
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.



253 Argylc Strcct. 0870 2-10 7528. ll’. \\'(‘, \\'.»\|

Pit t'ntil Sat l8 .\'o\'. 7pm. £8 (£(ii. .‘ylcgan Barkcr's cxpcrimcntal piccc l’olloyy'ing onc \yoman's strugglc to tccd hcr family. in a norm yyhct‘c shc hcrsclt‘ is at thc bottom of thc food chain. rcturns l‘olloyy ing a \‘lL‘lUl'lUtlS Archcs l.l\'li! run.

Scratch Night 'l‘uc 2| Noy. 7.30pm. Pay What you can. Join \ycll lsnoyyu and tip-and-coming pct‘ltn'ttk‘t‘s as thcy gct tcn minutcs cach to try out ncyy idcas in front of an audicncc and .scck tccdback. Snuff ’I’uc 21 Sat 25 .\'o\'. 7.30pm. £‘) (£6). ’l'hc triumph ot this ycar's :\rchcs 'I‘hcatrc l'cstiy'al. Day c Andcrson’s piccc looks at a skinhcad in a (ilasgoyy toyycrblock imprisoncd by thc tour yy'alls. lockcd insidc his on n hcad and hcmmcd in by thc ills ot' this \yot'ld. Mother Courage and her Children Thu 23 Sat 25 .\'o\-. 7pm. £7 t£~li. (‘athcrinc (iillard lcads a strong cnscmblc cast as Scotland's lcading tottring company \s inds Up a month-long national tour of Brccht's political talc of human strugglc.


ll‘) (iorbals Stt'cct. 42‘) 0022. Il’. ll. \\'('. WA]

The Shadow of a Gunman t'ntil Sat l8 Nos; 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm).

£ll £15 (£5 £7.50). .rll‘lm‘u (‘1' dlt'L‘L‘lnt' Phillip Brccn rcturns to thc ('it/ \\ ith Scan ()’('ascy”s passionatc play ol' political rcsistancc and doomcd loy c. sct in l‘)20s Dublin on thc cy c ot‘ Irish indcpcndcncc. Audio-dcscribcd pcrt’ormancc 'l‘hu lo .\'oy, 7.30pm.

Tom FOOI l'ntil Sat 18 \o\. 7.50pm (Sat mat 2.30pmi. £12 (£2 £5). .\'uts and bolts l‘actory \yorkcr ()tto sccrctly drcams ot' spicing up his mundanc lit-c

by taking to thc skics. though al'tcr toltiot't'oyy. all hc'll \y ant is his tamin back. An csplosiy c play from onc of litiropc‘s lcading and most contrmcrsial playyy rights. l‘ran/ Xay cr KrocU. .\'ot suitablc tor undcr lbs.


() l'niycrsity .r\\cnuc. 330 5522. |\\'(‘. WA]

Shit and Sugar l-‘ri l7 Mon 20 .\'o\. t.\'ot Sat» 8pm. £5 (£3). l‘or \Vc .-\rc .\lany csplorc contcmporary consumption in this chaotic. comcdically dark. physical pcrtormancc piccc.

Bat Boy The Musical inc 2] Sat 25 .\'o\. 7.30pm. £10 £14. :\ moying story ot' a halt-boy. halt-bat. \y ho. haying bccn discoycrcd in at ca\ c. is capturcd. cducatcd and ultimatcly pcrsccutcd by thc ignorant toyynl‘olks \y ho t'car him. STaG Nights Thu 50 Ni“ Sat 2 l)cc. 7.30pm. £8 (L‘m; t‘cstiyal pass £l5. Rctttrning this ycar as (’I'rqiu' (In .\‘uil. Scotland's biggcst studcnt-run thcatrc l'cstiyal prcparcs to titillatc and tcmpt. rcliy ing all thc cscitcmcnt of thc burlcsquc \\ ith somc of thc t'rcshcst talcnt in \\ riting. dircctiug and acting trom (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity and bcyond.


307 Bath Stt'cct. 0870 060 (i048. Ill. \\'('. \ypyl

Cats l'ntil Sat l8 .\'o\. 7.30pm t'l‘htt tk Sat mat 2.30pmt. £ll £34. 'l‘hc yyorld's Iongcst running musical graccs tts \yith its l‘clinc l'ootslcps.

Coppelia Mon 20 \Vcd 22 .\'o\. 7.30pm (\Vcd mat 2.30pm). U l £20.50. lillcn Kcnt Ballct lntcrnational pcrt'orm tltL‘ lztlL‘ Ul- L‘L‘L‘L‘lltl'tc Htk‘lnt' (‘t’llllk‘lltts and his cloclsyyorls crcation.

Sleeping Beauty ’I‘hu 23 Sat 25 .\'o\. 7.30pm (Sal mat 2.30pm). £ll £30.50. lillcn Kcnt and ct‘cyy prcscnt anothcr big \yhitc ballct. this timc tcaturing 'l‘chail‘oy sky 's stimptuous scorc.


7.5l 755 (it‘L‘ul \VL‘lel‘ll Rttiltl. .557 (Still. A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Byre Dogs l'ntil Sat 18 .\'o\. 1.10pm. £l0. Saturday night scut'llcs. motorbikc ridcs and syyimming in thc loch.‘c on l.c\\is is thc backdrop to thc tcnsions ol' cmcrging manhood c\plot‘cd in ('alum Smith l.a\yi'cncc\ play.

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Ae Fond Kiss Mon 20 Sat 25 .\'o\. l.l0pm. £l0. Ann .\laric di .\lambro's play t‘olloyys /.cd, \y hosc \yorls matcs hay c purchascd him a scssion \y ith a prostitutc tor his 1801 birthday. and his cncountcrs \y ith said prostitutc l.cla. /.cd discoycring that his matcs arc not all that thcy sccm and l.cla discoy cring what it is hc rcally tict‘ds.

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Rocketville Mon 27 .\'o\ Sat 2 l)cc. l.l0pm. £l0. l.iam John llurlcy 's satirc on thc rclcntlcss rc-shaping and rcbranding ot thc city is abound \y'ith mind gamcs and manipulation as tyyo ad mcn joy ridc through a constnncrtopia ot' thcir oyy n imagining.


.\'c\y Strcct. 887 I010. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.'\| Blythe Spirit l'ntil Sat I8 .\'o\. 7.30pm. £7 (£oi. Nocl ('oyyard's timclcss tarcc is brought to thc stagc by Trinity thcatt‘c.

Mother Goose Thu 30 \m Sat 30 l)cc. (not Sun). 7pm. (Sat mat l lam ts .ipuii. £8.50 £12.50 t£(i.50 £0). .\luch loycd tamily pantomimc tclling thc story ol' old .\lothcr (loosc and thc goosc that lays goldcn cggs. starring l)a\ id \Vallacc and Man On:


l2l RL‘lll-lk‘ltl Strcct. 5.“: lH-lb. Ill. \\.(‘. \y‘..\|

ll‘hc Magical .'\tl\t‘llllll‘Cs ol' l’ctcr l’an

Tom Fool

Franz Xaver Kroetz's at times comical but ultimately dark and tragic political piece speaks of the decline of a

family into to dysfunctionality after economic forces add stress to their lifestyle. Featuring strong performances from its three-strong cast, this

is a must-see. I C‘flx’tfl‘f; 'f/m.'m2. (Wrisgitrxh ant/.1 Sa‘.‘

, 1\’( )v

Theatre Guide

.- ., Arches


Thursday 16

Citizen's 4 as; r- .. .

Friday 17

Pit.‘Sec- Rock & Poo Pit

Sort and Sugar

Saturday 18

Sunday 19

bee Jazz

SM and Sugar Sm and Sugar

Monday 20

Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22

Snuff/Scratch Night Snuff/Sectiock 8. Pop

Bat Boy the Muszca: Bat 80; the Musrcal

King's Byre Dogs Byte Dogs Byte Dogs Ae Ford KlSS .Ae Vent; Kass‘See Rock I Ae Fond Kass '; Platform .~ '."--’rs': '-'-:: -r\".; Ramshorn Marriage of Fzgaro Marriage of Figaro - Marriage of F-garo 30‘? Clilss‘m’ f : szcc ..». .. . i Theatre IIOVBI See Classical See Ctassant Pirates of Pervance Pirates of Petizanco Pirates of Pernltatice Tramway TI'OII Under Milk Wood Mobile/See Rock tvtobslerSee szs Mobile Brunton ___¢liurcli mu are Rough " " “Wingaaa; "wink. sewn "' I Festival Theatre 2 i 7 Jam House Ease My Dust "seas Whilst "sage My ous‘i” i Byre Dogs Byre Dogs Eyre Dog‘s H ' 2 King's . - .. . .H' . t . . HuertIlEdlnliurgh Arts Wrapped MotherCourage .-.S..égkids __ H y ? _ g k a _ Q Lyceum at... 514;". ~ .

88 1115 LIST 1.0» a“; No. I/V’Ai;