Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.


The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 ()00 (>055. 8.10pm. £0 t£5 £3). Raynond Mearnx hosts the show \ttth all the iolltt} ol extl Santa. Acting like merr} corned} e|\e\ are Kilt} l’lanagan. l)e\ Mclcan and /.oc l.}tilt\.


The Thursday Show lhe Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £(i l£5 £3 lllL‘llllk‘t‘Sl, l.ti\cl_\ Joc lleenan is _\t)lll' .‘\l('. and IS iotned h} And} Strand John Ncultitt.

Friday 8


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcut‘\. l'(i(' Building. Renl'reu Street. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l0. Master ol'cheek} \tor'} -telling .\lr Allie Joe} get\ under the Jongleurs lights \tith Kexin lit‘ltlch. Jaxon-John Whitehead and Junior Simpson. llaxe a dance al'temardx itt (‘luh Risa.

John Hegley: Uncut Confetti ('lll/L‘IIS' 'l‘hcatre. l l‘) ( iorhal\ Street. 43‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £ H). The Litton—horn lk‘spcctaclcd comic—poet perlortnx ntunherx l'rotn hix nirtc hext-xclling lionkx.

Paddy McGuinness: The Dark Side l’a\ilion 'l‘hcalt'c. l2l chlicld Street. 552 l8-l(i. 7.30pm. £l4.5(). Solo slum trout the other \lar ot' .llut d" l’tIr/rlih Road It) .Ytnt'ltt'l't'.

The Stand The Stand. 555 Woodlands Road. 0870 (ile ()055. 8.30pm. £8 (£7 £5 memhcrxl. Kilt) Flanagan arid /.o'c |._\on\ are joined h} the \uper-Scottixh l)e\ .\lcl.ean under the jtlt‘iSdiction ol' Raynond Mearnx and MS l'rightening \hit'tx.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jottglcut‘x. ()nuii (‘cntre. (ir'cemide Place. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l0. Darin) Janiex Brendan Burke. Mark .\laier arid Ste\e Harris litte up l‘or dut) lll Jongleut'x-carnp. liat a hit. laugh a hit then dance til the earl} hour\ in the club.

The Stand The Stattd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £8 (£7 £5 tnernlierxl. Scar} )et sparkl} Susan Morrison ix your host for the ewning: \he\ joined h} l'unn}nten Jake ()‘Kane. And} Sir. John Newton and Dunn) Decgan. llot l'ood is axailahlc it. _\ou prornixe not to \pit.

Saturday 9


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleut'x. l'(i(‘ Building. chl‘rexx Street. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l3. See Fri 8.

The Stand The Stand. 533 \Yoodlantlx Road. 0870 000 (i055. 8.50pm. £ l0 Sec Hi 8.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurx. ()tnni ('cntt‘e. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 7pm. £13. See Hi 8.

Ross Noble: Fizzy Logic l’la) hottxc. l8~32 (ireensidc Place. 0870 0005424. 8pm. £l8.50 (No.50). li\'c‘r)'ttric"\ t'amurite lustrous haired comedian R‘llll'llx with his brand neu stand-up \hoxx l'or tnore itnprm ised japcx. See caption.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £l0. See Fri 8.


Michael Hedmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 (300 6055. 8.30pm. £4 t£.‘\—£l members). Your stalwart huxl .\lr


Come early September and a realisation dawns on the comedy world. Yes indeed, there is life beyond the Edinburgh Fringe. Of course, those who help to schedule our comedy viewing pleasures all-year round have had their future plans in place for some time, but it’s only now that we can consider seeing comedy without trying to work out how to get from the Assembly Rooms to the Baby Belly in less than four minutes.

Yes, the autumn season is upon us and the laughs are refusing to slow up between now and the hell of Christmas shopping. Of course, many of those who made the August fiesta so enjoyable are back with Aussie Adam Hills (Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, 22 Sep) and Irish fella Jason Byrne (Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, 23 Sep) lighting up the Merchant City Festival. Further Celtic waggery comes from the laughing leprechaun Andrew Maxwell (the Stand, Glasgow, 27 Sep, 25 Oct; the Stand, Edinburgh, 29 Sep—1 Oct) and the jovial Ed Byrne (Garage, Glasgow, 28 Oct). Mark Thomas will be going gun-crazy on us (Tron, Glasgow, 26 & 27 Sep) while Stephen K Amos continues to charm all with tales of his childhood

(Jongleurs, Glasgow, 13 & 14 Oct).

Those who took a breather from the Fringe madness to recharge their comedic batteries include Jason Manford (Jongleurs, Glasgow, 29 & 30 Sep) and Jo Caulfield (the Stand, Glasgow, 10 Oct; the Stand, Edinburgh, 11 Oct) while BBC superstars Little Britain (Playhouse, Edinburgh, 14 Nov) and Mitchell & Webb (King’s Theatre, Glasgow, 19 Nov) bring their vast juggernauts of laughter to town. (Brian Donaldson)

I Check future ISSt/es for fu// (fetal/s.

Redmond dishes tip lii\ Sunda} least teaturing Kilt) l’lanagan and John .\'e\\lon to end the heck \\ ith a llourixh.

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway? the

Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lpm. l-‘ree.

Regular t'reest} lc coined} \\ i/ardx l’aul (irahatn and Stuart .\lurph_\ lire up tlte imagination \\ ith another \licc ot' itnprox actiott.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 (£37 £1 members). l'ncle Bruce l)e\lin ix _\our caring Master ot‘ the Mic as John (iillick and Kier .\lc.-\lli\ter help cloxe the neck with st}le.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 (>00 6055. 8.30pm. £4. The Monke} Boy are hack. Sand} Nelson. Allen ('halmerx. l’atil Pine and Ra} tnond .\learn\ bring out \kclchex. \ongx arid \land—up l'or )our Llclcclttlton.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 830er. U. Next comedians ha\e a go behind the mic. John Neuron and magic-man Stexen l)ick are the proper grou n-up comedians.


Unlike every second comic you hear about these days, he’s actually not Australian But ‘,t)tl'tl wit that an in tort am hi- tlitt’ltt'll l‘lt; month At: opinionated. .ont; sciatic), hanetl tin, trott‘ Seattle it; a 'littli? at‘tiutate (l(?fi(Illl)llt)l‘ att litrn Has his friends in all the right places liltll‘. Hall and Mllxt‘ wtlmot have shared stages; .‘ntl: turn down the years, and lit? ‘ tlfiktftl onto Pieces/right to present a feature ll) ‘.‘.’l)l(fil) he itnriloretl the l‘illllfill to celebrate their own (:ultute instead of Sllllpl‘, £l()(:llltl Arnenea Has his enemies in all the right places I tl'tln't know that the Now}; of the l't’ot/o' renewed eotnetly. but it SHUNT; the; must (it) at; their ()l)llll()ll of l ulton Iii that he is ‘not very likeanle. even when tunnyf Which nta, be no.2» he leelf) about them He’s the outdoor type You wouldn't want to go around and stereotype :; anti ups. but most of them probably feel at home It) a room .wth some strangers, and a spotlight shining on their ltltltty lane. lulton. meanwhile. lists; hit; goals at, 'l)(3lll)()£i.’(llllq_ l‘lllllélléi‘,’(.i‘5. elinitnnti an, big wall. Antarctica. open water sailing and building lll‘,’ own house Most eornres I know would have trouble finding their ()‘.‘Jll house, Not to be confused with Rikki Fulton. the late. great Scottish entertainer or Rick Fulton. the (still alive illl)l()l(l SllUWlJl/ .‘thter. tBrian Donaldson)

The Stand. Glasyow, Thu 27 Sep.

Tuesday 1 2


Red Raw The Stand. 553 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 ()00 6055. 8.30pm. £2 l£l l. Neuhiex hate a go while John Newton aliillSCS exer}one and Stc\en l)ick does cle\er lltlligx “ith trutt. l’retl} good \ltlll tor not man} pennies.


Melting Pot The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £5 t£4 £2.50 members). A chance tor upcoming writers to see their sketches pertortned on stage with _\ou. good audience. deciding the “inner.

Set, 2005 THE LIST 39