

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 6


Birds of America I nnl ill \t-p

\litt hcll |.ihiai_\. I‘ll \orth \licct. 38” I‘l‘l‘l lrcc \ thantc to \\ Illlt'\\ a \oluinc Hl ulit' Hl lhc \ttiiIdK Hunt \alual‘lc lmulm Ill llic limit «or papci I


BeatniX Poetry Nite 'l'lit- Ja/l Bar. l ('hainhcix \ticct. 3le IT)” a illpin H it it .\ llll\ ol UPC” nuc. ix-rloiniancc pot-ti) and \inpcr/xongurilcix picxcntcd h} poct/uiitci .-\lIII.‘t (iman

GL sgow

Sanjay Mahju Borch litmkx. i‘ui‘l Rclail l’ark. Wt) l’rman Walk. [Mi I‘llll. (i illpin i'lt‘t'. Signing \\lllI thc author ol l/Ir' .Ix/mkrl ('rmL/nmfl. \khlt‘lt ctllllt'\ packcd \\ ith top Indian cookcr} lipx Reading the Leaves 'I chat ()xna. ll ()taggo Ianc. 571534. Nplll. [3. Join yum! \\l'llt'l\ lor an cxcning: ol pot-tr} and crcalixc \\l‘lllllf.‘. l-oi lurthcr inlorination or to hook a rcadingg contact Nalini Paul at l't‘;ttllllj._'lltt'lt';t\t'\(“ hotntarlcont.

Saturday 8


Readers and Writers l’artick librar}. {HS Dumharton Road. 337 UN 5. Want. I‘rcc. .\'c\\ group lor budding: lltlllltth and ax id rcadcrx.


Pirate Fun Day Burdct‘x Boob. l'ntl If). l‘ort Kinnaird Rctail l’ark. 05740-1]. lpin. l‘rcc. Stor'}tr'|lilig. inap making. ll't‘;l\lllt' hunting. and othcr acti\ lllt‘\ lit lor piratcx. cclchrating: thc launch ol I’rmrm n/ Illt' ('irr'r/iln'un 3 and |)ug_'ald Stccfx Iic\\ hook. I’rmlt’u/nm. l’ri/c\ loi‘ ainonc Ill appropriatc garh

Tuesday 1 1


Visible Ink Writer’s Group Inc \cht lind llotcl. 35 l’allllt'l'\lttll l’lacc. N15 Slot). 7 0pm. £3 (U l‘. lirxt tiincrx lrcc. (ict _\our crcatn c llllt‘t‘\ lion in; at llux lricnd|_\ llll\t'tl \xritcr'x group. .\'c\\ ltIt‘IlIl‘t‘H al\\a_\\ \tclcoinc.

Adrienne Rich 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc ('aharct Bar. (ill 'l‘hc l’lt';i\;iiicc. N): ‘H II. Tillpin. £2 rcdccniahlc against purchaxc. ‘l‘hc rccipicnt ol lIlIlIIL‘l‘Ulh auardx. including: tlic National Book .-\\\ard. thc |.0\ .'\II:_‘L'|C\ liltitN Hook l’l‘l/L‘. a .\lac.-\rthur i't‘lltt“ ship and thc Dorothca 'l‘anning I’M/c. Rich l\ onc ol lhc IIIU\I inllucntial poctx of our tiinc. .loin licr ax \hc niakm a mic \ iin to Scotland ll‘ttltl hci‘ honic III ('alil'ornia to talk about hcr “ork. including Iatcxt collcction. I‘lu- .Vt'liuul .imuuu I/Ic' Rrrrm. ’m'mx 31H)“- SUM,

Wednesday 1 2


Jenny Colgan Bonch Boob. W Buchanan Strccl. 323 7"lltt. (spin. l‘rcc. 'l'hc null} \ucccxxlul Scottixh author rcadx from BC“ no\ cl, \li'xl lint] (fir/n \xhich l'olloxtx m inx l.i//ic and Pcnn) ax thc} quit thcir Inc in thc hurl“ on a quot to hccoinc lt (iirlx.


Jean Kelford ()"\. t‘nn o. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Strcct. 353 ISle. 5 Spin. l-rcc. [cading \piritual incdium Kcll‘ord dcmonxtratw hcr gilt and \ignx copicx ol' hcr [16“ book Ix i! hm.’ ()r !\ 1! Spirit."

34 THE LIST '5‘ f \ c a;

Edinburgh The Guid Crack Club: Summer llt' \\.i\t'llt‘}. l \l \Ial'} -\ \llt‘t'l.

“It UV” " Winn i‘lt't' iii \ucgcxtcd donationo I “\di‘ and \ l\lIHl\ alikc arc all \xclcoinc to go along and hcai \Hlllt'

\ racking )aiih ax \tcll a\ contributing a lc\\ ol thcir unit it thc) \\l\ll


Readers and Writers i’dlllt k l ilwarx. ill‘ Hurnhanon Road. 3V ‘l.\ 5 Want i'l't't' St't' Sat 5


Talking Trees Rota] lioianit (Idltlt'll. l:\|iihition Hall. lmcrlcith Rim. 5‘“ 5‘55 2 ipni l'Icc 'lalcx ol inauic. rn_\\lcr_\. llk't'\ and tia\c| loi childicn ol all agcx


’I‘ Jasper Fforde lit‘ltlt'l\ Boakx. W Buchanan Sti‘cct. 332 "till. opiii l‘icc 'l‘hc c\ Hull} \MN ul liliii c\ccuti\ c and author icadx lroin I'ln- l'ulrII/r I)" «u. thc \ccond llI\Illlllllt'lIl ol lIl\ ‘Nurwri (‘rinicV \t'l'lt‘\.

Edinburgh Jenny Colgan Blackucllx. Si 5*) South Bridgc. ()3: 3233. hpni I‘rcc. Scc \Vcd

I 3

Tuesday 18


Garden of Delights Ro)a| Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcith Houxc. 552 NH.

I lain ~lpin. I‘i'cc. Strii'}tc'|lci‘\ Iocatcd throughout thc Botanicx tcll talcx among: thc hcaulil'ul flora and launa. ('ollccl )our map lroin thc main gatcx and \cck thcni out. Suitahlc lor all agcx.

Visible Ink Writer’s Group 'l'lit- \\'t-\i lind llotcl. 25 l’;i|iiici\toii l’lacc. 005 thh. 7 9pm. £3 til i; lirxt lllllt'l'\ li‘cc. SL‘L' ltlt‘ l I.

City IDEAS National |,ihrar_\ ol' Scotland. (icorgc |\' Bridgc. Ill» 4531. 7pm. l’rcc. tickctcd. Noxclixl. critic and author Jaincx Buchan \uggcxtx him in luxt 5“ )car\. lidinhurgh inadc inorc intcllcctnal hixtor} than an} othcr cit} ol ilx \i/c \ittL‘c thc .-\thcn\ ul' Socratcx. :\ [NI-L511) World ('it} ol' l.itcraturc c\cnt.

Wednesday 19


* City STORIES National l.ihrar_\ ol Scotland. (iL‘Ul‘gc IV Bridgc. 320 453 l. 5pm. l-‘rcc. tickctcd. .-\\\ard-\\ inning architcct Malcolm l-‘raxcr and acclairncd \H‘itcr Zoo Strachan chuuw thcir l'a\ouritc \kt'illllg\ about citicx and dixcuxx thc inxpiration hcliind tlicrn .-\ l'.\'l'15(‘() World ('it} ol‘ |.itcraturc cwnt in tl\\tk‘i;lllnll \xilh 'I'lu' I.r\1.

Thursday 20


* Robin Hardy r mam-x. [int n. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. h,_‘~llprii. £3. rcdccniahlc againxt purchaw. 'l'hc dircctor iii [In \l'rt'la'r .Iltm \\i1| hc dixcuxxing hix c\pcricncc\ and promoting ncu hook. ('uu Inn \ for (‘lirrkr “lllclt tll’;l\\\ on thc \anic thcmcx ol‘ \c\ and paganixm and ix \ct lor thc hi; \crccn trcauncnt itxcll. Hc'll hc ioincd h} ll'r'r/wr-mpcrh Bcn Frank and Jonathan .\lurra_\ ax thc} tr} not to gct upxct about thc Hit-Arr .Ilun rcinakc \tan'ing Nicolax (’agc,


JUDD WINICK 8- JOSHUA MIDDLETON Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder

I 0..

Ax. i }. .;. ° " ". r “r ', yl ' n , f1), ' rry- I "r )‘l,. li'vll‘lillvh" : "', '

Shin-rii‘arr‘. If. llwng .‘w l;.i.~- (‘51.; ar‘ wuwr v’:ll('frl.'lir'.' .'.li" (Ear/lair; Mam-l l.'.' w in urlk‘ Haul.- law" lal‘r:|l-':-’l \‘Srnrjqirrr.’ a": w the: ’lll': tr ; lwia .‘.’l€lll(lilltlf; .‘.'lTl‘ l/lll/ll‘SllllllI li‘.<l’ Marv-W, a limit; Milial imam .'.’llll a airmail, Halt, Im- ll‘; rantiirlwx. ill/ their; air,- uornr- lw, bowls of lllii‘d‘dhi; (Zaratarn Marzul ’imu-n his pow/m from rnariir, ill/.131! rilrlzillrzr mgr: Bill, liaison trawl lllllf; into 'tlw ‘.'./r,rl<l'€; lllltllill(:f;l inorla” slur-r; hr; intuit; 1hr,- rilirasr; 'Sliazanxl'. retro star, will: S; great lurllalm: dialogue.- l)(}l‘.‘.l<:€:ll lilt: lax-rur's; rlri

illlfl in a ow:

illlfll first ll‘.(:(:llll(]. and tilt: (:llilliill «tumor ,i‘. ml the >r1‘.‘.<:rr,l8lla.’aiir i." 1hr,- lianrlf; of a “.(Llll‘n; txu, w; was-l, ilanrtlrm

(Harv, Nrat'iriiorr:

St ,i ii? li {if} VARIOUS Superman: Cover to Cover 'DC. .0.

Gl'.'(:l7 Tl‘r:


///'I "Oi(:‘l

[if/J" ii‘l‘i (Sir'li‘fll'

(flags/1,:mth "V‘H-‘iéthl‘s l'k’i’. l‘;:.‘; {irii'lffll “it: "filthy Ina

Sui/bull“ .I.',)

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Est jlll lllll lit, BRIAN AZZARELLO 8. JIM LEE Superman: For Tomorrow 1 & 2

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..i.rl?. Uriii ,(/

leopard, lrul. lllro’mlwt lain Juli/r Bria.“ [XX/armlin l'zzzp a l‘n’n’il 1.1M arr: Hun", Sui/«mar fear

i[all il‘:, fl ‘7 ‘:.‘:’ [JUU‘J' ° [JUGS i": V) ',«':.°': ‘:.‘:l\,’,l1‘:5:llBMW":

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planet. Penna-tr her. Irv,

as a Lem; so pox/ed ,l



Superman No.4

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larliarlw- Ill.'." l l"ll~'l 'l I" llfo'lllh-‘l ,lllw'lilvlwlr'” .l i r g .1 ' Yr, l'iwlltii :l" v "'«v

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it ‘A'i. ll‘ it'll,

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