
I Session Fiddle RH}.IJ ('onceri llall. Birchanaii Stiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. llam Learn the popiilai xexxion iunex and the lrlc'ixS to pla)ing in a xcxxlon with Lauren .\iac(‘oll. I Ceol Mor and The Young Tradition Ro}al (ioncerl Hall: Strathclxde Siiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. W x000 ipm £l0 5o. ('eol .\lor i\ a grandxcale gathering of traditional imixiciaiix aged lb 25 that exploi‘ex the marginx between traditional muxic. Ian and coiitemporar} claxxical niuxic I The Laurels (’ii} llallx: Recital Rooiiix. ('aiidleriggx. 353 S000. (rpm. £ l0. New Scottixh trio comprixing Mairearad (ireen. Jenn Butterworth and .\1liairi Hall. pei'foi‘iiimg a largel} xoiig- baxed repertoire of traditional and original material. I Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas (‘it_\ Hallx. (aiidlei'iggx. 353 S000. 7-»3HJ‘III. £lo l'iddler Alaxdair liraxer and cclltxt Natalie Haax perform a \at‘icl} ol tiiiiex including their own coiiipoxitionx. I Emma Pollock and Brendan Campbell ('lttxxlc' (irand. IS Jtttllitic‘u Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £l2.50. (ilaxgow xiiiger lamina l’ollock performx xoiigx from her xolo album Him /i I/H’ I'll‘i'tim'ln. |0ilted b} the lolk-Inxplt'c‘d guitar-picking tunex ol Brendan ('anipbell. I Mindy Smith and Grant Campbell ()ran Mor. 73l 735 (ireat \Vextern Road. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £l2.50. Smith nialtex a \ixil to the ('eltic (‘ottllec‘llottx xtage. with l.C\ l’t‘iL‘L‘ accompaiixing her on the mandolin. I Peatbog Faeries and Breabach AB('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7.30pm. £I5. Skie-baxed xe\tet currentl} riding on the xuccexx of their fifth album ll'liui .lli'n I)('u'rt'¢' In Low. The} are joined b} traditional liw-piece Breabacli who launched their debut album laxt xuiiinier. I Griogair and Calum Stewart 3 lion ’l'heatre. (i3 'l'rongale. 353 S000. Spm. £l2.50. Rixing (iaelic xtai who releaxed hix debut album. lhiil-riiim in 2007. appearing tonight with laiti .\lacDonald. Allan MacDonald and Allan Henderxon. \Yith xupport from wooden flute pla_\er ('alum Stewart. I La Banda Europa Roin (‘oiicert Hall: .\lain Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spin. £lS (£lo). A 35- xti‘ong pan-liuropean enxemble created h} the renowned Scottixli producer. coiiipoxer and multi-inxtrumentalixt Jim Sutherland. La Banda liuropa wax lirxt heard ax part of the outdoor theatrical production Iii-tore l/Ii' lion. and liax xiiice featured on the xouiidtrack to l‘i'.\ll\'(ll. I Sylvia Barns and Nordik Tree The .\'ational l’iping (‘eiitre. 30 34 Mcl’hatei‘ Street. ('ow caddcnx. 353 S000. Spm. £ l 2. 'l‘onight‘x headliner wax \oted Scotx Singer of the Year at the 200o Scotx Trad .\liixic Aw ardx. She xharex the hill with Swedixli/liiiinixh inxtrtimental trio Nordik 'l‘ree. I vasen and Jenna Reid Ro_\al ('oncert Hall: Strathclyde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spm. £12.50. Swedixli quartet combining acouxtic iiixtrumentation with freewheeling in\ enti\enexx. 'l'he} w ill be joined on xtage b) Shetland fiddler Jenna Reid. who ix launching her xecond album. The lung/ring (iirl. I Celtic Connections Festival Club Qualit} Hotel: l.ogie Baird Suite. ‘N (iordon Sll'c‘c‘l. 555 SW)“. lll.3(lpm. £3.50 £7.50. See Thu 17. I Celtic Connections Festival Ceilidhs Ro}al ('oncert Hall: l{\hibition Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. £S. See i'Il 25.


I Opening Your Voice 1 Roxal (‘oncert Hall: Buchanan Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. l lam. £6. A workxhop to help )ou find _\our inner- .xinger with \ocal coach Harriet Buchan. I Gordon Duncan Memorial Solo

Piping Competition Quail!) Hotel. W (itlrLJUll Street. 353 S000 lpiii £5 .\ xpecial piping exent in honour of the l’erthxhire piper who died iii December 2005

I New Voices: Catriona McKay Ro}al (‘oncert Hall. Strathcl}de Siiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000, lpm £l050. A member ol the Shetland hand l‘iddlerx' Bid. ('atriona McKa} ix a fearlexx explorer on the Scottixh harp She ix joined b} l-iddlerx' Bid colleague (‘lii‘ixt Stout. electrii-acoiixtic compoxer .\ll\l.tll .\lacl)onald. Salxa ('eltica‘x l’hil .-\le\ander and \'axen co~tounder ( )lo\ Johanxxon.

I Opening Your Voice 2 Riwal ('oncert Hall: Buchanan Stine. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000 l.30pm. £0. Harriet Buchan leadx thix workxhop. teaching participantx baxic niethodx and xlqllx.

I BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year Final 2008 ('it} llallx. ('andleriggx. 353 S000. 5pm. £l2.50. A major career xpriiigboard for Scotlaiid'x _\oiiiig traditional talent. the winner of thix fiercel} -contexted cottipellllon recenex a (l) deal with l‘ool Slolllpin‘ recordx. 'l‘lti\ )c‘;ii"x contenderx are Ste\eii Blake. Am} l.ord. Jaiiiex Duncan .\lacl\'eii/ie. liwan Robertxoii. Robert Meii/iex and Ailie Robcrtxon.

I Camera Obscura, The Nilight Sad and Shutter AB('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £l5. (ilaxgow xi\-piece ('aniera ()bxcura return with their dixtincti\e brand of \ iiitage pop xparlde. joined b_\ the multi-la}ered and e\ocati\ e 'l‘w iliglit Sad and Highland inxtrtiiiiental quartet Shutter.

I Le Vent du Nord and Beoga ('laxxic (irand. IS Jamaica Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £ l 2.50. Quebec quartet on fiddle. liiii‘d}-hiii‘d}. piano. mandolin. guitar baxx and \ocalx. launching their xecoiid album Hum /¢'\ .‘lil's.

I Bagad Kemper: D’Ecosse en Cornouaille Riwal (‘oncei't Hall: .\lain Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spm. £lS Im. ('haiiipioiix of the Brittan} pipe-band xcene. thix S0-xtrong group of bagpipex. bombardx. drumx. accordion and more drum up a maxxix e xoiind.

I Chris Stout Quintet and Emily Smith Ro}al ('oncert Hall: Strathcljde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spin. £l2.50. Shetland fiddler ('hrix Stout pl;t}x from hix latext album Devi/Ti

Advocate. with xupport from limil} Smith.

who wax named Radio Scotland Young ’l'raditional .\luxician of the Year in 2002. and who will pre\ iew trackx from her upcoming third album.

I Island Tapes and Comas St Andrew ‘x in the Square. St Andrew 'x Square. 55‘) 5902. Spm. £l2.50. A multi- media experience maxteriiiinded b) Scottixh guitai‘ixt Da\'id Allixon that combitiex \intage liliiix of Scottixh ixland life with atnioxpheric ll\ e xoundxcapex. I La Banda Europa The National l’iping ('entre. 30 34 .\lcl’hater Street. ('owcaddeiix. 353 S000. Spin. £l2. A performance from xe\en memberx of the 35-xti'ong pan-liuropean enxemble.

I Maggie Maclnnes and Hemallt Tron Theatre. (i3 'l'rongate. 353 S000. Spm. £ l 2.50. Aw ard-w inning (iaelic xinger atid clarxach pla) er. joined b} Swediin trio Hemallt.

I Songs of Scotland: From a Woman’s Point of View The l'nixerxal. 5775‘) Sauchiehall Lane. 353 S000. Spm. £S.50. Hoxted b} Dorix Rougxie and featuring Maggie .\lac|)onald. ('hrix .\lilex and Siobhan Miller.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club Qualit) Hotel: l.ogie Baird Suite. 99 Gordon Street. .353 S000. l0.30piii. £3.50~£7.50. See Thu l7.

Monday 28


I Donnie Munro and GiveWay Ro}al Concert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. .353 S000. 7.30pm. £lS

~£lbi l‘he former Runrig troiitmaii ix toined b} the tour xixterx collectixel} know ii ax (ii\c'\\'.i}. w ho ha\ e lt'c‘L‘llll} returned from their debut l‘S tour

I Dick Gaughan‘s 60th Birthday Ro}al (‘oncert Hall Strathcl_\de Stiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 NH) Spm

£12 50 lo mark hix hoih birthda}. the legendar} xiiiger-xoiigwriter will be joined b} an arra} ot muxical trieiidx from down [he \JL'cdklk'S

I Findlay Napier and The Bar Room Mountaineers lite \aiioiial l’iping Centre. 30 34 \lcl’hatei Street. ('owcaddcnx. 351 S000 Spm £12 l‘hc t'oolx} progiexxixe Bar Room Mouiitaiiieerx pla} traditional Scottixh material and xoiigx b_\ Back of the Moon xtar l'indla} Napier.

I Songs ol Scotland: Immigrants and Exiles l‘he l’iinerxal. 57 5‘) Sauchiehall lane. 353 S000. Spin. £S50. Hoxted b} lxhbel .\lac.-\xlxill and featuring Jaiiiex (irahaiii. Mar} Ann Keiined} and Mick \Vext.

I Waltz and Me St Andrew 'x m the Square. St Andrew 'x Square. 353 S000. Spin. £l2.50. A new xti‘ingx-baxed project premiered at Not'wio'x 'li'lcniurk textual laxt xunimer. uniting the talenton four iiiuxicianx from Norwa}. ('anada/Scotland. Sweden and the l'SA.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()uaht} Hotel: l.ogie Baird Siiite. 9‘) (iordon Street. 353 S000. l0.30pm.

£3.50 £2.50. See 'l’hu l7.

Tuesday 29 .


I KD Lang Ro}al ('oncert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £30. The iiiiilti award— winning ('anadian xiiiger with lar)n\ of gold performx from her 200S releaxe Hare/«lied. her lirxt album of new I) written material xiiice 2000‘x Invincible Simmti'l'.

I Suzy Bogguss and Wingin’ It AB(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £l5. Bogguxx ix xpreadiiig her muxical wingx to embrace ja//. xwing Latin and cabaret-xi) le material. mixing xtandardx and originalx.

I Brian Finnegan: The Singing Tree and The Rooney Family Roin (‘oncert Hall: Sti‘athcl_\de Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spni. £l2.50. A brand new performance in woi‘dx. muxic and dance celebrating the rich muxical traditionx of the north of Ireland. liinnegan ix joined b} a l3-xtrong line-up of talent from the region. including acclaimed xiiiger (‘ara Dillon and multi aw ard- winning Belfaxt poet (Searoid .\lac l.ochlainn.

I Rod Paterson and Ross Kennedy The National Piping ('entre. 30 3-1 Mcl’hater Street. (’ow caddenx. 353 300”. SPm. £ l 2. A double bill of Scottixh folk xltIgCl‘x.

I Songs of Scotland: Songs of the Land The l'nnerxal. 57 5‘) Sauchiehall lame. 353 S000. Spm. £S.50. Hoxted b} lxhbel Machkill and featuring Kenna Campbell. Jock Duncan and Duncan \lc‘Ntth.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club ()ualit} Hotel: l.ogie Baird Suite. 9‘) (iordon Street. 353 S000. 10.30pm.

£3.50 £7.50. See Thu l7.

Wednesday 30 V '


I Shona Kipling and Damien O’Kane (‘it_\ Hallx: Recital Roomx. (‘andleriggx 353 S000. (ipm. £l0. Young .\'ewcaxtle-baxed duo featuring an unlikel} pairing of banjo and accordion. together with ()'Kane'x rexonant \ocalx.

I Classic Album: Andy Irvine and Paul Brady Ro)al Concert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 35.3 S000.7.30piii.£241£22i. Rexixit the duo'x xelf-titled I976 releaxe. which wax a landmark in lrixh mUxic and xpaw ned legionx of imitatorx. ax well ax xetting new benchmarkx for interpreting traditional material.

I Michelle Shocked and Darrell Scott .-\B(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 3.53

S000 30pm £15 l'S rootx xtar. joined b} multi-mxtruiiientalixt and xiiiger- xongwriter Darrell Scott

I Bellows s Bows leaturing Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham The Old i'l’llllllldfhc‘l. (Iiiiclleriggx. 353 S000. Spm. £ lo Scotland'x toremoxt accordion and fiddle duo. Bani and (‘uiminghanL hoxt a programme highlighting their inxtrumentx‘ kmxliip acroxx doerxe muxical traditionx I June Tabor and Harriet Earis Ro_\al (‘oncert Hall Strathclyle Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. Split. £12.50 'l‘raditioiial folk xiiiger w hoxe latext album. App/n. w ax releaxed iii 2002 to glowing R‘\lL‘\\\

I Skipinnish Showcase St Andrew 'x iii the Square. St Andrew ‘x Square. 353 S000. Spm £l2.50 A night of Highland niuxic and xoiig from actx on the Skipinmxh Recordx label

I Songs ol Scotland: The Amorous Scots The l'ni\erxal. 5“ 5‘) Sauchiehall lane. 353 S000 Spm. £S 50 Hoxted b) lxhbel .\lachi\ill and featuring l€lxpeth ('owie and Nick Ken.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club Qualit} Hotel: l.ogie Baird Suite. 99 (iordon Street. 353 S000. I030pm.

£3.50 £7.50, See 'l‘hii l7.


I Alyth and Savourna Stevenson ('it} Hallx: Recital Rooiiix. (‘andlenggx 353 S000 opin. £l0. (iaelic xiiiger Alyth .\1c('oriiiack xharex the bill with pioneering Scottixh harpixt Sax'ourna Stexenxon.

I The Duhks and Tim O'Brien AB('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £ l 5. The ('anadian tixe-piece grace (‘eltic (‘onnectioiix with their jiwlul genre- xpanning niuxic.

I The Megantic Outlaw ('laxxic (irand. lS Jamaica Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £l2.50. A new xhow by the Lewix muxician and teacher ('alum Martin. best know ii for hix (iaelic pxalm recordingx. 'l'hix folk-rock xoiig cycle lollows the xtor} of a once-celebrated figure in the frontier folklore of Quebec. who xhot a bounty hunter and then xpent ten monthx on the run.

I Voices of the World Ro_\al (‘oncen Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £lS t£l(i). (‘eltic ('oniiectionx briiigx together two fabled female choirx. ll;tl}‘\ (‘oro delle Mondine di Noxi and the Bulgarian \‘i'omen'x ('hoir. with extablixhed Scottixh collection the Aberl'eld)‘ (iaeltc ('hoir.

I Allan MacDonald and Friends St Andrew ‘x in the Square. St Andrew‘x Square. 353 S000. Spin. 1‘ l 2.50. Twice winner of the lmernexx ('laxp. renowned for hix exploration of the relationxhip between piobaireachd and (iaelic xoiig. He will be joined on xtage b) xurprixe xpecial gUCxtx.

I Fiddle Rendezvous Royal (‘oncen Hall: Strathclyde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. .353 S000. Spm. £l2.50. Three top fiddlerx offer up a dix'erxe arra} of international SQJCS. each performing with their own duo partner.

I Luka Bloom and Cara Dillon The Old liruitiiiarket. (‘andleriggx. 353 8000. 8pm. £16. lrixh xinger-xongwriter Luka Bloom performx from hix latext album Tribe.

I Songs of Scotland: Gie Me the Days When we Were Young The L'nixerxal. 57—59 Sauchiehall Lane. 35.3 8000. 8pm. £8.50. Hoxted by lxhbel Machkill and featuring Maeve MacKinnon. Adam McNaughton and

liw an Mchcar.

1 7—31 Jan 2008 THE LIST 61