
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s Efld t l2:\l . ((iorc \ct‘hinsls‘i. l'S. 3007i Johnny l)cpp. Kcira Knightlc}. Orlando Bloom. (icol't'r'c) Rtish. l68min. 'l‘hc third instalmcnt ol thc

lloll} \sood hlockhustcr l'ranchisc has .suhstitutcd coltcrcnt plot chclopmcnt and c\tcndcd comcd) routincs t'or hum- numhingl} tcdious plotting that cvctt an cl'l'ccts hca\ }’ spcclaclc can't stIVL‘. 'I‘ltc allurc ol~ Dcpp's itist-ahout-still-amtising stoncr piratc. and Knightlc) aitd Bloom‘s dttll. \‘irgittal lo\ crs has gottc to its \s'atcrloggcd gra\c hut thc sct'ics may limp on. St’lr’r'lr'r/ l'l’lt’tl.\('.

>l: Private Fears in Public Places

( l2.-\l O... (:\lain Rcsnais. l‘rancc. 200m Sahinc ;\/cma. l.amhcrt Wilson. .-\ndrc l)tissollicr. thlmin. Scc t'c\ ic“. pagc ~13. (ilusgmi' l-i/m 'I‘ltr'utn'. (i/mgmi.

The Pursuit of Happyness ( ll-‘o O. ((iaht‘tclc .\lticcino. l'S. 2000) Will Smith. 'l‘handic Ncuton. Jadcn Smith. ll7min. ('hris (iardncr (Smithi's sur\ i\al skills arc pill to thc lcst \shcn his girllricnd Linda lNc‘\\lottl |ca\'cs him. With a son to look al‘tcr (Smith's rcal lit‘c ot'l'spring. Jadcnl and an ttttpaid intcrnship lot‘ incomc. (iardncr's pursuit ot' thc .-\mcrican l)rcam (duhhcd ‘happ}ncss‘i loolss dootttcd. Smith Scniot' is tip to thc dramatic cltallcngc but his \chc cannot compcnsatc l'or thc glih tttonoton} ol‘ tlic stor}. \iu' l-filinlmrg/i Ur‘r'un. Iii/inhiirgli.

Rama Shama Bhama t llAi (Ratttcslt .-\ra\ ind. lttdia. 3005) Ramcsh :\ra\ ind. l)ais) llopamta. Kamal llassan. lh’tlmin. :\ g} nccologist (llassanl hclps his l'ricnd

(:\r'\ indi otit ot' thc trotthlcs that strikc him titttc attd again. ('im'u'or/il Rt'llll‘t’lt‘ Sti'r'i't. (i/usgmi'.‘ (lilUll'Ul‘lt/ I'frlin/mruli. [admiring/i.

:2s‘ Reflections in a Golden Eye l lSi 0.. (John lluston. l'S. l‘)(i7l .\l;tt‘lott Brando. lili/ahcth 'l‘aylor. Brian Kcith. Julic llarris. lllSmin. li\cr_\da) lil'c in an arm} catnp in (icorgia: thc major lancics thc pri\atc \s'ho t‘idcs nudc. thc major‘s \\ itc has


. .éfilt‘li- n

Screen /(;ons: James Mason Collection is out this lortnight. It features five of this truly brilliant actor's best films. including Odd Man Out. Five Fingers and The Man Between plus loads of juicy extras. The List has five box sets to giveaway. To be in with a Chance of winning one simply send an email marked MASON. with your name. address and daytime telephone number to promotions’ailist.( by no later than Thursday 2 August. Usual List rules apply.

50 THE LIST 13} \Jul 9 Aug 700/

an al’t‘air \\ ith hcr ncighhour uhosc \\ ilc has cut oil" hcr (m n nipplcs \\ ith gardcn shcars. lltiston's adaptation ot‘ ( ‘arson .\lc(’ul|crs‘ tto\ cl is st} lislt but lacks tltc ctttotiottal dcptlt to takc it t'rom tltc rcalms of art) porn. l’att ol' Marlon Brando rctrospcctn c. I‘i/m/mrm'. Iii/inlmrg/i.

Reign Over Me ( 15).... (.‘slikc Bindcr. 1S. 2007) Adam Sandlcr. l)on (’hcadlc. Jada l’inkctt Smith. 134mm. ('harlic (Sandlcr) is a \\ ido\\ cr sul'l'cring lt'om l’ost 'l‘ratintatic Strcss l)isordcr li\ c _\cars altcr ‘)/| l until ltc humps ittto ltis old collcgc pal Alan t('hcadlc. L‘\L‘cllcttl l. 'l‘hc man} comic intcrludcs and sidc storics arc stipcrt‘luotisl) nicc httt ultimalcl} dctract lrom \that is tttostl} a thoughtlul. c\'cn stupcl'} ing sttid_\/comcd_\ ot‘ human t'railt). ('umr'o. Iii/in/mrgli.

=2: Repastit’m 00. (Milan Nariisc. Japan. IUSI l Kcn l'chara. Sctsulso llara. Yttkiko Shima/alsi. U7min. lt's htisincss as Usual in thc Narusc unncrsc \sltct‘c u i\cs arc loncl). rcprcsscd. ignorcd and tlnhapp}. But this particular spottsc. \lic‘ltiyi ()lsatnoto (llaral. acts on hcr dissatisl'action. rcsulting in an intcrnal strugglc o\ ct' ho“ (and \\llL‘lllL‘t'l to lca\ c. l’art ol Narusc scason. l’l/Ht/lrtllw'. lat/in/mrg/t.

:2: The Seventh Seal tl’(il oooo (Ingmar Bcrgman. Sucdcn. 1957i .\la\ Von S_\do\\. (ittnnar Bjornstrand. Bibi :\ndcrsson. ‘lllmin. Scc t'c\ icu. pagc ~12. l'ilm/muw. I'fr/iII/mrg/t.

The Shaggy Dog (ti 0. (Brian Robbins. l'S. Zoom 'l‘im .v\||cn. Kristin

l)a\ is. l)ann_\ (ilm cr. Rohcrt Dimnc) Jr. 08min. l):\ l)a\'c Douglas (.'\|lcn) gcts hittcn h} ottc ol' cra/_\ l)r Ko/ttk's (l)o\\nc} Jrl lah dogs. (ml) to turn into a shccpdog himsclt. \Vrittcn h} thc marginall} talctttcd husband attd \s il'c dtio .\lariannc attd (‘orntac \Vihhct'lc) (.Vutinnu/ ’I'n’miu'i'. I S/n l this is dixct‘ling _\ct lormulaic and tmrcmarkahlc l'amil} tarc. lain/HIT (in/chunk. ('lu/c/nmk. Sherrybaby ( tit .00


(’oll_\cr. l’S. ltltl7i Maggic (i) llcnhaal. Brad William llcnkc. Sam Bottoms. 95min. Scc lt‘ttltlt'c. pagc l3 and AIM) Rclcascd.

pagc 43. (itmr‘n. I‘Jr/lll/ml'g'll um/ w/r'r’ti'r/ I‘r'lt’uu' lmm I‘l'i 37.1"].

Shrek the Third (ti 0. ((‘hris Millcr. l'S. 2tlll7l VttlL‘L‘s ol .\likc .\l_\crs. liddic .\lurph_\. ('amcron l)ia/. Jttstin 'l‘imhcrlakc. liddic \lurph). Antonio llandcras. 93min. 'l‘hc grccn ogrc (\oiccd h} .\l)c'i'sl runs a\\a_\ lrom parcnlal attd t‘o};t| rcsponsihilit) to go on a jotirnc} uith lo}al companions l)onl\c} (.‘slttrpln land l’uss in Boots (Bandcrasl to scck out anotltcr ltcir to thc tltt'onc ('l'imhcrlakcl. 'l‘hc third installmcnt ol this hloclshustcr phcnomcnon l‘ccls a hit lormulaic mm but thcrc arc cnottgh loxs hro\\ jolscs to kccp tindcr cdttcatcd childrcn cntcrtaittcd. (ii’ni'rul I't’lt'rlu'.

The Simpsons Movie (l’( il 00.

(I)a\ id Silwrman. IS. 3007) Voiccs (it Dan (Eistcllaitcta. Jttlic Kamcr. Nanc) ('artitright. Stimin. Scc pt‘c\ icu. pagc 4t) and :\ls() Rclcascd. pagc 42. (ii'nr'ru/ It'lt'(l\('.

Sketches of Frank Gehry( 12m

0. (S)dnc_\ Pollack. (ict'tttan_\ AS. 3005) SJmin. l’ollacls's documcntar} on (iclir). .-\mcrica's most latiiotis li\ ittg architch is. instcad ol a \\ clI-rcscarchcd piccc ol- tactual lilminalsing. luo old tarts dri\ ing around |.os Angclcs conlirming cach othcr's gcnius. (icltt‘) 's arcltitccturc rcprcscnts thc hcst and must (it contcmporar) dcsign practicc. ln tailing to look at thc hig ptcturc. l’ollacls lca\ cs its \sitli tnot'c ol' thc lattcr than thc tormcr. (l/ll\'\'(li\ I‘ll/HI III/lr'rlll'r'. (i/(ltg'mt.

Sonja ( l5) ( Kit‘si l.iimataincn. (icrman). Ztllltii Sabrina Krtischu ill. Julia Kaut'manm. Nadia linch. 73min. .\ coming-ol-lc'shian agc stor} as Sonja (Krusclm ll/l outgroxss hct' l‘ricnds. tatnil) and ho} lricnd ox ct' ottc hot and c\ cntl'ul summcr. (i/usumi' l-‘i/m 'I'lii’ulrr'. (i/(HQUH.

>2: Sound of the Mountain (Ho .0... ( .\lilsio Nat‘usc. Japan. 105-1) Sctsttko llara. Kcn t'cltara. So Yamamttra. Utimin. Narusc rcturns to ottc ol his liixoiii'ttc thcmcs loncl} and stil'lcd ltoltsc“ i\ cs ill a talc ol tlisposscsscd domcsticit} pla) cd otit h) llara and l'chara.

James Bond’s third cinematic adventure, Goldfinger (pictured), kicks

llc's rcguIarI} drunk. shc's considcring an abortion arid oitl) hcr tallicr iii-la“ undcrstands. ()nc ol' Narttsc's most c\lta(n'dinar} aitd clttoli\ c lilms. l’art ol' Narusc scason. l‘l/lll/IUHNK. [Jilin/Hugh. Spirited Away t l’( it C... (Ha}ao Nina/aid. .lapait. ltltll t Voiccs: Dascigh ('Iiasc. Rumi lliragi. Sidomc \on Krosigk. Mott lrino. Jason .\larsdcn. 125mm. ('hihiro trawls through a tttttncl into anothcr \sorld. \\ hcrc sltc happcns upon a hathhousc lor lltc spirits. :\ltct‘ choxs ing dimn gt‘ccdil} on soltlc spikcd local pt'odllcc. (.llihll‘t).s parcnts at'c transl'ormcd into pigs. lcax ing thcit' suddcnl) dutil‘ttl daughtcr to scck \sork in tltc hathhotisc in ordcr to t'clcasc thcm. l’hilosopli). attitttc and shamanism this is somcthing rcth stunning that nccds to hc scctt to hc hclic\ cd. l’art ol' Animation ('ottt'sc. l'i/m/iouu'. [Jilin/Hugh.

TMNT (l’(il 0.. (Kct iii .\ltmroc. l’S. 3007i \otcCs ol Jtttttcs Arnold la} lot‘. \ltkc} Kcllc). Nolan North. 30min. 'l’hosc 'Ii'vnugi' Mutant Ninja lint/vs arc hack. soupcd tip

\\ ith .il) animation and looking pt'ctt) lt‘ut'solttc. (iood dcsign aitd c\ccllcttl tight scgucnccs ha\ c rcplaccd a lot ol‘ thc humour ol' thc original attd makc this worth catching. sttt‘pt‘isittgl}. (iii/H’H'Ul'ltl l’urA/ir'url. (i/uiumr: ('inr'ii'm'lr/ Iii/inluu‘uli. Iz'ilinluu'uli.

Tell No One (Ne Le Dis a Personne) ( ISI 0... ((itiillattmc ('anct. l‘rancc. llltlm l-rancois (’lti/ct. \lari- .loscc (‘t‘o/c. Natltalic Ra'sc. 125mm. Supcrh l’arisian-sct thrillcr adaptcd lrom llarlan (‘ohcn‘s tlo\ cl. .'\lL‘\.tlltil‘C Bcck ((‘Iti/cti t‘cL‘ct\c\ tt \ idco ctttail (tl' his sttpposcdl} dcad \\ ilc and uncmcrs a hot hcd ol' dangcr l'rom cops arid killcrs alikc. (‘ini-ii (tr/(l It’r’Il/I‘r'tt’ .Sll't'r'l. (i/uwon'.’ ('(llllt'll. lat/in/mrg/i.

Ten Canoes ( l5! 0... (Roll dc llccr. .'\ustralia. 200m ('rusoc Ktirddal. Jamic (ittlphill. l)a\ id (iulphill. 93min. lmprcsshc and lairl) singular action adwnturc scl in tribal timcs in thc north ot' .»\ustra|ia. \shcrc tcn mcn ltcad into tltc l'orcst to into cst harks l'or canoc making. But this is tltc scason ol goosc cgg gatltcring and tltcrc arc important storics to hc told. l'i/m/iiiim'. Int/inhurgli.

off this ambitious nationwide season of legendary British films which have been restored in some way and are then projected digitally to a variety of cinemas. Tying in with the new 8802 programme British Film Forever, throughout August and into September fans of classic films will be able to catch Brief Encounter, Billy Liar, Henry V (1944), The Wicker Man, The Dam Busters and Withnail and l.

I GF7, Glasgow is: Film/iouse, [Tr/inhurgli from Tue 3/ Jul.