Royal Scottish Natit’rrtat @reltesira

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On stage at the start of this year’s

Edinburgh Festival and back at the Usher Hall for its penultimate night, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra have three Glasgow dates that are equally unmissable before returning to Edinburgh with their winter series. Two concerts in the magnificent surroundings of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, a venue originally designed for music as well as being a palace of art and culture, are followed by a welcome home to Nicola Benedetti and the launch of her third album. Featuring Vaughan Williams' evocative The Lark Ascending, Benedetti’s programme also includes the ever popular Violin Concerto No 1 by

Max Bruch. (Carol Main)

I litSNO. ixo/wng/t‘t e (Lt/km. it; .’-.' A fit? 353 Jet}; RUM'B/ Ctr/raw? Ha“

G/(lfitltht', Htt/ ti Sort

one ol tlte most aeti\ e tlr‘umrrrer'x on the Seottixh \eette. Stuart liromt.


I Caledon: Scotland’s Three Tenors l’l‘ll ('rnema. l'alkit'k l'o\\n llall. \Yt‘\l lil‘ltlgt‘ Sll'L‘L‘l. (H334 SlthSll. 7,.‘stlpm. {l2 til I t Rouxtrrg tunex l‘r'om lllL‘ l‘t“l\lllCtl ll'ltt.


I The Lydian Orchestra RS.-\_\ll). lle Rertl'r'e“ Street. 332 505", lpm. (5 (tree £2.5llt. :\ \eleetion ol' ehamher music l’or' \tr‘rrrgx arrtl \\ intl ensemhlex. lllL‘llltllllg lltllltlt‘l.\ (Y’Ntt'lil’ (intuit 0/) (t No 5. ’ttr! oft/re SUI/t I-i‘xttrttl t” Brim/r iirutlt (ire/tethry

I The Lydian Orchestra RS.-\.\ll). lllll Rentr'eu Street. 333 505-. “willpltl. £8 tl‘ree £4). The L‘\L‘lllll:_"\ programme tneltltle\ BL‘L‘llttH Cll.\ t'L‘lL‘tlllL‘\\ .YVnt/t/tum .YU . :llltl Saint-Saenx' (iv/[U (it’llt‘t‘l'lt’ .VU l. lithan Merriek CUllklUCl\ \\ llll (lemma Rtlsclieltl on the cello. I’tt/‘I nit/ti“ SUI/t l‘t'filild/ (“Brill-5}} iiruth ()rt‘ltestrtix.

I RSNO Kelvingrove Concerts Kelnngrme .-\rt (ialler'} tk \luxeum. .t\r'g'\le Street. 27» 05‘)”. 8pm. £2” tt‘lXt/L'S \lantlrng area. See in 24.

St Andrews

I Summer Series of Organ Recitals St .‘\lltlll'\\\ l'rrrxer'xrt} .\lu\re ('errtre. Younger Hall. North .Street. 0133-1 4633]). l.l$pm. £15”. .-\ eharree to hear .-\ntlr'e\\ \laerrrtoxh. \Vrllram SleH‘ttxotl arrtl {\tlillll Martin at St Sahator'x (‘hapel tlur'rng the \Vetlnextla} l.trnelttirrte ()rgan Reeital»


I Glasgow Schools String Orchestra RSI-\Ml). lllll Rerrt'reu Street. 333 SUV, "_.‘~tlprrt, is tl‘ree Ur .-\ntlr'e\\ .\lorrr\ eontluetx \\ rtlt (‘larr'e Philip leading the or'ehextra in a programme to rnelutle \lo/at‘t. \'r\altlr and the ltl\ll \Ulllltl\ ol' lilgar\ Sen nut/t ttn‘ Strings in thix l5lltlt annixenar} .\ear of hix hirth. l’urr unlu- DUI/i I'thlltl] or lirt'ttx/t hurt/I ()reheslrtts.

I St Giles’ at Six: RSCM Millennium Youth Choir \1 tine-V (lathetlrai. l\'~'}al \ltle. 23" Wt“; hprr. l tee l)a‘. rtl ( L'tlen eonrhrt'm a prograrnrzre ot Tllll\l\ to eelel‘tate the launth or the ( hunk next ('1 l. \ktth t'lLT.tlll\l Hattie! \lotrlt

Glrtsgt)t.‘.' I Jugendkapelle Lindau l\’\ \\ll t. lHH lx’errlre'a \tree:. ‘1: “iv lpm 1* -lree 13*” lalerttetl \xrntl orehextra Irorn the \lnxre \ehool in l rntlau. (ierrrtarrx. torttlutterl ltx lhorrrax \prex ’(.'I,' u’ (/1. grin; I. \.'f.,,‘ i" Ifrgfgtig )ut't: (),(;1( \.'It.'\ I Glasgow Youth Choir l<\ \\ll t. llNl lx’ertlrext. \treet. “I “iv illprn 15 'llk'k' Lit \ \‘-ltlt' l‘tllg't' til elltllal rtruxit int ltttlrng popular \ ltl\\l\\. petlorrrretl h} truth the \enror antl lunror \L't‘llttlh Hl (il\t\j,'tt\\ \Htllll (illttll. rritlutlrrtg \olm l\_\ thou merrrherx l’ul.’ it! {In .‘lIl/t It Wings" of Iii/:10: )wufit (ht/1min“


I Sounds of the Japanese Biwa ('arrorrgate Kirk. l5i('anongate. ‘pm

i“ its. l K tleltut ol lhrx hma enxerrihle lrom Japan l‘lllljJ\ the tllllhtlal arrtl tlelreate elraraeterixtrex ol the .lapattew ltllt' ltt a tie“ .ttltllt'llet'

Tuesday 28

G asgow

I East Dunbartonshire Primary Schools Orchestra l<,\'.\.\ll ). llll) Renlrexx Street. “I *llsfi lpm L31 tlree LINN. llte altetrroort'x ltt't'warrrme \xrll irrelutle \'er‘tlr\ ‘( irarrtl \lat‘elr llUlll.lIt/t1 aritl l'attte\ l’titttltt‘ ('ontluetetl h} (ieotge l-x'ell} l’tirt u/ [Ill SUI/tI'm/titt/u/li/tltx/thint/1 (’It/l('\lrt1\.

I West of Scotland Schools Concert Band l<S.v\.\ll). ltMt Remit-xx ~Street. ‘3: SUV. “,illpm. LN tlree t-li Nigel Hotltlree eontluetx \\llll lauren .\le('or'rrrrek on tlte tuha lll thr\ \arretl programme. )tlI'III/Illl'31H/l /'¢‘\Illu'/ u/ li’i'tltx/t li'IlI/I ()I't /I('\Iltl\


I Organ Recital \lor'iirtrgxrtle l’arrxh (‘hur‘elr l (‘ltrri_\ l)r'r\e. \lorrrrngxitle. ll" (i745. l.lllprrr l‘t'ee. l’hrlrp Sawwr pla_\\ muxre h} limtehutle. Kee arrtl l'l’;llll\,

Wednesday 29


I West of Scotland Schools Symphony Orchestra l<.\'.\_\ll). IHH Renlr‘eu Street. “3 SUV A illprrr LN tlt’ee Hi. .larrre\ loo e eontluttx thrx perlorrrrarree ol lilaltlltx. liorotlrn and too tarel_\ heartl pteeex llttt/t/m Mutt h} .\'rel\err antl Stantoan ('t'm'iint (trill t'IIH. I’ll/'1 t'i I/It‘ I’ll/l l't \Ilttt/ Hi Hutu/1 )irttt/r (ht lnwtrttx.


I Chamber Music Concert lilttltl Sartetuar‘}. l .\'rle (iroxe. [Kltprrr l-ree l’rarto tlUL'l\ h} Martyr Straehan and Mode) \thteheatl. pla}rrrg muxre h} Sullnan. \ltl\/l\tl\\\l\l. lhorak antl lit/er

Thursday 30


I Perth Youth Orchestra RS.-\.\ll). lllll Rettlt'e\\ Street. ‘33 5H5", ". illpm, {5 «tree L4». More unusual lllthle truth the hext ol Seotlantl‘x }otttig muxrerarrs. ax Sean l.a\\ take\ the \olo role in the lir'xt tttmetttettt or the (Mn (I'll! rm- Hun/tit Bun h} the late lhth eentur} ltahan eompoxet' antl \ tolttttxt. .-\lllttlll;t (‘aptr//r. .\lore lamrlrar rx llamrxh .\le('unn\ [AI/1&1“, I/re .llumtmrir and the Hood and. u rth eonduetor Allan Young. Ktitl;rl}'\llt1i'\ jttiim Sump Part of [In flit/I l'c’xtrttt/ of lil'tttx/r Your/t ()n In \Irm

, a

:v ‘r‘ \ ‘V I"

c k! \A it

I Organ Recital \lurzt:t‘.g\:\le l‘athl‘. t‘htrreh

'1 Hurt} lime~ \ltrzrrrrryxrtlt'. 1-1‘ Ellprn lree \ retrial in \lorlex “hrteiteati plaxrng nazxrt hx Hat h. \le'rrtlt'i\\t~ltzr, l \‘\l1llj.‘, l\a:;.' l lett and

l r\/t


I Fife Youth String Orchestra and Percussion Ensemble l\'\ \\ll t. too lx’ertlrexx \tteet. li.‘ *t"‘ lptn :3 tltee :3 ‘th l\ennetlrt lathe \trtrrlnttx the \trtnr' l h hmtra anil lx'e'txxta \latlrewtr thret t\ the l11'lll rhxthrns or the l’ett t1\\lt‘ll l nxenzl‘ler ptoz'tarrrtne rttt ltrtlrnx' l /’..'I.' 'ia (l't /I.'( \."i.'\ I Fife Youth Orchestra l\'\ \\ll t. lotl

lx’enlrev. \tteet. ii.‘ “'i' ' “'l‘nr t\

li.l‘\‘1ll\-\l lolxt antl l‘trrtell

."’.".' It lit/m: law:

rlree Lit lhe exenrnz'K programme \xrll int lutle \rl‘eliux antl ( rershorrr and the emellent _\ourr:' \t'lt'l\l (‘hrhtrne \rrrrth rrr (illt‘tex Hurt: ( um ( Hit /’.;I{ t" Km .‘I‘Ii:

It \.'/‘.tit t‘t' lil1.'.’\/I it'll?! ()H ’.'t \."tt'\


I Glasgow Schools Symphony Orchestra RS \\ll ). l'ltl lx’errlreu Silt‘t'l. “3 “NH programme or (ihnlta. lthaikoxxlet litfn Run/in: \}lll[‘llttll} arrtl \rlrelrux. pontluetetl h} (iert_\ l)ohert} lint it! tin .‘tljlr ll \ttrtt/ wt li'i/ttxit limit/r ()1. in mm

Wednesday 5


I 8th Scottish International Piano Competition ( ‘rt_\ llallx. ( ".rrrtllerrgt'x. i“ Nllllll lllllt'\ \at} .\ lt'\ll\al ol piano [ll.l_\lll;' arrtl lllll\l\'. rn \xlrrt'h giltetl _\tttlllj.' pranrxtx lrom all wet the \\tllltl torrrpete lot more than {lillllll ol pit/ex


I Scottish Opera l'.l\l\\tHItl llreatre. l‘..t\l\\tit>tl l’.tll\. Rttlllu'll ( ilt'll Rtliltl. a,” 4‘in ()llt' Hi the lt'.ttllll_‘.' 'ltt'l Lalth operax ol the Will eentrrrt. Rowrm'x (mt/en [In is an entertaining .lllll engaging light torrretl} and a \lltt\kt'.l\t‘ lot \oeal lllt'\\till\\ \xrth a great lirral aria

Thursday 6


I Nicola Benedetti with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra l(ti};rl (‘ortt’ert Hall. I Sauehiehall Street. 4“ Mllltl itlprrr L135” Lit) \otnrnatetl tor three (‘laxxreal lirrt \\‘-.lltl\ earlier thrx _\eat, rtrelutlrng lll\ll'lllllt'lll.lll\l. :\lhum and Young l’illlhll l’erlorrner ol the Year no lev. lierretletti perlormx a progratnrrre to rnelutle lirut'h'x llN/lll

( urn ( rlu \u / Ill (/ Ill/III'I ()p V1. alongxrtle the RSV)

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ( tr} ll.tll\. (‘arrtller‘rggx 5‘ WNW lrtrrex \al} See “M <

'illpttt t\ tltee 21:


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Highlands Tour Stirling (axlle. ()ltl 'ltmrt. til "Sh ~1<lllltlll Hprn thr

tLli US: 'l he or'ehextra ernharl. on their linal tour ol the Seottrxh llrghlantlx thrx \ummer letl h} \ueler Yang on guitar pla} trig l<tttlt'tf_'tr\ (in/rt I! It“ t/r .ll:ll1/lll_' .-\l\o on the programme. under the haton or '\lL'\illltlL’l Shelle}. rt l‘aure‘x I’mtmt. Strax tllxlx} \ lhmr/utrrmr (in! \ .tlltl lla}tltt\ Sump/turn \u ‘l‘/

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