
Frank Skinner Stopping oft on his national tour, the Midlands wag waxes about getting older. Clyde Auditorium, G/asgow, Thu 22 Nov.

Mllton Jones The one-liner merchant returns wrth a blizzard ot gags and some character creations. See preView. The Stand, Glasgow. Mon 79 Nov: [he Stand, Edinburgh, Trio 20 Nov.

Reginald D Hunter You know what to expect: a barnstorming act full of nourishment for your mind and exercise for those funny bones. The Stand, G/asgow, Thu 22-—Sat 24 Nov; The Stand, Edinburgh, Sun 25 Nov.

Matt Berry You may have seen this guy Wig out with the Boosh boys and here he plays tunes from the comedy shows he's laid his odd hands upon. See Profile. Cabaret Vo/taire. Edinburgh, Sun 25 Nov; King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. Glasgow. Mon 26 Nov.

tor Positiy'e Voice. a support group tor those Iiy'ing yyith and atlectcd hy hepatitis. Nice comedians such as ('harlie Ross will be performing tor l'ree.


Frank Skinner (‘lyde Auditorium. l-‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 8pm. £20. The former comedy partner ot' Day id Baddiel continues his heavily—anticipated return to the touring circttit.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(' Building. l l Rent‘reyy Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. £8. Thursday night shenanigans at Jongleurs come courtesy ot‘ Martin Bigpig. Sarah Millican and Stey e llttt‘l‘ls.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \thtdlattds Road. 0870 000 (3055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6 £3 members). ()k'. are you ready"? Reginald I) Hunter. master ol. the straight talking comedy set. is on. So is Altin (‘ochrane. supremo ot~ language and story ~hased stand-up. So is Scott Agneyy. Nick Morrow and M(‘ Susan (‘alrnan (in. .\'oyy.


Improbabee The ()uthouse. l2a Broughton Street Lane. 557 6668. 8pm. £3. See Thtt l5.

Heresy The Jekyll & Hyde. I I2 llanoy er Street. 225 2022. 8.30pm. £3. See Thu l5. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £" (£0425 nieniltersl. What else are you going to do this ey ening'.‘ It's a Thursday. you'ye got work toinort'oyy. .so take off those gladrags and go and .see some comedy instead.

yy ith MC Vladimir McTay ish. Rey ercnd Obadiah Steptwnyyoltc lll. Liam Mclineaney. Sian Beyan and Andreyy Learmonth.

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Budding. ll Rentreyy Street. “8‘0 78" 070" 8pm £l2 It‘s the same corrtcdtan kittens as yesterday hut yy rth '\lc\ Boardman and Tony (ierrard instead Hl Stcye llarl'ls

The Stand 'l he Stand. 3 33 \Voodlands Road, 0870 hi )0 (loss 8.30pm. £0 «£8 £5 merrihersi They‘re still here? Reg l)' .-\lun (‘ochranc' Scott Agneyt' Nick Morroyy' .-\nd M(' Stisan ('altnan' .-\ll hall to The Stand tor their line-up ot dreams. Heresy ()‘Henry's. I4 l)rury Street. (ilasgoyy. 2-18 3751. ‘lprn. £5. See Hi to


Laughing Horse at Edinburgh City FC lzdrnhurgh (’rty l"('. 7 Baxter's Place. Top ot Lcith Walk. 8pm. £2. A hrand. spanking neyy rnght tor the Laughing Horse tranchisc as M(' Joro Sutherland kicks things on yyith Mike Mariera. l)an Willis and Day rd Huntley. plus a selection ot neyyer‘ comics.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()rnni ('entrc. (ireensrdc Place. 08707 870707. 8.l5pm. U I. More t'un in Jongleurs this \\ cekend. (iet there early tor some nice lood. then settle hack and yyatch Pattl B lidyyards. Tommy ('arnphell and the c\ er popular Stti \Vlio'.’

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £9 (£8 £5 mernhersi. \Yee Vladimir Mc'l'ay'ish hosts the yycekend‘s ~iollies. yyith John Bishop. Liam Mclineaney. Stan Beyan and Andreyy Learmonth all playing their part.

Saturday 24 .

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Building. l I Rent'reyy Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. US. See l'it‘t 2.5. Comedy @ The State The State Bar. 143 llttllttttd Street. 5.3.7. 2L5”. ‘lpltt. £5. Billy Kll'kyytmd sits astride the helm til tonight's shoyy. mm the pleasure ol introducing Iii-entire limes columnist and all-round lunny guy Phil Hitler. Super- geek Day‘e llet‘t‘ron also pert'or'rns.

The Stand The Stand. 3.3.3 \Vtitidlttttds Road. 0370 000 6055. 0pm. L l 3. See Lift ‘1


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni Centre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £14. See Fri 23.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £l2. See Fri 23.


Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service The Stand. 33,3 \Vuttdlitltds Road. 0S70 000 (i055. 8,_3()pm, £5 (£4 £1 members). The end or the yyeek arriyes. so rest your tired lirnhs yyith Michael Redmond. He was in l-trrlier 'Ié'tl. yyhich is yery exciting. lle introduces Liam Mclineaney. Sian Beyan. Martin Mc.-\llister. Jett‘ ()‘Boy'le and lid Patrick.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lprn. Free. See Sun l8.

GRV Comedy Lounge (iRy'. 37 (itithrie Street. 8pm, £5 t£3 l. The second week of the (iRV as the comedy trairt chugs onyyards and upyyards. Line-up the. Reginald D Hunter The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £|01£8L Neyer one to yeer ayyay lrom controy'crsy. Hunter's neyy shoyy 's title. l’iiel ton in the nice nittimer/(tenet. pretty much says it all. This is his stand against eyerything that annoys him. all yy ith his trademark edge.

Matt Berry (‘aharet Voltaire. 30 Blair Street. 220 MW». "pm. £ l 2. The hoomy - yoiced one oil or The Hie/in Bum/i and Snuff/lot hrings tts a comically musical odyssey. See Profile.

Monday 26

Glasgow Rob Deering lhe \laltd. 333 \\tk\\ll.tlt\l\ Rt‘dtl. “\WI T“ "l "l N; 8 30pm £8 tun \n ottheat irti\ ot late night l\ presenter and cheeky teenager. \lt lleerrng hrtngs his endearing \lti‘\\ ('ii..'r~:i.';t ii: hac k to \otlarid

Matt Berry lsrng ltit's \\ah \\ah Hut. 372.: St \ intent Street. 221 52"" \ 30pm £12 SceSirr125


“Gd Raw The \tdlld. \Hllk l’ldc e. 523 "2'2 .8 30pm £2 \lorc ltrn at the hest place to spend a Monday night pay trig neyt to nothing to yyatch a harrage ot neyy coniedy tired at top speed into your head \Vith Sat and Janice Phayre

Tuesday 27


Red Raw The Stand. 333 \yoodlands Rind. 0370 (ill) o055. \ Sllprn iLI rrternhersi. See Mon 20.

Edinburgh "Ob Deering The Stand. 5 \Il‘l'ls Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £8 i£oi. See Mon 20

Wednesday 28


Best of Irish The Stand. 3 33 \Voodlands Road. 0870 out) 0055. S30prn. £7 (£0 £4 rncnrher'si. The monthly hoat arrry es in (ilasgoyy. packed lull ol the best ot comedy lr'ont Ireland. all hosted by Michael Redmond. Michael Mcc and Janice Phayre lay it on thick.


Best of Scottish The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £0 i£5 £3 memherst. The \ery hcst ol' Scottish comedy. with tunny lolk M(' Joe lleenan.

(iary l itt‘ie. \lark Bratchprecc and Paul l‘rrre

Thursday 29


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longleuis.

I (it' Building. ll chtreyy Street. 0870 “S” 0“" Spin 1\ lyery noyy and tlten longletits pro\e they 'ye got the t ion! to get some ol the hest .ornedtaris lll the country lonrght's a line e\antple. \\ ith (ireg llayres. Sarah \lllll\.tlt. lorty Hendricks arid Brian Higgins

The Thursday Show lltc Stand. 333 \\i‘tkll.lll\ls Ril‘hL ll.\ ‘ll hill (\HSS

\ 30pm 1" ith 1“ rnernlyerst Mr Sinoothness hrrnselt. BBt' Stotl.irid\ lred \lac \ulay hosts this exciting. like art atttltassadot at his hall lle introduces the charming John Scott. the international l).tltso ( 'haponda arid the may nice \ridy \l\ T).tlll.lll\l


lmprobabble llte ( )tithottse. 12a Brotigltton Street I atte. 55" (sons Spin ‘2‘ See llttl l;

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()rnnr (‘entre. ( ircetisrde Place. 05707 870707 8 l5prn £ll (iood lord. tltey 're on to tltetr (’hristrnas shoyys already trt Jongleurs land It you rust tan't nail to get your Santa hat on. then go and see the lahttlous .lartey (iodley. Srtnon ( aytort. ('olrn (‘ole arid the rnaryellorrs l’arrl Srnha

Heresy llte .lekyll is llyde. ll2 llanoyer Street. 225 2022 8 30pm £3 See 'I lttr l5

The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. ‘lpm £7 i£ti £3 rneiiihersi .loe lleerran is in charge ot a horrihly lrrertdly lineup lot' a Thursday eyening Steyyart l'r'ancrs. Michael Mee. Billy Ktt‘kyyimd and Janice Phayre \Var‘nrng you tnay he serioust cheered tip hy this er. citing



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'a ' THE LIST 37