I Prime Suspect .mtl Oatbeanie \\lll\llt‘l‘llll.lt'- 1‘ h \Hulli iiilllL't' 55 5| l1 ‘Iplii llt't' (mt'h .tlltl HllL'lllJlx I Hobo lllt' l’)«'l1‘_'t'( lul‘. \lni.i_\ ii'lll\k'. i3 lln~|‘.l«~«nl l<w.itl. 55\ “rill; lllpti. Null l tl't' lwlwit' lll‘lll.1.;.lllt'l \t't' \uu 3*
0|; sly/xx
I Tony Joe White Rt-ntrt-u lt-m. \llllk‘l\lt'll Uni». illt' lliimlliit'luu. tlll.‘).\ .310 \ll Hip”. §,I(i5ll'.ttl\l, {IN ltltitll lull} lilt' \\ llllt' l\ \tllllt'lllllli'lll.1l\.t\ kyinuntl humid who |\llH\'.t‘lllt‘l1.'lll1'.l\.l[‘t‘lltlllllt'l Ill lll\ l'.‘.ll llL'lll lll\ ‘»‘-llllll',.' \lk'tl|l\ lll\ llltlt' 'l’ull. \.il.ul \iuiit". Rum} \i;'lll In (it'uicii .llltl \tmnlx \\inll<~\\\'
I Acoustic Jam \itl-‘anm/y~ III \uu lllk'lltlll \tlct‘t. *illl‘lllll \piu llk‘t‘ \L't' \lHlI .il
I Schmoof, Salon Boris .mtl Bozilla l illl \Hlt' ( ittlt‘. 3“ (‘ll Klilj} \lit't‘l, 55* lhik ‘lpni Li llltl ml lllk' \lnnlh (’lttli umnm \Kllll )tllll huxh lill/IllJ .lllll l nntlnn t'lt't'liu pup tltio \lhnuwl
l (liillluigli
I The Charles Manson Rollerdisco Experience, Forgotten Sound and more \ulmu} (pupult'. ll‘l (‘ouguttt 335 ti'htl l illptii L5 lluyc lllt'l.ll titttl iltlltlklllt' llllt' up .ilw itu'lutlinf: 'l ht" \\. l lllk‘ll'dl. lhc 'l'himl Rk‘llltlllh. llcn ('u/int'. (urinal. Kl\\ tht‘ liuitoi .uttl \iiilh (huh
I Orko, Tellison .lllkl 10 Easy Wishes ( ulmit‘t \Hlldllk'. ill W lil.tll Sliu't. 33l) (vli'h "pm l'lk'k' lHlll ptcu' vino/toll ut'l ()ilw llk'Jtl prot't't'tltnpx lllk'ltltllt'\. puttqu .uul t'lu‘tiouit'x horn lt'lliwn .llltl intlit' punk rock lioin lll l'.l\_\ \\l\llt‘\
I Open Mic \\ ll|\ll\'l‘llll\lk'\. l h South lliltlfgt'. 55" 5| H ‘lpnt. i'lk'k'
St‘t‘ \ltlll .3-l
Tuesday 1
I Polar Lights, What’s Up with Frank, The Contradictions .mtl Idium llu' (Lilhuuxc. l5 l llltlll Stlt't't. 315' hill”) wpm L55 ()u‘t l~l\ \llu\\_ \ltlotl hill.
I Tom Verlaine, Jimmy Rip tllltl Alice McLaughlin \lll‘. Ru Sutu'hiclmll Sltccl. ;‘3 3333. “pm. L'lh. it‘lkW l\lt‘|l guitar gull [‘l.t}\ ti.u'l\\ llom lux t\\o xiiittiltuilcottxh t'clcuxt'tl wlo .lll‘lllll\ \Iumit/ .uttl Mer ll/lt/ ()l/Il’l //IIII;'\.
I My Final Wish untl Suicide Underground l’mrllx. :(ill ('lxtlc Sliccl. Um) no“ (ml). xpm. L5. Ill-m5 im'k \\ llll .tll .llllell.” \lunl.
I James Morrison and The Love King lut‘x \\.lll\\;lll llut. 333.181 \iltt'cul Slit-ct. 33l 537‘). Nfitlptn. L'h. \lomwn |\ thc ltitt-xt pmt Blunt. rutho lllt‘lltll} .\l( )|\’ lloulmtlour ol llu‘ pcuplc. I Orko, Tellison, 10 Easy Wishes and Piano Bar Fight \‘itx-‘ii'Sltxi/y «l3! Saut‘hu‘hull Stict't. iii ll‘lllil.
.\‘ .itlpnt, Ll Su' \lon ‘l.
I Glasgow Songwriters lilut‘kltmrx. ill llcll Stit‘ct. 553 5‘l3l1. ‘lpm l‘iu‘ l-oi‘tnighll} guthci‘ing ol thc intmymux‘ collu‘ttu' \\llll lL‘JllllCtl ,llll\l\. upcn mu~ .mtl .1 \lrit'l Ul'!)_‘lll.tl llltllk‘l'ldl polio.
I Stars Kill, Samuel Sharp .llltl Hospital Ship Ifith \olc (Kitc. 5” hit king; Sticct. 553 I013, ‘lpm. L5, \illlllllttlhl lltll\L' lm‘k duo. \upporlul l‘} lCllU“ ll\‘l\\‘ l\\\L‘l‘\
I Terra Sula .llitl North Atlantic Oscillation llcnt'} \ ('cllur Bar. 8 HM \it‘l‘l’lM‘ll Sll‘t‘t‘l. 95‘”. Spill. L—l. '(‘onuxh \ut'l' trout 'l'cl'iu Surlu.
I Band Showcase \\ lll\llL‘l‘llll\lC\.
J (x South lli‘itlgc. 55" 5| l4. ‘lpm. l’I‘L‘L‘. 5LT lth 3.5.
Wednesday 2
Glasgow 3:1 Roddy Woomble .mti Foxface (ll.tll \lHl. _ ll ~;;(llk'.1l \\c\l;in lx’tmtl. ‘55H3H‘I 5 *l'pti: Lllx \n'
I Acoustic Open Stage llit- ll.lll liar. lhll \\t\t‘\ll.lll\l\ lx’iuul. *53 """p \ptii l tt‘t- \k'k' \\t'\l 3"
I Michael Simons ltli.” ( l'.tl.:. lm llt'.tll\lHtl l)ll\t'. MI" "35\ \pin L3 \ct‘ Hut 3"
I Projekt A-ko, The Microsluts .lllll Beatroot \lHllH. l3 lxutgx ( putt. Kin: \tlu'l, 553 ‘l15\ \piii Li llll\ iiinnlhk ( 'lulw Hmtlwnl l\ llk'dtlllllk'tl h} l’llllk‘lxl \ kw. who lmttut' llllk'k' titmitt‘tx ml lllL' lulu up ml lll\llk‘ llt'l\t‘llll\\l lllVCl \.il\ul.i. puking: tip lllll\l\.tll} \xllcic lllt'll loilut'i lxuitl lt-tl till
I The Hillcoats .mtl Gavin Urie \it't‘liNlcu/y 13! \Jlltlllt‘lltlll \ttt'cl. Hill‘lllll \ illlllll L5 llitt'lint'x night Ml lmul l.llt'lll
I Need for Acoustic Music llit- lloltl. lllk' \tllllll.ll \llll\. 33.1 \\.ill‘l|tn» \llt‘t'l. “all5 \ illplll llk'k' \k'k' \\L‘\l 3!)
I The Hussys .mtl My Shotgun Sister KIIIL‘ lut'x \\.i|i \\.ih Hut. 333.: \t \‘int't-ul Slit-ct. 33l 535‘) «5 illl‘lu L5 llltllt‘ pop llHlll thc llu\\_\\. nurturing c\ iiictulwtx ml lllk' \tlpciiiuluiulx
I Allister .llltl The Aquabats \lutlm 3-l. 31 3h ( '.illon lx’tmtl. 55.\ i35\ 5pm L") 5H \lk'ltltllt' punk tlllJllt'l loiiil (‘hitugtx \lll\lt'l. .llk‘ llllllL'll h} u'u'ntiip cluliuiut' \lm ltlklx [‘lllll\\ lhc .\tlll.ll‘.ll\.
I Screaming Blue Murder Sulmu} (km L'Jlk', (N ('mxgulc. 335 (FM).
“ {tlptlt Ll \lt-tul
I Open Mic l) t )nc. -l.\' i ('ouxlttuliuii Slit-ct. lull). 55* ND“. 3pm. I icl'. St'c \\ctl 3h,
I The Penny Blacks .llltl The One Day Speakers llcnr} \ (1-11.” li.ll.
N llm \lttt't’twn Slit'ct. 33.\' ‘H‘H Split. [-1 Rtlt'lx ttlltl llltllt‘.
Thursday 3
I Ray Wylie Hubbard tllltl William Elliot Whitmore .\ll( '2. .‘~ ill Sutu‘lttchull Slit-cl. “3 3333 3pm. L") ()H't l-l\ \lltlu, l\’t'\ l\L‘tl L'ltlk'l \l.tlt'\lll.tll nl lhc 'l'cmu Illll\lt' \ccuc \\llll mirth} lolk hlucx \upporl lrotu \\ httinuit‘
I In Ernest, Yashin .uul Piano Bar Fight litll'll}. 2m (‘l_\tlc Slit-ct. nxm Ull" ll‘l‘N. Nplll. Ll l’uttk} lttlt' up.
I Le Reno Amps, Fickle Public and The Elvis Suicide \it'c‘ii’Slt-ux}. ~l3| Stutchtchttll Stu-cl. 333 NW)” 8.30pm. \lclothc Inthc rock.
I Seafood and The Race KIM}: lul‘x \thll \Vtih llut. 3"3;l St \mu-nl Sli't'ct. 33l 533‘). X, illpm. L“. i.tllltltlll-l\l\t'tl grungc} intltc rock colltlw. hclmctl ul Stow l,.uu.u'q. ;l\ mic might upu't. \xho haw lwcn knocking: ulmut lot .i uumhcr ol _\c;u\ mm.
I Acute Riot, You Already Know, Darklight and Mia Baby litlt \nlc (thc. .5” (ill Klllf: Sll'L‘L'l. .555 lllih, ‘lpiu L—l. Dull. luau} rm'ltucv trout You :\ll't‘.itl_\ Know
I The Deaf Mutes Hut Bloc. l l" Hull] ~\ll'L'Cl. 5—3-1hllhh. ‘lplll. l'l’L‘L‘. Skcxwtl llltllL' \Ulllltl\ lroiti ruthth \ lg (itllltmu) .lt llll\ (‘luh ( )luiu night
I Live Music \ld’hutllx Jll High Sticct. 553 3l.“5. ‘lpm l'l'cc, Scc l'hu In
I The Moogs 'l hc Bullcl'll} .uttl lhc l’ig. l5.‘~ lluth Slrcct. 33l ~"l l. nutlnight. l‘t‘cc, lpntlon-lmwtl lllkllL' l‘.tll\l.
I Eagleowl llcur} \ ('cllur Bur. .\ 1m \lorriwn Slim-t. 33.\‘ 0303. 5. illpllt L4 lu-l-l [‘U\l-lt\ll\.
I New Found Sound Slll‘\\tl'\ (‘\l\\:_'.llL‘. (‘9 (.tWthtlL‘. (Shh. _.5ll[‘lll L'tlk' Huntl comp.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 20
Glusl tr
I Jan Douglas 8. Primetime \ti.ilhtluu'. ‘ 5 lil.l\lxlll.ll\ \llct‘l. 5 ll‘l‘5 \put ilt'k' .l.l// \l‘llil\i\
I Riot Box illk' .|.t// Hut. 1 ("lLunlM'h \tit-ct.33ll13‘ll| N illl‘lll L5 ()lllell.tl\ .llltl \l.llltl.lltl\ trout llll\ \lk'.lll\t” (Linmlmn lHlll l‘leL'
I Ross Milligan Quartet .l.t// ('t'ullt'. lhc | «it. ‘1 l» ( il.l\\lll.lll\t'l. ill" 531M .\ illpm leIL5I I My \t't lll‘lll ptuluitxl \ltlltgtui .llltl lmntl tll.l\\lllf_‘ lll\l‘ll.lllt‘ll lioin lhc IiLm nl \lt'lhcn) .llltl Imam-I
I Beat Root Juice lllt' .l.t// IL”. I ('huntlwn \li't'ct. 33H l3‘lll Ill illl‘lll l'lk'k' \lll‘ l‘k'tll. l .lllll .llltl \lm trout lk'\|\lt‘lll l‘dllll lht' ( itml Stu-u (lit'ht'xltu. p|u\ l).l l’mru .iutl lllk' otltl lixc punt tlllti \piiinci
I Alexander, McKenzie, McKay lllc l’tlll\ll ('lult. luilh l’.ilk l)tt\c. .\pni L'llu lintn innmutit’ to luau) gluon-x llHlll lllk' lilo ol l’hil ,\|c\;uttlt'l‘ ipmnm. \umn \lt‘Kt-n/ic t\ti\l illlti ('utiioim .\lgl\’.i} lh.upi,
I Guest Bands Night l‘lit- .lu/l litll. | ('huinlwrx Stu-Vt. 33H 43‘)”. 0pm. i'lk'k'. Stutl lhc “L'L‘lxk‘lltl Ill \l_\lk' tit llll\ \wclxl} mpht torturing: lop gttcxt jJIItllp\ lion] lulmhuigh illlkl (iluxgmx. llll\ lolliughl hinting; liohh} \\ nhurt ()uurlct t" .luli lolltmctl h} (lintuliun tli'unuucr ('hrix \\.il|;u'c\ Random l’lunt‘l I M 1m l.
I Late Nite Groove 'l llt' .l.t// littl. l (‘hulnhctx Slit-cl. 33H ~l3‘)tl.
lllltlllllell Mun, L5. Rcyulut' l'ritlu) night llllll\\ll';t\;t;3;tll/;l mth liw huntlx uutl l).l\ Hunt‘cllnor |;l// lroni l’.iul .\lill\' llllplll\k' t3l .Iuli lollmwtl h} the hard llllllll}: lltllll\ ul thc Dirt} \lurtinix «38 Jul l.
Is 8 of Mull
I Graeme Stephen Quartet .\n 'l’olmi‘. .\tg:} ll lci‘ltu'c. 'Iohvrniol}. ultmx liijjl l, 5, mp.” L's «L'm. \ittl'llll Kt'l\ll;l\\. .\l.u‘io (‘tu'ihc Allltl Stuart l\)lL‘lllC |Hlll Stcphcn Ill lll\ .ulwnturoux lit/l outlit.
I Haftor Medboe Group 'lnllmnth. .luil \\'_\ntl. lll'flw» 354W)”. hpm. tux lUH. Ruimcuting lzuiopcun lit/l \\llll lllL‘ll' umth (Ullllllllllltl ol cncrgctic gmmcx. intimulc \Ullllkl\L';lPL'\ guitl urtt‘xttng.‘ lllL'lHtllL'\. \lulhnc‘x group lL';lllllL'\ Sign} .ltilmlmlotlir. ('ht'lx (iricw uml Konrad \Vix/mcu \ki.
I The George Penman Jazzmen \ltlllll'tlxc (t‘llll'dl. (M5 \VillL'l'ltltl Strcct. 33l (Will. 3 Rllpm. l‘l'cc. \‘intugu \cu ()rlmux |.'t// \\ ith u Sm ll.:\our trout llll\ \tuluurt nt thc Scottixh Ill/l \gcnc. I Diana Leverington Quartet Brcl. 3‘) 4.1 .\\hton lunc. U3 49W». 3pm. l‘i'cc ()tiulit} huntl Ictl h} litlinhurgh- lmwtl tcnor ~ti\ophont\l Lucrmgton. I The Michael Deans Quintet Bur liltk'. l l- litllll Stl'cct. 5‘4 (illhh.
5 Split. l-rcc. ()umtct lctl h} tenor Muttplltlllhl l)L';lll\ plu} in; ;i modern hlcnd ot hclmp. inn and limit.
I The Mellotones w Quccn Succt l’ml .intl leuumnl. \i' t‘luccn Stlccl. 33h 5W" 5pm liu' .limm} l.i}lt\i tuitl lmntl pltz} \t‘ll:_\ l\_\ \lcl loimc .uttl other gll'tit l.l.’/ \nttilixtx
I House Trio lllk' Liz; Hui. l
( lltlllll‘t'l\ \ltcct, 33l-13"“ “ zl'pin l'lx'k' lx’t'l.i\ctl .lilL'lth‘ll \lut \\llll thc llntm' lilo on pmnn. luv .lllkl \lllllll\
I The Jazz Bar Quintet llit- .l.t/.' litu. l ('huinl‘clx \tlt't‘l. 33" r13‘lt‘ "pin i'lk‘k' \.tl_\lll:_' littc up lol llux liw pictt' lxmtl wt twp mum l.tll\. .hwmhlul mth \wck h} lll,llll\l.l_\ ml the l‘tltnl‘uiglt |.t/./’ \tk‘llk'.\ll1lllllllt'l Hill l\§lt'
I Nick Gould‘s Jazz Main w (Jul-cu \tit'ct ll.” tuitl lx‘cxtluutml. Ml ()uccn \llt't'l. 33h 5MP ‘lpin ltct' \ik‘llkilv |.l// tioni thc l-tllnhuigh tcuurht .lllti l‘.llltl
I Fish Fry lhc .l.l// ltu. l (ltulttl‘ctx \tict'l. 33ll ~l3‘lll llptn Run l'lk'k' l‘k‘lt‘lt' ll illplll. L5 .itlct Stutthh |.t//. lunk. wul .lllkl l .tlm l‘.llltl\ tutu lllx l‘lll\
l)‘\ 1km}; tillli \\llt‘l‘\"\. int'lutliugg lhc .\tlu tunk ut lulu ShippC} \ Huh} l'lt‘pllulth l33 .luli .uttl tunk guiltiitxl \ll.m \lt'l'x'ctmn l3” lull
I Lazin' on a Sunday Afternoon Ml (Jul-cit Sltt't't ii.” .llhi lx’cxluumnt. Ml (Jun-u Stu-cl. 33h 5H‘l3 3pm l'lk'k' \lcllmx .u‘ouxlit' lll_\llllll. hlucx .uul |.l// I Electric Fire llu- .l.l// Hui. l (‘lLunlu-ix Slit-cl. 33H -l3‘lll ‘lpln l'lt‘t' i‘llllix) lxu'l‘hmt |.i// tiutn llll\ mull qtlul‘lcl lctl h} \.l\tll‘lltllll\l /..u'l\ Mon and }_'lltl.lll\l iik'll \lt'houultl
I Fusion Experience l’l.tllllllll I. I Stout“ llluc ll )ll ('ttlml Sllu'l l. 33‘) Willi 4 ppm l'lt't‘ (ilmgim '\ lincxt cxpuucnlx ol |;t// houw clu‘tronu' lll\lt|ll
Monday 24
I The Great Jazz Jam Session 'I llt' .l;t// liar. | ('lmmht-ix Slim-t. 33H -l3‘lll ‘lptu i'lL'L' l'.\pu'l .i l'lt'll llll\ nl \l}|t'\ .l\ tum-x old and nut tliop III to [M'lltlllll
\\ Illl thc llutlw lilo t'.t\'ll \lnk't'h
Tuesday 25 .
I Bill Kyle's Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet 'l'hc Jgix/ But. I ('huiuhcrx Slit-cl. 33H 43‘)”. ‘lpin. l'l'L‘C. l'phtuit group lmlurin}: llill K}lc ltll'lllll\l. Doug lll‘littl} l\tt\L'\l. l’uul Kirh) tptunm and chin (iltlxglm ll\;|\\l
Wednesday 26
I Michael Simons 'lchzu (him. 10‘) l)c;m\ltlll Dunno—107353 h’pm. L3 (iltixgtm-huxctl lelllttl'hl plit}lllf_‘ lull. hlucx untl lk‘}lllltl
I Andi Neate and The Maria Speight Quartet ’I‘hc Juln llouxc. 5 ()uccn Slit-ct. 33(i413ll. 7' illpm l'l'cc llot lit// and hltlcx lrniu MSQ
I Tom Bancroft and Enzo Rocco Jtt/l ('L'lllrc. lllL‘ l.Hl. 4/0 (il‘uwllldl‘kcl. My” 5300 h Sllpnl L7 lUH 'l‘llc Sullx tlrunuucr [Cttllh up \Hlll thr Italian :Jllllilrhl tor it night ot jit/l iinprm and humour.
I The Eighty Jazz Jam 8. Open Mic Kl) ()uccn Stl‘cct Bur gintl Rmtuurzint. Ml ()uccn Slrccl. 336 5097. 9pm. l‘rcc. Ju/I lulu \L'\\ltlll,
I New Bands Night The Jun Bur. l ('lmmhcn Street. 330-1390. 9pm. L5. l'p—untl-golntng hundx \litHAL'ihL' their ill/l tulcntx cucll \xcck. mth an uppcuruncc trout Ju/I gurtur star Hank (lamb;le l l3 Jul. dlxl) notc LX cntruncc l'or thix night will) l lolltmcd h} Momma“ Riot Box 1 l‘) Jul).