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72 THE LIST ‘2-1 Der; Pflflf} -1 Jan 900/

Name Lukas Moodysson

Born Malmo, Sweden, 17 January 1969.

Background Moodysson came to prominence wrth his debut film. Show Me Love (for some reason the much better Swedish title Fucking Ama/ was not used in the UK). In a country starved of fresh y0ung talent. Moodysson was quickly proclaimed the new Bergman -— a title that he has since been trying to disprove with the eclectic Together. Li/ya 4-ever and A Hole in My Heart.

What’s he up to now? Moodysson's new film Container has two soundtracks. one Russian. one American (voiced by Jena Malone). It's also been shown in three different incarnations in art galleries around the world. first in Sweden. then Denmark and now in Britain. The film is shown in a small room. brimful of crazy stuff that Moodysson has collected over the years. and many trashy items such as recent copies of Heat and Zoo Magazines. Moodysson says the idea behind the film ‘came to me from reading the bible. I wanted to know what would happen if a 13- or 14-year- old girl came out. today. and said that she is about to give birth to a baby who is God's child.’

What he says about inner voices ‘I have a lot of v0ices in me. I think everyone does. The strangest person I have inside me is one that is organised -- I really didn't know that I had that person inside me. All the chaotic voices inside me. I'm not surprised by them. but when I start to feel better because I‘ve done the dishes then that is strange to me. As a direCIor I'm not very organised; I rely very much on my collaborators to help me stay organised.‘

Interesting Fact Lukas Moodysson cast Jena Malone after she sent him a letter telling him how much she loved his work. The director showed her 10 minutes of the film before getting her to ad-Iib the voiceover. (Kaleein Aftab)

I Container is at Film/muse. Edinburgh from Fri lS—Mon 78 Dec only 8 GFT. Glasgow from Fri 29—St/n 31 Dec on/y_

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause il'i O iMichacl l.cnihcck. l'S. zoom Tim Allcn. Martin Short. lili/ahclh Mitchell. ‘Hmin. ()ncc more into thc hrcach \tcpx Santa l:\l|cttl llll\ timc battling \\ ith an o\ crllouing lamil} and Jack Frost iShort i. |)o childrcn honestl} like thix ll';lllt‘lli\t‘d \lll\ll‘.’. (it'lli’l‘il/ I‘i‘li'ilu'. Santa vs The Snowman 30 l H il i\'ariou\. l'S. 3002i ilmin. l.\1.-\.\ big \L‘l't't'll prcxcntatioii tclling thc stor} of a loncl} \no“ man uho'x \“L‘Pl ama) h) thc magical \iondcrx of Santa'\ \ illagc. /.\I.vl.\' 'l'lii'iitri'. (i/ingmi‘. Shortbus i l.\'i O... iJohn (‘aincron Mitchcll. l'S. Zoom Raphacl liarkcr. l.llltl\t‘} BL‘illllhlL Jll\llll Bond. lllliniii. .\ low-lcttcr to .\'c\\ York. this \tor} of thrcc I'L‘lillltill\lll|l\ lUllL' l‘L‘gllh. onc lllll\ilL'\ and UllL‘ l\ I'L‘llt'“ L'dl l\ brought to litc h} thc cpon} llltitlx Short/mi a \alon ol' \ ix id. \cnxual L‘\ploralion and jinotix. l'rccl'orm cwci‘inicntation. l‘caturcx mphcit. unsimulatcd \c\. l'i/iii/iuiiu'. Iz'iliIi/nirg'li. The Singing Ringing Tree il‘i 0.. il‘ranccxco Stclani. liaxt (icrinan). 1058i 73min. linaginatixc adaptation of thc (ii‘iinin Brothch talc. in “lllt‘ll l’l‘lllt‘t'“ 'l'hou\andhcaut) \ \uitor prince has the uncm iahlc task ol‘ \uppl} in}: hcr \\ ith \illtl \cgctation in order to u in hcr hand. (iliiwmi l‘l/Hl 'Iilii'iilri’. (ilmuiiii; Sixty Six i 11M... il’aul Welland. l'K. 200m llclcna Bonhain (’ai‘tci'. liddic Marxan. Stcphcn Rca. 93min. |.ikcahlc pcriod comcd} \cl iii thc \uinmcr of Non in thc middle ol’ \Vorld (‘up tcxcr. l‘or 13-)car- old Bcrnic iSulkini hix liar .\lil/\ah and the ('up i‘inal ai‘c \chcdulcd to talw placc on the \ainc da} and conflicts of intcrcxt L‘ll\llt‘. 'l‘hix froth}. acccxsihlc coined) for all the laniil) ix thaiikt'ull} trcc ol~ ma“ kishncxx. ('iimi’n. l-[iliii/iiii‘u/i. The Spiral Staircase l P( il 00.. tRohcrt Siodmak. l'S. 1045i Doroth) .\lc(iuirc. (icorgc Brcnt. lithcl Barr} Illnt‘t‘. 83min. Soiiiconc hax hccn iuurdcring lhc to“ it's disabled )ouiig \HHHL'II and inutc llclcii (McGuire) I\ like!) to hccomc thc latext \ ictim. 'I‘hix murder iii} \tcr) clcmcnt is lL'\\ important than thc \uxtaincd gothic atinoxphcrc and thc \ ixual |llL‘illl\ h} \\ hich th‘ l“ i\l\ iii th‘ killt‘l'\ mind arc i'cprcxcnlcd on \crccn. lhcrc hax c hccn countlth lilms \lllt‘t‘ about \L‘l'lill klllt‘h opcrating \\ ithiii a paltcrn. hut l‘cn \o ctlcctiwl) scratch \urlacc rcxpcctahilit} to unco\ er the \hadou \ and \ccrctx hcncath. l'fi/i'ii/riirg/i l‘i/m (iiii/il. I'filiIi/iiiru/i. Starter for Ten i 12m 000 i'I‘mn Vaughan. l'K/l'S. 200m l.llltl\il} Duncan. ('harlcx Dancc. Jaiiicx .\lc:\\o_\. 90min. Brian i.\lc.'\\o_\ i l\ thc lll'\l mcmhcr of his tamil} to gt) [0 lltll\t‘l'\ll). \\ llL'l'L‘ llL' l-lndx lllL‘ It“ t' Ul‘ [no gll'l\ illld it [M‘l'lt‘c‘lh l't‘c'ttlhll'llt‘lt‘d (-IIll‘t‘l'\ll\ ('liiilli'riui‘. \Vhilc tltc [M c \tot‘) l\ prcdictahlc. thc amusing: iiui/ \hou \tor} law and cwcllcnt poxt-iic“ \\;i\ c \oundtrack almost makc up for it. (irmn'niii; (i/iixqmi. Step Up il’( ii 0 i.-\iinc l’lctchcr. l'S. letlfii ('hanning Tatum. .lciina l)c\\an. l)am;unc Radclil'l'c. Illiinin. /)irl\ lhiiii'iiiu IIlL'L‘l\ lirrm’ as sullcn thug: l} lcr i'lattiiiil \\ indx up doing coiniuunit} \cr\ icc at the Baltiiiiorc High School for thc Performing: Arts. And ends up partncring \oi'a ti)t‘\\;lll l. 'l'hix hokt‘}. formulaic romantic drama I\ cwr} hit as appalling as it \outtdx. Slimu'irw (’iiiirmii. ('mit/irii/ui'. (i/iiigim .' Slimii'iiw ('ini'mii. I’uix/i'v. l’iiiiln. The Story of Little Hook 1 l 'i 0.0 i\\'olt'gang Staudtc. (icriiian). 1953 l Thomas Schmidt. Johanncx .\lau\. 'l'rudc llcxtcrhcrg. Illllmin. ,-\ hcautit'ul and mm in; lia\t ('icrman childrcn'x film from thi‘ \amc compan) ax thc cult l'lii' Surging Ringing lr'i'i’. (i/ilwmi I'll/III I'lli’illl'i'. (i/ilwim. Stranger Than Fiction l 13m 0000 (Marc l‘oixtt'r. l'S. letlfii \Vill licrrcll. Maggie (ix Ilciihaal. l)u\tin llollinan. lllmin. 'I'aunan llouard ('rick ll't‘l'l't‘lll hears the \oicc of an author i’l‘hompxoni narrating lll\ humdrum lil‘c. 'l‘hrough lll\ mixl'ortunc. Harold lallx in low \\ ith a hakcr t( i} Ilcnhaal l. ciiiharking on a \L‘lllllllt‘lllitl. unhclimahlc romancc. l’ro\ lllj_' to l‘t' morc than a \lllgllt‘ gunniick. the post modern plot proinptx a \o}agc ol \cll'dixcox ct} that\ packcd \\ itli laughs and brilliant pcrlorinaut'cx. Sir/«rial i'i'li'iiu'.