
Starter for Ten I l2:\1 COO I'I‘IIIII Vaughan. l'K/l'S. 20001 l.ilit1\;1) Duncan. ('harICx Dancc. James .‘III‘AIIII. 90min. Brian I.\1c.'\\‘n}I i3 Ihc lirxl IIIcIIIlIcr III hix family III g0 10 uniwrsil}. IIhI-rc hc liIiIl\ llIL‘ Invc 01 1W0 girls and a pcrl‘ccll} I‘L‘L‘mhlrllclcd I‘ll/I'I'I'IIII (.IIIIIII'IIQF. \VlIIlL‘ lhc ln\'c 31an 13 prcdiclahlc. Ihc amusing qui/ .3110“ \lt)l'}'llliL‘ and cwcllcnl pti\l'llk‘\\ \\';I\'L‘ \nundIraclI alman make up 101' ll. Sv/I'I‘II‘I/ I‘I’II’IIII’.

Step Up I1’(11 0 (Anne l'chclIL‘I‘. 1'8. 20001 (‘hanning 'l‘aIum. lcnna l)c\\ an. l)amainc RadcliI'I'c. 103mm. I)I'rII [Liming mchs I'IIIHI' as when Ihug '1‘) lcr I'l‘aIuIIII \\‘llit1\ up dning cIIInIIIuniI) \L‘l'\ icc aI Ihc lialIimnrc lligh Schnnl 101’ 1110 l’crlnrming :\I‘I\. .-\nd ends up parIncring Nnra 11)L‘\\;Iii I. This link}. I‘nI‘nIulaic I'nIIIanIII‘ drama Ix cwr) [III as appalling ax iI \nIIndx. (I'I'III'I'II/ "('/('(I.\i('.

Stormbreaker (1’( ii oo I ( II-III'I‘I-I-I Sax. (ici‘IIIaII) /l 'K/l '8. 2000I .’\lL'\ PC“) In: liwan .\1c(1rcgnr. .\1icl\c_\ Rnurlu‘. Bill Nigh}. Alicia Sll\CI'\lUIiC. 93min. Ynung \upcr 3p) .‘\1L‘\ Rider lliL‘\\L‘UIliL‘I' .v\lc\

l’L‘ll} l-L‘l'l 113111168 \11111111011311111101111110 l)arriu\I.\11I‘kc§ RnurkcI. The dark Bnnd» L‘8qUL‘ \L‘rlL‘\ ()1. 130010 uhich impircd ilIC llllll haw a hcallh). anIi-llarr} l’IIIIcr \ Ihc. \\ hich gclx 1an in Iranxlaiinn. ‘l'hcrc'x \UlilL' rcdcmplinn in Ihc 1mm 01‘ callnux .\115 00“ Bill Nigh} and a (‘)-\I_\'lc camcn I‘I'nm SIcphcn H} and Ihcrc are a It“ paxxahlc ilL‘llUii \L‘IIIICIIL'Cx. IIIII. SI'II’I‘II'I/ I'I'II'IIII'. Stray Dogs (Sag-haye Velgard) (12.-\1 .0. I.\1aI'/ich .\iL‘\lil\1111. Iran/l-‘rancc. 2004I(in1-(ihn1ai. ZahI-d. Aghclch Rwaic. SIIIII‘alI Akhari. 93min. (inl- (ihnlai and '/.ahcd Ip1a_\cd II} nIIn— prnI'Cwinnal aL‘IIIer I'nam Ihc \Ircclx III' Kahul Ir) ing IIIch iIIIII prixnn III III‘ I'cunich \Villi Ihcir prlll‘lUlhl} I Imprixnncd parcnlx. SIHH' Hum ha\ a pn\\ crI‘IIl IIIIIIchiac}. Ilepilc a lcndan‘) In a“ l\\\ ;II'I111C\\ and \cnlimcnlalil}. (ilmunn I‘I/m 'I‘III'IIII'I'.

(i/m L'IIII‘.

Stromboli (1’( II 0.. IRIIIII'I'III R(I\\L‘llllii. lIal}. 195011ngrid Bergman. .\larin \‘ilalc. Run/n (‘cxana 81min. Sparkx hardl) Ilickcr. ncx cr mind 11}. in Ihix \hancncd \crxinn III' IlIL‘ I'u‘xl I‘nllaIInraIInn lIgIIxccn Bergman and lU\L'1' R(I\\L‘llllil. Shc pla) \ a Lithuanian I‘cl'ugcc \Ihn arrixtw in Slrnmhnli “1111 hcr I'Ixhcrman lill\li;liitl. l'nalIlc In I‘xlahlixh a lIIIlIlL‘ III‘ a rapan \\ 101 111C i\l;IIiIlL‘I\ \lic illlL‘lllPl\ III L'WIIIIL‘. C\ L‘II Ihnugh prcgnanl. 'llII' ixland \nlcann L'\plm1L'\ 13111 lllllc L'l\L' lgllllL'8. l’ill'l III-110111111 l'ilm l‘cxlhal. I-I/nI/IIIIIII'. [LI/III/mrg/I. Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (151 O. (Liam1.}nch.1'8.20I)0I1ack Black. K} It (1am. 94min. Soc I'calurc. page 14 and i'L‘\ icII. page 44. (I'I'III'I'III H'II'IIH'. Three Times (Zui Hao De Shiguang) I 12.-\1 C... (11011 llxIaIIII» 1151011. trance/lain an. 20051 ('hcn (hang. 1)i Mei. Mei 1‘ang.Shu(‘)i. 120mm. 'l‘lu'cc \InriI‘x 01 hit and 10w in Taiwan \paIInmg a ccnIur} and keeping Ihc lcad acIIIrx III \imilar rclaIinnxhipx IhI'nughIIIII. Dream). cuphnric and pncIiI‘ IIIlInII up In ( 'II/I’ I.llllil('l'(' I'rnm lhix I‘cIIIaI'kalIII‘ Iilmmakcr. I'T/Hi/IHHH'. lz'I/I'II/Iuruli.

Tom ThumbII'IOOO ((II-IIrgI- l’al. 1'8. 1958I R1133 ’I‘aIIIlIl} II. Alan Ynung. Jun 'l‘hnrhurn. 9510111. .v\ 1111} I'nrcxI lIn} gI'Ix IlII‘ lIcIIcr III. a pair III incnnIpcII‘nl trunk in 1111\ L‘l-l‘lL‘lL'lll. Ultl-\l_\ IL‘ 11011} \\IIIII1 L'llL‘L'l\ 111111 I'IIr children. l’arI nl' \Vcanx' \VIII‘ld. l'TIHl/iUllH'. I'IIII'IIlIurg/I.

Nelve and Holding I lb .00 (Michael (’IchIa. l'S. 2000I Brucc .-\llman. land-“10113011. low ('aIIIachn. 94min. l'rnm Ihc dircclnr III I.ll'.‘ L’UlliL'8 annlhcr harrIIII ing. quirk) cnmingIII'agcdraIna. 1111\11111L‘ “1111 an imprcxxiw cnxcnIlIlc III' Inung aclnrx. The) are all 12-}L‘ill'\-()ltl and chI pI'cII) much In lhcir H“ II Ilcx Iccx III \llllt‘l‘ \UlliL' \crinux grnmng pamx Sadl}. \(illlC I'\I‘I'|lcnl pcrl'nrnIancI-x arc \II'akcnI-Il II} .'\IillIIIII}

3111*" [911119

" paoela

56 THE LIST II} 311 Nov 200m

(‘ipI'Iann'x \Iill'ull} IIpaIpIc \L‘l'lpl. 81111 “C” “01111 CllL‘ClKlll‘L' Ulil. (TIN'HUI'II/ l\’('II/I'('H .S-IHTI. (i/IIIQIIII‘.

Umrao Jaan I 12M... IJI’ 1)uIIa. India. 20001 :\l\li\\;11"\ a Rai. SlIalIana .'\/1111. 188mm. Scc 13011} \IIIIId Rnund up. page 42. ()I/I‘HII 51/ ill/IV QIIIH. (;III\L’I’\1 .' ()I/I'IIII I‘III'I A'IIIIIIII'I'II. l'.I/III/IIII'g/I.

Under the Same Moon (Sotto la Luna di Scampia) I 18I I(’aI'1n l.uglin. llal}. 2000I lirant‘n .\1L'|IIIIL'. ()11\ gr .’\lltlL'll\U\ iI‘. Samanlha .'\lllell\U\ in 92min. .\1nd lIIwax and HM” clan I'lath-x are

ex cryla} III‘I‘III‘I‘III'IN in Scampia. ax \ccn IlII‘nugh IIII‘ ll\L'\Ul-l\\1l.\lillli“_' g} [‘\1t‘\. l’aI'I III'lIalianl‘ilm1"I‘\II\;II.(i/II\:IIII l-I'IIII 'I‘IIIIIII‘I’. (i/Iixgun .' I'I/m/IIIIIII; IzI/III/IIII'g/I. Visit Palestine I 15 I I KaIII' liarlIm. l'K. 2005178nnn. DncumcnIar} I'IIllIIIIing prn l’alIwIIIIIan lI‘l\li pcat‘c I'aIIIpaIgIII'r ('aIIiInhI‘ liullcrl}. \\l10\l\llL'tl IhclI'IIin I‘I'I'IIgI‘I‘L‘aIIIp In Ihc aI'II‘rInth III IlII' :\pl'i| 2002 mark h.‘ l\1'ilt‘l. and again \hanl} lII'IIII‘c a _\IIung \IIIman I'rnnI IlII' I‘IIIIIIIIIIIIII) lIlI'\\ lII‘I'xI‘lI' up III a \IIII‘idc lInnIlIing in lldllil. ("II/III'II. Iz'I/III/Im'g/I.

Vivah Il’(iI ISIIIII'aI Banana. India. 20001 Shahid KilPIIUI'..‘\1111'll;I Ran. .\nupan thr. 100mm. 11II11_\\\IIIII1 InarrIagc cpiI' IIpcnIng “1111;! rclucIanI III-II'IIIhal IhaI gI‘IIII \ mm a umnn III li'llL‘ lIIII' and L‘Uliiiiilllllt‘lil. ()I/I'IUI l-III‘I KI'IIIIIIII‘II. IzI/III/IIIIg/I.

VOIVGI' I 1%.... I l’I‘IlI'II ,\llIIIIIlII\ :11.

Spam. 2000I1’I~III'1IIpc(‘rII/.('aI'IIII-n .\1aura.

l.IIla l)III‘na\. Blanca l’III’IIllII. YIIlIaIIa ('IIIIII. 121mm. .\llll(lIlU\.Il'1'L'llll'11\ \\ llli hix (‘annI‘x hiI and 1011I Iilm. \Ihich \L‘\'\ .I I'aI'I‘I'I' high II'IIIII (I‘m In a \ 1\ Id and IIIII'II'aII‘ lalI‘ III



The Wedding Director (ll Regista di Matrimoni) I 130I I\I.III~II III-IIIII-I-IIIII. llal). 2000I SI'I'gIII(Huh-111110. l)IIn;III‘ll.I l‘inIII'clIIaI‘II. SaIIII l'rI‘}. 100mm. .\laI'I'Iagc\ aI'I' IIIIIIII'IIIIle} I'I'aughl \\ IIlI IlangI‘r. I-II'II 11101'1‘\II\\11L'11(111L‘I11 lllL' lU\t'l'\ I1III‘xn‘I cwn Inakc iI IlII‘IIuglI Ihc I'I‘I'I'IIIIIII} alIII‘. l’aI'I III lIalIanl-IIIII1-I'\II\a1.(I'lIingIII /I/nI IIII'III’I'I. (i/IIIQIIII .‘ l'I/m/IIIIIII'. /.I/III/IIII';'/;.

The Wind that Shakes the Barley

151.... IKI‘II 1.nach. (iI-I'InanIJIIalI,SpaIII’l'IaIII‘IvIII-land l'lx' . 20001('I|lIaIII31mph}. l’.iIlI'aII~ l)I‘l;IIII‘_\. 1.1am('unIIInglIaIII. ()rla 1‘II/gI'ralI1. 27min. 'l‘clling Ihc 3101) III Ihc lI'I\lI \Var IIII' lIIIlI'pI'nIlI-III'I‘. II'IIIII IlII' 11'1\ll pIIInI III \ II‘II. l.naI‘lI and Scnilixli \I'I'I'I'Im I‘III‘I' l’aul

1.;I\L‘I'l} [II'IIIllIL'I‘ II 5011(1. 1111 IIIIII\L'II\L‘ [‘II‘I‘C III' drama. IIIIprI'xxIII'l} aI'ch III pI‘IIII'xxIIIIIalx and IIIIII pI'III'I'xxIIInalx alIlII‘. l‘III‘uxing IIII 111C human Ctl\l\ III a grand InquIII‘I'. II \L'HLN118111‘Illl}111§ (I) 101' ux III Icarn Irnm paxl 1111\lillxt‘\.Ill’;1\\111}‘13.11'1111L‘l\ III IlII‘ pII-xcnl I‘IIIIl'lII‘I III Iraq. ("II/III'II. /'.I/III/IIII';'/I.

Withnail 8: II 151.....I111'III‘c RIIlIianIn. 1'13. 198711’aul .\1I‘( ianu. RII‘lIaI‘d1i(iI'aIII.RII‘IIaIIl(iI‘IIIilhx. 107mm. 'I'IIII 0111 III \\Ili'l\&1L‘|Hl\ ~III'\I\III;.' 1909 l.IIIII1IIn gIrII \tlllillUl' Iakc a break III a

pII'IIII‘I'xIpII' lakc l)l\11'1L'l I‘IIIIagI‘. \\ lII‘I'I' IIIII'

III' 111C111 \IIII'I‘I'x lllk‘ aIII'nIIIInx III III: agI'Ing liilliiII\L‘\llill IIIIIII‘I. liIIII'I'laInIIIg 111111311 I‘IIIIIcIl} haxa\I‘I‘IIIII1\I;I|I;II glnr}. and II'\ lllL' lIlI‘alII‘I I'nIl III lliL‘ IlI‘I‘aIlI' L’lL'lllt’lll\ llIaI lIa\I‘ laxlcd lII'xl. XIII/mum XI II I'll/II: II’IIIIIII_ [tr/III/HII'Q/l.

World Trade CenterI I2.\I O I()lI\cI'SlIIIII‘. l'S. 20001\II'II1;I\('agI‘. \llt‘lIaI'l l’cna. .la} llI‘I'nanIlI‘L 1291IIIII.()III llL‘l'UC\§ll'L‘lllC1:1811\\Iilllt'llI‘llllL'IlIilllIil (irnund /.crII alIII'. \\ IIh SIIIIII- \lII'II'lIIIIg a \I'IIIIIIII'nlal aIIIl \aIII‘IIIIIIInIIqu \1Iil'_\ III Tamil} gricl and manage agaquI all Utltl\. ’l'hc II‘II riIiIIg III luxlnr} Imakmg “1111C a lII‘IIIiI~ black ['8 lIl;iIIIiC.lliil\I11_‘_‘ Iraq and 9X1 1 and \U IIIII I‘I‘I'IIII'\ lI;I11 lIIIlII‘Il. lIalI Ill'\t'(lL'Ull\]111'IIL') IlII'IIIII'x. l)I'I'.IIlIIIl.


Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the KeyI I3. IsI-I-gIII .\1;II'IIIIII. llal_\. 1‘)"2Il'.Il\\IgI‘l'I'III'I‘lI.x\IIIIa SIIIIIIllII‘Ig. l.IIIgI 1’IxIIllI. l\an l\’.1\\llilII\. 90mm. .\ px} I‘lIIIIIIInII' I-\II'.I\;Igan/.I III \I‘\. drugx. IlI'lIauI'lII'I‘). lllPPlL'\.llltl11101111th p101 IlIaI lII‘gInx \\ IIlI lllk‘ 1IIIII'lII'I'I~Il IIIIdI III a \II'III-nx 1111\11'I‘\\. Part 01 l’\_\ I'lIIIIIIIIIII' ('incma\ .\1IInI1II llalIanII7 \L'Il\()ll. (i/Ingun I‘ll/H I‘lliillllt'. (Ii/(I\L'HH.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Glasgow _

350 Sauchichall Sum. 0141 352 4900. IIIIIIIIIIIgI: 0141 352 4900. L3.


Bremer Freheit (Bremen Freedom) I 151 7.1 II I.

WEDNESDAY 2? NOV Bildwechsel Screening I IIII-I 7.00.


Nora Helmer I I5I 7.00. I HI'DAY :24 NOV

Camcorder Guerilla Cinema: Bike Works (1.1 7.00.

\’\./l':.[.)N1-fSDAY 29 NOV

Camcorder Cuerilla Cinema: Freedom of Choice I1-:I 7.00.


In a Year of 13 Moons I 131 7.00.

Cineworld Parkhead

The Huge. l’ai'khcad. 0871 200 2000. .-\IlIIlI £5.41)1£4.I\'11lTL‘liii'L' 5pm

.\1IIII 'I‘hu. ('hild: £3.80 (£3.50

.\1IIII ‘l‘lIuI. SIIIdI'nI: £3.70 (£3

.\1IIn 'I‘IIIII. (MP/11140: £3.70. lianIil) [IL‘l'xL‘l £15. :\11 [Rich lIL‘lIII‘L‘ 110011: £3.40.

ll-lURSDAY 113

BamyardII’GI 11.10am. 1.20. 3.50. 5.30.

BoralII5I 12.30. 9.15.

Casino BoyaleII2.v\I 1.15. 5.3(1. 7.45. 8.45.

The History BoySI15I 11.40am. 4.20. 9.05.

Hoodwinked II‘I 11.45am.

The Last KlSSIl5I 2.05. 0.50.

Saw IIIII3I 1.30. 4.00. 0.45. 9.00. Step UpII’UI 11.10am. 1.50. 4.15. (I30. 9.05.

2.45. 5.00. 7.15.

2.15. 4.30.

I RIDAY I 1HURSDAY 213 Barnyard Il’(iI

liail): 11.50am. 2.00. 4.10. BoratII5I

Hail): 11.55am. 2.05. 4.05. 0.30. 8.55.


.\1aIincc Sal: 10.00am. Casino Royale I l2:\1

Hail}: 1.15. 2.15. 4.30. 5.311. 7.45. 3.45.

The DepartedII3I

\Vcckda'xx: 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30InnI

.\lnnI. 8.30.

Jackass Number No I I3I

'l‘hu: 11.10am. 1.10. 3.10. 5.10. 7.10. 9.10.

Monster HouseII‘I

Malincc Sal: 10.00am.

Open SeasonII’III

l’I'I Wed: 110011. 2.00, 4.00.

Over the HedgeII'I

Malincc Sal: 10.00am.

Prime I 12.'\I

.\1IIn: 5.30.

Saw III I 181

hail}: 0.45. 8.50.

Step Ule’(iI

l)ail_\: 0.45. 9.05.

.'\l\t).\l(ili 'llIII: 11.10am. 1.50. 4.15. Stormbreaker I I’( I I

.\1aIinI-I' Sal: 1 1.30am.

Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny I I5I SaI Ik Sun: 12.15 IIIIII SaII. 2.30. 4.45. 7.00. 9.05.

Cineworld Benfrew Street

7 Radio“ SII'I‘I‘I. min and ('(‘ hnnking: 0871 200 2000. Adult £0.201£5.20

.\1nn ililllll.(‘lil111/81“th111\/L‘UliL‘L‘8\l()li\I £4.20. 1-‘amil} lickcI £17 (Sun 'l‘hu: £15.00). liaI‘l} hird (all Iiclu‘lx lk'lilil'k‘ 1me: £3.80. l'nlimiII‘Il ('ard: £10.99 per mnnIh.


BoratIISI 10.00am. 11.00am. IIIIIIII. 1.30. 2.20. 4.00. 4.40. (1.30. 7.00. 9.00. 9.30.

Breaking and Entering I I5I I 1.30am. 2.30. 5.40. 3.40.

Casino Royale I l2:\1 10.30am. 11.00am. 12.30. 1.00. 1.50. 2.20. 4.00. 4.30. 5.10. 5.40. 7.30. 3.0(1. 3.40. 9.10. 11.00. 11.40.

The DepartedII3I 10.40am. 2.00. 5.30. 9.00.

The Devil Wears Prada (l’(ii 2.15. 5.00. 3.00.

The Host (Gwoemul) I 151 12.20. 3.10. (1.111). 9.20.

The Last KlSSIl5I 12.30. 3.10. (1.00. 330. Little ChildrenI15I 2.25. 3.50.

Open SeasonII’III 11.111110). 1.20. The Prestige I l2:\1 11.30am. 2.30. 5.40. 3.50.

"81130361131 3.30. 0.15. 8.50. Saw lllIlX) IIIIIIII. 2.40. 5.30. 3.20. Sixty Six I 12.-\I 11.30am. 5.30. Starter for Ten I l2.'\I 10.30am. 3.40. (I30. 9.10.

Step Upll’(i1 11.00am. 1.40. 4.20. (I50. 9.25.

Melve and Holding I 121 12.40. 5.50. 3.30.



FWD/BX} 7'-T1‘1UB§D/\Y 21.3


Hail}: 2.00. 5.00. 3.00.

:\130 lalc 1511 I& Sal: 11.00.

Barnyard Il’(iI

l)ail_\: 10.50am. 12.50.


l)ail}: 10.00am. 11.00am. 11.30am. 110011. 1.30. 1.50. 2.20. 3.50. 4.20. 4.40. 0.00. 0.40. 7.00. 8.20. 9.00. 9.30.

.3130 laII‘ 1"ri & Sat: 11.50.

Breaking and Entering I I5I

0.111}: 3.00. 0.00. 3.40.

Casino Royale I l2:\1

hail}: 10.30am. 11.00am. 12.30. 1.00. 1.50. 2.20. 4.00. 4.30. 5.10. 5.40. 7.30. 8.00. 8.40. 9.10.

10.40. 11.20.

.'\l\0 laII‘ l'I'i Ik Sal: 11.00. 11.40, The Departed I 181 l'il'l Ik Sal: 1.00. 4.30. 8.00. l 1.15.

Sun Thu: 10.40am. 2.10. 5.30 Ik 9.00 (1101 111111. The Devil Wears Prada Il’(i1 \\.L‘L‘l'\tlil.\\I 1.20. 4.1111.

.'\l\U l'I‘I “I‘d: 0.30. 9.10.

Ohoom 2 IIIII'I

Thu: 7.00.

The Host (Gwoemul) I 151

l.aIc liri Ik Sal: 1 1.30.

Jackass Number No I 131

Thu: 10.30am. 12.40. 2.50. 5.00. 7.10. 9.35.

The Last Kiss I 151

l‘ri \Vcd: 5.30. 8.30 InnI 'l'IIcI. .'\180 late l'I‘i Ik Sal: 1 1.00.

Open Season Il’( ii

l)ail_\: 11.10am. 1.20.

The Prestige I l2.'\1

l)ail_\: 11.00am. 2.00. 5.00. 8.01). .»\130 late liri Ik Sal: 1 1.00.

Bed Road I 181

Dail}: 3.30. 0.15. 850.

Mm laIc l‘ri Ik Sal: 1 1.40.

Saw III I 181

1)ai1_\: | 1.10am. 1.45. 9.40.

.»\130 laIc 1"ri Ik Sal: Sixty Six I l2.'\1

1"ri Wed: 12.30. 3.10.

4.20. 7.00.
