
GOING UNDERGROUND .‘,.r‘ El..“""':"“.

r r {I r ' (II‘,.:/,1!J(1

" '.I«:,' w " «til/I I,"

cw: I.I' U, My, tlro" ,yt; w .17", I’II‘ Iran the, art,- .‘I: "n'ul'II‘r arr :r'rdrrrnrt: " ,r‘ I rt 7 httirrl for int: or r, t,;,~ 'rrllI‘flIltlIllllftllI I’r rl ’. rI IIIrrIlflII. Ir '.r.lll Iii, rt", a .‘Jrrrtlrxxlrrlr: 1'} rl uorrrrwwlrat «aterrrrr; to a rr rlvllr' r If the road arrdrerrce, I-lrrt that", admrtrsrrrg, eh? Jordan Hutchinson I 31.1‘,I;r>,'/ ".'.Lrtr.h out for our ."I We yrtenrtru/ rust/tr, rn Ith/rih The 2TH {It 1:; taker over I/It.*I/.‘;I(1/I(/ rw/r rtr/ate some of the most ~. it want 'underg/r ru/rd' V< )rces

of .‘r‘rt rtt/shr u/tr/re.


tilt rant; r l he Bastrlle) has shut again and there are tables. wharrs, r.‘I(‘, left outside and a '.'.rrrrdo\.‘.r left open Is this any way to treat one of Glasgow's A |rsted gents? Michael

(II; I: a ]( rw


Re: A Scanner Darkly review (556)

Is I ddre I Iarrrson Koko The tllown'.‘ In hrs revrew of A

St arr/rt {)arA/i/ he claims Iand rt's repeated rn the Agenda :m‘tronr that rotoscoprng was pioneered by chhark Lrnklater rn .‘tlttl. Actually. rt was rnwnted rn IEIH by Max

I lerscher tor the character lxoko the Clown. It's been a treguerrt tool of anrmators exer since; most famoush by A- lla's 'Take On Me' musrt‘ \rdeo. Given hrs mrsrudged

ele\.atron of the rmportance of

The List,


II, 157‘ Irr‘, ‘I.', \LtI' (III ‘,

Ar.’ knitwl. ,(tr': .‘.4; “ml,

fink“, TIN,- Irrrl Jesse Lawrence I c'rlor; r/oa 're ray/rt about TOI’NV/Pfi cg. bat [ do)": Han/so" aotuah’. ward/r; Ilr.‘ r’t,".’/r.".‘.' - {.‘(Jlrwcth 7 that I /.’II</(lr't,‘/ pioneered the 'rrrter/rotateri rotoscoprng' tr whrrrgue rn 200 I. Bas/r,\'1.«’/‘. this rs a dig/ta/ versron ot the arr/matron technique invented rn the 70805;. and rt was hoped that by digit/sing the process rt WON/(I save trnre. /n real/tr; A Scanner [)arA/r’ required over Nit) hours of work for every nrrnute of animated fr/nr. No wonder the pr):;t»productron of the film tooA six months /onger to complete than planned. There's an interesting article rn the Wired nrt'rgazrne archives (www. wrred. con r/Wrred/arc/ 2er 7-1. (Xi/scanner.htnrh for anyone who wants to read more.


Hey! You don't have Hysteria on your Irst of Top 20 Festrval Shows! Aurora Nova. noon. It's rnrrnaculate. clever, funny. sad and I wanted to wrnd the clock back and watch rt agarn. Just a suggestron from an innocent bystander . .

Alistair Gray

By emarl

NUMBER CRUNCH Re: Mzouda review, Eat & Drink (552)

I got the List on 6 July and saw your artrcle on our restaurant. It has been good pubIrCrty and gurte a lot of customers saw rt. read rt. came to eat and had a fabulous meal. Thank you. However. there was an error rn the telephone number and a lot of people told us about the mrsprrnt of the phone number

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD or email editor©

a :4 4 \r\“l . ‘,'

wee e'r'3' .‘..t" a tug 'Ytt a .1 Mandy Benhach

Mzoada restaurant. Glasgo Arrarrgw): ‘or the (WW e 'rorre Iota of people manage to tint; this rnrpressrr'el; arrmrtnocs

SILT/H8”WEE/TOE;XIII/I regstau'urrrt.


Now that there’s no more Perrrer Award. what's left to boycott? | suggest The Vue Omnr Centre. The short SIOF,' rs: when we vrsrted the Vue we were refused a glass of water because they had no cups. We wrote to complain and were told thrs was a fluke. We went back to the Vue and

Tom Allan By email

FREEDOM OF THE FRINGE l have to confess I spent the frrst week of the l estrxal rrroanrrrg abOut how expenswe all the shows are and corrrplarnrrrg that there was nothing for poor Jobless orks Irs that how you spell rt?) like me. I shall promptly eat my Irat. Not only drd m, generous and employed grrlfrrend krndly take me to the excellent La Clrgue at the Spregeltent. but every day thrt; wet-I4. I've been to see the Radio Cafe show. sporting tasty snippets of Festival fun. as well as surprrsrngly serrous del «rte about terrorrsm, the Middle East. and democracy. wrth the Ilktrf, of Tony Benn. And I've rust drscovered a list of 185) free I rrnrie shows on the offrcral website. Now, I know that most of them are free for a reason. With a keen suryrval rnstrrrct. I shall steer Clear of Human Rights Den/ed and Jesus Laughing and [ow/2r} and The Toothpaste Expedrtron Presents . . . l-‘anorarrra.’ But Caledonran Folk 8. Blues at the Gurldford Pub tonight sounds promrsrng. Suddenly Edrnburglr feels Irke a grant lucky drp. My Job hunting can wart trll September.




«II I 'T ' I. I I“ . r “at i M o "lr‘.il"' I. 1,.r,‘ tr“ v‘ rm III u-K -. ‘I «I .

tunes fr: to, a In It« rfw' Cr’tivres ‘t 'w “rage DCtTII Sum? 'fttt' the" ext3<;trtr'.v of Vac Entertainment. lrrr IIrr nar in Ho‘.' ru- has .wtfr respond. prr, rt. {r’rfg‘klt‘fh tru- Vue Corporatror‘r tom r‘ frarw about serxrng the 'ustorrwx, onlry about Iattenrng IIlr‘ll bottom line Maybe arr- r:ra."y but. we belrexe, thrf, rs

a sign of the coming

apocalypse. Ryan Van Winkle By errrarl


What YOU The Sex Pistols Experience and The Zips The Barfly. Glasgow. Fri 18 Aug

2 THE LIST .f-i Aug—7 Sec 3005

Jimbo Gurtartrst With The Zips The Pistols music was always perfect. They do it very well. (But the Zips are better!)

Jordan Fan The Zips have been rocking Since ‘77. and it ’3 amazing to hear them.

Steven Blogger We are the flower in the dustbin. We are the poison in the human machinery.




CONTRIBUTORS Publisher 8 General Editor EDITORIAL

Editor ‘. . p. . I

Deputy Editor . . i, . Subeditor ,v a .1 .. Research Manager

Research '. ‘.

I H- . . :VFK. Editorial Intern

SALES & MARKETING Advertising Sales Manager h It 'rw ‘x'rrv-Iut

Senior Media Sales Executive Elna; : rwrrrrwl.

Media Sales Executives

Rrr Ilrv ‘.Ivr thrrri ~Irr:.'o- :' Media Sales Support ‘JIIIIIIV a I.‘

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‘rIIi-Ir Ifrm“

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(rapt: I'I t“ . PRODUCTION

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Errr " (irrrrlro-rl

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")IdIl'ilTr ‘I,Ir’rll‘ T‘rll


(var/1.3:?“ I{;.I'H-.r,r'

Accounts Assistant Manager IJUTI’I': Id.l’,l


Sra'r Btu/arr

Edinburgh Office Manager Lyn. ’I.r

Glasgow Office Manager

CtIar'rrr Sterirri-rr

SECTION EDITORS Around Town {mm/w: Ctr-w” Books Emir: {1’,.'r/:I'I’,’,r" Clubs New, ‘r’,"_tr.'rr’,rr. .-.rtfr Earrfird Mar-'3'; Comedy Boar" rtl'I',’;r'r Comics Twit [at--

Dance Wm, 5:94"

Eat & Drink ’,rr::rr,. Film I’m: A 2'21:-

Gay 99. ' .‘f"

Kids My . HM?

Music We Twat/.«rfzcr

writ. 'rc'rmrr Cram er; "mt", Var V‘fr'r' . vi" “710’

'rcr i: ,-'w.-;,'r~’:,": News ~r 4' mm a- Play rt-fi-Cr’ ,' ‘mrtrrrrrc'e

Shop at Barre, Television 3' a' Li'é :22' Theatre Steve Crarw

Travel Rachae: Street

Visual Art Alerarrder Kennedy