
Marlon Brando t’L‘lt'nxpcc’lh c. l-‘ilmimuu'. occaxionall) l'unn}. mildl} \cnophohic xt) lixcd multi pcrxpcctn c murdcr m) xtcr_\ on gangxtcr xuprcino J (‘ohh onl_\ lcadx lat/in/mrg/i. xlapxtick lcatttt'c. .lacqucx 'lati did it xo much thrillcr xct in rural Spain. l-i/m/inim'. to tragcd} tor Brando‘x c\-ho\cr 'l'crr} Little Otik (Otesanek) i l5l 0.. hcttcr. ()(lt'tlll ,ll 'Iiln' Qum. (i/mgnn : ()tlt’t’ll lulin/uu‘g/i. Mallo} in thix carl} maxtcrpiccc ol' the

(Jan Suinkmaicr. ('Icch chulilic. zoom lli'm'r Hui/m. lat/in/mrg/i. Not Here to Be Loved t l5i O. Mcthod xchool. l)cxpitc o\ cr—oh\ ioux \‘cronika /.ilko\a. Jan llartl. Jaroxla\a My Best Friend 1 12A) 0.. il’atricc (Stc‘phanc Bri/c. l‘rancc. 2005! Patrick rcligioux x_\ mholixm. Budd Schulhcrg‘x Krctxchmcrma. l3 l min. l'tilixing an old l.ccoiitc. l"rancc. Zillloi l)anicl Autcuil. ('hcxnaix. Annc ('oxign}. (icorgcx \Vilxon. politicall} contcntioux xcript and Ka/an‘x ('Icch l‘olk talc. Smukmaicr ltk‘llxcx on a Dan} Boon. .lulic (ia_\ct. ‘Hmin. ln tlux 04min. A di\oi'ccd. cliccrlcxx. hailill’ in\ol\'cd dircction. thix ot’l'crx onc ol'

harrcn cotllilc \\ ho go to c\trcmc lc‘itf—‘tlix to contcittl‘oi'at') l’arixian hudd} mo\ ic t(’hcxnaixt ix rcmchd lt'om hix lilc ol- Brando‘x hcxt xci‘ccn pcrl'ormanccx and thc hccomc parcntx. (’oming on likc a L't'ttxx arrogant antiqucx dcalcr l't‘;iiicoix iAutcuili rcpoxxcxxionx. lamil} \xocx and xilcnt mixcr) original 'I coulda hccn a contcndci”

hcm ccn limwr/mu/ and HIV Bt'rhl In 'l'lic' ix tcamcd \\ ith thc good naturcd. trn ia h} tlic magic ol'l'ango and lamil) tricnd monologuc latcr xo cll'cctiwl} intcrprctcd ('c/lur. Sxankmajcr'x c} c tor a licautilull} \pouting ta\i di'i\cr. Bruno tBooni al'tcr l-rancoixc t(‘onxign) l. Bri/c'x maudlin h) Scorxcxc/l)c Niro in Raging Bull. l’art ol' lramcd imagc ix ll;t\\ lL‘xx for thc lirxt 2t) hcing cliallcngcd to pro\ idc a 'mcillcur ami‘ allinit} lor thix kind ol' x|_\ cliaractcr xtud}. Marlon Brando rctroxpcctn c. I'll/Il/IHHH'. minutcx. hut \\ carx thin ax xotitt ax thc h} tlic cnd ol' tlic month. An amiahlc ll. lcndx xurct} and control to “hat xtartx out ax Iii/iii/im'u/i.

o\ crlonfl. rcpctito c xtor} takcx hold. l’art ol lormulaic di\crtixxcmcnt. ('unn'n. a drama ol' tin) xtrokcx hut cndx ax a clichc'd. Partneri llAi tl)a\ id l)ha\\an. India. Animation (‘ourxc. l'l/Hl/IUHH’. Ifc/iii/mru/i. l-jr/in/mrg/I. l‘rcucli. agcing malc lantax). l-i/ni/muu'. Silt)?» Salman Khan. l.ara l)utta. (im inda. The Lives of Others (Das Leben Naqaab l [IV 0. l:\l\l3;tx Muxtan. l-ji/in/mrg/i. lfitlmin. An Indian \L‘l'xiult oi Hui-Ii. uh der Anderen) t 15).... tl‘lorian India. 200") Bohh} l)col. .'\l\\li;l_\ c Klianna. Ocean’s Thirteen tl’( ii 0.. Khan xlipping into \Vill Sinith'x

llcnckcl \on l)onncrxmarck. (icrmam. l'rxaxhi Shanna. lltlnnn. Sopliic (Sliarmai. (Stcxcn Sodcrhcrgli. [8. 2007) (icorgc matchmaking xhocx. ('ini'norli/ lx’m/n'n Zunm Martina (icdcck. l'lrich Muchc. a )oung girl trom a middlc-claxx lamil} ix ('loonc}. Brad Pitt. Al Pacino. lllmin. Sm'cl. (i/iiigmi.

Schaxtian Koch. l37min. li\ccllcnt cold cngagcd to a iinllionairc il)coli hut hcr Sodcrhcrgli. \\ ith a kllt)“ ing v. ink. takcx a Pippi Longstocking llJ.’

\xar thrillcr about xtlt‘\ cillancc and cultural al'l'cctionx xhil't \\lit‘tl xlic incctx Vick} xalc hct in rcturning v. ith thix hcixt t(‘li\ c Smith/Michacl Schaack/Bill (iiggic. li'ccdom in liaxt Bcrlin undcr thc Staxi Malhotra i Kliannai and a Boll) \mod lo\ c l'ranchixc. Darin} ()ccan 1(‘loonc} l and ('anada/Sncdcn/(icrnian}. Zoom 78min. txccrct policcl. A film that managcx to hc trianglc cnxucx. (ini'imrli/ li’i'n/ri'u mel. Ruxt) R)an tl’itti round up thc gang agaian l’ippi longxtocking‘x anarchic hcha\ iour hoth horril'x ing and humoroux. lliglil) (i/mgou .' (‘imnor/(l [fit/in/mru/i. la/in/mruli. daxtartll} ncxx caxino o\\ncr Will) Bankx hax hccn in thc hcartx and on thc I'L'L‘tillllllL‘lltlL‘tlt (hum). l-{r/i/ilmrg/i. Night of the Sunflowers t l5) tl’acinoi. 'l'hougli comi} and ol'tcn irritating. hookxlichcx ol' man} a child xincc author Lunacyi lb'i 0... (Jan Sxankmaicr. CO. iloi'gc Sanchc/—(‘ahc/udo. Spain. in partx it ix \cr} limit} and tlic action xct Axtrid l.indgrcn lirxt unlcaxhcd thc \torld'x ('/cch chulilic. 2005i l’a\ cl l.ixka. .lan Zillloi ("armclo (iomcx. .ludith l)iakhatc. p'icccx arc c\ccllcnt. (it'm'm/ rclcuw. lirxt ‘riot grrl‘. But in an agc ol' xophixticatcd ’l'rixka. Anna (icixlci'o\;i. llimin. l,i\ c ('clxo Bugallo. 133mm. .-\ nc\\ |_\ dixco\crcd :3: On the Waterfrontit’m O... childrcn'x lilinx. Pip/ii [mummy/ting “till all action. xtt‘P-Inotion. xc\. \ iolcncc and t‘rchixtoric ca\ c. hrutal axxault. murdcr and tlilia Ka/an. [‘8. 195-1) Marlon Brando. li\a licr cxulwi‘ancc. tailx to dclnci', ('nn'nor/rl galloux humour ax Jcan tt'a\clx through rc\cngc conic togctlicr in a plcaxmgl} Maric~SainL Karl Maldcn. llih’inin. 'l‘aking Park/1cm]. (i/uxumi.

modcrn da} ('Icch chulilic and mcctx thc Marquix \\ ho li\ cx ax il' it’x thc l.\‘th ccntur). Baxcd on two xhort xtoricx h} lidgar Allan l’oc and thc \xorkx of thc Marquix dc Sadc. l’art oi Suinkmaicr xcaxon. (i/uxgmi I'i/m I‘lu’tlll't'. (i/uwuu. The Magic Lantern Short Film Night t [it t\'ariouxi ()(iliiill. 'l‘hc thcmc ix '.-\mcrican Shortx' tor thix inxtalincnt ol thc lilin night crcatcd to tlt‘;t\\ attcntion to tic“ \\ot‘k and cmcrging talcnt in thc licld oi xhort lilnix. liarl) lilinx h} 'l'odd Solond/ tl'n'lingi l and (icorgc l.ucax il'ii’i/icili arc on thc hill. pltix lluw )im Saw 'I‘ln'x Mil/17. 'l‘ln' Uri/I. All .rl/m'rirun I)im'r. I’M/HA l'i/m. l]l1/’/’lll(’\\ and I‘in'ui'llmu “(I/L ('( Tl. (i/uxgmi.

* The Missouri Breaks l IM .00 (Arthur l’cnn. l‘S. l‘)7(ii Jack \icliolxon. Marlon Brando. Rand} (Juaid. lloniin. 'l‘hcmaticall} ximilar to Michacl ('nnino'x lll'lll't'll '.\ (iuIc. lltix carlict‘ Arthur l’cnn/l‘hoinax Mc( iuanc collahoration tlL‘lttllx lliL‘ L'lilt‘L‘l\ Ul' lliL' ttt‘t‘lhtl Ul- L‘upllztllxttt in a lt'ontict‘ communin \icholxon licadx a group ol' i'uxtlcrx \\ ho arc xlo\\ 1} brought undci' control b} Brando tin onc ol' hix liltixl cxtraordinar} pcrl'ornianccxt ax thc 'chulator". a cliamclconlikc liitman hit'cd h} thc inonc) cd cattlc haronx to xtainp tlicm out. Part of Marlon Brando rctroxpcctn c. I’ll/n/ioim'. lat/inlmrg/i.

Moliére t lZAi O. tl.aurcnt 'l'irard. l’rancc. 2007) Romain l)urix. l'ahricc l.uchini. Laura Morantc. 120mm. A .S'liuki'x/n'u/‘r' in Lot c-xt) lc populixt lantax) about a lictitioux cpixodc in thc lilc ol tlic grcat Molicrc. l)ui'ix ax Molicrc and Morantc ax hix lmt lo\ c run through a dud hut hca\ } -liandcd imagining ol' hix cu'cumxtanccx and crcati\ c iinpctux. Though a paxxahlc coxtunic romp. it‘x littlc moi‘c than a xct'ilihlcd gloxx on a gt'cat at'tixl‘x hrilliant carccr. Sc/u‘lcrl rc/um:

>i< Mothel‘tl’(il oooo minim Naruxc. Japan. 1953) Kinu}o 'l‘anaka. K}oko Kagaxxa. liiii ()kada. 93min. All xccmx \xcll lor tlic l‘ukaliara lamil} initiall). hut al'tcr thc inothcr laccx a dilcmma. tlicir Iacadc ol happincxx ix thrcatcncd A poignant ncorcalixt c\amp|c oi .\'aruxc'x ohxcxxion

\\ ith thc unxpokcn thrcat rcxidmg hcncatli thc xurlacc ol mcryla§ lilc m [ioxt\\at Japan. l’art ol' .\'aruxc xcaxon. l'l/IH/lrlllu‘. l'.i/I'n/mrg/I.

Mr Bean’s Holiday it’( il 00

tStc\ c Bcndclack. l'K. 20W» Rouan Atkinxon. \Villcm l)aloc. H‘hnin. \Vordlcxx mixlit Mr Bcan (Alkltixtml gocx to tlic l't‘cnch Rn icra and hccomcx cnxnarcd in a broad liuropcan ad\cntut'c. A xill_\.

Pica As two major Picasso exhibitions open at the National Museum of Scotland and the $50 on I m - - . . . p~ ,

Dean Gallery In the capital, this three film (and one short) season exp ores icasso s impact on cinema. Jean Cocteau’s rarely screened 1960 free flowing film poem Le Testament d’Orphée, which features arch cameos and performances from, among others, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Pierre Léaud, Yul Brynner and Picasso himself is showing alongside an archive screening of Paul Haesaerts’ short profile Visite a Picasso. In August there will also be screenings of HG Clouzot’s definitive documentary The Mystery of Picasso and James Ivory’s underwhelming biopic, Surviving Picasso.

Ill/Inlizii/xo. ['(l/I'iiflltt’fl' from for? (if Jul.

‘w .i.." .t Add THE LIST 49