
Ancient Greeks study day Sat 2S l'eh. Buriell ('ollection. 3llolt l’ollokxhau \ Road. 3" 35‘“ lllam 5P”! Ll” \ teatn ol e\pet't\ including \[K'eldllSlS tioiii the Biitixli \llISL'lllll uill lead )ou thtotigh the \Utlltl ol the .-\ncient (iicekx l.eaiii ahotit (iieek artclach and \‘.lt.tl the

()l} iiipic (iainex are reall} all ahout \gex l-lo lunch IS included l’leaxe hook in .id\ance l’leaxe \lSll

\um f3l.l\f_‘U\\llltl\etllll\ coin toi hooking ltilllIS

Chris Sharma luc 5\l.tl. l'nneixit} ol (ilaxgou. Bind ( )l'l Btiilding. i“) SS55.

5’ illpni U3 Itllli ()ne ot the \ioi'ld\ ll;tl'tllt'\l c liinhei\ lalkS ahotit lll\ mountaineering e\perience


OUADrophenia Sat 2! l-eh. 'I lie

.-\ic. (ilaxgou ('aledonian l 'iii\ eixit}. (‘oucaddenx Road. iil So.; i. 3pm t" till undet lixex lreei, .'\ll giil roller derh} hetueen (ilaxgou Rollci (illlS .md the Bitiningliain Bltt/ Dame» See llit l.l\l. and leature. page l3


Senet and Other Ancient Egyptian Games Sat 3l l'eh. l’ollokxhtnu Burgh llall\. 3ll35 l’ollok\ha\\\ Road. (i53 5M I. It). ‘stlain ~l. illpm. t3“ iiieinherx L35 non lllL'llIl‘t'lS. l:g}ptolog} Scotland \\tlll\\llttp looking at tlte games ancient l:g_\ptian\ pla}ed and wine ol the deeper \} mholixni helimd thetn.

FREE Up Close: Glasgow Sat 2| l-eh. ('(‘.v\. 350 Satichieliatl Street. 353 4900, ll._5ll;llll. l’la_\\\i’ight\‘ Sttidio. Scotland and tlte BB(' Scotland Radio l)raina hoxt a da} ol lree \ii‘iting \\tit‘k\ltttp\ open to the puhlic. lollou ed h} an e\ening pla} reading e\ent at (ipin. l’lc‘aSc hook in ad\attce.

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Sun 22 l’eh. 'llie .-\rche\. 353 :\i‘g} le Street.

505 Illtill~ -1 7pm. £7 t£5i Back once again \\llll the how} hurlexque lile dramng claxxex. “\Ve loxe gin. lllll\l\'. \ketching and most all...B( )( )BlleY" it \;t_\\ on lltix prev releaxe. (ioxlt. \Ve thought it \\;IS all ahout the art. Relaxation and Wellbeing Workshop Sat 3S lieh. 'l'empleton on the (ireen. The White Studios 4 Ill 4 l 3. h‘) 'l'etnpleton Street. (ilaxgou (ireen. lllatn. £30 l [l5 l. l.earn haxic rela\ation techniquex including meditation. \trexx management and poxiti\e thinking. .\ laid hack. lriendl). inloimal \xorkxhop ideal lot‘ hcginnerx.

FREE Follow the Thread Mon 2 Mar. (ilaxgou \Vomen'x l.ihi'ar_\. 3nd l‘looi‘. .S’l l’ai'nie Street. 553 S345. 7 0.30pm. The lll‘Sl ol' three \tor}lellmg and \\oi‘k\hop e\ent\ l'ot' International Women's l)a_\ led h_\ l.e\le} O‘Brien and .\lag\ Smith leaturing the RlISSltlll l';iii'_\tale. ‘Vaxalixa the “ISL".

Stars Over the Botanics 'l‘ue 3 .\l;ll'. (ilaxgou Botanic (iardenx 73H (ireat \VCSlt‘l'll Road. .554 3-133. 7.5llpltt. £4 tt'3l. .'\ \tat'-ga/iiig \L‘SSIUII uhere telexcopex and l‘llltk‘llltll‘S \\ Ill he a\ailah|e tor all to \pot the moon. \tarx. planet\ and deep \k} Ulileclx l’leaxe contact llte Botanic (iai'denx tor ticketx oti (H41 334 3-133.

FREE Greek-style Pottery Wed 4 Mar. Btiri'ell Collection. 3(ltil) l’ollokxhaux Road. 3S" 35ml. ltlani. lake inxpiration lrom tlte .liiciciil (il't't'lu e\hihition to tr} out (ireek-xt}le hlack ligure painting. l’leaxe hook in ad\ance.


Activities & Events

Ultimate Guitar Hero 'l'hu l0 l-‘eh. The Voodoo Roomx. l‘ia \Vext Regixter Street. 556 70bit. 7.30pm. £5 to \xateh—illl to compete. (‘ompete in the ultimate computerised a\e~grinding championxhip m e don't get to \\ rite that \ei3 ot‘tenl. to raixe t‘undx l‘oi' l-‘airhridge in Scotland. Public Evenings Fri 20 Feb. Roial ()hxenator} \'i\itoi‘ Centre. Blackl‘ord Hill. 6688404. 7--.S‘.-I5pm. £4 (£3). See the Royal ()hsenator} \ telexcope dome. go

A dose of the warm ‘n’ fuzzies

_,./o ./ \,~«,« I/.i..-./i. on Mr

(, goo,‘,,

on a iourne) through the Solar S_\\tein. and hold a meteorite.

Tibetan New Year Ceilidh l'l'l 2‘ l-eh. St l’eter'x ('hui'ch. l.utton l’lace. .. llpin. L I“. ('elehrate 'l‘ihetan Next Year \\ ith a traditional circle dance and 'l'ihetan \tipper. ;l\ \\ ell ax \ttlllL' more lainiliai‘ Scottixh ceilidh dancing.

Guid Crack Club l‘l'l 2" l-eh. \\'a\ei'le_\ Bar. I St .\lar_\ \ Street. 55h 053‘). “hillpm. L5 h} donation. Regular

\tor}telling cltth iti\ol\ mg \ong and lllllSle


FREE Edinburgh’s Lost World: Guided TOUT Sat 33 l‘L‘l‘. lltil}l‘titttl l’al'k liducation ('entre. l QUL‘CIhS l)ri\ e. h53 Sl5ll. l 3pm. 'l'icketed. l)el\e into lidinhurgh'x geological paxt \\ ith a guided tour. Booking required.

John Cooper Clarke (‘ahai'et \‘oltaire. 30 3S Blair Street. 33“ MW». "pm. U5. See .-\rche\. (ilaxgou. Sun I .\lar. and picture. page I’I’. Exhibitions

Conan Doyle and Joseph Bell - The Real Sherlock Holmes Sui'geonx' llall .\lti\eum. Ro}al (‘ollege ot Surgeonx ol lidinhurgh. \lettlSttll Street. 53" HA”. l'ntil l‘ri 3" l‘eh tnot Sat/Suni. noon -1pm. £5 18; accompanied children t'reei. .-\ \pecial e\hihition looking at the

lite ol' .loxeph Bell. lormer pre\ident ol' the

Ro}al ('ollege ol Surgeonx. and lllS l‘L‘lttlltHlSlllp \\ till the creator til Sherlock llolmex. Sir Arthur ('onan H0) le.

FREE Dreams on Wheels Roytl Botanic (iarden. 3tla lmei'leith Rim. 553 7|.“l. l'ntil Sat 3l .\lar. ltltiiti~.‘\.3llpiii; lllain 5.30pm. l)enmark\ unique c} cling culture hax inxpired all thoxe interexted in greener ll':tll\[‘0l'l \} SlL‘IIIS. The Danish ln~tittite pre\ent\ an e\hihition \\lt|c‘lt promotes urhan c} cling \\ ith innoxatixe hie} cle dexignx.

FREE Jean Muir: A Fashion Icon National Muxeum ot~ Scotland. ('hamhet‘x Street. 3357534. l‘ntil Sun l5 .\lar.

10am 5pm. l‘rom the m inging (itix to her death in I‘N5. Briti\h de\igner Jean Muir held a place at the cutting edge ol' the international l‘axhioti \cene. liind out uh} at thix huge. comprehenxixe exhibition. Peacemakers of Israel and Palestine ()ut ()t"l'he Blue Drill Hall. 30—30 Daltnen} Street. l.eith. 555 " llll.

The award for homeist, cutesy-ist event of the fortnight goes to this new monthly craft session where you can learn cross stitch or to knit your own heard (we didn't make that up, either - it actually says that right here). All set to a hand picked selection of country music from adorable local twee—folkers Fuzzy Felt Folk‘s vintage vault and contemporary catalogue.

(:t(1.l‘«/l‘qn,lv/\1(;\S()i{il(}l \(t[)t1’. \)li, 7 . t.’

Mon 33 l'eh Mon 3 Mai. See pre\ie\\. page 35

Fairs 8 Festivals

Eco Fair 1 mil Sun 33 l'eh. ladinhurgh /.oo. (‘orxtorphme Road. Hi ”I" l. llain Millpni. liicltided in dtlllllSSltIllI U35” tt'ltl.5ll; agex 3 H [S 5”; under 3x tree; t'amil} ticket £35 Lilli. It I\ ea\_\ hemg green \\ ith the /oo\ eco tan and eco acti\ itie\: make hii'd leeder\ and rec} c‘letl ;tltlltl.tl\.

Emigrate 2009 Sat 3l «k Still 33 l-eh. l{o_\a| lltgliland ('enti'e. lnglixton. i35h3till. ‘Htlain 5pm. 1" LS l‘anc} lleeing the Recexxion toi‘ :\ll\ll';tll;l. ('anada. \eu /.ealand or the [S _’ \\ell )ott can lind out ho\\ to reenact the ('learancex at llllS moxt comprehemne

e\po. \Ve‘ll iuxt he \itting here. III the cold.

\hnering and \inging l’roclaimei'x l_\ric\ to ottt'xel\e\. Bathgate no niorrrre .

Edinburgh International

Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace 2009 Sat 2S l'eh Sttn l5 .\lar. \arioux \enttcx .‘il 44h” 'lllllL‘S \ar}. l’t'tce\ \ar}. See llit l.I\l,


FREE Canongate Project Report Launch Sat 2t l-eh. Scotiixli Stor}telling (cutie. 43 45 High Street. 55h ”57”. 3pm. hooking ad\ lSL‘tl. ()pen meeting ot communit} and heritage acti\ lSlS rexponding to the propoxed (‘anongate de\elopment pi‘oiect. ('ome along to tllSc‘ll\\ \\ hat the lutui'e could he; meet \\llll a “ltlk' range ol c‘ttlltlllllltll} ttc‘llHSlS. decixion maker» and repi‘exentatnex ol a range ot coininunit} and heritage orgamxationx. lintail cantingatectiinmunit) lot'ttttt‘“ _\ahoo.co.uk to tind otit hon to stick it to the man.


Six Nations: Scotland v Italy (Rugby Union) Sat 3S l-‘eh. .\ltirra_\tield Stadium. Rnerxdale ('rexcent. 3-16 5H0“. 3pm. ;\lteriiati\el}. \xatch lotx ol men \ticktng it to each other. in the \pirit ot international SPUI'ISIHLlllSlllP.

Six Nations: Scotland v Italy (Women’s Rugby Union) Sat 23 l-‘eh. Meggetland. Boroughmuir Rl-‘(‘. .-\nd the ladiex are at it too.

Around Town


Snowdrop Conference I It So I el‘. lx‘oyil Botanic tiaiden. 3tla lineileitli Rim. 31S _‘\.;.1 " Wain :15 lle_\ theie lio )oti like \noutliopx ' \ou tittet (ialanthophile Join .ISM‘llc'tl e\peit\ and c‘llllltlSlJSlS lot .i da_\ ot talkx. toui\ and e\hihitioii\ tlexoted to the little “lute tloxxei that can \\ lix not ' lhe\ ‘te lo\cl_\' \ lSll \\ xx xx ihgc oig uk xiioutltopx toi tull detail~ and icgixtiation

Winter Talks \loii :1 l cl‘. Roxal ()hxeixaton \ ISIIUI ('entic. Blacktotd llill. Nix S3hi 3 :H .S ‘Hpm 1‘i1l5t \\eckl_\ .Mtononrx talkx coxcimg litltlc’S ranging tioiii ( )l‘Sk'l\.llUllt‘\ in Space and (il.llll lt‘lt‘Sc‘Ul‘t'S. [it \ litlc‘lll (i.ll.l\lt‘\ .lll\l lllt‘ lll\ l\ll‘lk'l lth‘lSc‘ \\t‘ llkt‘ lllL' \otind ot .th' ot tliexe. hut \\t"ie e\cttahle like that

FREE Red Nightingales: Spanish Civil War Commemorative Talk ltie 5\l.tl. \ational l ihiai} ot Scotland. (ieoige l\ Biit gc. “3‘ UPS l).llllt'l (ildS. .llllllt‘l t‘l [littiltlg't' lt' (.tiill(t/1'Illtl (ill Ill llitl. l.tlk\ .ll‘Hlll lllk' ltllk‘ \c‘t‘lllSll “omen pl.i_\cd in the Spanixh ('i\ ll \\ai Booking tctltitied

Einstein‘s Universe lllll S \lai ()uecn'x llall. .S" S" (‘leik Stieet. hhh 3lll‘l. 5 l5pin L3 5Htt3i \ look at the lite .iiid \xoik ot t'\t'i§«iiit"\ ta\ouiite laige liaiied \l-"ll_\ll \lontoe tan. including the i aige lladion ( 'ollidei .it ('l'l{\. l‘k I’tttlL‘SSttt litlatt l’USlk'l (ll ()\toid l'iuxeixio \\llll acctiiiipaniment h} \iolimxt .lack l iehieck l'olloued h} .i \lo/ait duet h_\ l iehreck .iiid l'HSlt‘l

\gt‘S l 5 '

FREE The Work of RSPB Hut 5 .\lar. Roxal Botanic ( iaiden. 3lla ln\erleith Ron. 553 3 l ~l 5’. ill ‘I. 5llplll llcai .ihout the \xoik ol the RSl’B. \xliiclt c\tend\ trout the \xetlandx and ineadoxxx iii Scotland to l.tlllltllt'\l\ and alhatiowex ltirthei atield. '\lon the iaie l‘lltlS‘


\t wild/it! tint." {lit S/ntlitxlt


Jazz/Sax Masterclass with Gilad Atzmon Hm I” l'eh. ‘l he .la// Bat. l (‘hatnhcrx Street. 33” ~13‘).\. i 5pm t' I“ tt5i. lSldk'll \a\ \ll'llltlxit \t/inon gixex ad\ ice on ].t// impiox l\.tllttll and technique

Dance Base Drop-in Classes l)ance Hihk'. l~l l(t (itaxxtttatkel. 33% 5535

'l llllL‘S \ar_\. Li 9.3.5” 1&5 Ni l'anc} \oinc Hip Hop toi l.uncli an Ballet \tictch heloie hrcaklaxt. iii.i}hc' \Ve alua§ \ do l)ance Ba\e\ compreheihne iange ot drop in cl.i\\e\ are tip and running again. \o no exciixex tot not \ticking to )otti i‘exolutioih lilic curient xeaxon i‘unx .\lon Sat until Sat 3S .\lai. See \x\x\x.dancehau'ctitik loi lull detail»

Shoe Swing \Vedneula} \. (‘ounting llHlISL'. \VeSt \ic'olxon Street. (Wt—7 75 H "pin. L315” t" lti.5ll Uri. :\ \uing dance \ktil'kxlltip rtin h} lzdinhop exer} \Vt‘tltteStla} tllglll. 'l'utored c'laSSL'S ll‘UlIl “pm and \ocial dancing ll’tllll 0pm Suing dancerx. lmd_\ llttt‘lk'l‘S and inerx ol all pei'xuaxionx \er} \xelcoine. No need to hook. and _\otl tllllhl e\en ll;l\ e lo ha\ e a partner.

FREE Learn to Ride a Bike Sun I .\lar. Ro}al Botanic (iarden. 3lla lnxerleith Ron. 553 7l7l. l lam lpin, Stop \nigget’tng. _\ou l}cra»clad L'llllSl. Some people can't. Atlltl ll'S lle\ er ltN) late to learn. )ou know It )ou nexer got round to it ax a child. uh} not learn to c_\ cle in one \L‘SSIHII \i ith protexsional c} cling trainer Darren \lirlield. The qtnet pathx in the (iardenx make an ideal training emironment. Booking in ad\ance IS exxential pleaxe email darren<~ inirlieldtnetik.

FREE Personal Poetry Thu 5 Mar. National Portrait (iallei'). l Queen Street. 63-1 6300. noon 3pm. R}illl Van Winkle. lidinhurgh'x poetr} Reader in ReSidenee tha\e he mentioned that vie lm e hix namel’t. \Hll lind }tiiir perlect poem alter a quick chat ahout the paintings )oti'xe \ieued in the Gallery. with the help ol the \tatl' ol the Scottish Poetr} Lihrar}.

F 599—", Ma' 272': THE LIST 27