Bagad Kemper

Therr learsomely loud Instrurnentatlorr draws ort The Brendan Voyage

three different classes of rnstrurnents» the bagbloes Ax, :rrtzt t’ the Med-war. t r t " lbrnrou rn Breton), the percussron twhrch, lrke Scottish (j't'jftflft * 8f Hum ; 1' n t. rr ' r a pipe bands, rs rnarnly made up of snare drurnsr. and About u‘ Clrht’vf. ‘ltzl‘v I " 2" t:' :f A"

eather twat (word :3,

the hornbardes. a Breton specralrty that has been lrkened to a mrxture of an oboe and a blue chanter became Ne.-."pundut'u: w Whrle therr musrc has been trrmly rooted In the The ‘arttast" 51' rt {"01" Celtlc tradrtrons of Brrttany. they have become

Increasrngly open to wrder Influences as therr

rrnagsnatlrrh cf amt ext wr'w I rnternatronal stature has grown. The band have collaborated wrth many top musrerans. encludrng Scottrsh artrsts lrke Capercarllre lead srnger Karen Matheson and the two artrsts who wrll rorn them for thrs concert. srnger Julre Fowlrs and [Moor Fred MOFHSOH.

Just rn case the lrne»uo doesn't already muster enough orpes for your lrkrng. Celtrc COHHUCIIOHS have krndly added the Clan Gregor Socrer Prbe Band to proceedrngs as well, and rn the prevarlrng sprrrt ot ScotsBreton collaboratrons. they wrll be Jorned by two Breton solorsts. saxophohrsts Bernard le Dreau and gurtarrst and bass player Erwan Volant. tKMl I Royal Concert Hall. G/asgow. Sun 27 Jan,

Jock Tamson's Bairns play The Lasses' Fashion

There was a tune In the 1970s when Scottrsh tradrtronal musrc langurshed Ill the doldr‘ums of dusty collectors lrbrarres and all that could be heard from the folk pubs and clubs were Chrettarns' songs and Chrrsty Moore. Then. rn 1982. Jock Tamson's Barrns released The Lasses' Fashron and the Scottrsh tolk musrc reyrval was underway.

Thrs (llélSSlC album grg —- part of a ne y sertes that was Introduced to Celtrc Connectrons last year ~ rs gryen an arrrng by the orrgrnal lrne-uo of JTB. Bod Paterson. Norman Chalmers. John Croalu Derek Ho». larn Hardre and Jack E\ans. who all look as sorrghtly as the\ drd back to the day It rs one of the most refined and revered eolleetrons of Scotttsh songs of the past 30 years. pdeCO wrth deftly played and lowngly Interpreted \’Bl’SlOllS or songs such as 'The Braes'. ‘O' BalguhroCter'. ‘Lad‘. Keth's Lament'. 'The Skyeman's \l.g' and 'Jehm Dang I'te Weaxer' delrvered tn a haze 0" moles. wnrstles. squeeze boxes. tBWS barb. harmonlca. gurtar am bodhran drums. It was r-adreal rn rts am but true to the sprrrt of the long-handed down songs. Today I sounds as fresh as ex er. And. as rf r: needeo an, greater recommendatroh w >re needeo. ;t as \oteo by chharo Thomosm as One of hrs top ten albums of all trme alongsmle eftons by Elus Presley The Platters and The Smrths lRDr I Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Fr: 7 Feb.

Liam O'Flynn

Jock Tamson‘s Bairns

16 THE LIST 17—31 Ja" DOCS

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