Around Town
Being a new regular column where we take a new look at an old favourite attraction somewhere in the Central Belt.
What is it?
Only one of Scotland". hop tourist attractions, you philistine. Kelvingrove is a thoroughly impressive old building. built in 1900 and refurbshed in 2006. It houses well over 8.000 works of art and assorted museum pieces. What’s it like then?
On an average Saturday. you might find small boys gazing up at the gigantic hanging Spitfire, art students sketching the amazing installation of floating heads over the staircase. and older couples checking out Salvador Dali's painting 'Christ of St John of the Cross' while their grandchildren play in the oversized shoe exhibition. So. a bit like a crazy treasure-trove wonderland. really. Anything happening there at the moment?
There are always a few smaller events and tours going on. but right now they're gearing up to host the huge. touring Doctor Who exhibition. which opens on Saturday 28 March.
What are the best bits?
The floating heads! Or maybe the elephant! And there's a little pufferfish we're very fond of. How much will it cost? Absolutely free to you. sunshine. Although the bigger touring exhibitions usually come with a modest entry fee.
Is there a cafe?
Yes. serving sandwiches. cakes and posh smoothies. There are also a number of good. inexpensive restaurants nearby. Okay. How do I get there? Parking's not great. so catch the underground to Kelvinhall — the Museum is just less than five minutes away from the bottom of Byres Road. From Central Station. take the 9. 16. 18/A. or 62 bus. 0141 276 9599.
www. glasgowmuseums. com. Mon—Sat: 70am—5pm; Fri & Sun: 11am—5pm
26 THE LIST 19 Feb—5 Mar 2009
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.
at Indicates Hitlist entry
Activities 8. Events
Alien Wars The x\r'chcs. 35 i Mg} le Street. 505100“. 3,31) lllpm (With. 5 lot under lost. l'rtlrl 'l’uc ‘l \ lcrrrlyng ‘lolal rcalilv c\pcr'rcncc .r\cc lacchuggcrs cl al, llaw _\ou got the. ct. guts for rl‘ FREE Auction for Autism lhu Ill l‘eh. Mitchell l.ihr'ar‘_\. lel North Street. 28" 309‘), (i._“llplll. Booking csscnlral. \rt atrctrort in aid of 'l‘hc National .\utrstrc Stk'lcl} Sctlllalltl. L‘L‘lcltt‘allllg' lltc \sot‘k ol prestigious Scottish artists like Peter llimson. Damian ('allan arid l-.l.rrnc Shctnill. caclt \stth a littk to autism. l‘.lll;lll l'undt'aisingScolland(H nas.oi'g,trk lot tickets.
Sunny Govan Fundraiser ( irantl ( llt- ()pt’}. 3 4 (ioxan Road. ~12” 53W». 7.30pm. £5. The t‘ttllllllllllll} radio station hosts a ltmdrarscr' \\ rtlt h\ c music lt'om .\ Band ('allcd ()uinn m rtlr more thcl as \scll as r'alllcs arid pr‘r/es (including sports kit signed h} (‘hr'rs Ho} and lorrarnc Kell} ‘s dr‘cssl. ()h )t's.
Smith in Glasgow l'nlrl lllll 2 .\pr. l'nitcr‘sit} ol'(i|asgo\s. Sir ('hai‘lcs \Vilson Building. Keh in \Va}. 33f) Illlll. limes \ar'). l’r‘iccs \ar'}. (‘onlcr'cncc cclchr‘ating
John Cooper Clarke
the conlrrl‘ulron to philosophical thought madc l‘_\ \dam Smith. hastron ol the Scottish l'nltghtenmcnt l’..'I.' of
Hunt: i unit/r." \. .~.'.'..'i:t." SHIV
FREE Hidden History Sat ll lt-h. l’coplcs l’alacc .\ \\ inter (iatdcns. ('rlasgoxt (ircen. 3‘1 2"“: l 2pm l)cl\c into ( 'rl.isgo\s \ hidden histor} oxct the past 3H“ scars \\ llll a tour and handling scssron \urlal‘lc lot .ill .rgcs
FREE Video Shoot \lon 2‘ l‘eh. (‘lassic (irand. l.\ .l.llll.tlt.l \trch. 54' osjo rt .spm \‘o lcc proutled ('allmg .lll c\hrhrlronists' .\l_\stcrrotrsl} unnamed local hand scck \scudls. \sontlcr'lull} dr'csscd crou d ol c\ lor llllllll.lll_\ hcnclicral music \ rdco c\pctrcntc Just turn tip dr'esscd lot a theme ol '.\l.tstiucr.tdc'. and look cnthtrsratrc l'marl drrcctor'ld l'll}lllt'\\\ ithpurplc net rl tou'tc llllL'l'L‘\lctl.
FREE The Glasgow Slam Mon 3: lch. Rio (Eric. I" llsrrtllartd Street. 314 Willi), “ illprtr \ (ilasgou poclt'} compcttlron that's open to all. and \\ llll some \ct‘} last} cash pit/cs Sharpen )cr pallet. and make sure _\ou register \\ rtlt t'ohrntatr'nslw l‘lconncclcorn hclot‘c lhc c\cnl.\\ tuners \\ ill go through to compete til the Scottish Slam ('hampronshrps as part ol the .-\} c \\ r'rtc l‘t'\ll\.ll.
FREE We Are: Fuzzy Felt Folk & Country Crafting! Sun I .\'. \lacSot‘lc) .\_ ~13 .latttatca Sitccl. 34h 85M. 3 7pm. Sec [‘lcllll't‘. page I". John Cooper Clarke Sun I \lill'. lliL‘ .-\r‘chcs. 253 .v'sr'g}lc Street. 5(35 lllllll 8pm. f l 5. St't' plclllt't'. l‘t'ltm.
Cryptic Nights lllll 5 \lat'. (‘t‘.:\. 350 Sauchrchall Street. 152 l‘lllll, Rpm. £5. .-\
It makes us inordinately happy to be able to tell you that the original and best punk
poet is gracing both Edinburgh and Glasgow with his presence this fortnight. You might have seen him reciting his work on the end of that Joy Division video, you might be old enough to have seen him opening for The Sex Pistols or the Buzzcocks back in the day, you might recognise him from recent Ian Curtis biopic Control, or you might have only started reading this because you thought the picture was Cate Blanchett playing Bob Dylan. Whatever. Now we’ve got your attention, we insist that you go and see this man, because he’s great, and opportunities like this are very very rare indeed.
I Edinburgh, Cabaret Voltaire. Sat 28 Feb: G/asgow, The Arches. Sun 7 Mar.
ncxs monthl) night. tun l\_\ l‘hcattc ('tsptic. aiming to hrmg emergent artist. lilmmakcts .tnd tx‘r'tormcrs into the puhltc c_\c. \\llllsl celebrating the possibilities ot the (T -\ .is .t \cntrc l’hctc‘s .r special meal dcal .i\.ril.rhle. with talks or twrlornranccs. lolloucd hx lr\e lllll\l\ lhts month. llatc \\ ircs rcrnxcnl classical lllll\l\ Karaoke Rockstar lllll < \l.rt. The sports (ale. 2": “l hauchtchall Sttccl. Nl‘lll l‘lt‘t' l‘k'll‘lt‘ {‘ll‘lll l’llltl k.ll.titkt‘ .l hit too tamc ' Rcalh “ant to proxe )our rock slat mclllc ' \\ lr_\ rtot hop tip rrt ltoitt ol .r lt\c rock hand. \stth hacking singers. and unleash soul rttttct .-\\l ’ \ccdlcs to s.l}. \\ c .uc tux (it in if .ll‘t‘lll this FREE Kelvingrove Lost World: Closing Event lllll 5 \lar. Kelnngrosc .-\r't (iallcr) & \ltiscum. \tgslc Sttccl. To ”5"” (‘onan l)o_\lc and llaiutn cclt‘l‘lallolls ltll lllt‘ L‘lltl ol lillc l osl \\itl'ltl Rt‘dtl ll.\ .llstt \\t\lltl lltle l).l}' ’41]! I” [lit [4H] “l”/(/ Rt'u’t/
FREE Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes limit-ll ('ollcctron. Illhll l’ollokslt.i\ss Road. IN” 255” l‘nltl Mon .1 Ma}. .\lon 'llru t\ Sat lllam 5pm. l'l'l tk Sun llam 5pm \\ith hcrocs. gods. monsters. .rthlclcs. music. drama arid philosoph} rampant. there was nc\ct a dttll moment lll :\ncrcnt (iicccc llumungous ithat's an ancient (ir'eck \Hll‘tll t‘tlllt't‘lltlll til t'\llll‘lls .tlltl mtcr'actnc sttrll
FREE A Healing Passion: Medicine in Glasgow Past and Present lluntcr'ian \ltrscum. ('rrlhcr‘t Scott Building. l'nner'stt} ol (ilasgoxs. 3 it)
423 l. ‘).3llam 5pm. l’cr'mancnl drspla) c\plot‘rng maior‘ and lesser knoun figures in Scottish medicine.
Mackintosh 100 The (ilasgou School ol' .-\t't. lo? chlt'cu Str'cct. 35,i 453». [mil .\lon .‘stl .\'o\. 'l'rmes tar}. (the lot thc cetttcrt;rr'_\ ol 'l‘hc Mackintosh Building at the (ilasgou School ol' :\t’l. a programme of cshrhrtrons. talks. tours and tlcll\ lllcs ill lltt‘ school and lllc L‘ll} 's olllcl' Mackintosh \cnucs ha\c been planned. Sec \ssstsgsaacuk lot more rnl'or'matron ol' mdn idual merits. l’urr of .S'mr/uml'i l/llllll't'lillllIlL' SHIN.
Fairs & Festivals Silent Art Auction Morllgottlct‘} 's ('ollcc llousc. ‘) Rtltlllol' Slt‘ccl. 5.57 ltthti. llid l'or‘ \sor‘k by local artists. and support Yorkhrll (‘hrldt'cn's llosprtal. ("losing cwnl. Saturda} 2| March. (rillpm. Model Rail Scotland Hi 20 Sun 22 l‘eh. Sli('('. l’innicston Qua}. 03700-10 40M). l lam 8pm. £8 (\scckt'lltl ticket L' lot. 'l‘hc model rail exhibition tires up its engines for another _\ear' ol tll\[il;l}\. next designs and practical ad\ ice. and new {Jone all Ringo Starr. ‘('hull chull '. said James the Red lingtne. LENTfest Wed 35 l'ch Sun 12 Apr. Various Venues. 433 9553. Times tar}. l’riccs \ar}. Annual lirrtlthasetl arts l'csmal organised h} .-\(i.'\l’ (Archdiocese ol (ilasgou Arts Project) l’caturrng music. theatre. lilm. dance and \ isual art. The Fairtrade Experience Sat 38 l-‘ch tk Sun 1 Mar. Rinal (‘onccn Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. I lam (rpm. L'l. See Hit List.
Politics Scotland Stop the War Coalition Conference 2009 Sat 3| l‘ich. littiu'rstl} olUlasgots. Sir ('harles Wilson Building. Kelxin Way. 330 200]. lllam. suggested donation £5 £25 (The conference is free to as) lum seekers. Help sponsor a ticket: £6). See Hit List.
50 Years of Astronomy Though the Eyes of a Magician Wed 25 Feb. (ilitsgtm Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. llx7l5 40H”). 6.30pm. £5.50. Professor John Brovm. Astronomer Royal for Scotland gives a retrospective \‘lCW ol~ astronomy through the ages. and its increasing revelations of how the magic of‘ the night sky works.