
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



353 Arg}lc Strcct. 0370 340 7538. l\\'('. WA]

All’s Well that Ends Well l'iiiil Thu S Jun. 7.30pm thd d; 'l‘uc niut l.3t)pmi. £7 (H). Um iii Murshull oi' thc Ro}u| Sliiikcspcurc ('oiiipun} dirccts this production oi thc hurd's irugi-coiiicd). sshich iollosss thc hiiiiihl} horn llclcnu und hci' \\ il} pluns to uni hcr hcloscd ('ount Bcrti‘um. l’urt oi' thc RS("s ('oinplcic Works scrics. \shich uims to producc cwr} onc oi Shulscspcurc’s plu}s in u }cur. .S/iu/u's/u'urr Ill III(' (in 300/).

The Tempest Wed 14 Sui [7 Jun. 7.30pm t'l'hu liri niut l.3()piiii. Shukcspcurc's mugicul islund tulc is tllt'cclcd by Jo} cc l)ctins untl Ros Slccn us purl ol' S/itiki'i/u'un' in i/ii' (in 300/). Oh! What a Shame! Thu 33 Sui 34 Jun. 7.30pm tl-ri iiiut 1.30pm). (‘oincilic. trush} rc-intcrprctution oi' .lli-usim' for .lli'usim'. S/iu/si'spi'un' III Illl’ ('Hi'.


()2 Arg) lc Arcudc. 33! S917.

In a New York Song l'niil Sui It) Jun (not l-‘rii. Spin. £13. A coiiihinutioii oi music. \sords und song iroin piuiiist l’uul 'l'oshncr. churiing onc iiiun's qucsl io mukc u iiliii uhoui his lioiiic my id (ilusgois. Visit toshiici'.coiii ior iiioi‘c ilctuils.


I l‘) (ioi'httls Strch 43‘) (M33. Il’. \\'(‘. WAI

Dance School of Scotland: Bat Boy l'ntil Sui It) .lun. 7.30pm (Sui iiiut 3.3(ipm). EH) ([3). liiid oi' tcrm sliti\\ pcri'ornicd h} pupils ui (ilusgoss ‘s prcstigioiis duncc school. This _\cur's production is huscd on tlic cult :\lilL‘flL‘tlli iiiusicul. \shich hus hccii culch “Iii/mm! S'i'i'i.wr'/iiiiiils mccts .lli l'ku'r [xii/i". Close Encounters: Muslim Slim’s Bad Beat Sul ll) Jun. 7.30pm. £3. Rchcurscd rcuding oi" this plu} h} (i/itugnii' l'ill’ll/UlH. on n Dunicl Juclsson. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 'l‘uc 13 Sui l7 Jun. 7.30pm (Sui inut 3.3()pnii. L‘S L'l-l. .\liisicul i‘urcc thut oncc i'cuttircd Icgcndur} Roniun cuiiipcr l'i'dlllslt‘ lloiscrd in thc rolc oi' )iiiiiig sluxc l’scudolus. \shosc schcincs to ss in his irccdoiii urc thisurtcd h) un iniuginury pluguc. u sltot‘l-siglilctl ncighhour uiid u corpsc in drug. ('oniplctc \s ith shoss -

stopping tuncs h} Stcphcn Sondhciiii. this production is pcriornicd h}

(ilttsgim 's l’unthcon ('Iiih.

I 5 MINUTES OF SHAKESPEARE Thu l5 Jun. 3pm. £5 (£3.50). .-\nniiul school drumu compctition in \shich ioiir schools hu\c u quurtcr oi un hour to pcri‘orni purt oi u Shulscspcurc plu}.

Close Encounters: Dope Float Sui l7 Jun. 7.30pm. L3. Rchcurscd rcudiiig oi .‘slurtin 'l‘ruscis' plu).


l l3” South Strccl. Sciilsliiun. SSI .Hlll. A Night 0! Flamenco with Deseo Sui ll) Jun. 8.30pm. £3. l5|uiiiciico iuiics lrom this (ilusgim —husctl group. plus giicsi dunccrs und guiturists, I’tll'! n] l/ii’ Hi \I [find Ii’\lll'ill.


‘) l'iiiwi'sit} Ascnuc. 33” 5533, |\\'(‘. WA!

Copacabana t'niil Sui to Jun. 7.30pm. {8.5” U». 'l‘hc iini'orgcttuhlc opcning oi Burr) Muniloss‘s (il'ullllll) ussurd— \sinning hit song is ihc inspirution ior this cxciting iiiiisicul i'cuiuring Slim ('ollcgc’s ll.\'l) studcnis.

New Writing / New Worlds Festival 2006 l-‘ri ‘) it Sui ll) .liiii. 7.30pm. £5. .-\ii csciting opportuiiit} io scc cight l'rcsh untl originul \sorlss h_\ ciiicrging Scottish-lxiscd \H'ilct's uiid urtists rculiscd on thc stugc.

The Mikado 'l‘iic l3 Sul l7 .liiii. 3.30pm. l5ollossing on lust _\cur's production ol' 'I'lii' l’imlvs of I’i’liiimi'i'. ’I‘hc ()rphcus ('liih rciurns \s ith u hrund ncss production oi ihc iiiosi popiilur oi u|| thc (iilhcrt uiid Siillisuii opcrus. Firestarter'l'hii I5 Jun. Scc Kids llsllligs.

The Flats \Vcd 3| & Thu 33 Jun. Spin. l‘rcc. TWO isonicn disidcd h} nutionulit) hut iiiiiicd h) hrutul pusis discmci‘ tlic strength oi' community. liiicriss ining lti)llilL‘ill. trutlitioiiul und pcrsonul storics i'roiii ull mm the world thc p|u_\' \sus tlL‘\ iscd und pci'iiiriiictl h} dS)’llllii scckcrs. rciiigccs und locul i‘csidcnis oi"

l’UlltiL‘ls. I’ill‘! (’le'fllt't’i’ Hi'i'ls‘.


7.30 (ircut Wcstcrn Rouil. 3.34 3433. ll’. \\'( ‘. WA]

The Comedy of Errors \‘i'cd 2|

Jun Sui S Jul. 7.45pm. L") ill) (to £7). (iordoii Burr ilirccls Slizikcsiic';ii'c"s iiiisiulscn idcntit} iui'cc us its his \'iolu und Schustiun. scpurutcd ut hirth. iind ihcinsclscs in thc sumc toss ii at thc sunic llliiL‘.


()tugo Strcct. 33-1 (i363.

The Life of Jesus Christ Hi to Sun IS Jun. l-'ri lpiii; Sui & Sun (1pm. L'lt)

«£5 LEM. L35 iuiiiil} tickct ls'clsingrosc l’urls hcconics thc stugc ior this sitc- spcciiic. opciiuir pi'oiiiciiudc production oi this l’cicr lliitlc} plu} l’iiri or iiii- \li'si [1m] [TH/till


3‘)" Ruth Strch 34” I I l l. Ill. \\'('. \\'.-\I Mum’s the Word 2: Teenagers l'iitil 'l‘iic l3 Jun tiiot Suni Scc Kids listings


U Burgh llull Sti‘cct. 3S7 551 1. Reinventing the Weal: Absolute Zero Thu 33 & Hi 33 .hiii. 3pm. £3. .\ thcutrc iroiii thc l’urugon ('ultuiul l-inginccrs us ihc) hriiig to liic iuinous Scots in\ciitors uiid thc things thc} mudc thut rcsolutioniscd out lis cs. I’iirl oi ilii' um ["14] l't‘UHtll.


l3l Rt‘llllt‘ltl Slt'cs‘l. 3‘3 lSJh. Ill. “I i. \\':\|

Girls Big Nite In l'niil Sui 2-1 .lun. 7.30pm. L'll U5. ('oiiicd} icuturing u group oi mutcs us thc} gct rcuds ior uii Ann Siiiniiicrs purl}.


()S Ingruiii Strcct. 553 3-H”. ll’. \\'('. \m. \\'.\:\|

The Importance of Being Earnest Tim S Sut 17 Jim tnot Sun). 7.30pm.

U) L“) (£3 £5i. ()scur \Vililc's spurlshng coiiicd}. or us thc niuii hiiiiscli \soiild husc it ‘trisiul plu_\ ior scrious pcoplc‘. hrilliuntl} sutirising ihc IliHl'dlll}. inorcs und rclutioiiships oi' Victoriun liiiglund is pcri'oriiicd h} thc Struthc|_\dc 'l'hcutrc (it’iittp.

Strictly Musical \Vcd 3| Sui 34 .ltiii. 7.45pm tSut iiiut 3.3(ipini. Lil) £13. llot iii/I. cool hliics und thc sounds oi lhc hig Broudssu} musiculs i'ioni (ilusgoss 's

l._\ ric (‘luh


3 Suuchichull Strcct. 353 SUM). ll’. ll. \\’(‘. \VAI

Mickey Rooney: Let’s Put on a Show! Sui Hi Jim. 7.3(ipiii. [l5 U850. lloll_\\sood's li\ iiig lcgcnd brings his uccluinicd oli-Broudxsu) iniisicul io (ilusgois.

Rentaghost Sun I 1 Jun. Scc Kids listings.


3X3 lliipc Sircct. 3.5.3 Willi). Ill. “(1 WA]

Fimbles Live 'l'iic l3 'l‘hii l5 Jun. Scc Kiils listings.

Wars of the Roses: Henry VI Tue 30 Sui 3-1 Jun (not \Vcd llill). 'l‘iic 7.30pm; Sui lluin. fill) [33.50; scc ull thrcc plu}s on Sut 3-1 Jun ior £30. Northcrn Broudsidcs und \Vcst Yorlsshirc l’lu)housc colluhorutc on this trilog} oi Shulscspcurc‘s British historicul druiiius.

siurtiiig \sith thc tulc oi soung king llcni} dcicnding his cioxsn iioiii thc unil‘itious \mi Wars of the Roses: Edward IV \\cd 3| Sui 34 Jun inot l‘hui \M-d 3 30pm. Sut 3 30pm (It) £33 5“ Slow Shukcsiwuicun politicul intiigiic .is thc lloiisc oi \ork dcicuts King llciiis uiid ciossns its ossn l:d\\.iid in his plucc lliit iioiic could iiiiugiiic ihc cold-hlomicd .iinhitioii oi his hrothci'. \sho \suits iii thc \liutliMs hit his tlitiltit‘til [U l‘s‘s‘ultit‘


Wars of the Roses: Richard Ill Hut

Sui 34 Jun 'l'hii .\ l‘i‘i

3. 3tipiii. Sui

Spin {lit (33.5” This trio oi diumus ciiliiiinutcs \s ith tlic hlood) histor} oi

Richurd oi \ork. ssho iiiuiiipiilutcs und iiiuidcrs his \\.i} to thc top. oii|_\ to lw tlL‘lL'ulcil .il lllc liutllc Ul liiisniit'llt


35 .-\ll\ci‘t l)ri\c. HS45 33” 351”

\\'.y\ i


Move-Me l'iitil Hm I5 .liiii iiioi \loiii l-icc .\ chuncc to duiicc uloiig \\ ith chorcogi‘uph} h} Dchoiuh Hus. Shohuiiu Jc}usiiigh uiid Stcphcn l’ctioiiio iii this spcciull) ci‘cutcd hootli. Scc rcsicss. Monkey l‘ntil Sut Hi Jim 3 3Hpiii i'l'hii tk Sui iiiut l 3Hpiiii. L“) ifi5i. {35 iuiiiils Scottish l)uncc 'l‘hcutrc und tlic lhiiitlcc ch linsciiihlc colluhoi’utc on this iiiii sllt\\\ ior ull thc l.llllil_\. \shich iollous thc csploiis oi u \cr_\ chccls} iiioiilu'} .I\gcs 8+ I’ii/i oi Illi‘ Bank of Si ill/(Hill (‘lii/ilri'n's llllt'l'llilllullill Iliumi' l'('\ll\tl/. Mouth of Silence [hit 33 Sui 3-1 .ltlli. 7.30pm. [S (£5). A ncss piccc c\uiiiining ilic uitcrniuth oi csilc h) Birds oi l’urudisc 'l‘hculrc ('oiiipuii} l’iiri u/


i' lli‘i'ls.

I TRON THEATRE (i3 'l'i‘ongutc. $52.12!)? Diaspora International Theatre Festival: Cheech 'l‘uc l 3 Thu 15 Jun Spin lllill iiiut 3.30pm). ifsl i. 'l'hc ll'till‘s sccond iiiiilticiiltiirul thcutrc icstisul kicks oi'i \sith this trugi-coiiicd} uhout lhc sc\ trudc h} l’ruiicois l.ctoiirncuii. \shich iolloiss Ron us hc tlt‘spct'ttlcl} scut'cliL‘s liit‘ sonic gills iii ciiicrtuiii thc ('Iir}slcr gtiss.

Diaspora International Theatre Festival: Faust’s Dreams in to Sun IS Jim. Spin (Sui mut 3 3(limit. to tilt. :\ll csplorution oi humuii idciitit} uiid ilcsit'cs inspircil h} (iocihc, Murlois c uiid l’uul \'ulict‘ic. Cultural Commuting: The Osmosis of Ideas Sun IS .lun. I330 5.3iipiii. Join ilii'cctors. \sritcrs uiid purticipunts ior this dchutc uslsmg sshcthcr ihc urtisiic L'Hlllllillllll} cun rccluim. shupc or lcud thc dchutc surrounding glohulisutioii uiid

culturul cschungc.

Diaspora International Theatre Festival: Jackie, or the Submission inc 30 Thu 33 Jun. Spin t’l'hii iiiut 3.3lipnii. i£4i 'l'his uhsiirdist plu_\ h}

Theatre Guide

Thursday 8 Friday 9 Saturday 10 Sunday it Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14

AI‘CIIBS All's Well . . . see Rock 8. Pop see Around Town/Rock "-m— wm— The Ternpest Citizens [WNW 39701) Ounce Schwc .CZ-un: t,‘ (Iii'Si: l r‘. Writ-rs; I ‘s i "' ; is w ;

:1 Gilmorelilll 3

Ramshorn "Vi-"4‘1""BOW? ‘. H x 8'80"; ._2 K ’35" i 5%., I If . H.” : Theatre iioyai ' H a “— " " ' Fimbtes " "ass i

h Tramway Mimi“ -'-1:""N‘:. . M<-"M:, s. .«s . Festival Theatre 5w» BM» 8mm, u « i

u Royal Lyceum s ~ « a Traverse Japan i". Scotia'ifi b ‘i .' Jami"

88 THE LIST 5—22 Jun 2006