Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny( 15).. (Liam lynch. 1'8. 30001Jac1s Black. Ky 1c (iass. 94111111. A

l'L‘\ iscd liislot'y (11‘ Jack lilacls ltlitl Ky 1c (iass‘ rock band ‘lt‘liltciolls 1) sL‘Cs lllL‘ [no on a mission to slcal lltc cponymous pick \yhcrc \yackincss cnsucs. li\ccpl not so tnuch. 'l‘hc plot is poor. too rclianl on star camcos and 1121s lk‘cll (1011C licllCl' ill Sr/tun/ (If/(ml. ()nc lot‘ tans ol lhc I) only. .S'i’ll'ltt't/ I't'lt'tlfit'.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning ( 181 .0. (Jonathan 1.1c11csman. 1'8. 30001 Jordana lircyystcr. lay lot' llandlcy. Diora Baird. .\lallhc\\ liomcr. 90min. ll‘s 19(19and lhcrc is a \yar in \‘iclnam. l8-ycar-old Dcan and l‘ricnds ltcad across ’l‘c\as lot‘ a linal lling ol scrious l'un \\ hich brings thcm lacc to lacc \\ ith a young hurgconing killcr callcd 1.calhcrl'acc. 11'sa prclty good prcqucl. \\ hich dclails thc hcginnings of thc llcyy ill clan. hut horror purists may lind it all too slick. ('unu'u. Iz'llt'n/nu'ul).

Three Men and Lilian (Die Drei von der Tankstelle) 1 12A1 COO (\Vilhclm ’l'hiclc. (icrmany. 193011.ilian llarycy. \Villy Fritsch. ()skar Karluciss. 99min. An carly (lcrman talkic that makcs lhc most (11' lhc ncyy 1y my cnlcd sound tcclmology. 'l‘hrcc mcn (Willy. Kurt and Hans) opcn a garagc logclhcr and coincidcnlally tall in onc with lhc samc girl (thc 1o\ cly Nancy 1 in this atidaciotts. innoyaln c innsical. Part (11' liarly (ict'man Sound Films scason. I't/m/umw. lat/in/mrg/I. Titanic (1’( i1 (llcrhcrt Sclpin. \Vcrncr Klinglcr. (icrmany. 19431Syhillc Schmiu. llans .\'ic1scn. Kirstcn llcihcrg. 85min. '1‘hc tragic 'l‘itanic story that capturcd lhc imaginations 01' many lilmmakcrs. this litnc crcalcd as anti-British propaganda l'or \a/i usc. Sclpin \yas imprisoncd hcl'orc this could 11c achicy cd. Part (11' liarly (icrman Sound Films scason. l’t'lmlmtm’. I'fl/tn/mrgli.

The US vs John Lennon 1 12.31 0... (Day id [cal/John Schcinl‘cld. 1'8. 3000199min. A portrait ol' l.cnnon in his post-llcallcs. polillc‘lll ilc‘ll\ lsl Plillu‘ ()1. 1900-70 and tltc opposition hc laccd l'rom thc Noon administration. This incisiy c and cngrossing documcntary cschcyys narration lo lcll his story through archiyc l‘ootagc. songs and inlcry icyy s. ('omparisons \\ i111 thc currcnl political climatc makc it \cry limcly lllllL‘L‘ll. Si’li'l‘ll't/ I‘r’ll'uyl'.

Vivah - a Journey from Engagement to Marriage (1’01

0 (Sooral R llat‘ialya. India. 30001 Shahid Kapoor. Amrita Rao. 100mm. Scc Boll} \yood round-up. pagc 03. Sr/vcll'll I‘l'lt'tlyl'.

Volvert 15).... (l’cdro Almodoy al‘. Spain. 30001 1’cnclopc(‘ru/. (‘armcn Maura. l.ola Ducnas. Blanca l’orlillo. Yoliana ('oho. 13 l min. Alltiodoyat' rcturns \yilh111s(’anncshil and 10111 111111. \ylticlt sccs a carcct‘ high l'rom ("111/ iii a \ i\ id and inlricatc talc ()1 “(Hitch lrom 1hrcc gcncralions ol' onc lamily. (i/uwmt I'll/n I’llt'uln'. (1711me

Who Killed the Electric Car’hl‘1 0.. ((‘hrisl’ainc.1'8.3()00)1’1iy|11s Dillcr. Tom Hanks. .\larlin 811cm). .\lc1 (iihson. 93111111. A conspiracy lhcory -sty1c look at “11y thc ccontnic and ccologically salct‘ allcrnaliy c ()1 lltc clcclt'ic car has not cattglit on. I‘ll/)I/tuuu'. Inklinlnu'g/i.

Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory 111 O... (.\lcl Stuart. 1'8. 19"1 1(icnc \Vildcr. Jack Alhcrlson. 100mm. (‘harming and potty \crsion ol Roald Dahl\ classic L‘lllllll't‘ll‘\ lahlc. :\ 111111 1111‘ 131:: and lllllt' kills ltlllsc. l’ltl'l ()l'lillsc 3. “humor I'll/III III/H’HUT‘. (i/(HQUH.

3|! The Wizard or 02 (1'1 ooooo (\‘tclor l‘lcming. 1'8. 1939) Judy (Earland. l-ranls Morgan. Ray llolgcr. licrt l.ahr. Jack llalcy. .\largarct Hamilton. 'l'oto. 103mm. Scc Big l’iclurc. pagc 1 | and icy icyy. pagc (13. l'l/III/IUHH'. lit/Ht/mrqli.

Zoom (1’01 0 (l’clct' 11L'\\111. l‘S. 300011011Allcn. (‘ourlncy (‘o\. Ryan \cyyman. 88min. Four kids \yith ' supcrpoyy as lost “ant to 11c normal. cuc (loyy11—(111-1Iis-lllc‘ls ('aplain Zoom (Allcn) to lcach 111cm ho“ to harncss lhcir poyycrs to say c lltc norld. laugh l'rcc. Ia/y and dccply dirc l'usion (11' Sky High arid 'l'lu' Incrcdih/m. .-\\oid at all costs. (ii'm'm/ H'lt'uu'.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


'l‘hc Forgc. Parkhcad. 0871 300 3000. Adult £5.40 (£4.80 hclorc 5pm

Mon 'l‘hu. (’hild: £3.80 (£3.50

.\lon 'l‘hu). Student: £3.70 (£3

Mon 111111. ()AP/l'll40: £3.70. Family liL‘ls'cl £15. All llckcls llcliol‘c noon: £3.40.


Casino Royale112A1 1.35. 4.35. 7.45. The Covenant112A1 1.40. 4.30. 9.00. 090k the "aIISH’Ul noon. 3.10. 4.31). Dela Vllll’(i) 0.30. 9.05.

Flushed Awaylt'1 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.0(). 9.00.

Happy Feettl‘1 11.00am. 1.25. 3.55. 0.25. 8.55.

The Holiday ( 13A) 11.30am. 3.30. 5.30. 8.30.

The Nativity Story (1’01 11.30am. 4.05. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clausetl'1 11.50am. 2.00. 4.10. 0.21). 8.3().


Black Christmas 1 151

Daily: 8.45.

Bridget Jones: The Edge oi Reason ( 151 Mon: (1.10.

Cars (l’(}1

.\lalincc Sat: 10.00am.

Casino Royale 1 12..\1

Daily: 0.00. 9.10.

Deck the Halls (1’01

Daily: 10.45am. 1.05.

Dela Vu (l’(i1

0.111}: 12.45. 3.30. 0.15. 9.00. Eragon (Po)

Daily: 11.15am. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 8.50.

Flushed Away 111

Daily: 12.05. 2.05. 4.05. 0.10. Grounded (1’01

Daily: 11.15am (not Sat). 1.35. 3.55. Happy Feet (1'1

Daily: 1.1(). 3.40. 0.10. 8.40.

Also malincc Sat. Sun. \Vcd & 'I‘huz 10.45am.

The Holiday ( 12..\1

Daily: 3.15. 0.05. 9.0().

March oi the Penguins (1'1

Malincc Sat: 10.00am.

Monster House (1'1

.\latincc Sat: 1 1.30am.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (l')

Daily: 11.00am (not 'l‘uc). 1.00. 3.35. 5.40. 8.00.

Cineworld Rentrew Street

7 chlrcyy Slrccl. info and (‘(’ hooking: 0871 300 3000. Adult £(1.3()1£5.30

.\lon 'l’hu). ('ltild/studcnls/cl111ccssions: £4.30. Family tickct £17 (Sun 'l'hu: £15.00). liat‘ly liit'd (all tickets hclorc 1pm): £3.80. l'nlimitcd ('ard: £10.99 per month.


Baabul(l’(;1 1.3(). 5.1(). 8.40. Big NothingH51 8.40. Borat1151 1 1.00am. 1.30. 8.30.

Casino Hoyale112;\1 12.30. 1.00. 4.00. 4.30. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.1(1.

The Covenantll2.r\1 4.15. 0.51). 9.25. Deckthe HaIISH’U) 11.10am. 1.30. 3.40. 0.00.

Dela Villl’(i) 7.00. 9.40. FlushedAwayd‘) 10.30am. 11.00am. noon. 12.411. 1.40. 2.00. 2.40. 3.5(). 0.10. 8.30.

Happy Feet(l‘1 10.40am. 11.10am. noon. 1.30. 3.00. 3.00. 4.10. 5.00. 5.50. 0.30. 8.00.

3.50. (1.00.

The Holiday(12.r\1 ll.00am. 11.30am. 3.10. 3.40. 4.50. 5.30. 5.50. 8.10. 8.45. 9.0().

Jackass NumberTiuotltn 9.10.

The Nativa Story(1’(}1 11.00am. 1.40. 4.30.

Pan’s Labyrinth(151 12.15. 8.50.

The Santa Clause 3:The Escape Clause (1') 10.00am. noon. 3.30. 4.40. 7.00. Stranger Than Fiction ( 1231 10.40am. 1.10. 3.50. 0.30. 9.1().

The US vs John Lennon ( 12.31 1.4(). 4.1(). 0.40. 9.20.

3.00. (1.00.



Baabul (l’(}1

Daily: 8.30.

Bhagam Bhag (thc)

T1111: 7.30.

Black Christmas ( 151

0.111}: 4.1(1. 0.3(1. 8.50.

Also 1alc Fri 6’; Sat: 11.10.

Borat1 151

Daily: 3.50. 0.00. 8.40.

Also lalc Fri & Sat: 1 1.00.

Casino Royale ( 12..\1

Daily: 13.30. 1.00. 4.00. 4.30. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00. Also latc Fri & Sal: The Covenant ( 1231 Daily: 7.00. 9.35. Also lalc Fri & Sat: Deck the Halls (PU) Daily: 11.30am. 1.40.

Dela Vu (1’(}1

Daily: 11.00am. 3.10. 5.10. 8.20. Also latc Fri & Sat: 1 1.30.

Eragon (1’01

Daily: 11.30am. 3.15. 5.15. 8.15. Also lalc Fri & Sat: 1 1.00.

Flushed Away (1'1

Daily: 10.30am. 11.20am. 110011. 13.40 (not 'l‘uc). 1.40. 3.10. 340111011110. 3.40. (1.10.

Grounded (P01

Daily: 10.30am. 13.30. 3.40. 4.50. Happy Feet (1'1

Daily: 11.10am. noon. 1.30 (not Sun). 3.00. 3.00. 5.00. 5.50. 8.01).

Also matincc Sal & Sun: 10.40am (not Sun)

Also 11116 Fri (3; Sal: 10.40.

Happy Feet (Subtitled) (1'1

Malincc Sun: 1.30.

The Holiday ( 12A)

Daily: 10.50am. 11.30am. 3.00. 3.40. 4.30. 5.10. 5.50. 7.50 (not Mon). 8.30. 9.00.

Also l;th 1"1‘1 & Sal: l 1.00.

The Holiday (Subtitled) ( 12..\1

Moll: 7.50.

Kabul Express ( 151

Daily: noon. 3.50. 5.40. 8.30.

Also lalc Fri & Sat: 1 1.00.

The Nativity Story (l’(i1

Daily: 11.00am.

Pan’s Labyrinth i 151

Daily: 13.15. 3.10. (1.00. 8.50.

Also latc Fri & Sat: 11.35.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (1')

Daily: noon. 3.30. 4.40. 0.50. Stranger Than Fiction ( 12.31

Daily: 1.10. 3.50. (1.300101 The). 9.10. Tenacious D in the Pick oi Destiny ( 151 Daily: 4.40. 0.50 & 8.50 (not 'l’hu). Also lalc Fri & Sat: 10.50.

Empire Clydebank

(‘lydc chional (’cntrc. ('lydchank. ()8 714 714 714. £5.70 (£4.70 hclorc 5pm). (’hild/i)AP/Studcnts: £4.30. Fatnily tickcl £15.00 (£13.00 before 5pm). limpirc juniors (spccilic lilms Sat 0; Sun): £1.




Borat1151 9.20.

Casino Hoyale(l2;\1 1.50. 5.1(). 0.10. 8.3(). 9.2().

The Covenant(12.-\1 7.10. 9.30.

Deck the HaIISH’U) 1.40. 4.20. 0.40. DelaVu(P(;18.10.

FlushedAwaytl'1 1.30. 2.50. 3.50. 5.00. 0.30. 8.40.

HappyFeet(tf1 1.20. 2.20. 3.40. 4.40. 0.00. 7.00. 8.20.


The Holiday ( 12.31 2.00. 3.00. 5.0(). 5.50. 8.00. 8.50.

The Nativa Story (P01 1.11). 3.30. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (1') 1.00. 3.20. 5.40.

Tenacious D in the Pick oi Destiny ( 151 9.10.

ER.l.DAY_J§.—IliURS.DAY 2.1.

Black Christmas 1 151 Daily: 8.50.

Casino Royale ( 12A) Daily: (.51). 5.20. 8.30. 9.00. Deck the Halls (PG)

\Vcckdays: noon.

Sat & Sun: 11.20am.

Dela Vu (l’(i1

Daily: noon. 3.00. 5.50. 8.40. Eli (l’(i1

.‘ylatincc Sal & Sun: Eragon (PU)

Daily: 13.50. 3.15. 5.40. 8.15. Also matincc Sal & Sun: 10.30am. Flushed Away (1'1

Daily: 1.10. 3.00. 4.10. Also malincc Sal & Sun: Grounded (t’(i1

Daily: 3.00. 4.30. 0.40. Also malincc Sal & Sun: Happy Feet (l‘1

Daily: 1.30. 3.30. 3.40. 7.00. 9.15.

Also matincc Sat ck Sun: 1 1.3021111.

The Holiday ( 12.-\1 Daily: 2.30. 3.20. 5.30. 9.10.

The Nativity Story (1’01 Daily: 13.10.

The Prestige ( 12A) Daily: 9.10.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (1'1

Daily: 2.10. 4.30. 0.50. Also matincc Sal & Sun:

9 l'niwrsity Aycnuc. 330 5533. l’riccs yary.


0.30. 8.50. 11.05am.

l 1.40am. 4.40. (1.00.


(1.30. 8.30.



The Nightmare Beiore Christmas (1’( 11 7.30.

Glasgow Film Theatre

13 Rosc Slt'ccl. 0141 333 8138. ('al‘c/hat‘. A11 pcrlormanccs hookahlc. liycnings: £5 (£4). Fri (hclot’c 5pm): £3. 'l‘uc'sday spccial malinccs: £3. (ll-'1‘ ('inc('ard holdcrs: £1 (111 all prices. (1171' saycrs: £33.50 (£17.50) to sec 5 lilms (valid for lltt‘cc months).


London to Brighton1181 2.31). 4.30. 9.00.

Pan’s Labyrinthtt51 3.15. 0.00. 8.35. It’s a Wonderiul Liie (13(1) 0.3(1.


The Host (Cwoemul)(151 2.30. 8.40. Gabrielle1151 3.0(1. 5.011. 7.00. 9.00. It’s a Wonderiul Lite (1’( i) 0.11).


Monster House 11‘) 1 1.30am. Albana’s Asylum + Happy ( 12.-\1 noon. It’s a Wonderful Liie (1’01 2.00. Cabnelle1151 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 9.00. TheHost(Cwoernul)(151 0.0(). 8.30.


it’s a Wonderful Liie (1’01 2.00.

The Bishop’s Wile (1'1 3.311.

The Host (Gwoemul) ( 151 4.45. 7.15. Gabrielletl51 5.45. 7.45.


The Host (Cwoemul)(151 2.3(). 5.50. Cabrielle1151 3.00. 5.00. 9.0(1. Artists and icon51151 7.00.

It’s a Wonderiul Liie (1’01 8.20.

14 Doc 2000-4 Jan 9001' THE LIST 73