
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

fir Indicates Hitlist entry


Aria/1111,15 g11111 l 11‘

FREE Saturday Art Club I 11111 l1..'

ll \l.11. 111411.111, l11111 (1.1ll1'1'.1-1 \l111l1'111 \11. lx’11‘..1l l l1.111_'.' \1111.11.‘ .“5 11m, \111'1111.-\ 11-l.:1::1:' 111 1l1.‘ .111 1111 1l1~11|.1:. '.1.11l1. 1l1.:'.1.1::~ 11ll.1:‘1‘. \111l1111113 111.11.1111' .111.l 5.111191 \11.~. 4 l_‘

FREE Back to the Drawing Board \1111 .‘.‘ 1\ l \l.11 ”111111 \l11\1'11111111 l1.111\111111. l\.'l'.111 H.111 l l’11111l11111x1' l\’11.1.l Is" l1.1\1‘ 11111 .11 111,. 11.211111-11.111l.\l1111121.11.11-

.‘1151 |l111111111111l11~11111x1'11111.1111l


FREE Baking Made Easy \.11 .‘1 1.11. Ill ll 111.1111 \1111l.1111l\111‘1‘1\1111111l \ll|\1'11111. .‘_‘5 \11111.1111l \111'1'1. 5551151111 (11'111111111.1111lx1111'\\\ l.-.1111111-.' l111'u. 111 111.11.1-1111-11111'111x.1.111}1.11.1‘\.1.11111.111\. 11.1111.1k1'\.1111l [1111.11.11.1111.-1 \1'1'\ 5 - l’l1'.1\1' l11111k 111 .1111..11111‘

Latte and Paint 1111- .‘ 1 .\ 1 \1.11. 11.1111 1 1 |.111.1(‘11111'1'111111\1'_".‘l l’11ll11l1xl1.1\1.\ lx’11.11l. 551 ‘1"\l l’.11111111'.‘ .1111\1111'\ l1'1l 111 11119 I11-«\1'1.111\1111l111 FREE Transport in Art \.11 .‘1 1111. 11.1111 l.‘ 11111111 \111x1‘11111111 I1.111\111111. K1'|\111l|.1ll. l51111l11111\1‘l\'11.11l.555.555“ \l.1l\1'111111111111.11111x1111,‘1‘11.1111\.1111l111111'1 I11111I1'11.111\ \1111.1l1|1' 1111 .1;_'1'\ ' l: \11 11111111111”11'1111111'11

FREE Design Workshop \.11 .‘1 1 1-11. l ‘11 {[1111 \11ill.1111l \111‘1‘1 \1l11111l .\l11\1'11111..‘,.“ \1111l.1111l \111'1'1. 35'11511‘1 |)1'\1_1.'11.1111l111.1k1-111111 111111 .‘lx111-1111111 \1'l11111l \;:1'\ 51 l’l1'.1\1'l11111l1111.11l\.111.1' Little Explorer Days: Animal Bites \\1'1l .‘5 l1'l1. 111.1111 311111 Ll (1l.1\1‘11\\. 81‘11'111‘1‘11'11111'.511l‘.11'1111 (‘)1l.1}.ll-\ .l“ 11111111111 8111;: .1 11111;:\1-xx11111.1l111111l1.1|1_\. .1111111.1111l.1111111.1l11‘1'111 \111-13 5 What’s Rubbish Workshop \11 .‘\ l'1'l1. 111.1111 1.11‘15 \1'11111\|1\l.1\l1.1111l l’1111111'1(‘1'11111'.\ Ill I1.1l1‘.1111'\.\\1'11111'. 111111155 |)1.1;.'11111l} |)11'.1111111;' 1‘111'11111.1;_'1'\11111111111111.11111l1l11\|1111.1 111-11.1111.1;3111.111\1'11.1}.

FREE Burrell for Families \.11 3.\ l'1'l1. 311111 l111111'll(111111111111. 3111111 l’11ll11l1\l1.1\\\l\’11.11l.3.55355“ \l.1l11‘ 111111 111111111141.111x11111'1ll1} 1111' 111111111 (11111.1 1'\l11|11111111

111e1111e 1\’ 1.).'1111:e

Oscar and the Deep Sea Pearl 8.11 3| l1‘l1. 3111111\ 1 1511111 L 1‘15 11.71 ”51 81'11111xl1\l.1\l1.1111ll’1111111'1(‘1'11111'..\ 111 ll.1|1‘.1111'\ \\1'11111'. 1“1111\5. ()\.'.11 1111‘ .\l1111\1'1'111l1.1111\1111.1111'\1'111113;1111111'1\1.111*1 .11l\1'1111111'\\1111l11\1111‘111ll1111l11'11xl1 .\_L‘1'\ 51.

Peter Pan 11111311 \.11 2511-11.

Mm 111 111.1111.\ 111111. .\.11 311111111 {811.5511 1.315111 l’l.111111111. ll11'l1111ly1'. lllllll\\1‘\l1‘lll\lll\1‘l\)11.11l.l'.1\l1‘ll11111\‘1‘.:fil‘ 11111111 (11111111111111: \l1.11l11\\ 111111111111 .11111 11111.1111\1111111'111111‘.\1xll1l1'l-11'111111x. ll11- ('l1111l11‘11'x ll11'.1111‘ (11111111111. \1111111-.11111l1\ .1111l I-.1l111/111\1111111‘1’1‘1111l1'|1\1'1 .l \l ll.11111"\1.1l1‘ \gcx .\1

That‘s Rubbish $.11 _‘.\ 11-11. .‘11111

£~1.‘l511‘l11l1111‘11 1.11551. 811111141 \l.1\k.1111ll’1111111'11'1'11111*.\ 11111.1l1*.1111‘\ .1\\1‘11111‘. l\1‘l\ 11111.1I1‘. “"11155. 111.1;1111111 l)11‘.11111111_'. 111x11111‘1ll1_\ 1l11' \111g.111 '|\'1‘11111‘1‘. l\’1‘ll\1‘. l\‘1*1‘_\1‘l1“. 11.111x1111111 1‘11le1 111 1111\ 1‘11111'.1111111.1l1.1l1‘ \gcs ‘1

81011/1e11111g FREE Nanny Noo’s Nursery Tours

8.1131 l'1‘l1._‘ 411111. \lux1‘11111111 l1.111\1\1111.

K1‘l\111ll.11l. l l11111l11111x1' R11.11l. 35" 21151 'l‘;1k1‘.1111111'111 1l11‘ 11111x1‘11111 \\ 1111 \.11111\ \1111.1111l 111'1‘ 11.1l1} 111111. \11111x1111g\.1111l 11111'x1‘1'_\ 1'l1_\1111‘~ .111111g 1l11- \\;1_\. \gm 5.11111 1111111‘1'. 1‘1111111‘ 11111111111 .1\.11l.1111l11_\

FREE Stories, Music and Movement 81111 22 1111. 2.311111111\ 3.3011111. B111'1‘1‘ll ('11ll1‘1‘111111. 3111111 l’11ll11kxl1.1\\\ Road. 35- 3.5114. l.1‘.11'11 l111\\ 11111x11‘1111111l11'.111‘1‘ \11‘11‘ 1111p1111.1111 1111111‘

58THE LIST “.‘z

\I11I.'Y‘.' (113cm I11: 2.:111:.:.'\ 21.13". .1: 1121111111 H111 :1 .;.i‘..1:1..'

FREE World Book Day Storytime \111'17 \l ;: Ii. 7: ’111'1‘..'.'\ H1111} 1 l11t' l\’.'T.1.‘l‘.:.'.‘. “"1l’11"-.:.', \\.:l1 5555 5“.“


A1 .‘TM: .’:"’:l

FREE Art Cart 1 1111; \11 __‘\ 1.11

3'1.:111 l m11111 \.1111111.11\l11x.'1.11111f \.111l.1111l.( 11.1111111'1\ \111'1”. 3.75.55 ‘1 (1.1 .1111. 11.1111 .1 1.1111'1'111 11.111”. .1111‘.1111'\ \l.:'.1'11.1l\ 1‘111‘.11l1‘1l \ll .1',‘.‘\

FREE Super Science Show / Meet the Scientist 1 111.11 111 31111111.

l.11.1111 511111.\.11\1111. 13l511111. ‘1 1511111. .‘ 15111111\ ;1511111 \.:111111.:l \111\.'11111111 \11111.1111l. 1 ~l1.1111l1.'1\ \111'1'1. 3355511 l1'.1111.1l1111111111'\111'1111'l11'l11111l1".1'1j.1l.11 1111‘.l1:1.l1.111111'1111.11111111l111\.'1.1.1!1.\11 1111.11l1.11111111.11lx111151111111111‘11.l1.11 \111'1111x1xz'1'111111111111111‘11 l.1l1111.111111.'\ \j."1'\ ‘°

FREE A Slice of Lifel 1111ll113'1 l1‘l1.111111.1111 l.‘ i11111111\ .‘ 111111 \.1111111.1l \111x1'11111111 \1111|.1:11l.( l1.1111l11'1\ \111'1'1. :35 '511 [)11111111111l11'.11\111111~\ 1111111'11l1l1'111l.11\11111111l11'111'1111l1‘\1.l111 \11'11‘ 1l11'11' .1. 0.1211111'111'1111'1111\1'1.111111111 .1111l.111111111111111l11'\1111l.\

Eco Fairl 11111 \1111 .‘f l1‘l1.

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11L\ 511.1111111'1 11111'1'.1.11111l‘\111'111'11.‘5 911111 l1l111l11111'l1/1111.(‘111x111111l11111'l\'11.11l. 111 "l 5'1 \l.1l11' l1111l 11'1‘1l1*1\ .1111l 11'1_\1'l1'1l .1111111.1l\ Be a Royal Fashion Designer 1 11111 \1111_‘3 l1‘l1. I 7111111 l111l111l1'1l111 .1111111w11111 1'1111!_".11111l1'1 l's {11.1111111'1 5x111'1'.1.111111\111'l11'1L‘115111 |’.1l.111'111 ll11l1111111ll11111x1'. lx’11_\.1l \1111‘. 5511511111 \1'11111_\ 11.111 .11111 .111 11.111l11xl11111 .11111111 111-1'.11l1'111111_\.1l1.1xl111111s \}I\'\ 5 ll Afterschool Arts l 11 .‘111\ I11 3" I111. 111111 2.5 (11111111111‘l1l111'lll1ll ll.1ll. 111 411l).1l1111'11_\ 811111. | 1'11l1. 555 ”1111 I1111l11111.1l111111\.1\.1111\.1111l11.11111111;'\1311 l1'l11.1111l(i11\1.1\ l\111111 1.‘ 5 l1'l11.11 1l11'\1' 11111.111x1'sx11111x ll1111l11\1.1 1111\1111111'1l.1\\“11111112111111111"‘151 IVCIN \1'1'\ "1. FREE Real Life Science: Finding Flowers in Winter \11 31 1111. 11111111 111111 l\’111.1l11111.11111'(1.111l1'11.311.1 l11\1'1l1'11l110111.55: “lfil l1'.1111 111111 111 1111-11111_\ 1'11111111111111.11111'1 1111\11'11111'11l.1111\ .11111\111111-1111111-11 1111111111111; 11x1~x \_-.'1w FREE Mask Making with Big Top \11 .71 l1'l‘. 11111111 ~1|1111 \.1111111.1l \l11s1'11111 111\1'1111.1111l.(l1.1111l11'1\ 8111'1‘1. 3.355511. l.1l11'111\1111.111111111111111111- //111111111/_ H11111/111'11. I11/1:19, \I111.‘./H;' 5/11/11 1 1'\l11l11111111111111.1111‘_\1111111\\11111.1\l1 FREE The Sights and Smells of Old Edinburgh \1111:_‘ l1'l1. l3 1511111. 1 1511111.\ 3 1511111 \.1111111.1l \111\1'11111111 \1'111l.1111l. (‘11.1111l11'1x \111-1'1. 3.75 “5 1-1 l111111111121111x1~1l111111‘1111111\\11.1\ '\11l1l lx’1'1'l111" 11111111111\\l1} .11 1l11x 11111. 11111x11'.1l111111l11'1111yl11l11'111_\1l111111131111' 1511111111111}, FREE Rock Garden Symbols and Related Plants \1111 :3 | 1‘11. _‘ 111111 |{111.1l l1111.11111' (1.11111'11. 311.1 l11\1'1l1'11l1 R1111, 55-- 515‘]. l.1l111'.1\\.1ll11111'111111l11l11' R1111 (1.11111‘11.1111l 11111l11111 \1l11'11‘ 111 1l11' 11111111111111 111.1111\ 11111111xl1 \_~_'1'\ ll» \11-1-1.11 1111- 1 .1\1(‘1.111-. Saturday Art Club: Sculpture 2 8.11 :\ l 1'l1. 111.1111 111111111\' 1.111 1 “111111 L411 11 lll‘ l)1'.111(1.1ll1'1}. “5 ll1'll1111l l\)11.11l. 11311151111 l1'.111111'1l111111111'\111 1‘1111\11111‘1111;,' .11111 .1xs1'111l1l111; «1111111110. \1111111111;1.11111111.11_1.-1 5 _' .1111-111111111 \1'sx11111 121's \ l '1 First Impressions: Gustav Klimt \11 2511-11. 11.1111 11111111 {-1511 111111111111‘ l11111~ l)11ll H.111. ‘11 l11 I).1l1111'11} \111'1'1. l1'11l1. 555 "1111 (‘11-.111'l\'l11111111x11111'1l.11'1 1111111“ 111111.111111'l).1\\\1111 \g1‘x l1 1\ 11111111 \ 1.1 \\\\\\ 11111111111“1111111211111111 11"”51 115315. Saturday Studio: Sculpture 8.11 2\ 11:11. 1 .111 431111111, {4111:1111 \11111111.1l (1.1ll1'1'} 111 81‘11tl.1111l. “11‘ \111111111. 11:4

BABY Loves DISCO Corn Exchange, Edinburgh, Sun 1 Mar

You know you‘re doing something right when a TV Dragon wants to invest in you. Better still if you can leave the ‘Den' with your business still intact and make a success of it on your own. Which is exactly what happened to Naomi Timperley, the UK organiser of Baby Loves Disco, a new clubbing event for parents and children aged 0-7.

Two years after Manchester-based Timperley bought the rights to the American venture, she has branched out to seven cities across Britain, the latest of which is Edinburgh. Featuring a DJ, chill-out corner with toys, free drinks and snacks for kids, a cash bar for parents and demos of local kiddie activities, the three-hour events have proved hugely popular.

Baby Loves Disco‘s Scottish host, Lesley Woodall thinks the music has a lotto do with it. ‘lt‘s very much classic disco from the 705-905 plus a few current tracks that fit that style.‘ she explains. ‘When you‘re little you just want something melodic that‘s not too loud - it doesn‘t need to be ‘Bob the Builder‘, it can just as easily be ‘Carwash‘. And for the adults, if you‘ve come along in the first place you probably want to get up and dance - you just need the right environment to do it.‘

Manning the decks at the first Edinburgh date will be Lenny Love, whom a few parents might remember from their pre-kid days. ‘We‘re really

excited about having Lenny to DJ,‘ says Woodall. ‘Because there are bound

to be people who went to Disco Inferno in their 205 who are now in their 305 with children. So they‘ll have the chance to do it all again in a different way and share it with their kids.‘ (Kelly Apter)

(131111. I \.11111111'.11.1111,:1'111 x111l1111111's111 1l11'1'11ll1-1‘111111.1111!1121111111111 111111'.111' 111111111111 \_1_'1-\ ll 15

FREE Safe Cycling Session \1111 1 \l.11. 11.1111 11111111.\ 11111111 111111 l<111.1| l1111.11111*(1.111l1'11.311.1111‘11'1l1~1111[(1111.553 ‘1'51 l1-.1111l111\1. 1111}1'|1'1111111*\.111'1_\111 1l11' (1.11.11-111 l’.1111111\11111x1l11‘1111'x1'111 l$1111l11112 1‘\\1'1111.1l 11l1'.1\1'1'111.11l 1'11'11111-'1l.1111'11l11'11.11l\ \j_'1:\ 5 _ .11 11.1111. .1f.'1‘\ 5 ll .11 11111111

Baby Loves Disco \1111 1 \1.11.

I 511111 LN 1111111 \1.1lk1111_' 11.1l111'\ 11'1‘1'1 ('11111l.\1'l1.111;_'1‘. ll \1-\\ .\l.11’l111-1 |\’11.11l_ 11“ 151111 \11111l11'1 1111111111111 1111 1111' 11111111; 1’111l1l11111'x1‘1-1112 H.111} l11\1‘x l)1\1111\1111 1111lx.1;:1-1l(11111111ll1\ - }1\ .11111 1l11-1111.111'111\ 1.111'1x l11‘l11'1\ 1111111 \\ 11 \\ l1.1l1}l11‘11'\1l1\1'111111111 \1‘1'1111'H1‘v.


Transgression Sessions \11 .‘Lx 1 1-11. \1‘111 L5 11.1111g11'ss11111\k1111'l’.111..()11'.111 l1'1‘111111.1l. l1'11l1. 555 :"55 l1\1-11111\11*.11 l1’.111\_1_'11*\\11111 811.111' l’.11’l1. ('l11'1'l1

\\ \\\\,ll.111\:_'11'\\11111\C\\11lll\1'1‘.lll\ 1111 l1111' 1111 \g.‘1's \1 \1111'11} 1111 .1l111l111l

Theatre éé Dance

Private Peaceful 11111 1111-1-11. 1 .‘11111111 1\ “11111. L111.5111£.\.511;1111111-1 1M U11. ll1‘1111111z1 '15111‘.111‘1'. l_.11l_\\11*ll W11}. \111\~1'll11111_'l1. (1115 32411. \111'l1.11'l

\l11111111g11‘x 1‘111111111w11111111.1111111111

\\ “l \11l1l11'1 .11l111111'1ll111 ll11'\l.1f_'1' LazyTown Live! The Pirate Adventure “1'11 :5 [ch \1111 1 HM.

5111111\.11,\1111111.11 11.11111\ 3111111

9-13 LIB 511 I'1‘x11\.1l Il11-11111'. l 13‘)

\1111lx1111 \llL'L'l. <31) (1111141 \1'1'1‘11'\11'\\


L’Heure Du Conte \111 31 I111. 11.1111 L5 l11x111111l‘1.1111_'.11\1l'|.1‘11\\1'. 1* l<.1111l11l11l1('1’1-s1'1'111.335 5 V111. 1111' x1111} 111.11.1l1l111.11111l11x11'11-111lx111-11111111111111 l-11'111'l1.1111l l-.11g.'11\11.\1111.1l1|1‘ 1111 .1j_'1'\ *1 Family Story Circle 81111 31 111-11.

_‘ 11111111 L111.111111}1111111111111 $111111xl1 \1111111-1111111 (‘1-11111'. ~11 ~15 ll1_1_'l1\'111-1-1. 5511.05") ”11.11 \111111‘ 1.11111l1111\ 1.1I1-x .11111 11'} ”1.111111: .11111 11411111: _\11111 1111.11 11.11l1 \1111‘111-111-1. l'1111111.\l.'11'|.1'111l. .\}_'1-\ ~11.


Actw111es and Fun Rocking Rascals 8.11 2.x 1111. 1311 451111111. {(11111111i1l;1111’111;_' 1111.1111s 1111-; 1.111111} 1111111 {331111111- \1gl111‘l11l1. 11R 311\\1-\1p11r1, “51111111 ”11111 l.111l11l1:_111\1...1\11 .1111'r11111111111 11.1111111g .11111 11111 1111‘ 11111lx;1:_11'1l l ' 111111 1111-11'1.11111l11'\. \'1x11 \1. 1111.1111‘l11111g1'11x1'11lx1'11.ul11 111h1111l1,