MuSic Classical


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days belore publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Indicates Listpicks entry


FREE Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kelyingroye Art (iallery (k .\llI\L'lllll. Argyle Street. 276 9599. Mon Sat 1pm l'rce lunchtime organ recitals eyery day by dillerent organist»

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series ('ity' Halls. ('andlertggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £9 £21.50. Vitsfll) Sinaixlxy drop\ into the “HP SSH tor Het'lIo/K ()i'erlure: l.e (‘nruunz lieethoyen‘x \iu/m ('um'erru. \HHI .lttlllL‘S lihnex on solo yiolin. and Walton'\ Syrup/mm .\'u /. With a pre-concert prelude at 6.45pm and a coda alteryyards leaturing liai'tok\ R/tu/MmA .Vn .2.

I Mr McFall's Chamber l'.tt\l\\t)tltl Park 'l'healre. icastyyood Park. Rouken (ilen Road. (iil'lnock. 577 4970. 7.30pm. £l2 (£81. Reyered l'olltlorixt littllll\lt Henderson described (iI‘I'I. piper and composer Martyn Bennett's linal masterpiece. as 'brayc. new music‘. Highlighting it as part ot a tour that celebrates the all too short lite ol mayerick musician Bennett. Robert Meliall and string-playing colleagues play (irir along yy ith other music that crimes classical. traditional and tall.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Schubert - a Musical Portrait to“ n Hall. Sandgate. 0| 292 6| I222. 7.30pm. £14 £17 l£3 £51. ()Iari tilts eotldtlelx the orchestra and (ierman bass-lmritone Stephan l.oges in an eyenittg ol‘ Schttbert.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Schubert - a Musical Portrait (‘iiy Halls. (‘andleriggx 353 8000. 7.30pm. £10 £23. See Thu 27.


I Edinburgh International Harp Festival Merchixton (‘ttstle School. 294 ('olinton Road. 478 8-1-16. l'ntil Wed 2 Apr. Timex \ary. £7 £l0 tl‘ree £8). Si\ day music lestiy'al deyoted to harps of all shape and sl/e. (‘oncertx \yorkshopx and classes for all leyelx including complete beginners. I’url utt'eiliilh (‘u/lure.

Royal Scottish National

Orchestra liextiy'al 'I‘heatre. 13 29 Nicolhon Street. 529 6000. 7.30pm. £l0~-£28. Stephane Ileneye (UlltltlL‘lx orchestra and \yordlexs chorus in Ray'e|\ passionate ballet [hip/mix er ('Iiloe lyy ith surtitled textl in a programme ol‘ \enxttoux French music. including Rotixxel'x Symphony No 4 and Saint-Saenx' (‘ellu (‘oneerro .\'o /. leaturing Stet en lxxerlix on the cello.


I Broughty Operas Spring Concert \Vhtteltttll Theatre. I: Belllield Street. 0l382 4349-10. With singers Linda ()rmiston and James Nicol. and John Scrimgeour on piano.

Isle of Mull

I Mr McFaII's Chamber An Tobar. Argy'll Terrace. Tobermory. 01688 302 211. 8.30pm. £l0. See Thu 27.

Nr Milngavie

I Elgln Piano Trio Mugdock Country Park Visitor Centre. (‘raigend Visitor Centre. (‘raigallian Road. 956 6100. 7.45pm. £l7 (£151. Trio of \iolin. cello and piano perform light classical

84 THE LIST 27 Mar—l0 Apr 2008

repertoire \Vith :\ll\itll 'lhomxon. l l\.t ('oxyie and lzleanoi “Htlgl‘llixttlt. The ticket cost lllc'llltlL‘\ a bullet supper and

Glasgow FREE Organ Recital: Cyril Baker Renlicld St Stephen's ('hurch. 260 Bath Street. 332 2826. 1pm. ()rgan recital I Camerata Scotland (‘iiy 11a11\. ('andleriggx. 353 8000. ".30pm £10 lirench conductor Diego Maxxon \HH direct The National Youth Orchestra ol Scotland's prepriilexxional chamber orchestra through .111 iinaginatiye and energetic repertoire. Joined by the young “HUSH PlttlHSl |.eon .\lc(‘ayyley. the ensemble yyill perlorin Ray el‘x I’ltlllt' ('um ('I'In. The same composer'x popular .l/Ullu‘l' (iimyi' \tllle 1\ tt|\o on the till]. a\ l\ l.lgcti\ ('um ertu Ronni/um attd “idl'ltlk‘S liyely Ronni/mm Ilimi m. ,6 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Satleltteltttll Street. 5.5.3 8000. 7.30pm, £|0 £30. See in 28.


I Canty ('anongate Kirk. I53 ('anongale. 7. 30pm. £|01£7i. ('anty. the tour leiiiale \(HL'L'S ol (‘appella Noya sing a l5tli century lt'tslt ()l'lice l'or St

P; trick'x Day. £53 Edinburgh Youth Orchestra l‘extiyal ’l‘hcalre. l3 2‘) Nicolxott Street. 529 6000. 7.30pm. £12 £|5 «£9 £|2l. (iarry Walker conducts a concert ol' music by ('opland ll'im/ure for the (’ommuu .lIu/i l. Mahler l/‘tl'y! Symphony) and lluniinel l'l'rimipel ('uni-errul featuring \olot\l John Wallace. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Schubert - a Musical Portrait Queen's Hall. 87 89 ('lerk Street. 008 2019. 7.30pm. £8 £25. See Thu 27.

Dundee I Dundee Symphony Orchestra Concert (’ait'd Hall. ('ity Square. 01382 4349-10. 7.30pm. £10 i£8; child lireel. The orchestra perl‘ormx works by Beethoy'en and 'l‘chailtoy sky under the guidance ol' conductor Robert Dick.

I Broughty Operas Spring Concert with Linda Ormiston, James Nicol & John Scrimger Whitehall 'l‘heatre. 12 Belllield Street. ()l382 4349-10. See l‘ri 28.

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Glasgow FREE Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Kely‘ingroy e Art Gallery & Mtixeunt. Argyle Street. 276 9599. 3 3.45pm. Sunday Promenade concerts with dil‘l‘erent orgattistx. I Canty St Andrew‘s in the Square. St Andreny Square. 559 5902. 7.30pm. £l01£71.See Sat 29. Edinburgh Youth Orchestra (’in Halls. ('andleriggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l2 £l5. See Sat 29.


FREE Sunday Morning Music: Live Music Now National Mtixeurn of Scotland. (‘harnberx Street. 247 4-122.

l lam. Enjoy the sweet \otlttds ol' talented young professional Itllhic'tttnS ax you luck into brunch at the intixeuni'x (‘ttl'e Delox. Today. lt'\ the \lttelthttt duo ol l‘eargus Hetherington. Violin. and Matthew McAllister. guitar.

FREE St Giles’ at Six: The Consort of Voices St (iiles‘ ('athedral. Royal Mile. 226 0673. 6pm. Eyening concert from the Edinburgh- based chamber ensemble.

I Isabelle Moretti Merchixton (‘astle School. 294 (‘olinton Road. 478 84-16. 7.30pm. £10 (£81. Harpist Moretti is joined by the Edinburgh Quartet playing works by' Rod. Eddie McGuire and Andre (‘aplet's (‘onre I-imrusrique based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque ofrhe Red Death. Parr offer/id}: Culture.

SCOTTISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Queen‘s Hall. Edinburgh. Thu 10 Apr; City Halls. Glasgow. Fri 11 Apr

It‘s not often that a new orchestral commission has its world premiere in Strathpeffer. but that is what happened in the case of Stuart MacRae‘s Scottish Chamber Orchestra commission. Birches. In a reversal of the usual way of these things, it is Edinburgh and Glasgow audiences who have had to wait in line - behind Fort William and Findhorn - to hear the 31-year-old composer's latest work. Explaining the reasoning behind the scheduling, SCO Managing Director Roy McEwan says: ‘The piece was commissioned for Highland Year of Culture 2007. so that‘s why we gave the premiere in Strathpefier, but we very much wanted to bring it back into our mainstream

series and to give it wider circulation.‘

Originally from lnverness. MacRae first captured the public‘s attention when he won the 1996 Lloyd‘s Bank Young Composer‘s prize when the BBC Philharmonic gave the first professional performance of Boreraig. a piece inspired by a visit to a deserted village on Skye. A period as Composer in Association with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. the premiere of his Violin Concerto with Tasmin Little at the 2001 Proms and his Edinburgh Festival opera, The Assassin Tree have all combined to bring heightened recognition. Birches was written while MacRae was living in Germany.

“Whenever I thought of home,‘ he says. ‘I found my head filled with images of the stands of birch trees that spread across the hillsides and streamsides

of the Highlands.’

According to McEwan, the piece is ‘very typical of Stuart's music. It is very finely crafted with lots of atmosphere of the countryside around where he

comes from.‘

Alongside Birches, the SCO programme another recent addition to their repertoire, Hailidi Hallgriimsson's Cello Concerto, written in 2003. “We wanted to give repeat performances to two SCO commissions.‘ says McEwan, ‘and this one is such a strong piece.‘ (Carol Main)

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I Gala Piano Recital Town House. Haddington. 01620 826725. 7.30pm. £25. The third in lladdington ('oncert Society \ annual series ol‘ gala piano recitals presentx Serbian pianist .»\Iel\\andar .‘ylad/ar. bron/e ltledttllhl in the 2002 Leeds Piano ('ompetition. Playing Beethoy en. Debitsxy and (‘hopin. Mad/ar also joins the audience tor a champagne reception complete yy ith tiny chocolate pittttox. .1 Glasgow

I A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé ()ran Moi. 73l ~ 735 (ireat Western Road. 08700 600100. 5.15pm. £l0. John Adams‘ Shaker [Jul/H. Bartolt'x

Drierrinienrn arid new work by Kirxty Blackyyood. Mtixic starts at 6.l5prn.


I Javier Sainz and Linnaea Merchixton (‘axtle School. 29-1 (‘olinton Road. 478 84-16. 3pm. £9 i£71 children under 12 treel. Lowland and Highland music performed on the clarxach from

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Sainl. plus traditional Nordic 1110\1L on the harp lrorn Linnaea. I’url or (‘ei/iilli (ii/lure,

[fi‘jif—ZTJ'L’Z'5'2' ’i .. _ _l Glasgow

I Guitar CD Launch Rattixhortt 'l‘heatre. 98 lngrarn Street. 552 3489.

H5 2pm. £3. .\lU\1L' lroni Scotland. Italy. Germany. South America and Spain lroin Peter .-\rgondi//a and lil\ guitar.


I Scottish Opera: Cinderella Motheryycll (‘oncert Hall. ('iyic ('entre. Windinillhill Street. 01698 302999. 7.30pm. £l41£l0r ()neol the leading 'bel canto' operas ot the 19th century. Rossini's ('milere/lu IS an entertaining and engaging light comedy and a showcase tor yocal fireworks with a great linal aria. Sung in English.

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I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic Bites Royal