Shell Connections

. .l"

The Lyceum hosts this jamboree of young writing and performing talent, bringing

together youth theatres from all over Scotland. Included in the program this year are Lin Coghlan's The Miracle which was well received last year, a rarely seen revival of Lorca‘s The Shoemaker's Incredible Wife and Ursula Rami Sarma's Spider Man. The youth of today and the stars

of tomorrow? Find out.

I Roya/ Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, foo 7(9~S(it i7 Jun.

litigene lonescti esamines the li\ es ot Jackie and Roberta as the) prepare tor their arranged engagement.



H In (irassiiiarket. 225 5535.

Zendeh Showcase: Shakespeare’s Women Wed 2| .ltlll. 5pm. See the result of a three-da} \kol'ksliop to create a next \Vtil'ls. \shich brings together the attributes ol' Shakespeare's l‘emale characters.


l3 2‘) Nieolsoit Street. 53‘) 000”. Ill. \\'('. WA]

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story l'ntil Sat l0 Jtiii. 7.30pm t'l‘hii ck Sat mat 3.3(lpltil. £3.50 £3 l .50. The stleeessltll rock'n'roll musical returns. celebrating the lite ot‘ the man behind toot tapping hits such as "l‘hat'll Be The Da} '.

‘l’egg} Sue' and "()h Bo} '.


Burgess Street.

Ghost l'ntil Sat l0 Jtiii. noon 7pm. £5. Site specific theatre piece ll'tilll the

l’uppet lab. which brings to lite the m_\th ot |)aedulas amongst the b} \sa} s. buildings and back alle}s ol' l.eitli. l’ari n/ [mil/i l‘i'xiit'a/ 300/).


IS 22 (ii'eenside l’laee. 0S7“ (illb5434. Ill. \\'('. WA]

The New Statesman l'iiiil Sat It) Jtiii. 7.30pm (Wed & Sat mat 3.30pmi. £7.50 £30 Rik .\la}all returns as political lll\ \ ie .-\lan B'Stard \\llti has no“ detected to New Labour.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 'l'ue l3 Sat l7 .ltin. 7.30pm (Wed ck Sat mat 2.30pm). £l0.50 £24.50. ('lassic musical abotit sex en brotliei's' bi/arre method of finding themselxes se\ en brides in the old West.

Dancing in the Streets \Ved 2| l-‘ri 23 Jtiii. 7.30pm. £l7.50 £33.50. .\la}be more like dancing in the aisles at this celebration ol .\loto\\ n's greatest hits.

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindla) Street. 243 JS-lS. ll’. ll. \\'('. \\’.-\l

Shell Connections: Liar 8. the Miracle 'l‘ue l3 Jtiii. 7.30pm. £9 (£5). Quad Theatre (‘ompan_\ perl'orms Gregor} Burke's high school drama liar.

lollo“ ed b} l.m (‘oghlan‘s In: \Iiiat i’t trom St .\tigustines School in: or Slit i’.’ (it'll/HT “HIM :llll/i

Shell Connections: The Shoemaker's incredible Wife 8. Shut Up Wed H k 'l’hti I5 Jtiii

" 20pm £‘l i£5i Youth theatre companies troni across Scotland pertorm l.oi'ca‘s marital diaiiia and .-\ndre\s

l’d} lids tale Hi .1 c‘ltlltl \\ lll‘ l‘eitlses to speak. l’arr or Slit ll ('unnt't {runs 3mm Shell Connections: The Shoemaker’s Incredible Wife & The Liar l‘l'l lb Jtiii ".itlpm. £0 i£5i Shetland‘s Yl 'l‘ 'l‘healre and Behind the Scenes \“l~ pertoriii this duo ot pla_\s, l’ar! of Shell ('iinnt'i [lit/M 300/)

Shell Connections: Spider Men 8 The Miracle Sat 1“ Jun. ".Rtlpm. £‘l (£5 l. l'rsula Rani Sarma's tale of peer pressure is presented b} (‘rooked House \"l‘. lolltm ed b} the l.) ceuiii \"l”s pertoi'mance ot l.m ('oglilan‘s l‘lii' .llirat li'. Part or Slic'l/ (‘unni'i’liunx 30!”).


43 45 High Street. 55o 057‘). |\\'(‘. \\'.-\| The Old Quarter Thu 32 Jtlll Sat 1 Jul. 7.30pm tSat mat 2.30pnii. £0 t£7i Strange tales are told. eoiiiic characters unfold and beautil'ul ballads are sung stittte\\liel'e bet“ een :\tlltl Reekie and ()Id l’ragtie in this latest p|a_\ b_\ innoxatix e l‘idinbtirgh company 'l‘heati‘e ()biekli\.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 llaiiiilloii l’laee. 32b 5435. Ill. “(2 \\'.-\|

Babylon Burning (Another Lovely War) 'l‘hti S Sat I7 Jtiii tnot Suni. 7.30pm. £l0 it‘m. In the l'olloss -tip to Black Sun ()l‘t‘l' (ii'noa. the 'l‘heatre \Vtil'kSllUp collecti\ e lil'lligs together popular song. dance and music xx ith documentar} lilm. photograph} and testimonials troni combatants and

ci\ ilians. to create this uncompriimising portrait ol the our in Iraq.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘anibridge Street. 22S I404. ll’. ll. \\'('. \‘t'AI

Japan in Scotland ll l-‘ri ‘) is Sat In Jtiii. 7pm. £4 (£2). As part of the 'l‘rax'erse's dramatic cultural e\chaiige. leading Scottish and Japanese theatre practitioners talk about their “ink and perform readings ol' the best in conteniporar} Japanese pla}\\riting. Sinner Sat [0 Jun. Spin. £l2

t£~l.50 £7). l’s_\chologiea| 'l‘hriller l'roiii Stan Won't Dance. looking at the esents surrounding the Soho bomber l)a\ id Copeland.

The Seer in In A; Sat l7 Jtin. 7.30pm. £l2 (£4.50 £71. Highland compan} l)ogstar presents .'\Ii Smith's lii'st Pl‘tilt'Ssltlnttll} produced lull-length pla).


uhich takes a satirical look at domestic pertection. tiee spirits and the nets Scotland.

Outside the cities



la} Stitiaie.013S.‘ 33530 ll’. ll. \Vt‘l Paradise Lost l'nnl Sat to Jun

" ~l5pm t l‘hti mat 2pm. Sat mat 2 .illpnii £S £10 i£5 £Si l‘lie ()\tord Stage (‘ompam peiloi'ins Milton's epic poem a tale ot rebellion. re\enge and tree \\lll as Satan and his iebels attempt to “in the attection ot man and base him e\pelled from (iod's gaiden paradise

Mother of all Peoples \Ved I4 Sat l" Jtiii inot lliti l~rii ~15piii £l01£‘li Mike (iibb's pla} rettiins to the Rep. telling the remarkable stor} ol Mai} Slessor's iotirne} tioiii the sltiiiis ol Dundee to (‘alabai in Nigeria. .-\ll proceeds go to local s'lltll'll}. the Mar} Slessor l~otmdation,

St Andrews


Abbe} Stieet. (ll .554 475(k)” ll). ll. “'(1 WA]

Freshmess Triple Bill ’l‘liu .S' Jun. Spin. £l0 (£0). l'l'L‘SlllllL‘\\ merge hip hop st} le \\ ith contemporai} dance to create an esciting and accessible ne\\ torm. .-\ges «S 10 ’arl (If the Bank of Scot/anti ('lii/i/n'n '\ International l/ll'tlll'l' l't'\lll'tl/.

Byron: His Lite & Lovers Sat It) Jun. Spin. £l3 i£oi. Virtual biograph) tising ll} ions on n letters. journals and poems. You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown 'l‘lin l5 Sat l7 Jtiii tnot l-‘rii. 'l‘liti Spin; Sat 2.30pm. £l01£Si Spinning a selection ol' handpicked I’i'anim moments into a single thread. the Melodraiiiatics present a da} in the lite ot (‘liarlie Bron ii through a selection

\ ignettes and musical numbers starring l.uc}. l.mtis. Snoop}. Schroeder and the gang.

A Grand Night for Singing l'l‘l to at Sat l7 Jtiii. Spin. £l.i t£| ll. .-\ selection ot Rodgers & llaiiimei'stein tamurites. Letters from the Hen House Wed 2| & Thu 23 Jtiii. Spin. £7 i£5i. ('i'tisoe .\ltisie 'l heatre present this tale ol a group oi British \tomen botiiid lor lioniba) in IS35.



Jail \\'_\nd. 0| 7S0 274000. Ill. \\'('. WA. \VAAI

JM Barrie: Peter Pan Man in In (c Sat I7 Jtiii. 7.30pm (Sat mat Zpini. £9.50 (£0501.'l'hreeone—act pltt_\s. tno lrom Barrie hinisell tSi't't'n Women and Iii/ll' Ilit'll'l’ l’uum/ l.miki and one about the tamous author t.ll'( ‘unnai'liii'i b) lidinburgh pltt}\\ right Anne Stenhotise.

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh's main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 15 Friday 16 Saturday 17 Sunday 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday 22 r Tempest The TemDeSt . The Tempest . i i i 5 Oh. What a Shame! ATChES ’\ Flume. Tlill‘tl .\ \" ' ' 6 l .' Firestarter The Flats The Flats Gllmoreliill » '- 1' ' h 1‘ Ramshorn Fimbles see Around Town Henry V' Edwa'd 'V R'Cha'd "' Theatre Royal A . r 'v 't ‘1' ’lr- ' Cheech Faust '5 Dreams Faust '5 Dreams Faust '3 Dreams Jackie Jackie Jackie Tron st .188 SM: s‘ 'S5 v t K T‘s" W: (jam/1;: - : 3 ; . _ I, ____ .. . _- L f ; DancngintneStreetsDancingintheStreets;W . Sbel' Cc‘l‘.”t\‘lt"‘S c‘ ".s 5' * ~ ‘5 Royal Lyceum H mm] BabylonBumingi macaw; " ' ' " ' . immwomiiop ' in __~__A__V_“ _ __ _ L__ - _ g “V - * _ _ L ‘. »~--i——r ~-——- —ro- the 5“ we so; a 10s


8—22 JL

in 2006 THE LIST 89