of life In a psychiatric institution is as true to reality as possible. "i hey do all these play s about how envy and /any psychiatric doctors are. and aren't riiad people hilarious. We wanted to do soriiethiiig about how hard the rob ls, It‘s funny. but it's also dark.‘ evplams coiiiedicnrie Lynne l-erguson. ‘lt's a tough shovv to do right. and we all believe that it‘s a show that anyone can come to. but psychiatric nurses should say. "Ay e. fuck me. that's true." ’l'liat's dilliciilt.' i()lly l.assmani
Middle Flight ( 'oit I'l\ Sr]. (iris/ruin Kirk l/uuvi'. /) 3/) .iue. /.55/mi. ilillttl‘Htltl Aagaai'd writes and performs a play about the making of l’iinulivi luv! and John Milton's owri lost paradise.
Mina Rm ki‘! \i'liiii'y. lv’iu ki'l l” Kirk ()' I'lt'ltl. .t’ .‘o'Aue. 5._i'll/nn. l’i‘oiiiisiiig student writer Andreas Belt/er’s new play. in which an ()scar‘s party is disrupted by a stranger. Missing Reel: The Table Show (England) ll'tll't'IWt' Ilu'iilri'. (Hill/3511151. Imu'v l'lll'\. Sec preview panel.
Mom, I’m not a Lawyer In. ll I-u/i hm: .’i\\('llll?l\ Rmnnv. .l 37,-lue. 6.45pm. Rich l‘tilchei' from the cycellent Modern Problems in Science has something he wants to get off his chest: he‘s been a comedian for eight years. but his parents still think he's a lawyer.
Moscow .'i\\(‘llll’l\ Rim/its. .t’ I.” dug. 3.35pm. l,os Angeles dti‘ccloi‘ Jessica Kiib/ansky feels privileged and eycitcd to be reviving ctilt NUS l‘i‘inge l'ir'st vs inning musical .l/uvi-ini. ‘lt's tauter thaii belore.‘ she says. ‘lt’s honed down to the bone and that makes the piece all the more eloqticiit.' ls'iib/ansky has seen .ilmi on through its many stages. from first dev ismg to rehearsed reading in a In mg room. to triumphant 1A and lidmburgh debuts. Writer Nick Salamone came up with the initial idea. imagining three gay men stuck in a rehearsal room with only (‘hekhov ‘s sublime drama Ilu' "I‘hri'e Sivierv as company. from such a quirky idea. comes this beautiftrl ly rical rireditation on love. longing and compromise. (John Binnie)
Mr Pinocchio l.u;-:i'. III/l Sim-i I‘limm'. .i’ Iii/re. 5..i'()/mr. |.a//i 'l‘lieati'e ('oiiipany presents a tale of mid-life crisis. w itli a twist. Taking (‘ollodi's story of the puppet who wanted to be human. and grv mg the now grown up e\—puppet the gilt of hindsight. this production casts a darker shadow over the classic fairytale. '.\'ovv middle-aged and ordinary. there isn't much magic or sparkle in Mr l’inocchio's life.'
say s writer. director and performer l)av id “CW. Johnstoiie. Joined by the spirit of his younger self. the original puppet tSaridy (iriersoni. the pair replay the past events to figure out what happened. and why. Johnstone ctiiphtisiscs. how ever. that this is not a children's show. More for those in their second childhood. perhaps.
t( iareth Davies)
Munchausen l’lt'ilHl/lt r l'i'yllt'il/ of Theatre JUN]. l’lt'thHlt't’ (t’ltl'lUl/t/ (Ulil ()r'er Ilu’ lv'miil. until /3 Aug. 5.40pm. li\— 'l‘restle man Joff ('hafer' and his new company Bootvvorks in a show about the enigmatic baron.
Napthalene Kinneiliu St Stephens. until 13‘ Aug. III)I('\ i'iirv. Slapstick. scandal and skullduggery from a globetrotting clowning cabaret company.
Missing noel Traverse Theatre. 3—25 Aug. times vary. Have you ever had the feeling of retrospective wonder when you realised a momentous decision in your life. a crossroad at which your whole future changed didn‘t seem an important decision at the time? I have and so has Toby Jones. ‘You know.‘ he says. ‘when you suddenly say to yourself. oh. that was a crossroad. and I thought it was just a decision.‘
His story of such a moment represents an intriguing night of theatre. Jones' part in the film Nuiiing Hill. which was shot as a significant part of the movie. but later edited in its entirety. is turned into a story of its own here. The drama of the making
of the film was interposed at the time with Jones' quest for a new flat. and as life began to imitate life. his experiences became an amusing tale of their own. Table Theatre‘s production follows on from its conspicuous success with The Porting Shed last year (and back at the Assembly Rooms). The company is about storytelling. but with a strong element of performance. ‘When you say storytelling. people think of polo-necked sweaters and our great heritage. but this is different. it presents a kind of landscape of the mind.‘ Jones says. Past productions by this combination of performers indicate a landscape well worth viewing. (Steve Cramer)
Nasty Boy lv'onu'ilui /’nrtlut Iionv. Konu tlui Roman laie/i‘ lot/er. 5' .‘h .lue. Skill/mi. ()uantum phy sics. serial killers and .i potato masher all feature in Jim Maddens new comedy.
Not SO Ladylike I/u'uiri' u/ II'iiii'vir (ti/i lv'miil I'i'inee Iln'iilii'. 5 35411:. ll/nn. .\liisical drama set in the Berlin cabaret scene. The Notebook of Trigorin livvma/ l/ii'iiln' ('51. (Si. lh‘ununoml ( ‘u/n/nunilv Illt'tlll't'. .S .‘5.lue. "pm little-kriovvii 'l‘ermessee Williams adaptation ol (‘hekliov ‘s [he Seagull.
Notes from a Small Island lii‘ieliliiit lllt'illl't‘ [Ll inlv. (ii/iii (I [iii/limit u! It'\ to! Ron lll‘llH'. .i' 3".lue. .i/inr .-\daptation of best» selling travel writer Bill Bry sotfs tourney round the highlights and peculiarities ol the l'ls'. from the team that adapted [he luv! (‘oniini'nl
Number’s Up In“ linul‘k I'lu'am; .'\llL'll\llIIt"\_ l) // glue. ll..‘_llt1IIt. ('hr‘is Annetts' Barclay ~s Award-winning musical set in the fictional. fractional world ol Numeralpharia.
Odd Bail Out Ivuvi i'li'v_ (irev/i'uii'v Kirk Home. (i If) .‘illL’. 5.30pm. A study ol friendship and bigotry written by Kevin |.allan.
Olaf Isbister - A Seaman’s Tale Nether/mu I‘lu'uiri. (i // .lue. N. l5/nn. 'l'weed 'l‘lieatre present (ieorge .\lackay Brow us play about a rov mg ()rcadiaii.
Oleanna l‘i'ylllill I‘lu'uiri' (181‘ (st. Drumminu/ ( ‘u/ninunin Illt'tlllt'. .t' .‘J .vlu'c'. 4pm. Sttideiit theatre company takes on David Mamet‘s controversial and compelling play about a professor accused by a student of harassment
Oliver Sitter NJ. .ltlHli'\ (iillev/iu's Hie/i Si'hool. 5 /l hie, lllll¢'\ till'\ l.ioiiel Bart‘s well-lov ed musical performed with live orchestra.
Once on this Island .‘illlt’l'lt (in High Srhoo/ I‘lieulre l‘i'yllt’ill. (him 11 Hill 'Ilri'iili'i'. " lllslue. Illiti'\ ltll'\. Broadway show abotit the power of love o\er death
Once on this mattress xililt‘l’lt an l/IL'lI .Si'lliiiil I‘llt'tlil't' /'¢’\Iliill. (fill/t ll l/lll Illi illl'i‘. o Illslue. lllllt'\ iurv. Rogers and llariimerstem's musical take on classic fairytale Illt' l’rini't'vv (Hill the I’m.
One Night Stand Ivi‘i'nu'n! X. Hill Street Ilii'iitl't'. .i quliie. 10.35pm. Think Norway. Think fiords. I’m-r (ivni. and inflatable dolls. Read that again it you wish. and then read on. Following successful tours of l)emiiai‘k. Attstria. Slovenia. the [SA and lloiig Kong.
Norwegian company Kreiiient X brings its ()Ilt' Night Stand for a three»w eek stand in l2dmburgh. lilting the lid on these most lleetmg ol personal encounters ()riginally staged ma nightclub. the production looks at what company co-lounder Morten 'l'raav ik describes as 'the c\pcclalions of lo\ ei. Incorporating ambient techno music mto .i physical and dy namic production. the show has prov ed most successful with audiences aged between si\teen and 35. And. I am assured. there are plenty of inflatable dolls. i(iareth l)a\ rest
Opera Galactica ()pem (iii/mum. (iiilemiv Illt’tlll't'. .i’ 37.-iue. 7/nn. Sec
prev iew panel.
Orgasmo Adulto llritivli Rtlulilll Illl'lll/‘l' I’I‘iiji'i'l. Rm‘ki‘l (“ Rin‘iil (.l’l/(I’t' it] Surgeons. 6 lh'xlug. limes l‘lll'\. ’l‘hespian alert? Name change. name change. incorrect information in l-i'inge programme. listeriiiiriate. l"or reasons far too elaborate to go into here ()reuvinn .‘ii/llllll is now called l)ull\' and no longer goes under the banner of British Rtissian 'l‘heatre l’roject but Vitt‘iol. (iot it‘.’ (iood. lct's begin.
Holly is the new 'disttirbing and weird‘ piece of physical theatre from vaedish/Japanese actress .‘vlaria Bergman. 'lt‘s taken on a life of its own actually.‘ she says. 'lt's about a woman who has been locked up in a Victorian asylum all her life. locked up by her father like a dog so she is completely alienated from the rest of the world.‘
With music by 'l‘akatsuna .‘vltikar. formerly of The Tiger Lilies. this is bound to be a dark treat. tl’aul l)alei Othello .Vi’tt‘ I’liiu'liit Illl'dllt'. ()lil .'i\\(‘llll’l\' (line. 5 lllxiug. 7pm. l‘our actors tise eight-foot puppets and percussion to explore the theme of manipulation in Shakespeare's tragedy.
Outsilence-2 .tlmlum Smm/ 'Iei'linolueii'v (.UIIIIY' of Armenia )i'rei'iin 'Ilu'tili'e. Rocker ((1 Kirk ()'I'telil. (i // :iut’. (l. l5/nn. lixploriiig masks in theatre.
The Overcoat l)l\'('l'\(’ .-illl‘iii‘liriii\, /) // xiiie. 7.30pm. A Scottish adaptation of (iogol‘s play frorii .\lov ing Parts. Pandora’s BOX .lloniivli l’uvieriul/Zi'nilli 'Ilu‘iiin' ('oiii/iiinv. (‘ii/i' Riiv'iil I'i‘ingi' ‘l‘lieiiiri'. .t' [Nuiucn .i/mi. ‘I.ov e ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases [U be a secrctf wrote Aphra Behn. herself the best-kept secret in British theatre for three hundred years. The darling of the Restoration stage. Behn wrote eighteen successful plity's.
Opera Galactica ()pei‘ii (;(Il(l(‘ll('(l. Gateway Theatre, Aug 5-27. 7pm. Picture Yoda singing an aria. Slightly surreal isn't it? But the unlikely combination of Star Wars and opera is the formula behind ()peru Gulaeiim. The show appeared on the Fringe last year on a smaller scale. but it‘s been completely revamped. moved to a bigger space and boasts monsters. multi-media and. of course. light sabres. ‘I saw this opera which was beautifully sung and I thought there could be a possibility of enlarging it and producing it with our own company.‘ says director Tomek Borkowy. Borkowy himself is no stranger to science fiction having appeared in an episode of Dr Who as the evil Captain Soren. ‘All the funny things in opera are the same in science fiction —
people dying and then getting up again.‘ he points out.
Last year's production showed that it was possible to bring together a diverse audience: ‘there were those who know opera and thirteen-year-old kids who‘ve never been before. Both groups loved it for different reasons.‘ says Borkowy. ‘and this is an Opportunity which can‘t be missed. because opera is slowly losing younger audiences.‘ While the director’s deadly serious on this point. it‘s worth remembering that the production is a comic spoof. Some of the world‘s best known operatic pieces will be performed by characters with names like ‘Dark lnvader' and ‘Princess Slayer‘ and in terms of lung power at least. the force will be with them. (Louisa Pearson)
60 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 2001
several r‘oriiantic novels and the occasional ditty before vanishing into obscurity. \Vith the cyccption ol Ilu‘ lv’oi i'i'. her work is rarely rev iv ed. though her colourful life is now being recreated courtesy of Australia's /.emth 'l’heatre (‘oriipany m collalmration with students from Melbourne‘s .\loii.ish l'niversity. 'l‘he bawdy romp l’iinilom'v Iloi introduces tis to Behn and her 'depraved friends iw ho included John Dryden .uid 'l'horiias ()tvvay l offering a panoply of 'se\. intrigue. more sex. music and royalty " |)oubt|ess the walls of the (‘afe Royal will be blushing. iAIlan Radcliflei
The Part of Bob Kingdom will be Played by an Actor .‘isvi'iiililv lv'iunnv, .i' 37.’illk‘. //.45um. One man show written and perloriiied by l-‘rmge veteran Bob Kingdom.
Party to the Divorce l.illll('llli' Himm- ('inn/iunv. Not Ar! (1' SI .lilllll 'v Hull. I) IN glue. innev \'ill'\. Bad manners and dirty tricks emerge among party guests in this new coriiedy.
Passengers Rm ki’l \i'llllt'L Rm An in South Bridge Ri'virui‘i (' (‘i'nmz ,t' // slue. .S’pm. New coriiic drama about the dangers of speaking to strangers on public transport. The Passers-By Project / lllt’illl’i' ('mn/ninv'. The (iii/'(IUI’. (i Irv-lug. [.45/nn. l)ev ised theatre about everyone from artists to triggers to loo keepers.
Passion Play Rtit'kl'l \i'tiiu'v. Rut-m in Royal ('ul/ifiei' of Suijeeunv. .i' lo' slug. .i'JU/mi. Adultery and passion are the themes in Peter Nichols' play.
Peace at Last? Uii'i'rvi' .‘illl'tlt'llHIH.
/) linlug. .ia’U/im. Workshops and talks focusing on meditation. Raia yoga and spiritual skills.
A Peasant of El Salvador [Ml/thin 'I‘lu'iiire. (M3. 5 3/) Aug. 4. /5/nn. l’olitrcal theatre set in lil Salvador. where a family is destroy ed by starvation and death squads. Perfect U S/nnilli' 'I'lu'uirt'. ()Iil Si l’iiul‘v (‘liun‘lr it'- llu/l. until /I .Ilue. Jill/mt. Violent poetry meets physical dynamism in this fairytale of the grotesque. Philoctetes. (iiiieviiiv 'I'lu'iiire
('.’l.\'( ‘Iz'l.l.l;‘l).
A Piece of Monologue Kunu'ilui I’I'mlui'lionv. Iv'mneilui lv’onuin latte/r Imlei'. .i' 7xlug. l/mi. Sariiuel Beckett monologue in which a static figure in a nightshirt recalls his life.
Pieces Of Riii'ki'l ii’ltlll'y. Rm ki‘l “’ South Bridge Revoiiri'e ('enlre. (i // xiue. Jill/ml. Michael ('hekhov l‘ouridatiori presents this one-man performance. exploring the life's many roles.
Pigs (I ('ln'lli' tinge/e. 6 ~20 Aug, /3.45/nn. \Vliat'.’ A Hull Truck show without (iodbcr at the helm what’s going ori'.’ Well you see this is the ll'l'l's first venture into contemporary dance and by all accounts it is rather good. having first been performed in April to rave rev ievvs. Picture the scene: litiro 2000. a herd of football fans board a ferry for Belgium. By day they behave themselves. by night they are a seething mass of trouble. causing havoc in the bars of Brussels. ultimately riding the water cannons in ('harleroi. l'sing street and hip hop dance styles this is a critique of ueg tribalism. The brainchild of gifted choreographer Lucy ('ullingford. it also boasts the talents of seasoned rimsic producer Andy Wood LthIniiirev ()n ll'uv. LSKi. tl’aul Dalei