
I Leana Zaccarini 8- Jenny Clark Trio Art de (at. 'l he ()ld Sheritl (‘ourt Building. lirunxurel. Street. Will NJ S H) itipnr l‘tee See in 3-1


I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l he .lal/ Hat. 1 (‘harnherx Street. 33” ~13‘Nl ()[llll U iL3i \‘ayxrng line up\ or top lllllSlL'lélllS. axxernhled eaeh \teek h} lllltlllxltt} ot the lalrirhurgh ia/I \LL'llL'. drurnrner llrll l\'_\le


I Joni Keen Quartet l)unhlane ll_\dtti. l’etlli Road. ill—7W) H3355l ‘) llillprn l~ree, See lit 34


I Big Bob’s Blues and Ska .\rt tlL' ('al. 'l'he ()ld Sheirlt (‘ourt Building. llt‘unxu iek Street. i“ ll i-l-l

S It). illprn l'i‘ee. See Sat 35


I Trio Jazz The Jan llai. I (‘harnherx Street. 330 ~13‘)tl. l. {tlpin l'l'L't'. See Sill 3.5.

I Nick Gould’s Jazz Main lulglil} Queen Street liar and Rextaurant. St) Queen Street. 33h Slit)?

()Plll midnight. liree. Melodie ia// ll'Hlll the lidinhurgh tenorixt and hand lealtirrng auard-urnning ltutnpeler ('tillti Steele.

I World Premier‘l‘he Jan Mar. l (‘hanilien Street. 33“ -l3*)tl, ‘lplll. U ([3). :\ dillt‘tt‘ttl \L'leelroti ol li\ e leading ja/I pla_\er\ come together tor eaeh \e\\ion. \\llll no rehearxal. the result\ \xill he unpredietahle. hut taxeinating no doubt.


I Joni Keen THO Beer ('ate. 7x ('andlerigg\. 553 ‘lSl5. 5 7.30pm. l'il‘L't‘. SL‘C .Stltt 3h.


I Sunday Sundowner Jazz l’latt‘orin l. l Stone llrae t()lt'('anal Slt‘et‘ll. SS‘) 3095. -l (ipitt. l‘t'L'L‘. SL‘L‘ Sun 3t».


I The Jazz Bar Big Band the .la// Bar. I (‘liarnlierx Street. 330 43*)”. 8.30pm. £3 (£3i. Ja/l elawiex t'roin llllS lS-Plt'k't‘ t‘llSL‘llll‘lL'.

Tuesday 4


I JASBO The Jan llar. l (‘hanrherx Street. 330 4300. Sfitlpnr. l‘ree. See ‘l‘ue 38.

Glasgow I Real Live Jazz Session Rio (are. 37 ll)ndland Street. 3R4 Wit)”.

.S‘ l lprii. l’ree. See 'l'hu _.~.


I Jalfrezi Jazz Stii'uehi. l4a .\'ieol\on Street. 55h (i583. " ltlprii. l'lCC. .SL‘C ‘l‘llll 35.

I Freddie King Quartet the .la// Bar. l (‘ltttltllk‘l'x Slt‘L‘L‘l. 33H 43‘)“. 8.30pm. £3 i£3i. (‘ool _ia// \ouridx from the \oeall) ad\enturou\ ‘Krng ot Seat' and entourage.


I The Kings of Swing ('arnegie Hall. l-Iast l’ort. (H.133 (vtl3303. 3.30pm. £14 t£l l.5tl £l3..5tli. .-\ rollereoaxter ride ot‘ tinger-elieking tun eelehrating the best ot‘ the Rat l’aek era \\ itli the Kings of Swing ()rehestra.

as THE LIST 23 Aug—8 Sep 200"

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days beiore publication to henry© Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 23


I Devendra Banhart lhe \ithe» _\rg}le' Street. USN” 3-lli "53S "pin

L lti 5” l'ronr le\a\ \ ia inner \paee. the poeh tolk ltKlK pi\te \rxrtx our \llitlt'\ I Dick Gaughan St \lltllt‘\\ '\ in the Square. St -\ndre\\ \ Square. 55" 5"“3 Spin {Ill i LSI Seotland\ \eteran aeouxtre eleetrre g'llllal'lSl and [‘Hlllltdl \tllg't'l .tl\H tltlt‘\ .i llllk' litttl l‘ttlltttl


I Samba Sene .llltl Diwan lhe .la/I llar. ('hainherx Street. 33” .l3‘1ll ‘lplll LS 1L5 l. .la// gromex and MM l‘eah tiorn Senegal


I Samba Sene antl Diwan lhe .la// liar. (’haiiihei‘x Street. 33tl-13‘lll ‘lprn LS iL'5 t, See l liti 3 i


I Five O’Clock Fling: John Somerville and Michael Bryan 'l’olhoorh. .lail \\_\ntl, tilixri jiiiiuu

.5. illpni. to Young llighlanderx troiu eheelt} aeeordion group Hm (‘luh hrnrg their \xild tune\ and d_\rrarnie guitar

Saturday 25


I Zuba Rio (Kite. ll}ridland Street. 3 H t)Uti‘). Spin. l'ree. llaxxa heat and tau rootx eorne together in the (il;i\go\\ haxed

.\tro/\\'orld hand.


I Samba Sene aritl Diwan the Jan liar. (‘harnlierx Street. 33” 430i). ‘lplll. L’S iL'5i. See 'l‘hu 33.

I Dougie Maclean (‘iueein llall. ('lerlt Sll'L‘L‘l. (>03 3lll‘). Scotlanth internationth popular tolltx} \onguriter. \iith hix hand.


I KOICSO (‘ate (‘ovaeliole RllSSltlll ('ultural (‘entre. .'\|hion Street. .553 “"33. Upnr. Ur. l)ireet troin St l’eterxhurg. the RUSSltlll tolk enxenthle ineorporatex lllllSlt‘ and dattL‘L'


I Samba Sene and Diwan the Jan Bar. ('lrarnherx Street. 330-1300. Uprn. LS i£5i. See Thu 33.

Glasgow I Yaman 'l‘ehai ()\ na. ()tago lane. 35"

4.534. Spin. L3. ('onteniporar} \itar \Hlll lltllCS and heat\.


I Open Session Stirling l-‘ollt ('luh. Stirling ('ount} Rugh} l-‘oothall (‘lulx Bridgehauglr l’arlt. ('aiixexunliead Road. til 35” 3lS53 1. Spin. ltittn‘nial xexxron. llll\lCtl h} |.orna So an and triendx

Tuesday 28


I The [.01. (il‘;t\\lll;tl'l\cl. 33.5 339‘). Spin. £6. ('eilidh daiiee. h\ e haiidx and a ealler to lead _\ou through the \IQIM.

I Paul McKenna 8- Ubesky Brod Ro)al ()ak. lntirmar) Street. .55- 39%. 8.30pm. £5. Scottixh and lrixh

mune :notleii: ii‘\l\ and \I'T‘rit'l‘ill‘i‘fafl


Wednesday 29


I Steve Byrne Ro\al t lak. lntitrnar\ Street. 55‘ 3"“h \ itipru :5 Singer and hoti/oul.i player with \lalrnky lltrne peiloiirrx rrruxit troiri hr\ \llthh haeltgrountl

Thursday 30


I Alison McMorland 8- Geordie McIntyre St \ndreu K in the Square. St \ndiext K Square. 55" 5"”3 Spin Ui rte-1i l\\o gieatl} atliniretl \lllth'l\ in the Stot\ tradition. rrrr\ \hxonk lllk'Slllt‘lhlllf.‘ liallatlx \xrth (ieortlie\ touthrnx.‘ \ell penned \ongx


I Jim Bainbridge l<o_\.il Halt. lllllllllal} Street. 55‘ 3"“ti S illprn L5 (iteal l_\ne\rtle inelodeon pla_\ei and


I Joe Topping l'.tll\lll\ lolk (‘lulx llre l’olixh ('luh. .\rnot Street. ill ;31 (\l “U5 S “lprii. 'lalenled \irigei \otlg\\ttlet troiii the North ot langland


I Nancy Nicolson and Thirst l<o_\.il ()ak. lntir'inai} Street. 55" 3‘l5ti S illpni L5 Singer \ongurrtei. rnelodeon and \ltil}lt'llt‘l lt‘;itl\ lllt' l\’i[\ttl (lale \t‘t‘} o\\n thexpran troupe a\ the_\ drink tlterir\el\e\ through lll\lt \xrrtei l'lann ()‘Hi'ien‘x 'l’hrr'xt'


I Alastair McDonald and Thirst Ro}al (lak. lnlirinar} Street. 55“ 3*)"(r Sillprn. £5. (ilaxgou horn radio and 'l V entertainer \\ llll the l<o_\al (latex the\pian troupe.


I Andy Fraser \Vee l'llll\ ('ltilt. Ro}al ()ak. lnlirinar} Street. 557 3970. Sfitlpiu. U. ltdinhur‘ghliaxed \ingei trorn lllllSlt'lllS and light opera. here \ingiirg lolk \ongx and halladx.


I Lyra Celtica Stirling l'olk ('luh. Stirling ('ount} Rugli} l-oothall ('luh. llridgeliaugh l’ai‘k. (‘auxexuoliead Road. “I 35‘) 3lS53l. Spin. .\lu|ti rn\truinental hand led h} aee piano aeeoi'dronixt troni langland\ North l'.a\t. l.}rrrr locker.

Tuesday 4


I Ceilidh Club 'I he l,ot. (il';t\\lll;tll\L'l. 335 330‘). Spin. Ur. See 'l‘ue 3S,


I A Tribute to lain MacKintosh law at the Star. St Andre“ '\ in the Square. St .r\ndre\\ \ Square. 55‘) 5‘)ll3. "..‘~llprir. i" 11.5» .\ \er} \peeral gets ltigt'lllct‘ ol' Millie til the late Seoh \ingei'K palx. rneludriig Arthur Johnxtone. Adam .\le.\'aughton. Strainaxh. (iaherlun/ie and other\ -\ll proeeedx to .\laggre\ (‘entre


I Angus Lyon 8. Ruaridh Campbell l-alltrrl. l'ollt ('luh. "l he l’tllhll (‘luh .\rnot Street. ill 334 M3695. 3.5llplll. .~\rr rnxigorating. ehallenging take on Setllllxll llthle‘ troni thi~ ouNanding )oung duo on piano aeeordion and liddle.

L '\ ‘v‘ y \ I 1‘ L lEIK It I Linlithgow Folk Festival \.t!lu‘ll\

\en'..e\, "15"t‘ S 1 lot“ \trriua? \xeekcnd qxeir: Ruin of? v.21}: .t‘flet‘l'tS. H'z'rti":

\ewroitx .taft ..t‘:l\ ‘.\t‘ll\\lli‘;‘\. 1m“ \ewzonx. .arial \IL::\.'\. \tieet t‘\\‘l‘.’\ and an open \Iage l‘ettot'iteh irrelutte l\.uriie l’olxxart‘. ll.t\f\ril1 (ioltliuxh .tiit‘. \allll‘alhlte


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne® Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.


I Festival of British Youth Orchestras RS \\ll ). liltl l\'t'iilre\\ Stieet. H3 5H5" l ritrl .‘ Sep lirne\ \ar} L5 LS iliee tli. \eawn lrtltet L35 L5" lhe lt‘\ll\.tl ol llllllSli \outh (lieliextrax \houtawx \outh iilt'llt‘\ll.t\ and t‘ll\t‘llll‘lt‘\ lioin atioxx the l l\ with oeeauonal international guextx See \\\\ \\ na}o org ltlx lot More tletarlx

I Organ Recital lx'elxinyioxe \ii Mallet} t\ \llISCUIH. \lg‘Slt‘ Street. 3 ‘ti “5"” lprii l‘ree (heart inuxrt liorri

\llan \lel’hee


I Organ Recital \loimiigxrtle l’.tll\ll ('hurth. l (‘lunt llri\e. \lorrririg\rtle. ll" M715 l lllprn l‘ree \ ieeital li_\ lorn l \l\\.lltl\. pla_\riig ruuxit lit llu\telhude_ liaelr. .\rtii\doitl. and inarit tllllk'l\

I Organ Recital l’.ilriiei\tori I’late ('hureh. Ill l’.ilirrei\tori l’laee. 33” IN)“ ”. itlpin l'ree. (irlliari \Vard l\’ll\\t‘ll pla_\\ a \arred prograrnnie ol organ inu\ie. ineluding \kt‘ll\\ h) \lentlelxxohn and lilgar


I Fife Youth Concert Band and the Kingdom Fiddlers RS \.\ll ). ltiti Rentreu Street. “3 5H5" lpiii L5 ilree L350) x\ll}_'l|\ ( ‘uthlieitxon eonduetx the (‘onteit Hand in lllllSlt' trorn Sparke. lleiihtern and \inold (iraenie \\ rlxon eonduetx the Kirrgdoiri l‘ltltllt‘IS in a prograiiinre ot lllll\|\ ttorn \lttg't' tilltl nice“ ;i\ \\ t'll .lS \tllllL' traditional lllllCS to get the teet tapping ’u/I of [he 3lII/i lt'\[llrl/ o! Hill/\ll llIHI/l ()It Irwin“.

I East Dunbartonshire Secondary Schools Orchestra l<S.\.\ll). lliti Rentrext Street. H3 5ll5". itlprn LS ttree H l. .\ partreularl} tunetul pr'ogiarnrne loda} \kllll eonduetor (it'iilg'e Kell} \ \eleelion Hl \laleiiltll .‘\r'nold\ lr\el} Ili”l()'S/ll1Illl'/. .\la\\enet\ hallet llltISIL' loi [1' (ill. inxpir'ed h} the legendar} hero lzl ('rd and. appropriatel_\ enough tor a )outh oiehe\ti'a. lleniarnin Britten‘x loing I’ei'xon '\ (lull/e In Illl' (In ltt’HI'rt I’d/I of [/14' 3/II/i l't’\[ll(l/ o/ lfrilix/i lord/i

()rt llt‘\ll(l\

I RSNO Kelvingrove Concerts Kehingroxe :\t'l (ialler') A; \lll\L’lll|l. .\rg_\le Street. 37!» ‘)5‘)‘). Spin {3”

it; I Si/t.‘5 \tandrng area. 'I he oreliextia'x tirxt puhlie pertor'inaneex in the new I} returhixhed Kehingrox e .I\r't (ialler). and \lUSL‘llltl. ('orrdueted h} Jo.v\nn l‘allelta and teaturrng lllthle h} Helium}. .\le('unn and Mendelxxohn


I Camerata Ritmata Brunton

'l llL‘ull‘L‘. l.£ltl\\'~ ell \Vti). \ilhxcll‘l‘rgll- ms 32m 7 .‘iiipm. u w; term. A utiiqtie lieu ertixx-genre quartet teaturing award-winning elaxxreal guitar \rrtuow Srrnon 'l haeker. l’aul Kirh}. one ol Seotland\ leading ia/I pranrxtx. Bra/ilian haxx d)naino Mario (‘arihe and