llatnlct won‘t shut tip iii this farcical talc Shakespeare’s Women - Susannah York ‘i\\(’HI/’l\ lv’ooniv. J :TAHL’. //.-i (am. Recent Shakespeare scholars lttlyt‘ been (i little upset to liiid that the Mark I ady Hi The Sonnets iiiiglii well have been a gcc/a All the same. thereK tit) sliot‘tagc ol interesting birds in his drama limit the lcisty Kate in Iii/Hing ()t [he Vin-ii. to the youthful passion of .Iulict. to the schciiiing of .i l ady Macbeth. there's plenty of character there. Many such women inhabit the pages ot Shakespeare. and it might well take someone of the star quality of Susannah York to bring them to lite. York's one woman pcrloriiiaiice looks like .i dark horse for bigger things on the hinge. 'l be hard working and much admired theatre and film actress has worked on (lev Istng this one for the best part of a year. (Steve ('ratncri Sherlock Holmes: Murder in Edinburgh I'riintii Redhead I’I'odui'tionv. Randolph Studio (I! The I'I‘l‘llill Institute. (i 37Aiig. ,i’..\’ltpni. Take a walk along the Water of l.eitli with Arthur (it‘llilll'lhiylt'. Watson and Holmes as they solve a murder. Sholom Aleichem - Now You’re Talking! lone Star [TH iitri' ('oni/iiinv. Hill Street Theatre, ." 27Aug. 4pm. Saul Reichlin's dramatisation ot the stories which inspired l-iddler ()n The Roof. Show OffAvvemlilv Rooms. H 27Atig. 7.45pm. In A l-ionrlv (hit/rig. l.oiidon-based performer t'rsula .\lartiiie/ shared the stage with her parents. This evaiiimation of identity. domesticin and the generations was charming. daring. funny and one of the high spots of I-rmge ()3. In her latest autobiographical vehicle it's an ev-lov er.