should get help l‘roin \oinehodx' the} It‘ttsld \11)\ \Vtititl. ‘.'\lltl the) should aixxaxx report it. it nothing else. it xxlll add to the pieture that we're tt'xitig to build tip ol' xx here Ltllti litixx these \til'l\ til~ lililtgx are happening.‘

For information and advice on drug rape and sexual abuse contact The Roofie Foundation at or call the free 24-hour helpline on 0800 783 2980

For information, advice and support relating to rape and sexual abuse contact Rape Crisis Scotland at or call 0141 248 8848 (Glasgow) or 0131 556 9437 (Edinburgh). You can also e-mail or

For information and advice on all drug and alcohol issues go to Know the Score at or call the free 24-hour helpline on 0800 587 5879

This page lists a selection

of organisation which provide expert health, advice and support in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The List acknowledges the support of the Scottish Executive in funding the Engage section

Alcohol & Narcotics

Glasgow & Strathclyde Alcoholics Anonymous 50 Wellington Street. 220 22I4. .\ion-i-‘rl 0am»5pm; 0845 700 7555 (24 hourxi. (lroup xupport to iteip taeixie aleoitoi prohietnx.

xx xx|\ Drug Problem Service \\'oodxlde ileaith (‘entre. Barr Street. (liaxgoxx. 014i 531 0254.

Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol 82 Dumbarton Road. (‘Ixtletiank 052 0881/01380 in 4%. (lenerai inlorination and adx iee ineittding one to-one eounxelilug tor _xotmg people. xx xx xx.aieo|ioi-l' East Addiction Service 871 Springlieid Road. (liaxgoxx. “Hi 50.5 ii2iili.

East Dunbartonshire Addiction Service l'nlt 20. i’t'a/er iiouxe Kirklntllloeh. 0|4| 588 5|43.

Glasgow City Council Addiction Partnership .\ eit_x --xx ide range oi

xerx lees. lneittdlng xpeellie xupport lot' _xotmg people ittxoix ed ill drug and aieohoi tl\e. xx xx xx.g|axgoxx.gox.uix Glasgow Council on Alcohol 7th l‘ioor. \exxton iiouxe. 45" Satiehieiiail Street. “Hi 35.3 l800. inl'ormation.

adx iee and one-to one eottnxeiiing l'or litthe Allleeletl it} aieohol.

xx xx xx.aieohoi»l'oeux—\eotiandorguk Glasgow Drugs Crisis Centre I23 \Ve\l Street. (ii—ii 420 (i000. ileip.

adx lee. rehah. detox and needle exeitange.

xx xx xx.tut'nlngptiintxeotland.eom Inverclyde Counselling Service, 2A Newton Street, Greenock. Helpline 0845 230 0038. .\dx lee. inl'ormatlon and \ttppot'l on aieohol and aieohoi related l\\lle\. xx xx xx.renl'rexx|x

RCA Trust .\llrren ilouxe. liaek Siletltittll Street. l’aixlex, (ii-ll SS7 “880. iielpiine 0845 :5” (HHS. :\tl\ lee. inl'ormatlon atid \upport on aieohoi and related i\\tle\.

xx xx xx .renl'rexx

Edinburgh & Lothian

Alcoholics Anonymous 38 (‘oekhurn Street. lii3i 22.5 0000 teall l'tll' ltteitl meeting timex; 0845 7(x0 7555 t24 ilttlll‘\l. (lroup \ttppot't to help lllCl’xlC aieoitoi prohieinx.

xx xx xx.aieohoiiexanon}

The Chrysalis Project 0 l-‘orrext Road. 013i 220 5453. ;\n oilkitot ol‘lurnlng l’olnt. oll‘ering itelp and \ttpptit‘l l'or drttg

Community Drug Problem Service 24 Spittai Street. lidinhnrgh. 013i 5.37 33.18

Crew 2000 32 (‘oekhurn Street. lii3i 220 3404. Mon» Sat |-5pm: 'i'hu 4-8pm. inloi‘ination and iriendix adx lee on drttgx and xexuai heaitit. lrom trained xxorixerx. xx xx xx.ei'exx 2i)ll(l.eo,nl\

Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on Alcohol 0 ('illton 'lerraee. 0|3i 337 8|88. lllittl'lllililtlll. adx iee aitd support on diettittti related l\\tle\.

xx xx xx.a|eoho| l'oeux Turning Point 44 lianox er Street. 0|3l 220 0830; 3 Smith's l’iaee. 0| 3| 554 75in. \lon l'rl 0.30am5.30pm. ()ne-to one eounxelling lor addletx and \llppttl'l lor their laittiiiex. ‘i‘urning i’olnt Seotland aims to taekle xoelal exeiuxion h} prox idiiig x‘ll\lt)llll\etl -.‘ttltllllllllil} eai‘e paeixagex i'or people xxho hax e heen exeiuded ax a rexuit ol' drug or aieohoi mixuxe. among other thing\.

xx xx xx.turningpointxeotiand.eom

West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service ~13 .'\tiel;lltle Street. (‘1';lig8ltlli.

l.i\ittgr‘ttnt. 01506430 225. ('ounxeiilng. help in dealing with lamilx lxxuex and help in xxorklng toxx'at'd\ emplox ment opportunitiex. xx xx xx .xx estlotltiattgox .uk West Lothian Youth Action Project e/o (‘ommtmltx House. 33 .-\iler l’iaee. iiilhurn. l.lx lngxton. 0i50(x 4(xl 588. i’riendix adx lee and lnl'ormation about xuhxtanee mixuxe. l‘or x‘oung people.

xx xx xx .xx l_x


Alcohol Focus Scotland ltxn littehanan Street. (llaxgoxx. (H41 572 (x700. :\eeexxih|e information tor people xeeixiug adx lee ahout aleolioi i\\lle\.

xx xx xx.aieohoi—l' Cocaine Anonymous 020 7284 I I23. .\ lull} independent organixation ol' men and xxomen xx ho xhare their experieneex xx ith eaeh other \0 that the_x max \tti\ e their eonunon problem and help otherx to reeox er from their addletion. .\'ot alliliated to :\ieoitolie\ Anon} moux. hilt tl\e\ a ximllar 'i‘xx e|x e Step programme.

xx xx

Crimestoppers 0800 555 l l l. Drinkline litSlili ‘) l 7 333:. opett \e\ en da_xx a xx eeie l'ree inl'oi'matlon and \upport.

Drug Misuse Information Strategy Team 013] 55l 8532

xx xx xx .drugmixuxe.ixdxeotlandorg Families Anonymous lieipiine 0845 12”” (Kill.

Know The Score 0800 587 5870. ('onlidentlai lntormatlon on drug\. axallahle 24 hottt'x a da}. xex en tirlxx a

xx L'Cl'x. ('aiix made from a landline are tree and xx ill not \ltoxx tip on a phone hill. ('allx tnade l'rom a mobile phone xai'x in eoxt depending on liL‘thl'l’x and max \iltixx tip oit xtitit' hill. The xx ehxlte olierx plentx ol adx lee and inlortnation on drttgx. and eontaet detaiix l'or loeai support \et'x ieex. xx xx xx .lxnoxx thexeoreittlo

Narcotics Anonymous Scotland 0707i 248 7 it). xx xx xx.naxeot| Narcotics Anonymous UK iielpiine 0207 730 0000. xx'xxxx'

NHS Health Scotland 0131 Sin 5500. Helpline 0800 224 488. inl'ormation and rexoureex to xupport health intproxetnenl praetitionerx and oi'ganixatlonx xxorking to lmproxe Seotiand'x health. Ineludex adx lee on a

xx ide range oi toplex ineiuding tohaeeo. aleohol. and health} iix‘ing.

xx xx xx .heaithxeolland.eom

Parents Against Drugs Abuse ilelpiine: 08457023 8(x7.

Scotland Against Drugs Campaign lii4| 33| (il5l). xx xx xx.xdea.pollee.ui\ Scottish Drug Enforcement Agency 014i 302 Hill) xx xx xx,\eottlxh, poiiee.ui\/main/eampaignx/dea

Scottish Executive Substance Misuse Division 0| 3| 244 2208 Scottish Drugs Forum 0l4l 22l ll75. xx xx xx .xtixl'.oi'g.ttlx

Smokeline 0800 84 84 84. .'\l\t) quit line: 080000 22 00. i{netiuragement and \ttppot't iot‘ people xx ho are tr} ing to \top xiiiokittg tohaeeo or eannahix.

xx xx xx.axhxeot|

Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse 0l50(x 88| 408. xx xx|

Sexual Health

Glasgow & Strathclyde

Body Positive Strathclyde

‘) Sttttxi} littl‘ti i’laee. Sauehiehali Street. M4] 248 0285. Drop-in eentre open Mon. \Ved. i‘rl. 0am-5pm1’l‘ue tk Thu. | latit- 8pm. inlorniation and \upport i'or people xxho are ill\' poxitlxe.

xx xx xx.hod_xpo\itlx Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM Clinic) The Sand} lord lnitiatlxe. 2-(i Sand} lord i’iaee. Sauehiehaii Street. (ll-ll 2i i Shlil. (‘onlidentiai :ttlx iee llliti texting l'or \e\ll;lil} transmitted dixeaxex and iii\'/:\li)S. Drop-in eliniex .\lon~i‘rl 8.30 i0ain. Bx appolnttuent at other tlmex. .\lou-i’ri until 7pm.

Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre 014l 552 3200. Tue. Wed. Sun. 7-0pm; Thu 1- 3pm. i’ree and eonlidential xerx lee


oi‘l'ering ini‘ormation and xupport to xxomen and girls xxho liax e xul’l'ered - or feel in danger of - sexual ahtixe or axxauit. xx xx xx' Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre Brandon iiouse Businexx ('entre. 25 Brandon Street.|iamliton. 0|(i08 527 003 Honda) i-3pm. llle (i-8.30pm. Wed 1- 3pm.

xx xx xx

Edinburgh & Lothian Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM Clinic) l.;ttll'i\ltlll Building. l.aurlxton i’iaee. Appointmentx: nten 0l3i 536 2 W3; xxomen 0l3| 53o 2l04. Bx appointment at other timex. .\ion-l-‘ri tintli 7pm. ('oniidentiai dx lee and testing tor xexuaii} transmitted dlxeaxex and HIV/AIDS. Drop-in eliniex .\lon—i5ri 8.30- i0am. Bx appointment at other tlmex. Edinburgh Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre 0B] 556 0437. ’l‘eiephone adx lee ix axaiiahie tor txxo hours moxt alterntionx/earlx ex eningx. Times are adxertixed on reeorded inexxage. xx xx xx .rapeerixlxxetitiandtirg ,lllx


National AIDS Helpline 0800 Sr»? l23. Sexwise 0800 282 030. 7am-midnight. information aitd adx‘lee on xexuailtx and sexual health tor xoung people.

Glasgow & Strathclyde

Scottish Network for Families Affected by Drugs e/o Seoulin l)l'tlg\ l'tii‘tttti. 5 \Vaterloo Street. (liaxgoxx. l|i4l 221 ll75.

Glasgow Association of Family Support Groups I23 \Vext Street. (iiihgttxx, 0l4l 4202050.

Edinburgh & Lothian

Families Outside t0a Alhanx Street. lidinhurgh. (H3! 557 0800. An organlxation xx hieh “Ul'l’xS eloxelx xx ith tatiiiliex xx xx xx .l‘ Family Support Network 8 .loitnxttin 'i'erraee. lidlnhurgh. 0| 3| 022 0202.

Central Belt

Grangemouth SAS Group ()ltl i)tltldil\ Sehooi. ()xgang Road. (lrangemouth. 01324 504 580. Lanarkshire Coalition of Family Support Groups (Substance Misuse) e/o i’R‘i‘ l.anarixxitlre (‘aret'x ('entre. ('amphell Street. liarniiton. 0|(x08 428 000. ('ontaet the proieet for

0 information and adx lee xx ith regard to drug mlxuxe

- (lix ing xupport to latiiiix memherx xx ith regard to xerx ieex axaliahie to them

° i‘amiliex laelng erixix xituationx xx ho need support

0 l‘aiuiix memherx xx ho need to \peak to xomeone xx ho understands the situation the} lliid themxeixex in xx ith regard to debt. llxtlhillg tmemplox tnent. health eare i\\tte\ ete.

Lighthouse Foundation .55 'l‘iteltlieid Street. Kilmarnoeix.01503 521 343. Stirling Family Support Service IT ll‘\ itte l’laee. Stirling. lil 73(3 470 707.

Women’s Health & Support

Glasgow & Strathclyde Glasgow Women’s Aid 4th Hunt. 30 Bell Street. 014i 553 2022. l)rop-in eentre open Mon. Tue. 'i‘htt. l‘ri. 0.30am- 4.30pm; \Ved. 0.30am-ipm. ('otmxeiiing lor xxomen. also axaiiahie in telephone.

Edinburgh & Lothian

Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Aid 4 ('he) rte Street. (ll 5i 5 l 5 Ni ii). .\ion. \Ved. l‘ri. |0am3pm; 'i‘ltu 2-7pm; Sat l0ain-i2.30pm. Rel'ttge. xupport and help lor xxomen xul‘l'ering pll}\ie;li. mental or xexuai ahuxe from a partner.

'.J;t'i 3917/ THE LIST 121

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