

Flatsham cont

I West End Large \IIIZ'II‘ InnIII lll IIInIII'III ‘.‘.I'II IlIlI|i\III'«I lI.II .TIIIIII\ (II.I I ill \II.III' ‘.‘.IIII Iinxl :‘I.III \Illklk'lll RI'III L WilptIII IIII ‘.'-I ll' IIIIIxI'xII ( "I.le \ \ o (II’.llI I\ IIIITII HI I": :\'l ‘N‘; I Sunny double room. (.llllI'I .III-.I nl I)I'IIIII\I|'IIII_ IlI‘.ll Innl~ .lIlII :‘nnII II.III\I‘HII IIIIIA I IH IlllllllIL'\ \t'IlIlk'l \IIII \l‘Il\l\Ik'I.llk'. [IIHII'\\IHII.II 3 ~ \nII \IIInIII'I


I Professional wanted {or I.lI‘ilIIIll\ \‘.I'\II’IIII IIIII. IH\I'I} Ill‘.‘ IIIltllk'lI IIIIIlll'.’ InnIII. Il‘- IllL' InnIII .IIIII Iun I‘.IIIIIHIIIII\ I'\II'I II‘IIl InI.IlInII \Il.lllll_'__' \kllll HIIIL'I [‘lHII'\\IHll.lI\ rlklllllll IIIIIIIIIIIII' \llllllt lI l.I\ (".III \llllt’ nII It‘ll” VI <.\.\ II-l IFIIJII V] 4m

I 2 Dbl Rooms .l\.llI.lI‘It' III I.II:'I' \IIII’IIII'IIJII SI iI.Il L3H”

Hi KIIIIII'II. II\ IIII'InnIII. I‘.lIIIIIlIllll. IIIII ;,'I.I/III_~_' \II.IIIIIj: \‘.llIl Illll. lIII-IIIII) iI'III.III' _-_'I.III. I: \nII IIkI' \Hllt'. anIIj: nIIl. pnntl \IIII\I‘I\‘ll|IIH [I-I II‘.\.1_‘ :‘NI‘HNI I Dennistoun. £300pcm. Double InnIII III I\\n III‘IlInnIII iI.II \ ninilnII xi} It' lI.II \\ IiII

|.II;'I- II.I§\\IIIIIII\\I‘II IIIlllljJC. I.IIj:I' I\Il\'II\'lI .IIIII ( i( ‘Il (innIl IIK'JIIHII ( inIlIIIIl I Hm I' clnw In ll.llll \l.IiIHII I’lHII'\\IUIl.lI\ l‘lII\ VIL'I Irnsnjsnii] '

I 2 rooms available IIIl' lI'IIInII' \llltlt'lll\ 35o lIIIl III I).ll\It"\ Rtl \\ I‘\I (.I'lllldl III‘IIIL'II \\ lIIl ll\ll.lI IIInIl t'nIIx. _‘ lllllllllI‘\ unlk in I‘llVlIlI‘I' Rk'lll LJNI-r \IIIIlL' Ill IliII\. IIn t'l‘llllt'll I;I\. IcI: UNIS Ifill Us"

I West End. Large I'nnIII In III III I'nIIIlnI‘IIIIIII' lI‘IIIIIIInIIIII lIIlI SIIII III.IIIII’I' \IIIL'II' lull IIIIII' \InI‘k In); [\l'IllI'\\lUlIIlI. .\II IIInII. I'nn» \II ( 'II'.IIIIII;_', \n IIIIIx \n I'\II';I\. I" Mil lu'lll. II-I: IFMI his (III +- iIIII 5‘0 SIS”

I Bright room available III In\I‘I_\ I'.II'\.III'II (iI' I'IIII In \IIIII'I‘ \\ IlII I I'I‘IIInII‘ ISM [-Hil p/III lllII\ Int'lnmu SIIIIIII‘II lIUIil'\.

\\ Ilt'lt'\\ IIInnIIIxIIIII. and \k} I\.

\ II'\\ In; .I IIIII~I 'I‘I‘I: (WVI ~XII {(III

I City center gay ll'lt'lltll} lIIII} iIII'IIIxIII-Il IIInIl t'nnx \II.II'I‘II II\ In; I'nnIII I‘;lllll'\\illll llL‘Ill' IIIIIII‘I'gI'nIInIl .IIIII'IIIIII‘x I.IIII luck .‘IlnIIIIII' I’nnlnx 2'0 pun IIIcIIIIII‘x t‘nIIIII‘II I;I\ I).I\ III III Il“"(».\‘ XIII) W5 I‘I-I: IIWII“ (HI SIS

I Female student wanted In \II.II'I‘ \\ IIII I\\n lt‘llltllt'\ III

.I g;I}lI'II'IIIl|} lIIII~IIIII'I'. Inigo InnIII.I) (i.(i('ll nll p.IIII'_\ I'Il \wxl. yuan IIIIx lllIlt‘l'le'IlllIlIl IUIIII'IN IIl \‘ll_\ \\ L‘\i I‘IIII {:hll * \IIIII'L‘II I‘III\. “"533 I‘ll (‘5‘)

I 2 students wanted . IIII llll. SILIII‘ \pncInIIx lIIIl \\I[Ii lIII \llleIII. Ill illlll\ ll‘UlIl (II) t‘I‘IIII‘c I-II|l_\ lIII‘III\IIcIl. \I‘I'III'II} I'IIII'}. IX}. (it‘ll. Dnuhlc l'mlilh. [300 N {24” + \IIIII'L‘II I‘III\ ‘I‘CII (I‘m-1 I»II.\‘ 054 WW) s43 “So

I 21 year old I’cIIIIIIc I-cccnI gI'IIIIIIIIIc Innklng lnI' .l Ilnuhlc I'nnIII In I‘I‘III III “at IiIIII nI' ('Il} (I'IIII'I‘. :\\.llI.lI‘IL‘ IIn\\ picnxc t‘nIIInI‘I Inc? Tel: WWI Kn" \VII I Large double room III Dcnnnlnun IIIII, no“ lellII'nnIII .IIIIl lxllx‘llt‘ll. large In In; I'nnIII. SIMI‘III; “till I I‘lIlCl'. .\'I‘ (II) centre :\\;llI ISIII ()I‘I. \IInIIIII he II \ pI‘nlcxsinIIIII, [I'llpcm [‘Ilh I‘III\ .I‘CI: “‘02! (I33 0“)

I Double bedroom avail- able III \II.I.InII\ \nIIlIIwII- lI.II. I Invc In Il.lll\[‘HII IIIIIA .lIlII .lIIlL'IlIIl\'\ .II \II.I\\ I.lII\I\. \anIIII \illl )nIIIII) [‘IHIL'\\IHII.II mm

L lllll In Ill Ilchll\I\L' nl II III IIH‘I WI <1!) l\ll

I M/F flatmate required Ll l < III III llllc Illklk'\ I‘III\

k'\\k'[‘l IIIInIII'I .III IIInII Inn\ and \II.IIIII§: \I. IIII nIII' lI‘III.III' .‘b \IIII.II\II' lnI \Hlllt'i'llt' InnkIn: lnI .I IInIIII'. IInI lll\I .l \l‘lllt'\\ II.lI\II.llI' II'I II.It_\ II‘I" }.IIIIII~ InIII

I Single room in «any.» In: and \III'InIIII' lI.lI\II.llt‘ III .\I (it-nigcx ( In“. I SHIII III [‘Ilh Inllxt'nIIIIcII I.I\. k'\\'k'IIt'lll InI.I IInII 2 lllllllllL‘\ lInIII lllI‘k' .lllIl Ill IIIIIIIIlI' \\.lIl\ IIIIn ln\\II \lllillxI‘H \II'II'nIIII' II'I’ llahlb ‘Hl 3‘ I Large double room Ill lIII'IIIII} \[‘.l\'lilll\ ()III'I'IIx link iI;Il I)IIIIII;_' lelk'llt'll’: [IIIIIIII' IIIIIIIIV: \IIH\\L'I\ yule .II‘I’nIII \\ Ilt'IC\\ IIIn.IIIII.IIIII 5 \llll\ lInIII ('II_\ (‘I‘IIII'I L Wfipni lllI'IlI\l\t' ni .III I‘III\ IL'I l‘HIH i3"ssu


I Large double room in In III I.I'II|I. lI‘cI' nil III;IIII I'nnII pni'kIIIu \II;II‘III;_' \\IIII I nIlII'I'x. I‘I'III Uni) III'I' IIInIIIII IIIII' .III Illllxl I‘IIII IIliI'I‘ (Iplil. on” Mike WWI» III“ .140

I Flatmate wanted to \Iltll'L' III'IgIII \lnI'IIIIngIIlI'


i\\n nIIII‘I'x .IIIII i\\n uni» SIIII IIIII'I‘I-xlIIIg. lI/\ [‘I'Hlk'\\lllll;ll. I)nIIIIIc I‘nnIII. \\ ill. III\II\\;I\|II'I'. Ll‘lllpun +IHII\ l {XIII .\Ill\l IIIxL' (nix? 'II‘I: i)""~l" III," Iii I Double room available III llll'llI\IlL‘Il \IIIII'I‘II lItll nn IIII‘ SIInI'c. (in) lI'II'nIII}. uncle“ III‘nIIIlIxIIIII. I‘IIIIII‘ IV and lI'I'I‘ parking. USU III'I‘ IIInnIII llllL‘Ill\l\C nl .III IIIIIx cwcpl plinnc l. 'I‘I‘I: HTS" ZIIJ (III)

I Comely Bank - I.c;II> IIInIIIII s\\L'lIllL‘ .\'/\ pI'niI‘x- \InIIIII I'I'..\l.I\I.I: lnl' I‘Icnll. \PIIL'IUU\. IIInIlI'ranII lIIII \IIIIIr In; \\ IIII I UlllL‘l'\. HI'III'nnIII I’ I'Illllpllt‘l IIHIII‘IC gIIIIII \lill'tlgc'. I’.II‘I\III3_' LXIIpII.. Ll-lilpcln Isl XIII 'I‘cl: II“le 554 Sill III HUI-1432530

I Dalry - Double mum .I\;IIIIIII' III gI'I‘nI IIInIlI‘I'II lIIIl, £3 lllpcni. iI;II II;I\ nli’ \lccl IIIII'IIIIIg; .IIIII \\ III-lcxx llllt‘l'llL‘l. SILII'III; \\ IIII 4 UlIlL‘l'\ I3 lt‘lllllIL‘. I IIIIIIL‘I. SIIII III;III' _\nIIII3_' pI'n- IC\\IUII;II. ‘It'lj lI—‘lhh' ‘IIJ 3W1 I The Shore - 'I'IIIIIIcI'IqulI .\ \ I‘l'IIlI‘\\lIIIl.II I'l'..\l \II. in \IIIII‘c (Ivan. .IIII'.II'II\I‘. IIInIII‘I'n lIIII \\llIl I nIIIcI'. I)IlllI‘IC I‘L‘III’IHIIII \\ IlII gUIlII \IIII'IIgL‘. l’III‘kIIIg. {lhllpun x\\.llI;lI‘It' Illl\\I 'II‘I: I’IInnc Ira.“ “5" ~55 nI‘ III .‘I 4-13 353(1 In \ W“

I Double room to l'L‘lil III \[IIII‘Inux I IIcIlI‘nnIII lI.Il nun SIncIIIII‘IIIgL‘ and pit} c‘c‘lill'c‘. .I\II IIInIl cnnx. I-‘I‘IIIIIII‘ pI'clL'I‘I‘cII. .'\\;lII.lI‘IC ll'I‘lil \nv £35”

I‘Clil *— I‘lIIx IL‘II “"055 3‘3 3‘1 IWISI 51" “In

I Double room in NC“ In“ II l‘nr I‘cnl In I;IIIl h;ng \ill- \lL‘IlI. MIIIIIIIIIIII tl IIInIIIII louse 'l‘L‘I: “‘33. (“)3 (Ci)

I Dbl room in IIII'IIIII} I.‘I.:\.'II III\I IInn: II.II III \In. I. I‘IIIIL'C l IIIIII‘IIIL'II \\nIIIII \IllI _\nIIII§; IIInlI'wInIInI nI \l‘III‘II' I'll. /l‘II’\‘ \i L i 1‘ *llotl ~IiIII\ In \II.II.- xx IIII l<'\IIII III.1I\' \\.III .IIIII- k‘IIII i M Ic-I H“\I lIII I31: I Friendly flatmate wanted, In sin III I IIIIk_\ IIIIIII‘II' IHIII‘I'II. .I‘..III.II‘II‘ III I.II:_'I' IIII\InnIII,\II.IIIII;' Inn-I} \I‘Jtli‘lh lI.II at. III] 3 L'III\ .IIIII lIIt'IIIII} \xI'I' Ilnfg III \InIkIIIIIIyI‘ \I'u Inxxn .lIL'.l II-I HW‘H *1 1 II“

I 2 double rooms .I\.III.II\II- III IIIII- .lIII\ lI.Il. I I‘IIII \\.III\ \IIII lIII'IIIII_\ [‘II‘II‘\\II‘II.II \\.III Ixi \II\ .lllII I\I I)I'\ L V1; III\I \I IInl I‘III\ I’IInIII' HI iI In“ \‘lqn lt-I ill (I in“ WW»

I Double room in \II.III-II \[MLIHIH III‘\\ lil\\ll II.II II \. [‘li‘lk‘\\ltlll.ll IIII'lI-III‘II L It” [II'III IIII‘I \l‘llllk II In \\.llI.lI‘IL‘ N \n\ lnI IIIIII (I illiillllh II'I il‘hla (IS. IN:

I Double room available In II'III III \InckIIIIIIgI: \II.IIIII;._'

\\ IIII [\MI [\IIllI‘\\lllll.lI lI'III.III'\ Ix’I‘IIl L' ‘llll [\I'III [‘Ilh I‘III\ SIM \‘Iliih II\ In: InnIII .IIIII kIII‘III'II I’II'III} nl \InI.I;:I- \IMI'I' \\.III .IIIIc nn\\. 'II'I: llfllli - H II“

I 2 double rooms III II huge -I I‘CIII'IIIIIII IIIII\IIII' (‘lLNL‘CIII lltill IIIIIII In I’I;I_\IInII\I'I. i5“ [lI'lIlHillIl +(‘nIIn'III\+IIIII\. SIJI'Ix I)L\' I\l ll“. I)L‘PH\II l'L‘Illlll'CIl, \llll 3” ill _\I';II\. .-\II \lndcnnx .IIIII I’III'kIIIg; ;I\;III;IIIII'. 'II'I: IVE i.\ (F i ‘LIII

I Slateford, double room III III*\\ I‘llIIII lltll. ()\I II IIIIIIII‘nnIII. \Klll. .III llII' nllII'I' IIInII I'nn» In \II;II‘I* \\ IIII Ullt‘ nIIII'I'. InnkIng

lill' IIII L'.I\} gillilg lllx [lI'IIII‘\\IlI;lI LIIIIIIIIII~ lilIIw ’II-I: (Fwy (IIll In:

I Double room in \lllIIII l\II I‘ill III‘IgIII & cnIIIl} lIIII nll \lIII‘IIIInglIlc Rililtl. IIII‘nII} [II'IIII‘xxInIInI 37-» i3. Inn: II'I’III nIII) plum: [.lllllpt‘III + tICPU\Il + IIIIIx. 'II'I: il".\‘l5 ‘II I «llil

I Wanted. Room to l'L'lll In lI‘IIIIIII' \IIII'IIng: .I Ilt'\\ InII. \I'I'Il In he \\lllllil IIIVIS Illlll\ \\;III\III§_' IIlenIII'I' ni (iI';I\\III;II‘I\I'i. NS (XIII KnI‘II nII (FNZSJENHZ III “"835 43.x 442

I Seeking a double l'IHllll \\llIi IIII'L‘ inlk. I'III .'l )nIIII): .lil III;IIIII'I' \llltlt'lll. (IL'IIII \nquIIII' :IIIIl I'I‘xpnnxililc. InnkIng lnI' .I Inng II‘I‘III Ici, (XIII pa} £.illlliit‘III ltlL‘IlII}llU ("I +~l~l"5-l (WI 4‘3 [I’L‘I:+-1-l-.~SJ(3~I 4—3

I Sunny double room

III IIII\I'Il lI;II |ll\l nll IlI‘nuglnII Sil'cci II\;III.II\II' lI‘nIll ()t'inlk‘l‘ le. {IZS'IIIIIIIIII + I‘iII\ and ("I. InnkIng lnI' .I cnnl. lI'IcIIIlI}. IIIl_\ 2H \IIIIII'IIIIII:_v l‘l'UIL‘\\lHll;iI 'IL'I: IIISI (IZJ I‘lSil

I Large single bedroom III I‘CIIUIIIUI IIL'“ I‘lllIII inuIIIInIIxc III IlInckIIIIII Ullll IIIcIIIIlc\ cw— I} IIIIII; mun III'n;IIlI\;IIIIl Inn-I‘- C\IL\I I'. I’IL‘.I\L‘ c'IillIIIt'l II\ ill-W)" H5" “05. .Ingcl I. .& lilli'HIlllc‘C _\nIII\cIl III‘II‘II}, .l\.llI;lI‘IL‘ IIIIII (IcIanI: 'I‘I-I: H‘MI ()4: (NJ

I Small room overlook- ing garden III II'IL'IIIII} . I'L'dxnll- .IIII) IIIIIcI .xc‘IIII-xcchnI'IIIII \SIInIIwIInIII III \lill'lilllgfltlc. SIIII pilegI'IIII.\IIIIchII nI‘ \IIIIIIuI' {oil per week IIIcIIIIlIIIg \nmc I‘III\ +(“I1'IL‘I (iIIII l'nr tlL'lLllI\ 'l'cI: IIIFI 44- "353


Book your flatshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Fiatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and

lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.

Go to and click on ‘ilatshare' at the top oi the page

You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent, number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates “to ring

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be laced using our online booking service. For admin stratlon purposes. advertisers must sugpl their full name and address (NOT for publication . e Fiatshare service is for loeopie seeking a fiatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will oe acce ted for publication in his section. Adverts

lior rent ng a whole flat must be laced in our 'Fiats

to Let' section. full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Sho section. it is compan policy not to accept adverts hat are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuseaor withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List. please refer to our , website Click on flatshare and than l-‘AOs' which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.