
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay®list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 19


I Robopop (NH). 4 l’icat‘d} l’lacc. 0845 lriri (i024. Iiitopiii 5am. l'l'ct' hclorc llpiii. L4 iUi altcr. .'\ llll\ ol L‘l;t\\lc pop lllllL'8 and clcctric hcatx loi lltiisc \ilio can't “all anolhcr da} to start lhcir \icckcnd. l.cd h} D] H.


I Les Ballets Trockadero De Monte Carlo l‘L‘\ll\;ll 'l‘licati'c. 13/2‘) Nicolxoii Sti'ccl. 52‘) (i000. 7. lilpiii. £14 £25.50. l’|a_\lul dancc troupc i'cintcrpi'cting L‘l;t\\lt‘ dancc. You iiiight iiolicc llial \HIIIL' ol thc hallci'inax arc a liltlc hiirlici‘ thaii usual.

I Electric Burlesque (ill(), 4 l’lcal'd) l’lacc. 084.5 loo (ill24.

lllpiii iaiii. £5. .»\ night oi \c\}. ci'a/_\. cdg} hurlquuc lcatui‘ing Lana l.ll\L'lllUll\.


I Death Disco 'l'lic :\l‘cltc\. 30 Midland Strcct. 5o5 I000. llpiii 3am. t l4. 'l'hc ainthing gocs clcctro part} \kilh \pccial gttmlx Bt'odlitxki. Jokct‘x ol thc Sccnc and l-illh} l)lll\C\. l’urr u/ Illt’ (i/uwmi l'l/Hl law/(ml.


I Les Ballets Trockadero De Monte Carlo l-‘csiixal 'l‘licaii‘c. IR/Z‘) Nicolxon Strccl. 52‘) NW). 7.30pm. £14 £25.50. Scc Hi 20.

I Boutique (NH). 4 l’icard} l’lacc. 0845 loo o024. l050piii 5am. l‘t'cc hcl'orc l lpiii; £7 1%) al‘tcr. lilccti'o and hotGC ll‘tml I).l l)t)\\/L‘l'.


I Painting Workshop l.(il&'l~ (‘ciiii'c l'or Hcalth & \Vcllhcing. ‘) Him c Strccl. 523 l I00. I 5pm. Suggcxtcd donation £5. ’l‘ltc first in a \ct‘tt‘\ ol :tt'tx \\(ll'l\\lltlp\ and cotthLW opcn [0 l,(il3'l‘ pcoplc. lltcll‘ l'ricndx and suppoi'tcrx lcading up to an :\t'l\ l'cxttutl \Vcckcnd (20 22 March l. 'l‘uo lidinhurgh-haxcd artists lcad thix class in traditional and conlcinporar} lL'CllllltlllL‘\ liol‘ hcginncrx :llld L'\l;tltll\ltt‘d tll'lislx.

FIE! T-Time Monthly l.(;l3'l‘ (‘cntrc l‘or Hcalth & \Vcllhcing. ‘) llU\\ c Sti‘cct. 523 l I00. I 5pm. .-\ iiionthl) inl'oritial cxcnt l'or iranxgcndcr pcoplc. thcii' partncrx. lainil} and l‘i‘icndx. (‘hanging l'aciliticx a\aiIah|c. ('ontact katcm lghthcalthorg.uk l'or itiorc


I Cilla Slack (iHQ. 4 l’icat‘d} l’lacc. 0845 loo o024. l0.30pin 3am. l‘rcc hclorc l lpm; £4 (£3) al'tcr. .-\ lori'a lori‘a old gold. pop and chart from Miss (‘illa Slack.

FIE! ELECTROsexual (‘(‘ Blooith. 25 24 (it'L‘CthldC l’lttcc. 5.56 9.55

l 1pm 3am. Luck} Luciano nii\c\ up dirt} hoollcg\ and 'L‘ltL‘L‘k} clcctro at lltl\ nc“ night at ga_\ club (‘(‘\.

"In More ('aharct Vollaii'c. 5o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 ol7o. l lpm 3am. Kallpll.\\ and Miss (‘hrix dcliwr thc but in funk) \ocal houxc. club c‘l'.t\\lt‘\ and ClL‘L‘lt'o.


I Passionality B}b|o.\. l’nit Q. Merchant Square. 7l Albion Strcct. 552 3895. l l..‘~0pin—3ain. £3 i£2i. DJ Roberts pla) .\ chart hits for thc gay/mixed cro“ d.


run The Hub | (iltl ("t-iiiic- ioi llL'dllll & “cllhcing. ‘) Himc Slrcct. 52? ll00

5 :0 8pm Stop h} tor a chat and tiiid out about thc ccnlicK llLlH iticx. hax c a cup ot tca and iiicct \oiiic pcoplc ('oiitaci laiiiciili lghtlicaltli oig iik loi iiioic into I Call the Shots (Mi). 4 l’icaitlx [’l‘igc. U545 lhh (i034 Ill illpm ialll l'rcc hcloic llpiii; L»1IL3i.:ttt-i Iakc total ttl‘ll\llc control at llll\ lt'qllc\l\ oiil} night lillldll lhc lllllL‘\ _\Hlll licait tlt'\llL'\ to picaid) placcw g l groupco iik

Tuesday 24


I Audioculture li}l\lii\. tan (3. Mcrchanl Squai'c. "l .'\ll‘litll Sticct. 552 3805. llpiii Kim. H. ,\ iiii\cd night ol L'llitl'l. L'llL‘L'\L‘ and RN” llillll l)_l Sim/la Hallmcll.


I Shoot (NH). 4 l’icaiil} I’Iacc. 0845 loo o024. l0,.‘~0piii iaiii. l'icc hcloic llpiii; £4 iUi altci: ('Iiai't. Rxlt. classics and kitsch li'oiii l)alc lush and ll'lL‘llds.

Wednesday 25


I Allure 'l‘hc ‘lunncl. 84 .\lilchcll Sti'ccl. 204 I000. Ilfillpin iaiti. U (\llltlt'llh £2»lor-| i. ('liccx} pop \Utllttl\ Horn 1)] |)ari‘cii and Ihc gins l‘t'llllltl l);l\\llill;llll).


I Performance Poetry / Creative Writing Course l.(il£'l‘ (‘t-iiiic ltll' llcalth & Wcllhcing. 0 ”on c 80ch. 523 I I00. o 7.30pm. Suggcxlcd donation L2. 'l'r) )our hand at \cIl-c\pic\\ion in a \\t)l'l\\ll()[3 ch h} pcrloriiiancc poct Sophia \Valkci' and opcii to l.( ili'l~ pcoplc. thcir li‘icnds and xiippoi‘lcrx. FREE lcebreakers ('(' lilttiillh. 2% 24 (il'cclt\tdL‘ l’lttL'L‘. .550 9.5.51. 7.5Uplll. Social group l'oi' pcoplc \\ ho “ant to niakc 0C“ l'ricndx in |.(iB'|~ coitipan}. This \xclcoining and iiiiii—thi'catcning group. oi'gaiiixcd h} thc l.othian (ia_\ and l.c\hian Suitchhoard. is idcal ll )oti'rc nc\\ to lhc cit) or i'ccciil|_\ out.

I Wink (NH). 4 l’icat‘d} l’lacc. 0845 loo o024. l0._‘~0piii 3am. l'i'cc l‘L‘lUl'L‘ llpiii; £4 (Ur al'lci'. Miducck cluhhiiig l'roin l)J Michcllc \xith altci'natix c \iilllltl\ along lllL' llllc\ ill tlldlL‘. L‘lL‘L‘ll‘U. i'ock'n'roll and pop.

Thursday 26


I Robopop (EHQ. 4 l’icat'd} l’lacc. 0845 loo o024. l0.30piii 3am. l'i'cc hcl‘orc l lpin; £4 (£5) al'tcr. Scc Hm I”.


I DV8 Spidci‘K \Vch ('cllar Bar. 258 Morrison Strcct. 228 104‘). 8pm Iain. [l0 iiiiciiihcrx 9.5 l. l-ctixh cluh \\ ith liootinan John and .\ll\ll'L‘\\ Alana. 'l‘lic drcxx codc asks for a minimum of \llldl‘l hlack drcxxu car and a gcncral lclixhwx car door polic}. 'l‘hc} pi'cl‘cr that lirxt-tiinc

\ ixitorx contact thc Ul'glllllNCH hcl'orchand. I Socially Acceptable (illQ. 4 l’icttt'd} l’lacc. ()845 loo (i024.

l0.30piii 3am. l‘i'cc hcl'oi'c l lpiii; L5 lL4l ill‘lL'l'. SL‘L‘ l‘ll 3”.

Saturday 28


I Boutique (illQ. 4 l’lL‘ttl'tl} l’l‘dL‘L'. 0845 loo o024. 10.30pm 3am. l't'cc hcl‘orc l lpiti; £7 it'oi al‘tcr. Scc Sat 2 1.


I Taste 'l‘lic (ERV. 37 (iiitliric Sircci. 220 2987. l lpm 3am. to imcnihcrx 9.5 l. Fisher ck l’ricc launch 'I’astc at the (RV so c\pcct thc hcxt in undcrground dancc music and attitudc l‘rcc clubbing.


LGBT INTEREST DVDS Allan Radcliffe unearths a healthy mix of the sublime and the ridiculous among the latest crop of LGBT-friendly DVD releases

iii-17 If: lrriifii‘iUiJ‘ I... A, tia, militias Tlifll ll ,' i; Kii'iil.

.‘.'l‘ri liail /\ii}<:riti'ia. r»:a.i'iii l ai it/Yl’,iitl17ll;i. l)‘:€:l‘ Viuaail, rllléifiil'il) ii'iii at .18: ‘l‘ 'lil).lllllF}l,"i(,.’"ii1'l’, éf‘)i'l"'

limifl‘) Extra‘, i"’,|t.'ll!,‘ iii‘ vii/tar

(Ni) 5‘ ii"; Kiri

iil‘liti.’ , ‘ilil l", .illl‘i illirl! .‘.'fll "ifrlfxllilli'illi lira'iita'i than.


ii'u Happy Together fxrtili nil l a:

iaiiifmtrii '.('."ll'illii‘l‘ .lii:a.'.ai l .‘."1'lill‘i.i'l-T"ii‘.'._illl“llllllllll“,iil.t

.iflw .irii.iii;; iii

,iil .'.'l‘al riiiil't “it...

2.2- i oil" ,, or .'.';.:i 'll"|\l[/l‘“i‘>

ll“ if) lii'i‘flliil'.

Aiiotlim rimmr il‘lrrltml ulnani: tiiiiii ti'iw aitl ii iuw Viitldl‘ l‘> Eil'lllitl/lill'itll lllli'l t it

Hogitoii law‘saixaaiiiii:14.30 i)‘.‘i.( ailillii i)l’,',li".‘ .. I...

liifi(ill‘ii‘:illll‘i aii

beautifully Ti'lUl, stathl, iraiirii (iriil tin-a! ‘,ll~i-.'li

,éra.’ mlilti’i. cli.-.i:i’,_iir.tiii .’l‘,'ll,‘i°i'.'.'. :1th iii-.iii ti-iiaiit

..'.l‘li.ll 'll‘lll' t‘. llii- liiii".

ifllliiiilll fli:.iil illili ililll alkali“. it

palpahli: soiiéa: ill till/ill} aiii:iialii,ii. i:ii liiiiliml ii. Hit: 3:.“ i l illilitll’illiiil‘i Finn's

Girl ’i)(,‘(;(;£l’ lllh) l’iittiiirnii I.

llll'llllljllél‘.'.'()lllztll(ltr‘.'£1‘i’.zlii:(l(ll lllftlilfifiill lléfl

igoiiiilifri sassy, timiiagi: llrlllllliltrl, lllli.

i)i(:<li(,tahli: f;tiii‘,‘l:iii:. ruigaiif, lllfiléttt’l a «hm-r), Monit-

At; you might (rm/(:3 ilhll‘i a i,;


Illa-(tint. ill tiliaitti li.

Film: Hard Love li)t:f,l,étllllili l’irtiirim .0.

l‘iilir, (thltlll ,l‘, fii ‘leillll‘f iiiiirl and lim,

l iiiii li:iii. ti:iii;iii: iiiiitiiit giiirl lhi:

fill." it‘, ir,.'. t,"’iilii’,?:r,ii .iliilll‘i and

(if ”H? [I‘d-h Uli‘thlit! lliarlfiliiii; iliii:i,loi:. Boys on lb .2 hit at a ii.ixi:r_l hart Mont of

the; lllll(: filiiit; llfit: ahrm: tlii: l(:?slll(.il()llf) ’)l tlii:ii liiiiliimii ti, ‘Lll‘:‘_:l form: of

lll‘.'(:llll‘.’(:ll(:fifu. llioiiiih. tlii; liKflllilllllfi lii;ii.i; lliiiii; Kliil’lil“) iiir,.ii.i; i.i)lllllt{) of

age i;<;iiiiiiii out tam. 'Siiriiiiii:r '(Say /r>iiiliii:' iiiirtiimli. Ill ()ll thi: to‘.‘

/\ll()ill(,’l (,oiiitiiiatioii that's ll‘:.€,‘l luau ll ar

Boxset IlVltill'hf llilll'n Q...

'.air/lMichaelESiiiiriii“,l1iiiii,yuaiiip. iiii:/i:ii:iil ihiili a triuiiiiiui of l'l" iiii’limil “lt:(,l(l‘:‘. trial a tiiiiht

.’ll \‘Jdl‘i a l)llli<,'i (if ruinous l?) thi: tin-tit toiiii of trio-rap;

.‘afuuiiatiiiri l‘) tlii: Bruce Weber

..'.i'iii,l1 li'lll(}‘> Tllllidl‘i‘d thi: l‘él‘dllifll tilintortiaiilini

aiirl tiliriiiiakm'ti it:élllll‘:i> l'N thi; lll‘il tiiiii; Highlights, iiii,liirli: Wollur l)ii‘,',l()lléll(:

lift; of tht: lit/1’ git-at (:llirl Halon. / e:i".n (inf I out.

(lizf3llé7 aiiil l,i:aiit,. Chop fun, I-Jii-«l

~.'.iir:s;tli;i Putw fiillllll ltiam.


I Passionality Hililm. l'iiii Q. Mcrchant Squarc. 7l .-\lhioii Sticct. 552 3805. ll.30piii iaiii. U iL'2i. Scc Mon



m The HUD l.( iliil' (‘L'llll'L' liil' llL‘ullll tK \Vt'lllk‘lltg. 9 Hi)“ c Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5:5 I I00. 5.50 8pm. Scc 'I hu 1‘).


I Wicked Wenches The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7.2-2. 8.30pm. to 1L5; lllL‘llth‘l'\ £3 i. ‘l'hc lllnllllll} \lli)\\c;t\C ol thc hcxt in lciiialc c'illllctl} rcturnx. \iith ('aptain Susan ('alinaii at thc hcliii ol‘ lhc lunn) hoat. Hct‘ latcxt \liipiii;itc\ arc Jo liiiright. Al. Kcniicd} and l’aiilinc (ioldslnilh.

I Shoot (MK). 4 l’icard) l’lacc. 0845 loo o024. 10.30pm 3am. l-‘rcc hcl‘orc

l lpin; £4 iL‘H altcr. Scc 'l'uc 24.

aiiil lll‘) llitllll la «mil [UHlll to

.‘xi;a.'i:‘i tlw: iitor', ml i)‘:?tlll|liii tonnage

.Jiiixi‘ifsoi suit. (tl’,'.l.i: *riiitaiim, ‘itill photograph, and aii i:/.i);iii‘ii.i:

Wednesday 4


I Wicked Wenches 'l llL' Stand. 13* \Viiiiillttlltlx Road. (”57” mm “”53. 8.30pm. Lo 1 L5. inciiihcix L i i. Scc 'liic


I Allure 'l lic 'l tiiincl. 84 \litchcll Sti'cct. 304 I000. llillpiii illlll. U (\llltlcllls {Iliu- I l. SL‘L‘ “'cd 2.5.


I Performance Poetry / Creative Writing Course I.(ili'l’ (‘ciiti'c lor llL'ttlllt «K \Vclllk'lllg. ‘) ”(M c Sll'ccl. .535 Il00. o 7. lelll. Suggcxtcd donation £2. Scc \Vcd 25.

I Wink (ill(). 4 l’icard} l’lat'c. ”34.5 loo o024. l0.30pm 3am. l‘rcc hclorc llpiii; £4 iUi altcr. Scc Wed 25.


I Robopop (iHQ. 4 l’lcard} Place. 0845 loo o024. l0.30pni 3am. lircc hcl'orc l lpiii; £4 (£3) al'tcr. Scc Thu l‘).

2 l’: Pet, 27/) THE LIST 59