Wednesday 1 3


Rough Cuts 'l llt' Stand. 33 3 \Votxllandx Road. (that) (ill) (illSS S. illpin L5

1L4 L3 5” ntctnhcrw .\ \pccial \lttt\\L';t\c ol tln- lk‘xl Ill nun cotnL-d} inatcrial tliat'x :tllL'lllplllljJ to tlainlwi ll\ \klt} onto our lL'lL‘\l\|Hll \L'lL'L‘IIS ln ;t\\tk'l.tlttlll with tho ('oincd} l'nit


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "271S3llptn. Ll, SL'L' \ltttt ll.

Thursday 14


Jerry Sadowitz: Never Knowingly Unoffensive ( 'iti/cnx' 'l‘ltcatrc. I I” (iorhalx Slrcct. 43‘) (Kill. 7.3llpin. H5. :\\ tlic lith of his no“ \lltt“ \itggcxtx. tlic lornict \llL'L‘l IllllSlL'ldll domn‘t ltkc to kccp lnx iokt'x t‘lcan, :\pparcntl) llll\ onc IS ln\ llttt\l UllL'llSHL' otlcring: to datc. The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \Vtmdldlttlx Road. llS7ll (rill) (ill55, S. 3llpin lL'5 L3 lllL‘llllk'l'Sl. ‘l‘lic thnaino that IS Sttxan (‘alinan pmth along: cwntx, .\'ot tltat it'll llk‘L'tl ll. “lllt ldlllelS pronnxcd li'oin llrcndan Butkc. .loc llccnan and Rob tk Skat/.


The Thursday Show ’l'hc Stand. 5 York I’lacc. 55S 7272. Until. U) 1L5 £3 tnctnhcrxl. ltrticc l)c\ lin l\ )tllll' coinpcrc tonight. \\ llll pcrlortnanccx l'roni Stow (il't|\l\t‘lt. .ltlllll Rnxx and Slc‘llctt l’L'dtliL'.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcnrx. l'( i(' lltnlding. chlrc“ Strcct. (LS-707 S7ll"ll7. "pin. L'll). l’roliahl} \till rccowring lroin ltcr tlircc l‘ringt‘ Slit)“ \.

~ m/ c I \ l 'l I \ lly/ / \ \‘xx/ / ll \l (I ! >1 / ,' A . ' ,rl 1/ x ' ll? Silillu’lllz [trill i‘lll ill-"i" YO / Join us at during your lunch break for a tasty platter of news. We'll keep you bang up to date on music, film, art, entertainment, showbusiness, books, clubbing, festivals and other cultural news. 7 “r ' Sill El 2‘ f The List Lunchbox is ready from i noon every weekday. M/ / l fli’ Ff“ k "-‘\ [ LN m] 34' r‘ it ll A) o 3".) a E ;

Janc} (itKllL'} prcxcnh licr unith point ot \ It“ u. ith the help .\lark \Yalkcr

Jerry Sadowitz: Never Knowingly Unoflensive ('itt/cnx' 'l‘hcatrc. l l‘) (itlrhltlx Strcct. 42‘) 0032. " 3llptn {l5 Scc 'l'ltu l4. The Stand 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \MmdlattdS Rtmd. llSTll (illll (1055. S 3llptll LS it- {5 inc-inborn. 'l‘hc putt on poucr ot Stixan Mormon conipcrw tltc cxcning \\ Illl lauglix tront Brendan Hurkc. Joc llccnan and lllllSlL‘étl dtio Roh & Skat/


The Stand lltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7273. “pm. LES it." {5 lllL'llllk'l'SL llrncc l)c\ lin conipcrm thc owning; \\ ith lnx llSllitl ra/or tonguc; don’t \xorr}. lic'x ntcc rcall}. llc'x Ionicd h} tlic cwr-xo musical SILWL' (it‘lhl‘llt. Jttlllt Rn“. SlL‘llL'lt l’c‘tltltc and Rick} Sp;tt‘klc\.

Saturday 1 6


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcnrx. l'( i(' Building. chtrcu Strcct. llS7ll7 S7ll7ll7. 7pm. U3. Scc l'ri l5.

Jerry Sadowitz: Never Knowingly Unoflensive ( ’iti/cnx' 'l‘hcatrc. I ll) (iorhalx Slrcct. 42‘) (Kill. 7.30pm. H5. Scc 'l'liu H.

The Stand “to Slattd. 333 \Yoodlandx Rtitttl. llS7l) (will) (1055. S.3llpttt. i ll). SL‘C l-ri l5.

Edinburgh The Stand 'rht- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55x 7272. 0pm. till. Soc l‘i‘i l5.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l'lic Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlandx Road. 0870 (will) ()055. S.3(lpttt. £4 ([3 [l tnctnhcrxl. Sunda) tollx il'x drcar} hcll oncc inorc. Ncwr lt‘dl'f Sir Michacl ot'

40 THE LIST "1“ St‘l‘ .‘t‘fl'fi

You have to admire the clout of the Cramlington

comic who now has no need at all to get drawn into the frenetic goings-on in Edinburgh during August. This year, while everyone else in the comedy world was worrying about 36-hour shows or Eddy awards, he was too busy trooping around the likes of Kilmarnock, Chan and Findhorn with his new show full of random thoughts and crazy movements. Now he’s back in the metropolis and set

to stir it up with his Fizzy Logic. Pl.’n/l()l/:;<>. ['(lllll)l/'t,‘l?. Sat ll 80:).

Rcdtnond \xill lightcn )Ulll' darkcncd llL‘;tl'l\ \\ itli ltclp tront Joc llccnan and lllt‘ \Ulll‘ laccd L‘Ultltlxttitt til .ltlllll RUSS Edinburgh

Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l‘lit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7372. 1pm. Itcc, Scc Sun Ill.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7273. S3lll‘tn. H lt'3 L'l lltL‘lltlk‘l'Sl. lt'x Sunday again and )on'w got work tottlot‘t'tm. You know \\lt;tl _\ou nccd',’ .-\ \wc hit ot llruu- l)c\ lin. with Rob and Skat/ and \\t'c\t|cr Stct'tcn l’cddic. .luxt don‘t \tart a tight.

Monday 18


VWX 'l'ltc Stand. 333 \Yootllantlx Road. ()S7llhllllhll55.S3llpttt.(31!: L'l lttL‘lttlk‘l'Sl, llic \u‘irdttc'xx ot \'\\'.\ lL‘llll‘llS \Hllt tiw actx. a ltoxt attd a ltot'xt'. Audicncm le't'ltlk' lUPlk\. and “hit f_'L'1\ a paid hooking; nut titnc. lltl\ \wck. Stcwn Dick and Rob & Skat/ hold tlnngx

lt lgk‘lllk'l'.


Red Raw 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lat'c. 553 7273. S.,‘~llpm. H. No“. ttcu <l\ll. and not ncxx -hut-not—_\ct-xticccxxlul coincdianx \trut lltc \tagc undcr lltc \upcn lSlHll ot prolcxxionalx (iractnc llltllllth and .-\nd} Sir.

Tuesday 19


Red Raw 'l‘ltc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlamh Rum]. US?“ (illll ()ll55 S3llplll. £2 lfll mctnhcrx l. Scotland‘x prcinicrc hrcuding ground for no“ talcnt IS liclpcd along h} (iracrnc Thomas and Des Molt-an.


VWX 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. S._‘~llpiii. £3 lb: L'l lllL'llllX‘l‘Sl. Scc .\lon IS.

Wednesday 20


Benefit in Aid of Amnesty International 'l‘lit- Stand. 333 \Ytimllanth Rtl;|tl_ llSqll (illll (ill55

S. 3llpin. Ur tL-l l. :\ llllell to iaixt- llttttl\ lot .-\lllllt'\l} lntt'inational. \xlnt‘li llL'lllS campaign tot intcrnationall} ict‘opnixcd litnnan llj._'lll\_ (illlll ticc l.ttlf_'lllt'l'. conitm) ol gt'ttcroux coint'diaih


Benefit in Aid of YWCA 'l in Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S ":72 S 30pm. to i Mi Sonic top conicdianx gnu tlicn tinn- loi ltL‘L‘ lit l'.’tI\L' ltil\ Hl tllttttt'} lttl Y“ ( A:\. lltt' loading: t'ltartt} \Hlllxlllj.‘ \kllll )onng: \xotncn lacing; pmcrl}. dixt'tnnination ot ahnxc,

Thursday 21


The Thursday Show lltc Stand. 333 Woodhmdx Road, nx’n (loo noSS. S, tnpm to l L5 L3 lllL'llllk'l'Sl. lirucc l)c\ lin cotnpcicx lllL' 'l'liurxda} Show Actx tncludc l)a\c l'ulton. John (iilln'k and Hair} llall. You lklltt“ )on \xant ll. Soc 5 Rcaxonx tor l'llllttll.


The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm. 115 L3 int-inlwrxl. l.o\cl_\ Joc llccnan lltHlS )our 'l‘liursda} Shim. \Hlll lan .\loorc. (Ear) l.itt|c. S.ill}-.-\iiiic' lla}uard atid Hill} Kll'kutmd.