The Separatists

New guise for Soma legend Percy X (pictured) as he teams up with producer Marco Bernardi and John Hospital to form The Separatists. With their debut album Akilak

showcasing their techno-funk stylings and deep electro grooves, here they put in a live show to stamp their

sound on the Glasgow massive.

I Return to Filo/rt) (if the Sn!) Cit/l). G/(Ifi‘t/IOL‘L. Fri 7 7 Aug.

I Brown Baggin’ It ai ilic (iaragc.

I lpiii Rain. £5 1U lrcci. \Vcckl}. ’l‘hc :\ttic hoxtx rctro. llritpop and alt. \xhilc thc linginc Rooinx pla} chilch out chart l'i'oiii c\cr_\ cra. Brian x\\ itchcx thc rciiiotc and p|a_\x a inultitudc ol currcnt pop through to chartx in thc inain gait and thc (i3 channcl xpiccx it tip \\ ith Rkll and xoul.

I Bunker Fridays at thc llunkcr Bar. l~'rcc. \\'cclxl}. llainlioo‘x .'\lltl.\ \\'ilxon unlcaxhcx liix o\\ ii hrand ol' indic. clccti'o. pop and rock on thc llunkcr pati'oiix.

I Canvas Club at .-\ria. ‘lplll Rain. £5 il'i'cci. \Vcckl}. l.i\ c liaiidx pliix l)J .Ioc Dcchan pla}iiig lunlx and part} claxxicx. I Coded at \‘ault. llpiii Rani. £5 iL'Ji. \Vcckl}. Stcxcn .\lc('rcci'_\ ix thc main man \xhilc tlic liltcx ol' Bill} \Voodx. Bill} Klllle‘ and .-\nianda l’i'icc ioin in from tiiiic to lllllL‘.

I Festival at .\B('. I Ipin 3am. to HA i. \Vcckl}. liuan .\'cilxon docx thc honourx \\ ith liix hag oi i'unk} clccii'o xoundx and croxx gcnrc l'i'ccl'oi‘ni nii\ing plux gucxtx. 3% Funhouse at Baril}. l lpiii 2am. to. \Vk'k'lxl}. l).lx l’aul .\Ct‘tllC\ and .-\l[‘ll;i Mitchcll xpin px}c‘li. punk. xoul and nia\iiiiuni rock tk roll.

3% Little League at R.-\l5.«\. 0pm Jam. [-1. I 1 .-\ug. Moiithl}. lhix ix a xpccial night dcdicatcd to thc latc and laincntcd Iii/i of fin l’o/ix and Slum/i Hm inaga/inc. .-\ll rccoi'dx pla} cd inadc thc l'l'x' top lL'll.

I Offset at ('uhc. I lpiii 3am. L'.\‘ iL'Si. \VL‘L‘H). l)&lll\‘C Clthxlc‘x tilltl lllll litlllxc‘ l‘l‘tilll I'L‘xltlL‘lil l)_lx.


I Old School Funk at tlic lliii'i'. ltlpni 3am. U». \Vcckl}. (iordic. Jack. ('raig and MW pla) old xchool ial/ and llllllx L‘ltixxiL‘\.

I Pukka Funk at thc 'l'unncl.

llpiii 3am. £5 iUi. \Vcckl). Big houxc night li'oin Krix chgan. lain ‘Sanlox‘ ’l‘hoiiixoii and .-\.l.

>31 Return to Mono at llic Suh (lab. I lpiii Rain. Ultt'7i. ll :\ug. .\lonthl'\. 'l'hc gi‘cat tcchno ix upon ux oncc iiiorc \\ itli (ilaxgoxx 'x lincxt Slain and gucxtx 'l‘hc Scparatixtx li\ c.

I Rocket at llanihoo. lllfitipni .iain. to (Hi. \Vcckl}. llouxc inuxic l'roni (icol‘l' .\l and ('raig [an x. Rtkll and hip hop \xith Migucl and 81m ic Solc in thc loungc.

I Tunnel Fridays at ilic 'l'uniicl. llpiii Rani. £5 iUi. \Vcckl). l.a\ixh houxc and urban l'laxax.

I Turbo-Fun at llic (ilaxgtm School ol';\rt. llpiii Rani. {Sit-1 £3 i(iS.-\ Studcntxii. \Vcckl}. Suiiiincr l'un lioxlcd h} Koii\-()ni-l’a\ cwr} \xcck \\llll a rotation oi~ rcxidcnt l).lx including Sliill)ixco l).lx. l’ark .-\llacl\ l)Jx. (itititllltllld. lil'l'til‘x UL and \iilx l.;i Rok pltix ultra xpccial xccrct gucxtx.

I Tusk Fridays at 'l'uxk. ‘lpiii Iain. [S ll'l'CCl. \VL'L‘lxl}. ('laxxic llllll\C anihcnix t‘roiii thc carl} ‘Jllx \\ ith (‘hi‘ix Biguni.

I Vice at thc ('athouxc. l lpiii 3am. £5 ith: l. \VL‘CH}. l)J \ltil‘llli Bach l.\'l".\ll hoxtx an indic rock part} on lc\c| l\\o \\ ith tuncx old and ncu. troni .-\rctic \ltillGC} \ lii XL‘DPL‘lln.

Chart & Party

I Back to Basics ai (ll;l\:_'l)\\ l'iii\ci'xit} l'nion. lllpin 2am. L" llll'k'L' ill. \\’L'L'l’\l'\. l).l 'l'l'tllllllxli ltllxt'\ _\ou \xa} hack. niaxliing up llic licxt old xkool anthcnix \xith nc\\ claxxicx. cliccxc. dancc. hip hop. pop. indic and Rtkll. I Cube at (‘uho llpiii Rain. [5

1U li‘cci. \Vccltl}. l'rlian. pop and claxxic dancc li‘oiii (icoi‘gc lion ic and \likc \lcl)oiiald.

I Fresh at thc l’olo l.oungc.

llpiii iain. £5. \Vcckl). \lichcllc and .-\nd_\ arc in cliai'gc ol niuxical duticx at tlic \lcrchanl ('it} cluli.


I Beat Down The Up at l ith \tllk' ('al'c. Upiii 3am. l'i'cc. “cc-M}. Kltl ’l‘uixl i:\l\';\ tlic Sluinlicriack on (‘ Sidc 'l'ra\ rccordxi pla} x i‘ochn'roll and x_\iithctic l'til‘iillc' xoul.

I Bunker Saturdays ai ilic llunlxci‘ lltll'. l‘l‘L‘C. \Vc‘t‘lxl}. Xl'Xl-x \ltixli lx iili liand mm a iicxi \xccld} i‘cxidcnc}

pla} ing a hit oi cxcr}thing \\ ith a good liaxx linc and an clcctronic houxc tip. Dance to the Beat NYC! .ii ilic (ilaxgmx School ol .-\rl. lllpin Jain. L'li till i. ll .-\ug, ()ptiino pi'cxcntx a \L'l'_\ xpccial .\'\'(‘ ccnti'ic part} with lcgcndai‘} lixc artixtx l:S(i. .-\lxo l)Jing \\ itli H) l“ itch and J(i \Villxcx \\ ill lic .\'Y("x licalx in Spacc i'adio lioxl and l)l'.-\ I).l 'l‘iin Succiic}. Scc prcx lL'\\. pagc IS.

I Dirty Record: .-.i tiiaxsnxt liii\cixit_\ l :iion llipni .‘aiii 1‘ ‘1: licc‘ \\cci\l\ l‘ati'i \'lic \\l \l' L‘ch lx‘liiiitl liic \lct Rx to tlciiwi .i xclcction oi l\’t\li_ hip hop xoul .llltl tlixco (li‘cn llc\ ix loi up .intl \i‘lllllljf lllx .llltl iiinx \xcckh .lounxlaizx iii llccp h. .iltci .: licc lll \\\‘ll\\lli‘l‘ -lio!‘i \i‘iii I Divine .il (ilaxpou \ liool oi \ll lili‘ii‘. l.:i:i 11*“ 1h \\\'\'l\l\ llcci‘ liiiik. Nix .llltl tioutl at lliix \ci\ li‘llfflillllillli'(il.:\1'ii\|. icxitlciitx' :iiglit

I Emergency .ll llicl lll\\'I\.il

llpiii inn 1‘ l.‘ \in' \lonililx lx'cxitlc'izlx \llill\'\\ Hack .intl l.iiiicx l’olc .iic ioiiictl l\\ onc l‘..lll o! lili'll piolilc iciiii\ inaxicix \uic ix l‘iiic. lxcl\in \llill\'\\x [\oul \lckaiiik-

I Home Cookin‘ .il llc lo ‘lpiii iaiii L‘ Ilicci \\ccl.l\ \ic\\.iil \ltlnlllllll .ilitl .llK' lli:‘;‘iiix \\l'.ll llll‘tlll .llltl \Ik \t‘lll I Homegrown .il ll.illll‘ilii

lll illpiii :am 2_\ it!» \\cckl\ \icxic \olc pl.i_\x .i ltiiil._\. xoiillul liouxc xct \\llll \lijgucl [‘l.i_\lll‘.' l\'t\ll .llltl lloiiiinit \laiiin xuppliing ilic innit .lllil i.://

I I Love the Garage Saturdays .11 tlic ( i.ii.i;,'c lll zllpiii l.iiii 1'15» \\ccl\l_\ lliiaii \lt \l.ixtci [‘l.i§x all _\oui laxouiitc t l.l\\l\ x iii tlic main hall \kllllt' l\\'llll\ xoaix tliiougli .illciii.ili\c lllkllt' .ind iclio \ltl\\l\ x in ilic \lll\

I Lust for Life A \ll( llpiii Run t.‘ Nd: \\cckl§ |)l (icii_\ l\onx ix _\oiii man on \.ittiitl.i§x [‘l.i\lll'_' mouthing lioni dixco lo llltllt‘ .iiid llllllltlt'llllf.‘ iot k in llic iii.iin xpacc l)o\\nxt.iiix I).i\ l\l \inclaii ilxillci lxilxt lll pl.i\ x .in ct lct tit

I Odyssey 8. The Nuthouse .ll llit‘ \.iultx ‘lpiii Kiln L.\ l.‘ \ll‘.‘ ll.ll\l\i‘lt' tcclino and at itl lioiii l).l l’ioilutci. ilic lt'lxlli'l\l. lnliaictl .llltl \t idl.iii_\

I Rockstar .it (‘oiiiitliiaii lllpin iaiii tlll \\ccl\l} l\’l‘\l\ and tlantc inuxic collidc in tliix ncu iii;'lil lioiii llic \lcicliant ('it_\ \ciiiic l \pcti lotx ol l‘l‘.‘ nainc l).|x lioni liotli \xoiltlx chitlciitx includc \laitin Hatc. l l\.l l llllt'\\iltitl and ,\lc\ l’

I Saturdays at lllc ( Liilioiixt-

lll. ilipiii iain L li \\ccl\l\ l)_lx llaii} and \iid} otlci claxxit .llltl cuiiciit iock. glani. iiicial. luiik nictal. goth .iiid lii'cak licalx \‘.ll|lt' I).l llill} licltx out liix rcgulai lilcnd ol hip hop. nu iiictal. .iltciii.iti\c lll\l\ .iiitl iiidiixtiial

I Subculture .ll lllt' \lll‘ ( ‘liili

llpin iani. 2. Ili \\cclxl_\ Ham and l)onicnic'x cxtalilixlicd liouxc iiixlituic continucx to iciin xupiciiic

I Tusk Saturdays .ll lll\l\ ‘ipiii Kain L5 ilicci \M'ckl} \ iiii\luic ol liiiik. xoul .lllil claxxic .iiilliciiix \kllll .l.t_\ lllai 3i: VEGAS! .il Rciilicxx l t'lli.

‘l ilipiii Iain L” i 9-“: I: ,\u;' \ll ilic glainoui and glil/ oi ilic ical \cgax l)icxx up land lll.t}l‘t‘ \\lll xoinc cliaiiipcixi and ioin l ianlac \uiiialia. \ikki \c\.id.i. llic \cgax Slioux'iilx and llic l'.ll‘llltlll\ \cotl ('ioupicix


I Discobadger .ii liaiiilmo

l lpiii :alli, U IUI \\ccl.l_\ Kiix chgan. l)oiiiinic \l.iitiii. l)l l\'.ixli and .\laxli do tlic l‘l/ c\ci_\ uccl. v. itli xoiiic linc gcnic licnding tunagc

I Optimo (Espacio) .ii lllc‘ \iili ( 'liili llpiii iani i‘fi \\ccl.l_\ l,ct'x gcl tliix pail} xtailcd iiiuxic. dancing. liglitx. ll\c aclx. lllllll iil hat \a} '_‘.cx' Iii anothcr niglit ol cucxx. picxcntcd h} H) {lunch and .l(i \\ ilkcx x‘. itli \uxxic pop dclintiuciitx 'l lic l’icxctx ill\L'i on l \ug.

I Plec at tlic liquid loungc

lllpni iain Ll ith. \\ccl.l} \ iiiglii oi |i\c liaiidx and l).lx lioiii liaiidx \‘.llll \l‘.\l Scotland'x \laiiin Batc.


'Hx :‘ioowx and .l lo\.il

16 THE LIST ~ Aug is