

ti: Royal Scottish National Orchestra First of two concerts in which the RSNO'S hugely charismatic Stephane Deneve (pictured) homes in on great ballet scores. At around an hour long, Ravel‘s Daphnis et Chloe is his longest work and widely regarded as his masterpiece. This is a rare chance to hear the complete score accompanied by surtitles telling the story. Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 28 Mar; Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Sat 29 Mar.

=§= Edinburgh Youth Orchestra One of the best youth orchestras in the country. EYO meets and rehearses every Easter holidays with the fruits of the 100 or so young musicians" week—long COurse being the annual Easter concert. This year. popular Scottish faces feature Garry Walker as conductor and RSAMD Principal John Wallace as soloist and trumpeter. Festival Theatre, Edinburgh. Sat 29 Mar; City Hal/s, Glasgow. Sun 30 Mar.

ti: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: IRCAM Summer School Concert The Paris- based Ircam, the world's leading centre for composition and research in electro-acoustic music collaborates with the BBC 880 in a UK first. A pre-concen talk (6.30pm) by Jonathan Harvey focuses on how technology has introduced a radically new creative environment for contemporary composers. City Halls, Glasgow, Thu 70 Apr.

(‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 Ntlllll. hprn. {l3 iundci‘ It“ £5; chrldr‘cn l‘r‘ccr. Big: \ci'ccn nurnhcr‘x li'oin lhc RSNU‘x nc\\ \xxixlant (‘onduclorp l)a\ id l);lll/lll;l}L‘l'.

I Strathclyde University Symphony Orchestra: American Essences Baron} llall. (‘axilc Sim-i. 53 soon 8pm. £8 ith; \[lltlt‘llh Hi. 'l’uncx l'rorn thc ;\rncrrca\ such as ('harlcx lu‘x' Scrum! MIN/Ilium. Aaron ('opland'x .l/r/nr/iii liiiiii Spring and llcclor Villa-lulu“. (iiiiiiir (Ii/ii (TIN,

\\ ith Srinon ~l‘hackcr iguriar pla} cr C\lt‘;iol‘dlll;lll'cl and (icrard Dohcrl) iconduclor'l.

Thursday 3 -


FREE Rudsambee National (lallcr‘) oi'

Scotland. lhc \loiind. l’rinccx \liccl. “24' “2"” ti ti "Will I naccoriipanicd \oiccs in harnion}. 'ailh cail} lilthlc to conlcriipoiai} and \ci'llhll. and \«ill:\ lrorri around lllc 'aorld

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Director’s Notes (,liic-t-iik llall. V W (lcrk \lrccl. No lel‘l " lllpin U LI‘ l’l.illl\l (hirslian /acharia~ dirctlx an cxcnriif: of llccthmcn (ii/rial»: 1).! mm, I’iiriru ( win t iii: \u _‘ and \.Hi,'»/'iwi:. \ii ti


Ea kirk

I Scottish Opera: Cinderella l'l ll (lllt‘llld. lalltrrlt loun llall. \\c\l llr'idgc \[rm-L ill ‘11 Slum“) a ltlpm LI: iLIlli \L'L‘ lllk' l

Friday 4 ' '


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Director’s Notes (‘irx ll.lll\. ('andlcrrjgggx. ‘5‘ Milli). " Sct- 'l‘liii i

lelll Llll t“

Glasgow I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}a| ('onccrt Hall. I

Sauchrchall Sin-cl. ‘5‘ Mill“ Allpin. Ll“ [3”. ll hc RSNU l‘a\olllllc\ \cl‘lL'\ (UllllllllLN unh ‘( ir'cal Riixxianx'. a cclchialron ol lhc l'L‘ldlltllthp hcluccn Scotland and Rll\\l;l. .i\|c\andcr l.a/ar‘c\ conduclx Rachliranlnm '\ poucrliil Slurp/rum .\l' .l. Slim rnxk) \

l’ir i'r'liniuilu II'r'Hl ‘I/ii l'ii‘ll'\ '\ Kin' and 'l'cllarkm \k} \ Iii/iiiliir '\ Ix lie I St i'ni' mini ‘I.iiui'm' (Illt'k’lll.. \\ ilh \opl'allo llalcrrna Shchci'lxichcnkii.


I The Metropolitan Opera: Puccini’s La Boheme ('iiirico. 38 llornc Slr'ccl. llXTl Til-l 3on3. (Lillprn. £35 iL'Ill; incinth (I75lli. .loin lhc .\'c\\ York .\lclr‘opolitan ()pcr'a loi‘ Puccini‘s l.u Ito/mm; \lill'l'lllg thc lllL‘\lllL‘l'l\lll:._' .-\ng_'cla (illL‘Ul’lellll. Scr'ccncd Inc and in high dclinrlron.

St Andrews

I Cupar Choral Society Yoiingci' Hall. North Str'ccl. lll 33-1 4033M. illlprn, L'thc. lalgar'x I’lii' Hmmr u/ (ii-niiiiiirx conductcd h} ('Iarr‘c l.ri\lor'd. \\ ith a |rlllc hclp trorn llclcnxhui‘gh ()l'dlttl'lil Slit‘lt‘l).


FREE Organ Recital: Simon Thomas Jacobs (llihgtuk l'iincr'xrt} \lcrnor‘ial (‘hapcl 'l'hc Squarc. ()l'l‘ l'nixcrxrt} .-\\cnuc. 5.|5prn. Rccrlal ol \\or'l\\ h} \lcxxracn. JS llach and lhc (tinny/i Sriili' h} lll/cl.

I The National Children’s Orchestra of Scotland 8. The National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland l{o_\al ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchrchall Strccl. ‘53 Xlllll). 7pm.

(ll) (I—l. 'l‘hc National ('hlldi'cn'x ()r‘chcwtr'a ol Scotland pcr'loi'in lici‘lio/‘x popular ()i i‘rlim' li' (‘ii/‘iiiiiii/ Romain and Vaughan \VillrainV [JUN/(NI Simp/iom alongsrdc 'l‘hc \atronal Ja// ()rchcwlra of Scotland \\ ho \\ ill pci‘lorin a \clcclion ol' .\incr‘rcan hr; hand lamurrtc»


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Zacharias (‘)llL‘Cll.\ llttll. 5'7 8‘) (‘lL‘rlx Str'ccl. ooh’ Illl‘l. 3.3llprn. U2 iL'5 WI. (‘hr'ixtian /acharra\ ix gtrcxt pianixt in a pr'ogr‘arnrnc that includL‘x .\lo/art\ ()lim' Qiiiirti i' iii /' and Piano Quintet III (i mrriur. and chcr\ Mn-nm/c in (i 0/; HM \Vrth lllc SH) linxcrnhlc,

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra lit-dual 'l‘hcairc. I.‘~ 3‘) .\'icol\on Sli‘ccl. 53‘) (Mill. (\prn {Ill £28 lCUllL'C\\l\‘ll\ dMlllitl‘lCl. Scc Sat 5.

FREE St Giles’ at Six: Wayne Weaver St (irlcs' (lithcdral. Royal Milc. 230 llo"_‘~. tiprn. ()rgan Rcciial of lllll\lL‘



I A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé ( lian \loi. E 1l “14 (ii-cal \\c\lcin Road, thlNl tilNlllNl l5pnr L I” lhc \alional \outh ()rchcxlia of \cotland Stringx pla} rnuxrc h} Hinton ()ii and a ncxx “oil: h} l'd\\ald llal'pCl \llhlc \tartx at fr l‘pin

I La Traviata Rovil (‘onccri Hall. 2 \‘aiicliit-liall Sim-i. ‘51 xooo :opm

L l .\ 5H {‘1 l'llcn Kcnt and ()pcra lnicinatronal prcxcnl lhc tragic talc of \L‘al‘lllf; paxxron. \crdi'x Htlhlalltllllg inlcrprctatron of onc ol lhc hcxl knoun loxc \tor‘icx of lhc I‘llh ccntur}. Iii [hi/iii" our (unit lltl‘


I Madama Butterfly l<o_\.il (‘onccii Hall. 3 Sauchrchall Sll‘ccl. 35‘ Still“. Tulllpln U35” [3| lillcn KL'lil plCu‘llh l’uccinr'x hcar'thr‘cakrng \tor‘} ol a hcarrirlul >oung Japancxc girl \\ ho lallx in lo\ c \\ ith an .'\rricrrcan naxal licutcnant.


I NYCoS National Boys Choir Si Mar} \ liprxcopal ('athcdral. 23 l’alrncNmt l’lacc. 237 285i). 3pm. till ith; \choolchrldr‘cn [Ir Madc up ol thc llllllttl' ('orpx. National Bop ('hori‘ and ('hangcd Voicm. thc )oung \orccx pci'lor‘rn lhc \xor‘ld prcrnrcrc ol 'l'orn ('iiniiiirgharn‘x Sui-mi l’lum'ri um! (I (‘mnm Rink in a prograrnrnc ol' \acrcd and \L‘Clllttl' lllllle‘.


I Scottish Opera: Cinderella 'l‘hc \Vchxtcr Mcrnor‘ial 'l'hcatrc. ()4 High

\‘IIL‘CL ll12-1l 4:<\lhl \t‘t‘ ltlL‘ l


I Madama Butterfly lx‘mal t‘oiitcii Hall. I \auchlcllall \lrccl. “l \lNNl

E ‘llprn LIN <ll 1‘1 \cc lirc \

afar-"c, :ftg‘: ,~ ~ 5 l E

zllpin tl~1itl2~


I Scottish Voices (ilaxgoxx l lll\t'l\ll_\ ('onccil llall.l nixcrxii} \wnuc. “ll 4”": I lit :I‘lll Llhc l'llxclnl‘lcol unacciirnpanicd \xoriicnK with

9% FREE BBC Scottish

‘75} Symphony Orchestra: IRCAM Summer School Concert t 'io llallx (Kindlcrrggx. 3‘ Mill“ E ‘llpin lrckctcd lhrs pcr'loirnancc. conduclcd h\ llan \olkm. rncludcx a ncxx \xork l\_\ Jonathan ll.tl\t‘} and m“ hc rccoidcd tor llllt~ Radio Vs [lull imil \i’H


I La Traviata l’l.l}llilll\t'. IS" 33 (irccnxidc l’lacc.lli\~1-1 M“ ltitill " lllpnr £8 35 L M So \crdr\ opcra ahoiil lhc paxxronaic. \‘Ull\lllll[‘ll\t‘ \ iolctta. pi‘cxcntcd h} l'llcn lx'cnr Inn-irrational and thc l'krainran \alional ()pcra ol ()dcxxa I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Adventurer ()uccn'x llall. HT 3‘) ('lcrk Strccl. (this lel‘l " lllprn Ll.‘ «U L‘ll 'l‘i'ulx \lork play llallgrrrnxxon‘x t t/lt' (‘rlIIr ('I‘Irt ()I’ .‘VI. Sll.lll\\‘ .llr'limrur/i/iim‘rr and Stuart \lacRac'x liin lii'i. ('onductcd h} John \‘toiggardx


I Band of HM Royal Marines Scotland ('ai‘ncgrc llall. liilxl l’oil. UHN.‘ (illlllll, 7 lllpin [X ilf‘i ’l m cw; popular conccr'l \L';l\Hll lcaliirrng: lllll\l\ l'rorn thc L‘l;l\\lL'\. \ll(l\\\. lllrnx and his hand cra

33‘ l lllth‘ISl/ly o/t llilSt’tWV

‘70 “rot-'0

27' Mar—1’; Apr 2‘7}: THE LIST 85