5)? /«' ’l.’(3.'.",

. Tenors llrealte. \l‘l‘t':~ \rrt-t-r tr1i411"‘rrtrrr \t‘tlr 11-1 L5 :T'r Uttetailt .:tt.r\ mtl popular \llri‘.k \HITL'S trnrr. the Semirxh trio «'2 tenurx. rurtreti h}

llere‘p. ( 1.1!}. from Stuttrxh llpera

irrrtr .r'r' Nicholas Nowicki Sr (irleV lathe-ital. l<r-}.rl \lllt‘. :3“ W)“:

1.7 I5r‘rrr lrrrrt htrme piano \Hlkk'll

I Johann Strauss Gala l'extnal lltt'altt'. i" :‘l\lurl\i~ll\ltt‘t‘1.{z‘lmlllll .T “rpm LI“ 1?." «Ll-1 tilt Returning: lur .rrruthet \r‘alHth‘.‘ riertnrrrrante. thrx ll|.l'.,'l\.ll \huxt retreatex the e\tr.r\.rj,'.inte .lllrl \r‘lerrriurrr tut the lMlllHHlllS Ht l‘lth

t errtrrr} \ .enna. '3.th .r trrll rrrt‘hextra .rrrtl tiarrteh perturrnrnj: the lllllSlk. tiante .rntl \HTTL' or the \lt.rtr\\ lallrrl}

I Opera from The Met ( amen. W Home Street. UV] ~H1 3!th (rpm L35 IL‘HI \lure hreh tlelinrtrnn opera «in the luv \t'reen tlrrett trnrrr \exi \"ruk liming rr'x l’nu rnr'x llmrwt /( u rill]. \tarrrng the turrrpellrne l rnnrxh \HIHJITU Karrta \l.rrrr|.r

I Gecko Ensemble Rertl ("uneerr Hall. ltlrnhrrrehl nnerxrt}. lirrxtu Square. (Ni 3-1.“ lie-1r lla_\iln\ \mr/r/rum \u 4-1 "/mm '. llerrrrazrrh I’m Int-Stun- In; \rrr/rgi. \rltt'lltlx. llruu/ \rnr/r/t arrtl lirrt‘tlletrrtr'x \rnr/r/rum \u I) 'I/rr' Hurru' n! 1/1. [h m". ennthrttetl h_\ .larnex lone. I Winterreise Sr (‘eerli;r\ Hall. \rtltlr} Street, lil\\ ltll‘l "~15pnrt'l-1rt‘5 {I l r. lltnrlrm ( inrhire. I).r\ rtl ()uenNorrrx and Sand} \laelhrnaltl ptexent SehrrhertK ulteratre rrraxlerpreee telling: the \tur} ul a rereetetl lmer lr.r\e|lrn;_' lrum the door iii Irrx helmet! llllit a tro/en lantlxeape.

" Kllpm L‘


I Essential Scottish Opera ,-\rr\ (itllltl lllt'allk'. (‘arrrphell Street. ill-175 “I it) iS " iillmr. t | 2 (Hill. Seultrxh

K ;\ l ill


(therak \ueeewtul hiehhehh \hrm. mum; trathtrnnal rrt‘cta l.t'~r'llT’TIL'\ \\ rrh lexwr-krrrmrr and enrrternpurar} \krrlio

St Andrews

I Benjamin Grosvenor Sr lerrnartlx Sehrml. 'l'he l’ClltlS. it] ‘~ U .1“: 12h \r‘rn L1H it”. \llltlL'lllS L5. kllllklrt'll Ll. “inner «it the BB(‘ Young; \lthreran ill the Year at the age wt 11. (irmxennr hm \rnee pertnrmetl \\ rth the lznghxh (‘hamher ()rehe\tra and the Swttrxh lznxernhle 'l‘unrght he \xrll perturm \iorkx h} Searlattr. .-\lhenr/. \le/lum \kl .rntl (‘hriprn


I The Da Vinci Piano Trio Tulhrmrh. .l.lll \\}ritl. ;5: MN)“ Spin {l4 «LIZ» \iolrnrxr 'I‘on) \lutlat. eellht Rnhert

In the and pranrxt John 'l‘huartex perturrn muxre h} Raxel anti Sehuhert

Glasgow Composers’ Sunday RSAMT). lrrrr Renlreu Street. 332 505". Ipm. Hear the JlllllUl' Aeatlem} SllltlL‘lllS perlnrrn name written h} then trrentlx. in \krtl‘h\ltttp\ and in euneertx. Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Keh rngrm e Art (ialler) tk .\ltl\L'llllT. .»\r1_'_\|e Street. 376 059‘). 3 3.45pm. Strntla} l’rumenatle euneertx u rth tlil'lerent urganixt»

Edinburgh NYOS Futures Reid (.UITL'L'l'l Hall. latlinhurgh l'nixerxrt}. Hrixto Square. (i5i)3~127. 3.30pm. £5 (£3). Rixrng \tarx nl‘ enntenrporar) llltlSlC perl’nrrn Harriwn Bii't\ii\tle\ llu' Sm n'r l/rmm'. \xith \Villram ('nnna} euntltreting. (intuit) \\ ill tllxxecl lllC preee litt' lllL' atltllL‘ITL‘c alter the perlurrnanee. I Dryden Ensemble Stuekhrittge

purpledragon productions present

(J J -Jk

It'l it'


.\ _

\\ \‘- \\,tllrtllr'_'

w;‘ “r.

ui-ntlrr r.tl rnrrr

Edinburgh Corn Exchange Thu 27m Morch


London Coventry

Thu 3rd April Fri 4m Aprrl

Bury St Edmunds Sot 51h Aprrl

Tickets available online at wwwpdplivecom

Fri 28th March Metropo/rton C armed/or York Sci 2ch March York Minster

St Pou/s C otneoro/ Coventry C othedro/

Sf Edmundsburi Cathedral

‘.-..tt at» rig-Hen?

Will Martin

or colt The Box Office on 087T 27T 515T

\nOCOr ’0“; CO .r'

84 THE LIST '-1~_‘:4 501‘ ;.\‘5

l’arrxh (’hureh. Sa\e (’uhur; Street. N‘“ 5hTS 4pm 0 15. ehrlthen LT~ Bannh the \xrnter hluex \krth \lt\/.:t‘t\ (jaunt .' '4'! mm and \.'rr':e~ it: I A4 .“~”. Sehrrrnannk Qua/rt I xrrrrzex H: I!" U," 4‘ anti lieethmen‘x (junta .'


'wr :rrtrmv ma: '4'! ."rtrrw tart: ninth :r: l " (’1‘

St Giles’ at Six: Guitars and Percussion St (inex' (athethai. Royal \lrle. 23h WV“ hpm \ programme wt rrtthre tor gurtar enxemhle .rntl marrrnha win h} the \aprer l'nr\er\rt) (ittrtar' lanxemhle


I Concert Royal Berth (‘rrnrmunrrx (‘entre. tll5il5 5tl2‘thh I itlprn LS

TU L5! .\ Berth .-\rt\ (llllltl enneert \tnh llltl\l( and reatlrnex lrom the trrne or Jane .-\tl\lt‘lt.


I Fenela Barton and Katya Apelkisheva (‘arnegre Hall. l:.r\r l’irrl. 01335 (MIMI. 5. Win t" l\lll\lk'lll\ Llr 'l‘xw )0“ng and thriamre rnuxreiam perturm .-\t'\ti l’at't\ l'rtHnw. lieetlrtn en\ Krerm'r Surrqu and Sehuhet't'x l-tmtmi .-\pelki\he\a \klll aim pertnrrn

‘ll‘harkm \k} \ I'lrr'nrr' (Ult/ \irmrrrwrx ltrr \uln piano.


I Music on Mondays RSI-\Ml). lrrrr Renlreu Street. 333 5il57. 1pm. £3. RSAMI) piano \ltltlL‘lTl .-\lL'\athlL‘l‘ Kanehrnel} \hmu till lTl\ aequrretl \krllx on the rmrrex.

I A Concert, A Cocktail and A Canapé ()ran Mitt. l3} re\ Road. (LS-7i)” 60010”. (i. l Split. L. ll). 'lllL' Serillhlt l’hilharmunie ()rehextra in a lien Spring \eaxon featuring a tlnerxe range nl name and perlurmerx. Jnxtine \Vattx IS \ inlrn \Uli)i\l in Baeh. preceded it) [in r/(' (Jim! h} 'l‘hornax Wilmn and (‘upland'x .-\/)/m/ru'/trun Spring.


I Kentigern Ensemble Ramxltirt'tt 'l'heatre. US Ingram Street. 552 343‘). l.l5 3pm. £3. The (ilaxgrm -ha\etl ehamher enxernhlex perturrn l'aure'x l’runu Quarter in (' Inrmn‘ ()p/5.

I Organ Recital: Peter Yardley- Jones(ila\gtm l'nixerxit) Merrtrrrial ('hapel. The Square. ()ll l'nixerxit} Axenue. 5.15pm. L'the. Maxie h} JS Bach. Arthur \Villx. Buxlehutle. Bridge and Franck.

Edinburgh Edinburgh Quartet Reid

('uneert Hall. lithnhurgh l'nnerxrt}. Brixto Square. 651) 2427’. llilpm. The talented lirurxume pltrx plillllSI l’eter li\an\ \hrm till their \klll\ \xrth .\le(iuire\ Smne 'I'rm and Sehunrann'x I’runu Quintet m I'. Hui.

Basquiat Strings and The

Portico Quartet The \iiritltm Rnomx. l‘)a \Vext Regrxter Street. 55h 7060. 8pm. £12. Mereur}humiliated lit/l influenced elaxxieal nuttit. featuring guext drummer Seh Ruaeht'ord r.-\eou\tre l.atl_\lanrlr. uhn mix the l‘lclllthx ot' Brahrm with the unrul} nattrre «it Mingtrx. See pre\ie\\. page ()7,


I Benjamin Grosvenor liaxtgale Theatre & Arts Centre. liaxtgate. ill 72] 725 777. 7.30pm. U) rehildren t’reer. See Sat 16.


' Ebony Duo lan Tomlin School of .\lu\ie. Napier l'nrxerxrt}. (‘rarghotrxe ('arnpux. 1.15pm. Lesle} Bell and Fiona Maelend. duo ot' elarinet and piano premiere tix e TIC“ \H)T‘k\ \peelall} eommrxxroned for their Lixe .\lu\ie Sim work in enmrnunit} \Cllllig\. ((illlpchrx

.rre (lizx er Searie. (iareth \\ rllr.r:tr~.

\laniart Spratt. (‘larre (irrttin .rrtt‘. \ttarn Suture 1 Men our for the wunth wt the rtattrral \xuritl'

St Andrews

Barbara Downie and Haviland Willshire \uuneer ll.rtl_ \unh Street.ttl 55~1»1f\.‘_‘.‘t‘ i i5 l ~15prn -\ r‘rneramrne llllk'\l ‘lhe \ultl \llranee \lrrxrt trnrn \eutlanti .rntl l-ranee‘ pl.:_\eti on the \ tuhn and piano


Ben Frith and Peter Hill (ilaxgmx l nr\er\rr_\ ('nneert llall. l'nnerxrtt v\\enrre. ziii-ill”? 1 1H .‘prn l’rueramnre wt piano thret rnrrxrt I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra l{.\'\\ll). lllll Rt‘llllt‘“ Sllk'k'l. 5:: 5 “trim L IN rUn Srephane lienme. \rtrxtre llrretrur wt the Ruth Stuttrxh \atrnnal (Trehextra. rrr.rke\ .r \l‘\'\ r.r| errexr .rppearanee to eunthret the l‘l\ lrexlra in .r programme ut l reneh mime lll\ lrrthng.‘ Herlrrr/ .rntl llehrrxxi



Live Music Now: Simon Thacker \atrr‘rtal (ialleu or Stnrlantt. l'lk‘ \lrttllltl. l’lllletN \llt't‘l. “ll it‘ll” (rpm :\ perturrnanee mt elaxxreal guitar preeex tor wln enrtar trurn .lll‘lllltl litrrupe

Glasgow I Friday Lunchtime Concert Series RS.-\.\ll). lllll Rentre“ Street. “I 5il5‘ lprn LE r£5r (‘lavreal \lu/art il)llr’/1'I lirr/Hr tutti llrtlrl [It (i. A“: \' aritl Sir/rum [w \iulr/r rrrtt/ l’rrnru rrr /. K i'" 'r grrex head to head unit the new elaxxleal Stra\ rrixk} rSurrc' llrl/lt'lrlrr'l In a enmpaie and enntraxt programme perturrnetl h_\ rnenrherx oi the Senttrxh l‘.ll\t'lllltlt' RSAMD Junior Academy of Music Competitions RSASH). lrrrr Renlren Street. “I 505“ hprn t\' (i iilpm. Sttrtlentx trnrn the aearlerrr) enrnpete lll either the l’tr/e ('rrrnpetrtrnn tor Serrttrxh Mime rlrrrm hprnr or the (irlhert lnnexx l’rr/e (‘ornpetrtrnn lur Hraxx rlrnrn h lernr


Charles Wooler \lelzuan Hall. lll'lSlit Square. 050 243" I lllprn lhe rrrganrxl platx Swim/tr m (l nut/m ()I) Iii .\'u _i’ h} \lt‘lltlk'lSSHllll. 'l’rehrtle. l‘llgtlt' antl Variatron' lrnrn Sit I’m n h} hand and lilgar'K Sunurrr .\'u / m (i nut/u; I Edinburgh Studio Opera Sr ('eerlra'x Hall. \rtltlr} Street. H73 i‘1 27‘l13-1. " Winn. UH l\llltle'lll\ Lin .-\ rlouhle hill «it harnque gernx John Blink '\ \i'nm (Ul(/.'llll”ll\. pr'rihahl} the earlrext \urx r\ In}: lanerxh opera. and sit rx trm/ (iii/alert h} llarrilel. all ahuul ll}lllpll\. \hepherrlx antl lallrng lll ll)\L'. I Primrose Piano Quartet Hrtrntrrn 'l'heatre. lad)“ ell \Va}. .\ltl\\L‘lltlllf._'ll. tllS75 ,Uitri'7-1.“.itlprrr Ll t it! Ir 'l'hrs rlrxtrngurxhetl quartet pla} \ Sehrrhert. Straum and lirahrnx.


Greenbank Recitals: Jonathan Buchan Krngk l’ark l’ilrlxll (‘hureh. 343 (‘axtlemrlk Road. 0 *3 Hi], lpm. l’art «it a regular xerrex rrl reertalx. lllh trrne on the organ. \kllll tea (tiltl errllee xerxetl atteruartlx I Glasgow Chamber Choir Sr Brrde’x liprxeupal ('hureh. (it) ll}ll(lliln(l Road. 7.50pm. 2.") IUir ()lixer Rundell ennthretx the ehrrrr lll lllitlL'l\ h} l’alextrrna. Walton. Hairstrm and Heale} eran In a programme entitled 'Srrng rrl Sunng 'l'reketx axarlahle on the drmr or lrorn ChHIT' memhers. I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rinal ('nneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 X000 7.30pm. £10 £30. Neerne Jarrr UrndUCTS a hrghl}