Stand and allow \‘incc J‘lukc and Joc Hccnan to shoss )ou rust hots cool onc can hc

Monday 10


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'I lit" Stand. Hi \mellands Road. “37” N)” (>055. 3.30pm. £4. ('onicds goodics lroni 'l'cani Monkcs‘ thc c\cr' popular R.t}ll)t)l)tl Mcarns. l’atil Firm and .-\||cn ('halmcrs.

\\ ho prcscni skctchcs. lll)[)rt)\. stand-up and iapcs


Bed Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55H 7272. ls'. me £2. A sparkling night ot ncss comcd} talcnt. a|| pullcd togcthcr h} \"incc Atta and Andy Sir. 'l’hink ol it as an csciting cocktail: cscn it somctiincs it tastcs strangc. it prohahl} \son‘t kill sou and _\oiir niatcs \\ ill hc dcad imprcsscd.

Tuesday 1 1


Red Ravv 'l‘hc Stand. 55 ’i Woodlands Road. l)?s’7l) ()(K) (M55. S.5()pin. £2 t£| mcmhcrsi. Stcscn Dick and Phil |)it'lcr picscnt an cscning ol itcss comcd} talcnt. in thc hcst \aluc conicd} night around. (inc thcni _\our los c. and lhc} ‘ll sacrilicc thcir digitit}.


Best of Melting Pot 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. S’.3()pm. £5 (£4 £2.50 nicinhcrs). Highlights from this comcd) inipros skctch shoss, \shcrc llt'“ \sl'llt‘l‘s gcl a chancc to pct'lot‘tll thcir short thcatr'c plt‘t‘t‘s.

Wednesday 1 2


Rough Cuts 'l'hc Stand. 5.” Woodlands Road. 0870 (it)() (i055, 8.30pm. £5 t£4 £2.5t) riicmhcrs). 'l'hc (‘omcds l'nit prcscnts thc hcst in nc\s comcd} matcrial thc} '\c rccciscd. acch out on stagc tor the lirst timc. so that thc darling audicncc can judgc \sith thcii' laughtcr.


Benefit in Aid of the Alliance for Rabies Control 'l’hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. S’.5()pm. £7 (£5). Mat RC‘L‘ti. Kcs'in lil‘idgcs and (ills lass sc ra||_\ togcthcr to raisc funds for thc char‘it} that trics to prcs cut and cducatc about rahics. And nohod) likcs rabies. do the) ‘.’


The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \thxllulltls Road. 0870 MN) (i055. SfiUpm. £7 (£0 £3 mcmhcrs). 'l‘hc dclightt‘ul Joc Hccnan hosts tonight‘s shms‘. \\ ith thc line-up lcaturing somc of thc strongcst acts on thc circuit: l’ctc ('ain. l’hil l)il'lct'. (‘arl Hutchinson and thc outstanding Tort) Law Brick Wit House The Brick. 207 Bath Street. 248 2 l 23. 0pm. £4 (£2). The Ram ol‘ l’ontypridd. (‘hris Broomlicld hosts thc cscr-rmpular Brick comcd} night. Tonight‘s line-up is hcadlincd h} thc straight-talking Bill Dcssar. \sith Austin LU“; Dcc (‘ustancc and Katy Bcnnct.


Heresy 'l‘hc Jck)” & H_\dc. I I2 Hanmcr Strcct. 225 2022. 8.30pm. £5. Scc Thu (Y. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Placc. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (£6 £3 mcmhcrs). 'l‘hc \scck ainhlcs on. and l‘rida} rcars its discascd hcad mouthing drears ssords ot' unhappiness. (‘hccr

th_\ so“. through the beauty of coined) as Parrot. Mat Rccd. And) Mcl’artland and .\1(‘ Vladimir Mc'l'as ish shoss _\ou that lllt‘ is worth ll\ ing.

Glasgow Sean Hughes Pas ilion 'l‘hcatrc. l2l chlicld Street. 332 IS—lh. 7.30pm. £lt»

iLI-li l)o\snl\cat coincd} as Scan lltiglics rcturns to stand up. attci a run at thc l'ringc prosing thcrc's lilc in tlic old l\\Cll. lilltltllt".l:._'t'tll dirt: )t'l lmprobabble JJJL' Brunsu i. k Hotcl. It)!» ll).\ Brunswick Strccl. 552 l552 Spin £1t£ii lhc lll)[)lt)l‘.tl)l‘lt' r‘lascrs pcrlorin iniglit oi inipiosiscd lauglitci. hascd around audicncc suggcstioiis ll/iosr lini' l\ ll.‘ll\)tr1‘. \\ itli a ( ilasgoss L‘tlg't'

Jongleurs Comedy Club Joriglcrir's_ l'( i(' lilllltlllljl. ll Rt‘llllt'“ Str‘cct.llS7ll"S71Ell7 Spin £12 limo} coincd) thc Jonglcurs \s.r_\ lots ol drink. lood tlicn dancing attcrxsaids ll that's _\otil' hag. _\oti'll hc ticatcd to thc dclicious loin Stadc. along with Mikc Slilligan. Arnali ('handa and l)ougic l)lllllt)[). Scc prcs icss tor ('handa.

The Stand JJTL' Slalltl. 5‘5 \s‘txxllantls Road. t)S7l) (too (loss S. 5UP”). £0 1 £8 £5 lllt'llllX'lsl. 'l’hc guss \\ ho loimcd 'l‘hursda) 's linc up sta_\ on it” lllt' \s t't'l'st‘lltl so _\otl'\c tin t'\cllsc it)! not catching thcin 'I‘hc) might liasc lormcd a ho} hand hs iioxs.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctn's. ()nini ('cntrc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. “VH7 370707. 7.45pm. H l. (‘clchratc thc \scckcnd and all that it cntails. \sith Iagci‘ and dancing and comcds iapcs. l)a\ c \Yilliams. l’hil \Valkci. Ian ('oppmgcr and Scan Mco arc tlic conicdians to do tlic ioh.

The Stand ’l‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £0 t£S £5 mcmhcrsi, (icordic scanip Mat Rccd i'ctiirns to Izdmhuigh. \sith thc much lo\cd Parrot. And} Mcl’artland and Paul Bctnc}. Vladimir .\lc'l‘a\ ish. thc most Scottish man III [/14' ll/lU/t' ii'ur/tl. holds things logclllci'.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctii‘s. l'(}(' Building. l l chli‘cxs Strch t).\’7() 7S7 l)7t)7. Spin. £l5. Scc l‘ri H.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 535 \Voodltttlds Road, ()S7l) (\(X) ()()55. ()pin £l2. .SL‘L‘ J‘il'l l4.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctir's. ()mni ('cntrc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. 7.45pm. £l4. Scc liri I4.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm. £l2. Scc l‘ri l-l.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l‘hc Stand. 555 Woodlands Road. “370 ()(X) (30.5.5. S.5()pllt. £5 (£4 l.l mcmhcrsi. Spcnd sour Sunda) nights rcla\ing \\ ith thc dclightl'ul .‘slichacl Rcdmond. \slio prcscnts l’clc (‘ain and acclaimcd \sritcr and stand-up l’hil l)il'lcr. thc \cr) nicc gcntlcman \\ ho dcs iscd ()II/Y rm I'Iu‘rm'.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. lpm. lircc. SL‘L‘ SUI) 0.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £5 (£4 £l incmhcrsi. 'l'hc loscl} l)a\ id Ka). and his strangc \shiinsical brain. was born to makc sour Sunda) ‘s niccr. llc's hosting this cscning‘s inn. with addcd iapcr) trom Mat Rccd and And} Mcl’artland.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 333 \thdlands Road. (LS-7U (it!) (3055. 8.30pm. £4. Scc Mon ll).


89d Raw TJTC Stand. .5 York PldL'C. 55S 7272. S‘.3l)pm. £2. Scott .-\gnc\s. \s ho is as tall as the mountains and t‘unn} as a pisic. hosts tonight's ol‘l'crings ot' ncss talcnt. Bc

nicc to cwrymc. and son might rust spot toniorross ‘s supcrstars

Tuesday 18


Bed Raw lhc Stand. 555\\tk\dlatids Roda. osWi ooti (M55 s liipm {3 lg] inciiihcisi \nothcr night ol iicss coiiicd} lalcnt. rainincd tull ot inn and iapcs l-wn it thcs ’rc ruhhish. thcs ‘ll onls hc on tor tisc iiiinntcs and c\cn sou can sit still lot that long

Wednesday 1 9 .


Benefit in Aid of Childline Scotland 'l‘hc Slaiid. ‘55 “oodlands Road. MSW) out) (M55 S Wpin. £7 i£5i .-\ night to raisc lunds loi ('liildlinc Scotland. an lllllX‘llL‘Mll‘l} \sortli) cliarit} \\lllt'l)

pros idcs lrcc tclcplionc counsclling loi an) t‘lllltl Hitslt‘d h} KCHI) Bl‘ldg‘t‘s


Benefit in Aid of the Rock Trust 'I‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272.

S. 5UP”). £7 (£5). Brucc l)c\ liii hosts this cscning. \\Ill)lllt'\\t)l1ll} aim ol‘ raising monc) lor 'l‘hc Rock Trust: a chant}

\\ hich liclps pros idc opporttimtics and support lor )otttlg pcoplc.

Thursday 20


Stand Up Drink Up! lillll‘lLYS :\L‘tillsllt' Room. 5») King Strcct. 552 7l23. 7.3l)pm. £8 t£(ii. Drink _\our \sa} through a conicd} puh crass l. ch h} .-\lan .-\ndcrson and Scott Agncss. This could hc onc that gcts l'tinnicr as it gocs along. . . I’urr o/ [la .llt'n'limit (‘er l'r'Ull'tll.

Limmy’s Show Blacklriars Bascnicnt. 3r» licll Strcct, ()S7() 0) 55~lol Spin/ll)piii. £3 t£7 ). 'l‘sso chanccs to scc intcrnct phcnomcnon l.imm_\. thc (ilasgtm lcgcnd

prcscnts his \scird skctchcs and \ idcos straight trom his odd littlc hcad l’tur of Hit \Ie'rt firm! (‘1!\ l‘t'\ll\t1£ The Grand Comedy Gong Show Maggic \la} 's. 51) 'l‘rongatc. 548 H50. 0pm £2 (iongmcistcr Scott .-\gnc\s hosts thc harshcst night in Scottish comcds. as acts tr'_s to stir\ l\ c tor tis c minutcs on thc stagc \sithout hcing gongcd otl h} audiciicc \otcs ()oh. nast} I’iirr or rhi- \It'lt liimi ( ‘m I'c‘xtritil

The Thursday Show The Stand. ‘5‘ Woodlands Road. t).\'"t) till) (“)55 Sillpm £7 i£o £i mcmhcisi. Host Brucc |)c\ liii gcts sct to launch his acidic \s it o\ct tlic atidicncc as hc picscnts .-\nsil Springsticn. Stcphcn ('arlin. Mikc Ncssall and Woods l‘hc comcdian. Not thc \Ytkklpt‘t‘lst‘l' Brick Wit House 'l‘hc Brick. 2t)7 Bath Sticct. 248 212* ‘lpm £4 t£2). 'l'hc Ioscl} \'I\ (ic‘c‘. \Tlsll't'ss ol lllt‘ Brick. compcrcs this cscmng \sluch lcaturcs Radio (‘lstlc prcscntcr |)cs .‘slcl can. John Ross. ()ucntin Rcsnolds and John l’urscs arc also thcic to cntcrtam thc masscs.


Heresy 'l‘hc Jcksll .\ ll_\dc. I I2 Hanmcr Sti‘cct. 225 2022. \‘..ll)pni. £3. SL‘L‘ ll-lltl (i.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272, “pm. £7 (£6 £5 iiicnihcrs). .'\1(’ Joc llccnan is in chargc this 'l‘hursda} cscning. with John (iillick. ('hris Rochc and And} Robinson. 'I‘hat's thc comcdian \\ ho's supportcd Jo Brand on tour tours. not thc lli’rlkr'sl Lurk prcscntcr. natch.

Check out the

on paquI

Make World Rabies Day 2007 a day to remember

Help us to win the Race against Rabies

The Alliance for Rabies Control

( is holding two events in Edinburgh as part of a global initiative to mark the first World Rabies Day and to generate awareness about the

disease and the need for immediate action.

The Comedy Stand, 12/9/07

Have a serious laugh. . . on 12 September at the Alliance for Rabies Control Benefit Night, The Stand Comedy Club, 5 York Place, Edinburgh. Starts 8.30pm (doors open 7.30), tidrets only £10

Race Against Rabies, Holyrood Park, 22 9. 07

Join us in the 5.5 km Race against Rabies on September 22, in llolyrood Park, Edinburgh, 12 noon. Registration £5 on the day (from 09.30). Walkers, run- ners, dogs on leads are all welcome. More information available at and on 0777 403 7867.

Rabies is a devastating and horrifying disease, Whldl kills 100 dlildren every day in Africa and Asia. The good news is that we have the tools to prevent every one of these deaths - all that is needed is the will to push things forward.

We need your help to spread this message!


in): wen", fill. D“

'. " ' r'k,r'. '1Ci"”,”,'lll0l airtime.

6—20 880 2007 THE LIST 37