- Mia‘s-n!-

Jongleurs, Glasgow, Fri 14 & Sat 15 Sep

Be funny about things that you know is one of the most common pieces of advice that young comics are given by more experienced stand-ups. Arnab Chanda, then, should have a wealth of funny stuff at his fingertips purely from the places he’s lived during his 26 years. Born in Pontefract, he moved to India aged six, spent his pubescent years in Saudia Arabia and had his late teens and early twenties in the US before moving back to the

UK in 2004 to settle in London.

Having begun his career as a comic doing open mic spots in New York, he has honed his technique (thoroughly professional) and ship-shaped his material (lightly surreal) and is tipped by many to be among the ones to watch. Among his accolades received so far, he was the winner of the Amused Moose Award last year and was the Jongleurs New Act winner in 2005. The previous year he made it to the semi-finals of both the BBC New Comedy Award and the Fringe's So You Think You’re Funny. He returned to Edinburgh this August partnering Greg McHugh for a half-hour shift of stylish stand-up in a show cutely entitled Tickets Still Available in which Chanda delivered some slick material (including his by now semi-legendary routine about the confusion which can arise if you get a certain chick-pea based dip and a certain group of Palestinian freedom fighters mixed up. We hope that the rumours he is threatening to quit stand-up to concentrate solely on writing are greatly exaggerated. (Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then clty. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Slén Bevan.


The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 6055. 8.3(lpiii. £9 (LB—£5 members). The

36 THE LIST 6—20 Sep 2007

tahtilotix .\l(' Ra} iiiond .\learn\ IS the [Xi\\L‘illUtl\L‘ behind toniglit'x \htm. \\ itli Vladimir Me'l'axixh. Sarah \lilliean and Patrick Roliiik.

Brick Wit house The Brick. 20* Bath Street. 248 2123.9piii. £4 it: l. .\l(' Siaii BUM") lllll'tXlllCL‘S the de\ ilixhl} talented l)L‘S Clarke. Sliir oi screen. radio and stage. .-\l\o on are liraii Heal}. Martin Beanie. Jamie lleane} and Toni .\le(iinn.

Edinburgh Heresy The Jek}ll a link. llZ llanmer

ltk tailed

\llL'Cl. :"2: H: u xx. w don‘t toiiiiilain about being ottended .it the e\enin;_' that indtilgw the daikei odes to toiiiedianx' repertoire

\\ ith a ditteient line til‘ e\ei_\ net-k. till headed l\_\ \l(~ Ritk \loll.ind. itK \xoith getting iii eail_\ toi .t \eat

The Thursday Show ltie \latitl. 5 \oik Plate. 55\ ‘3‘: ‘lpin :“ lllL'llll‘t‘lSI Sand} \elxon l\ .tl the helm ol the (iood Ship ( ‘oinedy \\ ilh \llll‘llt.ilt'\ Ian ('oppingei. ( i.ii_\ l ittle. \ inte l hike and \litk Sergeant


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longletiix. l (i(~ Building. ll Rentieu Street. “ball 7V llqtl‘ \i‘in L l: lhe lo\elie\t t‘oiiiedian on the tiietiit. \ltie Joe} l\ at .longletiix llll\ \\eekend to \piead tlll.t\ll;llllt‘tl iot lhe line up .ilxo iiieltidex the lllttl\t‘lliitl\ loii} l.i\\. \nlhon} king: and Sin \\ ho ' I .itigli. drink. then daiit'e the night .ma} The Stand lhe Stand. iii\\oodl.ind\ l<tl.'|(l_ llN—‘ll (illil (ills; .\ illpn] Lil [N {5 lllt'llll‘t'lSI See the t‘oined} klllt'lh \\llo iot'ked 'l'litiixda} llllell. .ill led h) R.i_\iiiond \lt'dlllS. l‘tll \ate in the kno\\ ledge )oti ean li.i\ e .i he lit lolnol‘i’ou, .\la_\l\e _\oti t'otild h.i\e .i lieei

\ it 'i‘ni ti

(LU L‘


Jongleurs Comedy Club longleuix. ()nini ('enlre. (ireenxide I’laee. “Sail” S"()”tl“. 5,-1.5pni. U |. Another weekend ot .longleui‘x lo). \Hlll eonied} then .i tiee eltih attemardx tor dancing: and ill

ad\ ixed \nogging. Your it'xteix ate ('lii‘ix (‘airiix lhendan l)t'illp\t‘_\. Sand} \elxon tilltl Rogt'i' l).

The Stand 'I‘he Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S 7272. ‘lpiii. W it'h' £5 ineiiiheixi lingo} the mine hill ax ’l‘htirxda). hut \\ ith the \pirit ol the ueekend to light up )otir tire. \ale in tlie kntm ledge that )oti can watch the I‘Jllllll'ltltllt' oiniiihtix lll hed toinoi'iou

Saturday 8


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Building. | l RL‘llll‘L‘“ Street. (LS—7” "ST (Ft)? Spin. [l5 See Hi 7. The Stand 'l‘llt' Sltllltl. 3.55 \VtitkllttlltlS Rtitltl. 0370 (illll (i055. 0pm, I l 2, See in 7.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jungle-tux. ()ltlnl (‘t'nii'tfi (irL‘L'llSltlL' l’lttt‘t‘. (lb—NF S7tl7tl7, 7.45pm. U4. See in 7.

Ross Noble l’la}hoti\e. IS 22 (ireenxide l’laee.llh7lllltilll"_1ll. Spin. {31! it; 1 Si. 'l'he etilt (ieoi'die \litlltktlp l\ touring: the [K \iith lllS llt‘“ Slit)“ Nob/emu. l'rexh troin a mammoth ‘l5rdate tour in .’\tl\lrttll;t and Ne“ /t‘itlttlltl. Siiit'e ltix l’errier .-\\iard-nonnnated l‘N‘l \lltM the L'ttltll} lad hax toured a next \ltim e\er} )ear. “llll laxt )mik reeeix in}; a Britixh ('oiiied} .-\\\ard nomination.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55h

73")”;1111. ill. See in "


Ross Noble 'l'heaire Rina]. 252 Hope Street, llSfill Will («i-4", Spin {21), Spm. See Sat .S‘. Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 33,1 \Vootilanth Rtiutl. US?” (30“ “USS, H, ‘sllpmv {5 «[4 {I iiieiiiherw. Stand ti\ttire .\lieh;iel Redmond ix in lli\ rightttil plaee at the helm of Stinda} nightx. mm the loxel} Sarah Millietin and l’atriek Rolink onhoartl.


Whose Lunch is it Anywar.’ The Stand. 5 York l’laee. 555 "2'3. lpiii. l-ree. Stinda} at'teriimiih are made bearable llldllk’x to thix mer-popular \xeekl} uttering from the Stand. linjo) tuo hourx ot iinprm. eounex} ot (iarr_\ l)oh\on and

Ross Noblei


(it .' 5' i' , i ' t' it ‘,\l ll‘ .l ' t .t‘ '- r y~ .‘li tl .I t ' l’ i "-t "

‘(wfijey i\"V‘ '\‘\‘ 1.:\“ v'", H. éxt'.i.ti< ,‘

}1\"\t.(1lixt‘~lti’su, «‘A .‘~"i

Tony Law itiw till a»:

’tfitiiitidniii .:.t .lil‘ '1 in n

liirititwti {iv-w! ,u' '3'».

it in twin. iri t .rii «ti t Ho {ho lti l‘iti' ii. ll 1’,” i (}(}(‘l‘( ’r' (E: K) t. ()".' f’! Sid/it}, {mint}. f'x. f ' Sop

Rough Cuts inwthiirw 1, Unit (1(Ll‘; out some litr‘dl at .: (ltllf‘), liltlllfllzil tili’l lutm ti.»- £1tl(ll(flltii;’ltttjltli: any logs, Hm Std/Ii}, (Minn Wed 7.” Sop.

Sean Hughes llltr mar. l()llll()l'l‘,' known zi‘; the: ,viiiiiriraxt over .‘.’ll‘ill(:l mt lllt- l’saiiim trike-f ll|f3 l riiigtr FiliUV.’ out wont .‘.’|lll lots; of ‘stiill about lerlltl a xiiisointnliiiig lllitll tiriiiiiwl til .i 95) your old}, liorl', (til'l tio.‘.’ your parents; got <;iii;i|lt:i étf) they got older, Ageing l‘; Swirl, Y, liig thoint: those days. l’rii/ii'iors ll) grit/o. (i«'.'i:,goi.~., /.'/ M 80;».

Arnab Chanda A new; Slt’illtl iii; fitzii .‘Jtio tinrloriiwl with Greg Mal lugii lust inniitii. llllF; young American :9 tl<:‘.“r;loiiing ti tll‘illllflll‘N: gov/,2

SM: preview. loft. .lorig/oi/ru.

wlii'ttini it ti.i',

()i‘risgoizg / M 7-1 92 Sat 7"; mi. Stephen Carlin 'lhroughout August. llll‘, int/Jr it,

Scot was; lli‘; /'tr/iir,‘ti:i' Hffii{1/.‘i_‘,(llif}: fulfil and .W: .',’ii surel,’ lit; charming the Glamor. ‘olks .‘Jllli more of or, SM (tor/ii stand-up Wit-enter hr: mil :1; r(;turi:irg “it, earlier llil;l.'i{:', 9 Jimmy Sgt/ilk. 'Jir/Jlmr {ii/i Natior'iail Sat/Jillian l‘) ant/Iii,” question l'rr; Stan/t. Other

7m (/0 Sep.

Stuart \ltii‘ph}. V-llll the option ot hot loud. lltelL‘S it ital loo. ll )iitt'l'e leelin: hrtne

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l‘lie Stand. .5 York l’laee. 5.53 7:72. Sillpiii £5 «£4 Ll nieinherxi. Sunday are the new hlaek. and are quite \llllpl} the oiil} thing to he \een in tor the nut 24 hour» Spend llll\ llltlxl daring ot day iii the