Festival Kids



‘There's no point being a grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes.‘

Dr Who.

* Silly Billy Bum Breath Who would have thought being stuck in a prison cell could be so much fun. Lots of laughs for young and old at this innovative sketch show. Pleasance Courtyard, 556 6550, untr/ 28 Aug, 72.55pm, [‘7. * The King’s Got Donkey’s Ears Wonderful storytelling, fantastic puppets and an innovative set; you'll find them all in this charming She may be the most beautiful creature in Show based on Greek myths. the ocean, but the eponymous fish is ugly Quaker Meemg House. 220 on the inside, and friends are thin on the 5 709' mm] 25 Aug, 70,303m, ground. Through a series of catchy songs, {:6 ([4) she finally learns the error of her ways. The * The Gruflakfs cm” Ta” Blunderbus Theatre Company crew are Stones adapt Julia talented puppeteers, using an entire Donaldson's fO||OW-Up to The school of colourful fish as their cast, while Gruffa/Q with great acting and their witty banter keeps grown-ups Catchy Songs Assemb/y smiling. 100- (Kelly Apterl Rooms, 226 2428, until 28 ' ' ' Aug. 2pm, [37.50—28.50 (56.50—87.50). * The Man Who Planted Trees Puppetry with a difference. as Puppet State

I, _ Theatre Company adapt Jean SINGALONGA SHOWTUNE I Giono's envrronmental cult WITH SISTER MARY MCARTHUR ' classic. Hear the wind, feel the

Get the mus'ca' hab't ... I rain. smell the lavender in this

You hau‘ to \‘H‘lltlt‘l who this shrug,» it; rt-all, fur ' .a _ multi—sensory show. SOON/Sh

the rnusrt‘al-loung grown ups 32hr» lirrr‘g their art .7 w Storytel/rng Centre, 556 9579,

average -1 \var Ultl lrl Llllllkt‘IX t.» lw all tart .'.I‘."t ll‘a‘ a ; mill/27 Aug, 7pm, £7.50 (£5).

'Suporttalrtragrlrstrt‘oxrrialrtitv‘it‘us'. but judging tr‘t' w. * The Rainbow Fish An

chorus of \Ult‘t‘S emanating from the an frtormrrx t'ria' energetic cast Of puppeteers

t‘ertarnh are. , transport you to the bottom of Dressed Ill tull nan: al‘tt tar‘ array-a. litt‘l‘.1l‘r\"‘."t;' the ocean in this fun musical

SISIt‘l Man 7 has a natural max .'.rt'i a.“ .iti.r‘iww-, . ' show. Venue 45 @ 0/0 8!

Our names and ages v.08, men the .iayftl "any". . ' PERI/'8 Church Hall, 556 0476.

name-Checking us throughout it‘t' shy; 5x . , unfl/ 26 Aug, 70.353m, £5.50

“Brother Matthew on the rxano, n... snt- " a (£5.50).

through popular songs tron‘ '. tutmr‘ ' * Them With Tails

Mus/ti The Lion fw‘g antl attic-rs. err .. y, a '. :1" 1 ' : lmprovisatory fun from tWO

in a \Lillt‘1\ of \‘.\‘i\.‘l. - talented performers. who take Creating a [33:30 .‘.,'v"r‘.3..z n‘or‘tagta .:_._: -a ; your ideas and whip them into

up on stage clutching trshrrtg was. Salish-rt; a". ' w ' ~ A . a story. Assembly Rooms, 225

fans of musical theatre. this is a tur‘ it :lr‘om c: 3:. " 2428, Unti/ 28 Aug. 7 7am.

but \Ounger children max nova sometnr'u z- :1‘. .a'. '1: v # '5 ' 2750—850 (56.50—57.50).

than a nun and a n‘irt‘rophone to ixeot‘ It‘t‘lr“ " 0.: ', 5

(Kelly Apten For venue addresses see

I 61/0180 Stir/00'" Tn“. Cf. (€55 ‘53.“. ' \‘ : ~ . index page
