“l\.1lllll.ill.r'l. “3 EV"

Stick it in my Party Hole l rml \1l 1 \rl'. " Wyn: 2“ \ \l.r/Crl hmlr'w l.illl.x\l\:'\ .1huul iht‘ :umlx Illlk' hr .xllcrhl llr‘l H. l\lk'rl hnu «c [Mum fir/1'

“If I" (I‘ln\'.'ll.


"\ hrszxm \rrm-r '5? z-l\‘l ll’. \\('.

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A Streetcar Named Desire l mrl \..r <\«»\ \\ lht' Huh .rlllll'-r'l\.ll‘. ml lt‘nncwu' \\ rllmmx‘ Lily

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n! pg” hmmuul t lll'_‘ll\ rull\ .uwunrl. \llJlllx ljulv lhmtrr- (iwup Lilvfi on l\r".‘..xl\l.l .rml lllunt llk' lluhrux. \khn hm .rl‘.‘..1f\ \. r‘llth‘Hll\l_\, \lk'l‘k'llilk'rl HI) lllr‘ Lurrlm'xx ml \ll.lll_‘.,'k'l\

Accidental Death of an Anarchist \luu l3 \rl l‘ \m " ‘Hpm U1 ‘L *r \lmllu lylv lhmln- ( 'nrupun} gel In


Sill“ Ll. 11h \ltm( urmzrmgk mlapltzhnr‘. w?

l).uiu l MK uulmgcwm pulmtrzl unluth .rll .xuarthhl rhlzm} murky: !.:ll\I«~l11\tlc.rlh Irwzxr Ih';

murmur. n1 Ilk‘ [mhtt- lk'mlxllldllr'h

I ROYAL CONCERT HALL 2\.:uth|ch.:ll \Ht'cr “I \H‘Nl 'l’. ll, my \\ \;

Magic 01 The Musicals \lrm < \m E {Hpm L l" T" 131*“ \ \k'lk'xllllll ml lllk' hug-x! .mtl l‘k'\l luxul who .unl \l.lll\k'\ hum Ihc Hrmt \llkkk'\\llll \M'xt l Hrl Humtuh ml .1” Hmc. [\crlnmml h}. \\.r\llt'\lk\'l‘.‘x‘.lll1\r'lt‘l.rll\Rwl‘t‘ll \lt'Jklllll'lk' .unl \lL'lJlllk' \luu'


lllll l<k'llllk"-\ \llr't‘l. H: {‘6‘ \\ \l

Hidden l rml \.rl {\m Mpm r\ U lllpm Ur r L-l \lelll‘lllL'il llglu'll \

ill. \\('.

Tam Dean Burn’s standout performance in this adaptation of Luke Sutherland’s novel about a

dying rent boy turning to gold is worth the journey in itself. Sutherland’s music. live on stage. adds depth to the spectacle.

I r fijr

‘1‘, \\\t~ 1:“.

umquc tnllal‘urahnu hcrxkccra \mnhm; l’rum .mtl llrml your R\ \\lll rrt'Im: \Iutlcurx mrl‘. run tlrukl} turmt :ult'rturmct {ml pl.:_\\ .zl‘r‘lll Ihc mmc llmlugc \mmhnn pcrlnruml tuntmn-zuh m tllllk'lk‘lll \cnucx


1H“ chlrcu \llk'k'l. “3 xxx;

Optical Identity lhu \ \.rl In \m \pm L I“ r L". \umclhm; In lmrk .u .n “C” .1\ l0 ll\l\'ll lr'. l‘Hlllk' \‘l .1 uklllllwll hcluu'n \tumxh lxm'tl lllL'Jllk' (rxpht .rml Ihc \III}.'.rpurc lmwrl l Km; ()rmrIt-l \‘ulpluml \L'l\ .lll\l hw muwt [mm the llhk'\l‘l.l1)l‘} lullml prnrmw rm cult-put plcu' ml llll‘llk'lll Ihmlrc

VH“ 3H. \\(',


l'rnmcxlnu (July Hth lLlH -llNlll ll’. my \\'\1

Disney on Ice luv 1‘ \‘un l.\ \‘m Su- Kl\l\ ll\llllf_'\


l" \Vt'xlmrut'luml \l.

Close 20071 rml Hm I \m luncx \ur} l-rcc. \ “CUh Inn): puhht' .H'l\ mum Liking plut'c II] the \‘lU\\'\ .rml hut'lu'uurix nl (ilmpm and nurturing: lll\l.lll.lllHll\. pcrlurnmnu'x. hw mum" .rml nnprm lllt'rlll'k' Sec \\ \\ \\ t'lnwpmlu‘lx lllx lnr lull pr'ngmrmm' .unl \cnum


3.x“: llnpc Sun-1. (Mr (mu no.1” |H_

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Scottish Opera: Seraglio Sui i .\'m 7.15pm; Sui 2.55pm L") L58. lule llnhclwl :rml Imogen K03:ch flag ;1 mm prmludrun nl Snug/m. lukmu Tr ll'cxh lmrk ul UllL' Ul \ln/;il‘l\ lllH\l C\lr;r\;ig_';ml. Inlrlculc :iml cmnllu' \uut‘x. Sung; Ill linglixh.

Scottish Opera: ll Barbiere di Siviglia 'l‘hu I No» Tlfipm. W L58 rumccxxmrh :nurluhlcr. Sparkling; ncu prmluclmn ul l‘ln' llrrl'lu'r u/ Sn l/lt' rhr'cclul h} Sir 'lhnrnm :\l|cn and \\ uh .r «N Including Surmxh lllL'I/H Karen ('urggill and Dutch hummu- lhnmux ()hcmunx in the title role. \rngmg nruxu‘ \uch grx l-lgum'x lugcmlgu'} ur'ru ‘l.;rrg_m .'\l lirclnlum‘, l'uhulnux \Ingrng. gnarl wk and gcncr'ull) highl} cnjuyrhlu Whipping it Up Mon 5 8111 In \(H. 7.30pm 18:1! mul 2.30pm“. [ll £235“, Richard \Vrlwn \lur'x in u \hur'p pnhllml \ulir'v. l’rrxl pcrwn lll lhc uudrcncc in \hnul ‘I don't huhcw Ill' \xinx our mung; Mum-mm. Sec pm IL‘\\. pugc “l. Donkey’s Years Mon [2 Sul 17 \ny "Hillpm r‘l'hu «k Sui nml 2.3(lpmr.

ill) £22.50. 'l'ucnlyllw _\c;u\ lutcl'. \r\ l'nr'mcr \Iudcnlx rclurn In lhcrr ( hhmlgc


tullt':t' Iur .-. rcuztrwu tlzttvtcr lnix ml n3“ \thunl he thurIlm: :rr \l:t“.:c} l :.~.\:‘\ tumuly “huh m 1"\'\ ll‘\.:TT‘.xlir‘T‘. \lmx llx'\l1lx_\ l‘lnrhlc \xnrfrht I'f‘;

l‘llllelk'll‘llld .:\l\ a.


\ ll‘x. ““'\ x '


h: lrungzhx “I -l.‘(\" ll \\( .\\ \ Tamburlaine Must Die \12 i \m I \n\ «Hm! \lunr \pm ill :1" lxcnm \llllcr‘x .uluplahnh HI I r~r1:«c\\clxl" \ .rtt l‘umul l lrx.:l‘cllr.;u Ilrrzllt lllk‘ .unl h.ml \lcrul: ml (l2: \lullnuc l’rcnmn “\ 1\~\ /‘..‘ "M's l‘3\‘\ is“ l‘.:1'\' \.‘

'r .rlmixl Ilut'





Tim Nunn

Thurs l - Sat 3 Nov, 8pm CCA, Souchieholl Si. Tickets: 0141 352 4900 www.reelingwriihing.com

Theatre Guide

Thursday 8 Friday 9

Saturday 10

Sunday 11

Monday 12

Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14

Thursday 15

The Producens

The Pumucors

Wnrppmg It Up Whrpnmg It Up

The Prcxlur‘ers

Whrpprng lt Ur)

The Producers

The Producers

Den.ka '5 Years

T)“, v.9... 1mm.» N ",u‘, .wr. 24.1er Thing,- N/p'wx

The Producers The Produces Acadental Death

Acodemal Death

Donkey '5 Years Donkeys Years

'r-,.' \l,‘;,. Tr f:’_]~ “3,7..3

The Producers

Academal Death

Donkeys Years

The Arches

- Citizens' Theatre King's Theatre Oran Mor Ramshorn Theatre RSAMD Theatre Royal

. Tron Theatre

e g.

. King's Theatre

; , , Royal Lyceum

Traverse Theatre