HHI‘NM .\ itlptn L1 Ilmxu- .llltI I’Ink I‘ltml It'lltIt‘llLIk'\ erlll Ihc \luntlmkcx I Live Music 'llu- HJII Hut. Wt \Vlwlllulttlx RH.I(I. H3 ‘N‘Hl ‘lpllt I‘lt't' ('Iuh ()INI night \HIII Inc rmkn'tnll IMIHI

I Apartment Hurtlx. 3m ( ’Iylc \tm-t. (Ml) ‘M'7 II‘N‘) Ill lelll 2,5lL1l I l\t' ntnxu .lI thy I'unhuuw LIlIh night

I Shitdisco Turbo Sound System (iluxumx St‘hnnl HI -\rt. Ih-7 RL'IIIH'“ \ttu't. l5l-15il I Iptn L5 ll. 5t \u‘ I'll 3|

I Lil Ze I'IIL'U-Jlt'l. HI \nuhu'hull Slim-t. l51 ll§5ll l'lt'k' thutc I lptn. t. i .lllt‘r RUka/tldllkt' kl‘l\\ll\t'l null]!


I Inge Mcllroy, Buick 55s .llltI Setting Sons \Vlnxtlt'lnnktm. 4 h Knuth Ilt'ulgc. 557 5I ll hpnt I'rcc IX'IUH' Inulnlgght, H .lltm (mum and nrlggtngllx

I James Winter, Hich’n’Hiz and The Flavours 'l'hc .Inltt Ilnttxt'. 5 Uncut Stu-ct. 330 4 WI hpnt I't‘n' lenn- Illptn; l5 hcllm- I.nn. £7 and St't' l'l‘l .3I

I Seu Jorge, Gilles Peterson, lnstituto, Sway, Drumagick, Mark De Clive Lowe, Soweto Kinch, Bembe Segu I'xln-r Il.lll_ Intlnun Rmul. 33H I I55 7pm {IX Stunplc lIlt' \pn'lt nt But/II :lt tlnx L'ntu‘tng culturc pun HI L‘UlllL'lltpUl'.’ll"\ I'K untl Btu/than \l.’ll’\. lllk'IlltIlll}: Rm \nlnhu pup \npcrxtgn'. Stu .Im‘gc. tnuklng Illx Scutttxh Itw (lt'hlll. I'K Inp hle rupxcullmn Sun}. glnhnl grnuu' guru (IIIIC\ I’t'tcrwn. |;t// lll;l\L'l'tCI\ Suucln Klnch lllltI lh'ntttugu‘k Scc prm 1m. pngc (vi. I The Fabian, The Hype, Darklight and Le Reno Amps \‘ulmtn ('«mgutc. h‘) ('tmgult'. 335 h7hh 7. lllpln. Rock ‘n' mll l'mnt thc Il)pc

I Blackjack Blues Band IIL'nt') '\ ('t‘Ilut' lint. H Ihu Murrlwn Sltu't. 3.7.x ‘H‘H Kpnt [5 lL-Il (itntzn' ruck unh :t hlucx \ tlw

I Smatka (Lila-dunmn Iku‘kpnt'kvrx. i (‘)llt't'll\It‘l'l'_\ Slt'k‘t'l. 4-H) 7334. 3.50pm (5. Is This Muxu‘" illltI Huh) 'l'tgcr prt'wnl (lurk (icrntun \}llllt punk

I Taylor ( )ItI ('hmn I’u-I‘. I3 'I‘rnnt} ('rt‘xccnt. Ncnhgncn. 553 I333, 0pm. I't‘cc. Sec I‘n 3|.

I Open Mic llnlnu‘ Stt‘ccl Ilgn'. ht) Ilnlnu' Stu-ct. ‘) illpnt I‘t'cc Scc I‘l’l 3l I What they Could Do, They Did I‘Urt‘xl ('nl'c. 3 Brtxln I’Inu‘. 330 4538 lil'k‘t'. Sm‘ Thu 37.

Saturday 29


I Open Stage ’l‘hc IInIt Bur. IN) \Vnmlluntlx anl. 3‘53 0000 4 3pm. l'lll't‘ SL‘C Sat 33

I Macka B (In‘nnnl .\tl\ (‘cntttn 3nd I'llnm‘. 3-1 .-\Ilnnn Slt'ccl. 553 \‘hi7 7pm till. Ruutx untl rcgguc.

I My Awesome Compilation, The Draymin and Clearfall King; 'I'ul'x \Vuh \Vnh Ilut. 373;: St \tm‘cnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8pm. £6. ()wr l4x \Iltl“ l’unk Inll huulul h} l.cu‘mtcrhnxul quurtct .\l_\ .'\\\L‘\UIHL‘ ('mnptlutmn

I Nailed, Man Must Die, Dawn of Chaos and Daemonolith I.‘\th Nutc ('nlc. 5t) ()0 King Strcct. 553 ltx‘sh‘ 8pm. {-1. Dmth and black metal hnc-np. hmdhnul h} high \pccd Yorkxhlrc htuul. I Send More Paramedics Barth. 3N) (‘I_\tlc Sll‘cct. 087” 007 (NW)~ 8pm {h 5”. SMI’ mtnlnnc their 1“ Ill utwmum Xllx sulc thrash metal and mmth mm u'x Snuntlx Ilkc gt \\ Inncr tn

I Kong Sunnth Dim ‘x. (:7 7| \ttlmlulc Road. 433 “Ill—7 .\‘ illpm

I-‘rcc Ruck \‘U\L‘l'\.

I Lou Hickey and Andy Paterson RCPCI‘IUII‘C. I57 I5" North Strcct. 33I

I I44. 8.30pm. I'II'CC. I‘lL‘L‘ (11nd) SL‘\\IUlt\ acoustic night. thinning hiltcrwcct 5011:.“ \\ Ith a xuhtlc tun influence from Hicks}.

I Spieler Thc Hull Bur. Ihll \Vmullundx Road. 353 0000 0pm. Hm

I Loss Leader Hunt» ,‘m ( 'lxtl.‘ gum-L INCH my“ «rum In mp”, 1% -\K,~\ Inc ltnnt Rul \«I.m \klIIl :u:t.:t .uul tlrntn lll.!\Illllk' .ll Itmthktll 1W“


I Blackjack Blues Band, Roadhouse .lml The Demons Eye \Vllhllt'hlllhlk'x .1 h \uuth HIItIL'k' 55“ 5| H hptn Itu' lu‘tntc ntnlntcht. :1 .Illt'l Rm’k

I James Winter, Bobby King & the Kingfishers .ml The Flavours Ilu’ .I.un Iltlll\k‘. 5 (.Itu'cn \ttm-t. 33h HRH hpnt l'lt't' hctuu' Illpln :5 Ix-tut: Iltlll. I? .tIIt‘l (llllldllxl \\ llllt‘l \l.nt\ all IIIK' llljJIll IUIIH\\\‘(I I‘} my It'll“ \tllllltI\ wt Iluhh) Kin}: Illt'll Ilt‘ll\k'I‘.Ill\I [In- I'I.l\tllll\

I Kicking Buckets, The Stereoheads .nul NLD \ulmm (‘U\\_L"Ilk'. (N ( ~(mildlt‘. 3.35 (\"Nt.

3 illptn U l’unktxh \tttlll\I\ llHlll Ktcktng: lint'kch

I Lights Out By Nine Ill-m) \( t-ll.u Hut. 8 lm \ltn'nxun Sun-t. 338 ‘l “H Xptn :5 (HI \Iu'ultxt .\I Ilnjghm Ilttlll\ IIlI\ vwr pnpnlut' \tmnptnj: I‘IIIL'\ nuttlt I Rejected By Hannah 'I In" I «'II Hunk. i7 (intht'u' Stun-t. 335 ‘V H .\pnt I‘t'cc (‘nllcgc punk ltk'IxCH Rk'lk'k Ik'tI I\_\ Ilunnuh

I Delta Mainline, Futuro .uul Kelwan ('.tlmlunl.ln II.u'kp.u‘kt'l\. i ()tu‘cttht-rr} Strcct. -l7(» 7331 K ‘Hptn t5 Illtu‘x. pup .nul Indu-

I What they Could Do, They Did I‘ut‘L'xt (Kilt. l III‘NH I’Itn'c. 33H ~15 *3 I'l't‘t‘. Sk't' Ill” 37


I Hey you Get Off my Pavement! \ltlnn. l3 Ktnyx ('lunt. Ktllj: Sttu't. 55.‘ 0458 3pm L'Ii .\II «In .ll ltt-xt‘u cwnl at Mnnn. l't'uturlng lu't'lnt'tn.ntu~\ tnun I'nlkn‘k lttl\L‘l';II\IIl\l\ \mh \‘tmp. I’nrtxtum Ilt‘nnun Dunc. nun nnlu- \nl'l\ ’l'lu‘ I‘)‘)(I\. llt'u‘ulugc and The RttkilI \Vc. thc \ngnnp} l'nclc .Inhn & \Vlnlclm‘k. clcctm putth I’urk Attack .nul ill \tmng; ultcrnnttw chmr 'l‘hc I’ut'wnugc

I Door No.7, AHSE, Salsa Sharks and No Safe Word Snuntlhnux. ~17 Ilylcput‘k Strcct. 33| 405‘). 7. ‘sllpnt. U) 115 nu‘tnhct‘xt. ()wr I-1\ \IIU\\ I null hund hnc up.

I Peter Barrie and Jake Cogan 'l lu- Huttcrll) and thc I’lgl. l5i Hath Strut-t. 33| 77| I. HPm. I‘t‘cc, Acmtxtu‘ .-\ll;nr

I The Site of Future Home, Dan Against the World and Some Young Pedro Barth. 2N) (lulu Stu-ct. 0870 007 (NW). 8pm. £4. Snl‘R hlcntl L‘Inxxu‘ul L'L‘IIU u Ith gtnttu' lu'kx. ulnlc SYI’ gm l’m' .‘lII nut guIlnr/huxx/tlrutnx ;l\\;ttlIl_

I Odeon Beat Club, PopUp and No 1 Son .\'icc'tt'Slc;nx}. 431 Sntulnclmll Sttu‘t. ‘33 (MIN). 3.30pm. Intlu' pnpxtcrx PI'L‘CL‘tIt‘ lhc nutuntn rclcnxc nl thcn' «Ichut ulhunt \\ Ith thc I.tunL‘h ut thcn‘ ncu \Inglc 'qut (luxp‘

I Vancouver Deluxe and Babybones Barth. 2M) (lull- Sum-t. (IX-Ill 007 (NW) lllpnt. H (L' 5| I);n'k drum;th clcclt‘untcn Imnt \lnu‘nuwr IX‘IUM‘ ;ll I’L‘ll} VL‘lttIClld


I The Rab Howat Band Ilunttcrlnun'x. \ultlt} Sttct't. 55h i35-1 3pm I'ru' Scc Sun 33 I Macka 3 Thu Itquul Rmun. ‘It‘ Victoria Stt‘ccl. 335 25M 7pm {III \cc SJ! 3‘).

I I Fly Spitfires (Ktlxn‘ct \hltuttc.

36 18 Blunt Stt'cct. 331) MW) .\'pnt Kim (4 Mom Inc nqu llL‘llUlt us 'I'hcc (‘unnxult‘x and WC .th‘ thc I’h_\ no pun thc gig/club crmwx cr night.

I Safehouse and Mainstreet Blues Band Ilcnr) '\ ('cllnr Bar. 5 1m Morrixun Strccl. 33K 0303 8pm £5 In. Purl ul~ Ilcnr} \ hlucx ucckcntl,

I Acoustic Open Mic 'l‘hc Iran. ‘I Hunter Squnrc. High Strcct. 33h (Nil 0pm. lircc. Soc Sun 33.

Starbucks Edinburgh jazz &,Blues l-.. at - '.

2- Iv _- ,... a

{Orchestra ypsy Trio Stramash

Big Band

I mph at 85

< n Transfer

. nd Friends james Carter Maceo Parker Salsa Celtica Statesmen of Jazz

sum enuumv mums n nu um: NANCI GR. ' '

Mr (74‘! MUCH") BJIld S Ednum HJH‘S




nlus rm m“

, Thurs let September


l on '

WEI] 261“ Ill“

'L2"'.tt‘t\(1.l'\ Tum“

. THE _ . vllLLiAu'ELLIOT WHITMORE Ilfl n 0.80 m E Fit m I LY


. D r r _ Saturday .78 Octnbe:

I . 1 tickets: II person: All: In llltiee [em III-lat, tlae-an/lue-Bpml

easl III], II lining tee. telephone: um llllltl m

fllll llSIIIES lllll lllll Al ABBEIISEIIWJZM