
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.



.‘*< \I:“.|r' \rm-r “5 IIIHH III. \\('. \\ \I

Little Johnny’s Big Gay Musical l IIIII \II {\In \ l‘IIIII Mirtth IIt-k Ixu I .mri lltlx Inns Int-‘x \Ingmg' Ihr' l.III;' HI \ I'IITI'wIHIIIII lHIIlt'I\t'\ .I wlilt'\‘..tjr\ lruti. .II l1l\lt'\'ll.lflk'}t'.ll\ .IIIII lIl\ l.IIlt‘Il llt'lt‘IH\t"‘.ll.ll Ill].l\k' ['11,] I" (Ix/Igu'u‘,‘

James Kelman Season: They Make These Noises \M-rl " \II I“ \m IIMIH IIIIrllllz‘lII lhk' \r'uuul [MIII at \h In» llunltvl Human} \ IlIII HI nut \MIIl. l\_\ (il.t\_:’r>\t..\ lull) “(NIKKI l’II/L‘


NH \.Ill\|ll'\'ll.lll \llr'r'l. “I I‘M” Ill. my \\ \I

Only the Men Hm I \.II <\m 3pm

9,” r LN \r'r' It“. Imx. [mac 53


H" ( IIIIl\.I|\ \lIt't'l. ~13" HUS: \\( .\\ \l

Desire under the Elms 1 NH] \II I" \m itlpm r\.rt III.” I WWII:

I}: in L l(r \u' Inn-u. page h.‘

Venus as a Boy 0... l'nIII 5.” III \m {Itpm t. | .‘ In .I mum III Soho. .I dun}: III.III I\ turning In gulrl. \II mplmtn- .uul Imunlmgj \lHI} .Ihuul llk' um.“ ulnux pmwt nl \\'\_ .ulaplnl lIIIIIl llll’xk' \lllllt'llrlll\|.\ .u't'lalmcrl Howl In l.un Hum Hum. \lllllt'lldlltl lttmwll I‘IH\I\IL'\ Inc Itumt‘. (‘u ptnduu‘rl It} \Irlwtml Ihmltc nI \(ullund \MIIkxhnp .Illtl HIHIII (imulx

\IH. SCL‘ KI\|\ ll\llllf_‘\.


.\.U\I I EASTWOOD PARK THEATRE I .I\l\\mul I’Mk. lx’uulxcn (ilcv Road. (iIIInm k. V“ I‘VII Strawberries in January \Inn 5 I\ Inc h \m. Winn t5 IUI. Rum \Iumn‘x Imnxlulmn ul l‘xcl'uu' dc LI

“high one are )rru .’

Kl\l\ ltxltngx

ll\lIIlf_‘\. ', Monster Hits 'luc (\ \(n. SL‘C KIle - |l\llII:_'\. {:2 A Clean Sweep In 9 .\'mr Su- thx ll\lIIIf_'\.

on paqe6



sentimental 805 film about a group of troubled high school kids who regularly meet in detention is bound to set your nostalgic juices flowing. IO 02.043; ' " '

('hcncllctck pla} .Ilmul lHlII luncl} ()ltclk‘gmx \xltn xx I\h lmc guuld he 41 IIIIIc lul IIIUI'L‘ llkc Ihc IIlU\IL‘\.

High School Musical 'I hu 5 S.” III


U [Inn-hit} ,\\k‘llllt'. “It 5533‘ l\\(‘.

The Breakfast Club Hm I x In 2

", WWII L5. 'l haw :I qut'xltun. Hum Hgtt‘l'} \lultllrm lxnmx _\Hll I';Iltl htx unt'dmhc." John lluglu'x' Whtlx t'lmxu' mm 1c ltlkLW In IIIL' \Iugc. I’unk. luumhru. lurk. prime“ HI \‘lIlL‘ \wc cum kul

A Festive Fairytale Sat 3 \m, Scc

Corryvreckan Mon 5 .\'m, Scc Ix'uk

The Country Wife \Vcd I4 I-n Ir» "Rtlpm. U U». SIM} take on

1.5» We.

Go on, you know you want to . . . This theatre version of John Hughes'

\\ Illmm \\_\t‘ltctlc_\ \ llt't‘lllllllh. h.l\\\i:\ lL'\l.


3t)“ Halh \ll‘g'r‘L Iis‘n IIhlI (mix III. M“. \\ \I

Aspects of Love 1 null 8.11 < \m

". me Il nIII Hm I \m .\ Sal §\u\ Hm! I. Winn: {I; L NI \cu ptmltutmn HI lhk‘ |.|u_\rl \M'hhct \xr'cplt'. \l.IlI|IIf_' I).r\ul l‘.\\c\.

The Producers Inc \n I" .\n\ hpm «\M'd r\ 8.1! mat I lIIpIIIr L!” L {It llu' Immle ul llIL' IIIIII HI Ilu- mumal I»! lhc lilm. ()I mint-[lung lt‘x \[trlnutmu- lUI HIIlt'I .l\ \lcl Bhutto. \mmh IIII kl‘lllL'\ In Sgnllnnd.

I MUG-DOCK COUNTRY PARK ('IIIIgullmn Rmul. \Irlngm Ic. “5h IIIIHI [l’. \\(‘. \\'.-\|

A Night of Theatre: Captain Cook 8. Nightmare with Clocks I n *I \m " IIIpm. £3“. .IJIIU Dunlxu .md [humid \lum‘n pct‘lm'm Hun \Ipmk play ’(Krpttmt (Ruth. Much I\ Inlri Itnm the

\‘\\ \ \ \ \ \‘ ‘. \t...‘.( ‘\k\ “‘\l: \ ‘\ \"\\\\\

\‘1 V l \ 1“ III\:\I\I\\ \

( IIJ.:I “(Quit l\r‘.:\1 f‘ "I‘

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Crazy Love I III:;\:1Y ;\r~x 5971‘ 2:"

HIM; ex ‘~‘\~‘Y\';‘«‘\\1;‘:\‘III.III‘YT It‘u'.~\t‘tl\i,"‘rtz\l‘tlt:|‘\~;m>:t.1!\'%‘\i\.ll.\\. NH; NJ» l\":‘lII1‘-IIT‘ x

\gm ;‘1.;\ In I "'1; \\.:IK\‘I lx‘pmu-Jt'rt HIT \\\'\1H\'\\i.t\ c'thII't,‘ n.' In; .:\ \ llvnu': \ l)1.:!:..: .::III .1 III.:::'

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Between Dog and Wolf \I.~:: \ \.:T 1H \w.

i.‘ “I‘m {III 1m imch ptt .II‘IrI I‘IIII \c' tnIIIcIIIIMuJI} :‘nI‘II: Lalc In \zttt

Hut Hm lx’ctx'.rtcrt HII \\\~II!I\~\II.I\ \'\\‘IIII1f,'.II 'I‘III .‘.\ \ Immcz \ III.:II'..I tutti .r Hum

A Play, a Pie 8- a Pint: The Dirt under the Carpet \Ian I,‘ \II I ' \n‘. I,‘ l‘I‘III 21'! Int llItlIII.‘ III; .Irtrt I‘IIII \ Ix’rum \lIIIIIH \I‘I II'. IIIc tchcIIuI \..II‘.‘~ IIII'IIIIII‘,‘ \Itchx wt tits \In'triwtt \1I‘x is RCINXIIKKI HII \\\'\lll\'\\l.l\ t'HUIIIII“ Ill "pm .I‘ \|)I.IIII.I.III\1.1|)I.IIII \I\‘

\“_|_ {\l‘t‘\‘ t‘x

\ lmmct.

[‘It'l ICU. IXI'R'


\\'\\ \HL'CI, \\‘ I‘ll“ ‘H \\( \ Beneath You: Spider Girls Are Everywhere! \.Il :\.~\. my“.

97\ \II 25' I)I.lllr.l In l\.1IlI\ \l\ lMXIII .IIMIII .I i'IIIIII‘ «II Ir'IImlc l‘lIIt'lJI . Plk'\k‘ll[\'tl l‘} l’)ll\1\“l|,.H.|Kh\k'tlllll IIHII lhk'JHk'

Diatribe of Love Im- h \w. \HI‘II. L\ *4! t.“ '1”le \I.ulr~‘.*.r' \[.II\ .r.» luncl} \‘.Il\' ( mu Icl.I III .~. III-1‘. .Itl.l[".III"II HI (LII‘IIcI (wt 1.: \IJIIIIIV/ nmcl

The Wizard of Oz \\c.I I I \.II ' \m WI‘III LN Ith- I IHII\ .Ilhl II-L'I .Ilhl luau» uh III_\' IIIIIII}. Iltmlrr- I rainy I‘lt'\t'Hl Hik' \ ].I\\I\ I.IIIIII§ Ltlt‘ Inzwnt l'lI Ihc thllrircnk \IHI} In I II.:III hunt


Rt'llllt'ltl \[lklkilI l‘.‘ l‘ i“ \\( \\ \1

The Course I “III \u <\..\.

H “I lHIuII 9, II» ‘H 9% IIIJI \umc I:.m HICIIILIII (H .IHI‘H, \I.:I \ III III\ \cll [Ir-mm] tumult :tl‘ttlll .: IIII'llt"- t'IIIIII‘ HI “lll‘llllt‘h \IZ'IIIIIL' up NH 9 'I’r~\III‘.v \It‘IIlJl \lIIIIhlr” tumxr'


lIL' HIIIljJt'. “Ni” \\r'\lt'IllHII\t' RIMIIl. Ithh'llltlllv'. .‘n't 'HI‘NI

Danny, King of The Basement \Imr. < \\ Inc \w. \u‘ l‘\II1\lI\l|II‘.'\ Shopping for Shoes I n *I .\ \rt 1" \H\ \t‘t' kltk lI\llIIf.'\

Theatre Guide

Thursday 1 Friday 2

Saturday 3 Sunday 4 Monday 5

Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7

89 Ga; Muscat Big Gay MUSICal

The Arches Citizens' Theatre Aspects of Love

King's theatre Aspects of Love

Oran Mor

Ramshorn Theatre Streetca' Streetcar ETRSAMD

Theatre Rova' II Barbrere Smgha

Tron Theatre

King's Theatre " . s "‘ .e r ;r \ N , .— \r 4;} ' Royal Lyceum . ' f -\ Six

Traverse Theatre

Bag Gay Musical

Aspects 01 Love


Seragho Whrpptng It Up

The/ Make These Now/:3 The Producers

The Producers

Whipprng It Up mepmg It Up