Festival Film


INTERKOSMOS (Jim Finn. US. 2006) 71min 0..

".I/{:1r/j"‘f)t‘ [Kriyfhr’vxp fl!tl"'b;1r“f' Flrn't

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“it “:83 Than "W: with “it latrinwr‘) arr/l char'm r; (art' liirtltt’; the false [)Hfl'll‘)‘: that t :i‘rt (jrarnlarz, hart :t', own spar/.- rirr (train Ill thr; tit/Via. /rrti;r;rv,rrro', rm an t.‘li.’.’|‘:l(l. 'nrnn at superbly l(:tt|l‘)t;(l falwt tit, tr otattu, til/arrr: rnumr' a! llllt'tillli‘r‘i anrt trill, ."ldlklll’lli‘;810‘)Ittlllltt(itillluttl’ill.

[)(:‘)(;ltt: I)‘:lll') tun anti (turr‘r ,. I‘Eltll'i;






1 The List is the greatest arts and listing magazine in the world Bar none. and this is our moment.

2 The element of surprise That's what it's all abOut folks The List Surprise Movie could be a Japanese anime or a big upcoming blockbuster. or it could be a killer indie flick. or it could be a Slavic version of Waiting for Godot starring Max Wall and Slobodan Milosovic.

3 The guessing game There are many ways to play the 'let's try and guess what the surprise movie game“. The List will soon be releasing a copyrighted board and computer game based on the concept. One of the best ways is to look at the forthcoming cinema release schedules and it it's released in the next few months you could be on to something.

4 Introductions Embarrassrng. Silly or unnecessarily drawn out introductions are part of The List Surprise Movie legacy. Just remember: whoever does the introduction is there to mislead you. not tell yOu the truth.

5 A free copy Everyone who goes to The List Surprise Movie will receive a free copy of the most recent issue of The List aren't we generous?

ICr’newor/d, Edinburgh 8 Cinewor/d Glasgow. 623 8030, 24 Aug, 7pm, £7.95 (£5.20).


I I z z ' " Ii ;,« ,. . , I ’1 V I :' . l I W," ' 2': ° i'< .' 1' I°'--'.':" .1' z I " ' .' ’. 3 BM, , 1 E I 1.7, 7, ,, z t I, I ., .l _ , 1. « _. .. _, - ,. __ . _ (Florian Hoflmeister. Germany. 2005) ( v 'l ‘v r’ '1 v v . . . . f’ ‘) (i .’ E l: . . 1" l, ' : u 1" \t': 1‘ 1' :‘ " . 'I '. "' i ; ;,« , g” - .. - (Diane Bertrand, France/Germany. ._ _. .. _. . z z . 0'”, (, "O / , 0' u t ‘y r .v v‘ 1 ,_ .v I . ' 't l . l J. H , ' v ' 1‘ i t; ' V (1. I" ’2‘! 1.1 ' I' L i... 1' h .u‘i I ' a ' u‘NI‘li’i" Titit’l it ’t«i_'r1‘ r' n 2' .‘i i" U H I t 'tmr'. ,e’:ar Pa .‘ Liir- n . or, (K. . N x I Fit/77" (slap. ij“{ 14/ . -' I J , I n . . I‘l. : :I I. It?) if T “V t 3 t v . H . y THE NIGHT LISTENER ‘1 t o f. o o. n (Patrick Stettner. US. 2006) 81min A. . , z . 1 .. i r y a ‘t '3' r o. o o , ,1 . oo ' 0 ‘0. I ’, v'\,9 ' o. 2 o r 2 (212‘ i Mi ' w t t' 'i: .i ' MM. °. [3‘ 'tltI' I)" ' ' .' v r' ‘,r"'t1l ' ' ' 1 t )' . t t t . 'Y (1‘ I I"“'.': I I" V 1} :t‘ l/t,' t r‘ /‘\"‘Ir ' ' (1H: .' i O (I l'l ) AI ,“l” } 'I‘lr‘ [ll " I H" ."r1. 'r1 I ' ' . lit 'tt- r’ no t .i’.“ tl‘ i' "w ‘. ‘t i l 't ' ti ti anthrountro‘r:‘Mar’ l-ia't‘w (ltfllt‘ T1" i ._:"1 auxin-t t" t’ l(tt,’)tgzi’).", _',hi;rr-~,'t.. wt, mi :0». fit‘..t(”.:"~ M‘~\l‘\t\‘?t‘,."rv “(314),, [ nut”; 'I'It‘b‘ 'l.r‘l(/‘VIV tut 1'.\y.,'-'.“ V“, tar-I‘ll [ 11‘ 9‘ ‘1'./“i' 'r" r allarrw‘larouln, Hitlt Zill27l1_]()\ltt.'.rt‘t 'w‘w tt i Xvi: n: tttl,1".°Iti'(ii r tartar: proxw :ntt, a l _.ri it wan 'i'ii'a‘n'tt it» {’1‘ it" ‘15 l‘»l'ttT" 3' i’ltt'itlll.‘;<>tliltt'lllllt.‘1ti-"it’tiitt’r‘n: 'Ir"'l(llll1'r r=ir rtlf""iTl‘i'\ tlti't.

tittti' thwwnrr" I (Mimi " '1, '4. ‘V "‘i’ittt ‘, ,‘L/rt'i

Hrasf;&t,ir: {iIKLI’i()(JIi’it'llllltl(:‘i. / " {WI : .' i“ if '\ . "f

A flimsy llttitt)f;t: trtitron littflt‘d on a ’ilt:(tl‘: t' t;,' Angela (latter Bt‘lftitl‘r')

prornrtsint; trui: prnrnrsru liltinlv-il (ta. writs; l7l‘§ it? or a merit“, of Illl'tf‘ ‘.'./l|I(:l lltohrn \."I./|Hltilllf;l ha‘; Illtttl ot hit, popular ratlio who; ill ‘.‘.’ll|t‘,l‘- hi,- ~,.'.rrn<;rn<; (tart, Iiittllx anti formant on l'ixltfléttik5; hrr; personal lift; for spurrzw

rnattzr'ral. ()ut oi tht: l)lil<:_ hi: it; phonnrt

the: (I()(Ti\f;ltl" cranes. ’>r l‘:(llltlllt’t

nakutl on Thu tlltrtl ‘loor ot a (llfili‘VflI l)‘, an aurtl tan. a I(}(?ll(tt]<: hog, who roorr; in th-:: laborator‘. Hut Bertrand l‘, (thtllllfitt)Ii(?£t()(:lltit:l(itillIllfitttt‘.|(1tllll too ‘RtjllRlTl‘J' tr hrzr lié‘ttrlllt:"; illl‘3l ot grotesque ('lll|(“l()()tl suxual £lIillf$ta t Yet. £133lt|f3f§t3lill estranged lllV

posrtixu l()‘.'(§l irnrnntilattrl‘, ()Ilfittl‘.t?f»_

(f‘:lltlt)TS to attrartt {tfii,ll‘.;£lll()ll:> of mi tlt ritatrr in: It» Hint; / not," plan, as a itrl'llllllltf .anatlon (,t’ the retro otifxxirt: .'.’{)ll(1(/f\Jt71lll‘II anrttlari iUeé/w’(itt,>:;_‘;e)rri.

(he) erro Finger l?» a (it-rm; ‘$,llll,(:ll(

thi: lioy'r; androgynous norm: f3’r‘llttlf; uncannrlt, lrkt: that of Ille l(}lil£il(: guardian (lonr (Iotlettm. If, it a (ton. or are the hog}; plight antl arlniiration genuine?

drama which (lowsn't haw,- n1ur,h tr 1:"

‘.'.’|tlt an; ktnrt «f reality. tut it}; also a': Adapted from a novel h‘. /\l'llllf§l(:£tft

Maupin. this; is; lent a spurious;

at ral anrl usual (lttllttlll .'.'r:ll .zortr. wanking out lrnattinr: Xw‘ezww ll‘l/‘I’I

a" 7""

t4... it

51 m If Andrew Jarecki’s Capturing the Friedmans and Nathaniel Kahn’s My Architect rocked your world then Doug Block’s compassionate delve into the secret history of his family which came to him courtesy of his mother’s private diaries, may be right up your street. Sometimes the mystery of marriage can be the greatest puzzle of all. IC'ner. 6:3 311% 5 Ag. r? "17“ -“ ' '” ’*' T {CL/f

:- Li'\