I The Boston Tea Party The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour. 100 Stobcross Road. 353 81XX1.8pm.£12.50.A gathering of maior creatiye forces among the current crop of Massachusetts singer- songwriters. presented by Alistair Mooek. Kris Delmhorst. Tim (iearan and Rose Polen/ani.
I Russell’s House St Andrew 's in the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 353 8000. 8pm. £ I 2.50. A reconyening of the (His group. well known for their enigmatic mix of Scots. Irish. American and bluesy tracks.
I Songs of Scotland: Songs of the Sea The l'niy'ersal. 57 5‘) Sauchiehall Lane. 353 8000. 8pm. £8.50. l-eaturing Torn Spiers. (iriogair Labhruidh and Maeye Mackinnon. and hosted by Doris Rougy‘ie.
I BBC TV Live The Old l‘ruitinarket. ('andleriggs. 35.3 8000. 9pm. l‘ree (ticketed). A special highlights show featuring some of the top acts appearing at this year's ('eltic ('orinections festiyal. to be broadcast at a later date on BB('2 Scotland.
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Quality Hotel: Logie Baird Suite. ()9 Gordon Street. 353 8000. 10.30pm. £3.50—£7.50. See Thu 17.
Wednesday 23 . - .- .
I Ross Ainslie, Jarlath Henderson and All Hutton (‘ity Halls: Recital Rooms. (‘andleriggs. 353 8000. 6pm. £10. A trio of high energy pipe fiends from Scotland and Ireland.
I BBC Radio 2 with Mike Harding featuring Martin Simpson Royal (‘oncert Hall: Strathclyde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7pm. £12.50. Twice named as Musician of the Year at the Radio 2 Polk Awards. guitarist and singer Martin Simpson appears with his band. performing from his 2007 release Prodigal Son.
I Balkan Night AB(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 3538000. 7.30pm. £15. A three- band bill of cutting-edge roots music featuring Balkanopolis and Kries.
I Berth Jansch and Espers and Eliza Carthy Royal (‘oncert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £18 (£16). Scottish-born singer. songwriter and guitarist Bert Jansch has recently shared stages with the cream of the nu-folk crop. including tonight‘s American guests lispers. This Philadelphia outfit weaye eerie. neo- psychedelic soundscapes. with influences ranging froin the Incredible String Band to medieval and Renaissance music.
I Angus Lyon and Ruaridh Campbell Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. Accordion and fiddle duo Angus Lyon and Ruaridh Campbell are supported by Danish fiddle/guitar duo Harald llaugaard and Morten Alfred Hoirup in a yirtuoso blend of traditional and original material.
I The Boston Tea Party The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour. 100 Stobcross Road. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. See Tue
I Dougie MacLean and Cherryholmes The Old Fruitinarket. Candleriggs. 353 8000. 8pm. £16. Scotland's foremost folk/roots troubadour. renowned for his haunting music. is joined by (‘herryholmes ~ the six—piece family band who hay‘e taken the bluegrass world by storm.
I Heidi Talbot and Lissa Sehneckenburger St Andrew ‘s in the Square. St Andrew‘s Square. 559 5902. 8pm. £12.50. Launch concert for In [,UH’ and Light. Talbot's second solo album. With support from New [England fiddler and singer Lissa Sehneckenburger and her band.
I Songs of Scotland: Jacobite Songs The Universal. 57—59 Sauchiehall Lane. 353 8000. 8pm. £8.50. Hosted by Doris Rougy'ie and featuring performances from Aileen Carr. Gillebride MacMillan. Jim Malcolm and Margaret Stewart.
60 THE LIST 17—31 Jan 2008
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Quality Hotel logic Baird Stiilc. 9‘) (Jordon Street. 353 8000 10 30pm £350 £3.50 See Thti l~
I Celtic Connections Showcase Special AB('. 130 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000 7' 30pm £15. A bumper night of Scottish talent. featuring Slioogleiiifty. l)aimh. Stereocanto. the Anna Massie Band and lamily Smith
I Moving Hearts and Bodega Royal ('oncert Hall: Mam Auditorium.2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 2 30pm £20 (£18). Moymg Hearts w etc the first to open up traditional Irish sounds to the influences of rock. ftiiik and tau. and are now making a triumphant comeback w itli an all-instruinental line<up.
I The Sounds of New Scotland (‘lassic (iratid. l8 Jatttaica Street. 35 8000. 7.30pm. £12.50. Sneaky dance grooyes and feel-good tunes from Bricolage. follow ed by \Vake The President. (ilasgow —based /.oey Van (ioey and Santa 1)og known for their sparkly pop and sinister pei'tiiietei‘.
I The Boston Tea Party The fall Ship at (ilasgow Harbour. 100 Stobcross Road. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. See Tue 22.
I Duncan Chisholm’s Kin St Andrew 's in the Square. St Andrew ‘s Square. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. A multi— media meditation on family. landscape and culture by fiddler Duncan (‘hisholiir Performed by Borders singer/fiddler T,Ul‘1 Watson leading her young trio.
I Fanfare Ciocarlia and Nuala Kennedy’s New Shoes The Old Pi‘uitinarket. (‘andlci'iggs. 353 8000. 8pm. £16. The 1 1-piece Romanian brass ensemble l‘aiifai‘e ('iocarlia hay e featured in the rum ie Bonn. and won a Radio 3 World Mtisic Award in 200p. Tonight they promise to whip up a whirlwind of tunes and rhythms from Romania. Turkey. Bulgaria. Macedonia and beyond.
I Fred Morrison and Diary Royal (‘oncert Hall: Strathclyde Stiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. South l'ist (iaelic piper l-‘i'ed Morrison brings his astounding technique and inspired ilttpt‘oy isations to the (‘eltic ('onnections stage.
I Kaplin, Kane and Welch and Lissa Schneckenburger Tron Theatre. ()3 'l’rongate. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. Americana supergi'oup. joined by New lingland singer and fiddler Lissa Sehneckenburger and her band.
I Margaret Stewart and Roisin Elsafty The National Piping ('entre. 30~3~l McPhater Street. ('ow caddens. 353 8000. 8pm. £12. Sean-nos (iaelic singer launching her new (‘1).
I Songs of Scotland: Heroes and Heroines The l'niyersal. 57 5‘) Sauchiehall Lane. 353 8000. 8pm. £8.50. Featuring Margaret Bennett. Alison MacMorland and (ieordie Mclntyre. Hosted by Doris Rougyie.
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Quality Hotel: Logic Baird Suite. 9‘) (iordon Street. 353 8000. 10.30pm. £3.50-—£7.50. See Thu 17.
I Masterclass of Breton Pipe Music Quality Hotel. 9‘) (iordon Street. 353 8000. 1pm. £o. The Breton judges of the Solo Piping (‘ompetition show eyeryone how it should be done.
I Hurdy Gurdy Night (‘ity Halls: Recital Rooms. (‘andleriggs 353 8000. bpm. £10. Tonight brings together four top e\ponents of the ancient liuropean folk instrument. the hui‘dy gurdy; Patrice Villaume. Pascal l.efeu\ re and Thierry .\'ouat from France. and Andras \‘igh from Hungary.
I The Annual Piping Concert Royal Concert Hall: Main Auditorium. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm.
Two albums in, Mindy Smith is solidifying her
reputation as one of America’s most affecting songwriters. 2006’s Long Island Shores showed her gentle touch and growing prowess as a writer. Her ethereal vocal style at first brings to mind Joni Mitchell and Suzanne Vega, but underneath lies tunes influenced by gospel and Appalachian music as well as the country and folk traits she's become renowned for. Here, she plays solo at the first show before contributing to the Transatlantic Sessions on the subsequent dates.
7"- O/Jil‘ 70’. Cill’ifxqosh Se :11; ./'i'".' Rm
£13 liltil. .-\ key fi\tut'e til the (it‘lllt' ('oiinections festiyal. this year‘s Piping (’oncert features a diyei'se and distinguished line-up. headed by the Bogliall and Batligate ('aledoiua Pipe Band. Also featuring is the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland
I Blazin’ Fiddles Aged 10 Years Royal ('oncei't Hall: Matti Auditorium. _ Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £18 l£|(yl. This year is Bla/itr l'iddles tenth anniyersary and they are celebrating with a special birthday line- up including international fiddle stars Bruce Molsky. l.i/ l)oher‘ty. Antibioig lien. Harald llaugaat’d attd Archie McAllister.
I King Creosote and James Yorkston Alit'. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15. l'ence (‘ollecttye founder who is currently going from strength to strength with aptly titled 200 release lioni/n/ie/l. with support from fellow (‘ollectiye member James Yor'kston.
I Moishe’s Bagel and Ben Fule ('lassic (irand. 18 Jamaica Street. 353 8000. 2.30pm. £12.50. A headily unclassifiable 1111\ of Hunter. Balkan. ia/l. Latin and Oriental sounds from Moishe\ Bagel. with support from Swedish supergroup l)en l-ule.
I Packway Handle Band and Harem Scarem ()raii Mor. ,"31 735 (ireat Western Road. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £12.50. Packway Handle make their Scottish debut. bringing their bluegrass. old-time} sound all the way from Athens. (ieorgia. With support from Scottish quartet Harem Scaretn.
I Grace, Hewat and Polwart - in harmony with the Maria Dunn Trio Royal (‘oncert Hall: Strathclyde Surte. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm.
/ Ink", s:l4} I n‘n, 1" I A! "'1
£12.50. Three of Scotland's fiiiest liariiionists. Annie (Brace. (‘oi'iina Hewat and Karine Polwai't. ioin forces with Juno nominated singer songwriter Maria l)uim who tlcsct'lbcs llt'tscll as a storyteller in song
I Urachadh 'lioii Theatre. (‘3 lioiigate. 353 8000. 8pm £1250. l'iacliadli weayes together (iaelic music and song. narration and poetry with aicliiy e recordings and \istial protections
I Michael McGoldrick’s Band and Classic Album: Kris Drever’s Black Water The ()ld l-iuitiiiai'ket. (‘andleriggx 353 8000 ‘) 30pm £10 Met ioldrick‘s big-band line up pei‘foiiii the cutting edge (‘eltic sounds of his two stilt! ttllitlllls. I [m i/ illltl lllli'i/ “tents opening set will be a lull perfoiiiiance of his 2000 debut release. which secured him the Hori/on Pri/e for best ttcwcolllcl at the Radio 2 folk Awards
I Celtic Connections Festival Club Quality Hotel; l.ogie Baird Siiite. ‘)‘l (ior'don Street. 353 8000 10 30pm
L55” {7.5” See 'Tlltl T?
I Celtic Connections Festival Ceilidhs Royal (‘oncert Hall lashibitioii Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. i53 8000 £8 linioy a post-concert fling or a pre concert warm-up with Alastair blétchtllsll and the Black Rose (.cllldlt Band
Saturday 26
I Introduction to Fiddle - Set Up and Maintenance Royal (‘onceri Hall Buchanan Stiite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 10am. £0 Bring along your fiddle and bow for a health check from Bill McKen/ie of the Violin Shop. who'll also offer ady ice on iriaintenance of your instrument.