
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@| Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 8


Nick Brooks ()ttakar'x. l'nrt h. Buehanan (i.rllelte\. Buehanan Street. ‘5; I500.

(r illprn l-ree ' he (ilaxnegran author lilllllkllt'S hrx xeeontl noxel. 'Ilu' (iom/

I): (ll/l


* Terry Jones Borden nail“. l'ort Retail Park. WU l’rmali \\.tlk. 5‘75 2%”. 7pm. l'ree \n exeluxn e Seottr\h appeararree h} the lorrner .\lont_\ l’}thon ehap. as he launehex lnx new I’V tie in hook Illt' Ii’u/lrrrrlmri

New Writing New Worlds Festival 2006 ( irlrnor'ehrll( i I 2. U l'nner‘xit} .\\enue. Wt 5522. 2. illprn, £5. .'\n e\ertmg oppor'turut} to we eight trexh and original \torkx h} emerging Seottrxli-lxrxed \xr‘rterx and ar'tr~.t\ reahxed on the \tage,


Eva McCracken Bor'der‘x Bookx. [int 2!». l-ort Krnnarrd Retail Park. (r57 JtHI. 2pm. l‘l't't‘. lllt' Hit/king (In H In ¢'/\,' .5“ “live/- lizard/i liar/r III M iii/turd author \\ ill he rnxtore talking ahotrt her hook. the lir'xt l'or' \rheelehair or eleetrre \eooter USL‘l‘\ \\ ho

\r. rxh to euro} the Seottixh eotrttlt'} \rde. Luath Poets Live! The l.lgltllttitt\e.

*2 H 'l he Shore. l.erth. 554 0-105.

Till ‘Hllprn. £3 ll.‘2i. Rttt'} Watxon. .-\la\tarr l'rndla}. .v\ngu\ ('alder. Baxhahr ham and Rah \Vrlxon appear here.

Saturday 1 0


Caroline McDonald ()ttakar'x. l'nit (r. Buehanan (ialleriex. Buehanan Street. 353 1500. Iprn. liree. liiagrioxed aged nrne \\llll a hrarn tumour. Mel)onald\ lite hax heen an}thing htrt or'dinar). Here \he \rgnx eopiex ol her hle \tor}. l Stone m nn Slim:

New Writing New Worlds Festival 2006 (iilrnoreliill(il2. ‘) l'ni\er\it_\

.-\\enue. Kill 5522 Tillprn. £5. See l-‘ri 0.


* Carol Ann Duffy Seoltixh l’oetr) l.ihr‘ar'_\. 5 ('rrehtou'x ('Ime. ('anongate. 557 2S7!» 2 30pm. LES t£5l. .\ reading h_\ the “inner ol the TS liliot l’ri/e lot l’oetr}.


Stewart Hamilton lllaekuellx. 5} 5‘) South Bridge. (r22 S222. (rpm. l‘ir‘ee. Hamilton readx l'rom hix (il't’t‘t/ untl (it"[trtl'rlli' I'tilllll‘t'.‘ [.('\\HII\ [rum Revert! [hunk/w.

The School oi Poets Seottixlt l’oetr‘} l.ihrar'}. 5 (’rrehton'x (‘|o\e. ('anongate. 557 2x70. 7..‘~llprn. Month!) norkxhop-twe poetl’} \L‘\\Iolt.

Wednesday 14


Matthew Pitt Border'x Bookx. lion Retail Park. .Wll l’rman \Valk. 773 2"“). 1.5l’l‘ln. l-‘ree. 'l‘he eharixmatre Seotx pm‘t/author return\ \\ith “(It‘ll/(W. Bani/ion and Hum-x.


Dominic Miéville Borderx Bookx. l'nrt 2h. l’ort Kinnaird Retail Park. (‘57 «llHl. 2prn. l‘ree. ('ome and meet the ehildren'x author ax he reads from and \ignx eopiex ot' hi~ latext ad\enture. Barrie/inter Horne and the Silt I't‘t/ (ill. .-\gL‘\ 3+.


* James Robertson \Vaterstone‘s.

I53 157 Sauehiehall Street. 332 *)|()5. (rfitlprn. £3. The author talkx ux though his

rte“ hook Hit It \Irum III of (mi: on Win - Set“ lL'\ te'w

Battle of the Books llillhead l thrar‘}. US B}re\ Road. ‘Mo W2" *Hprn lree \lernherx ol (ila~go\\ I rhr‘arre\' hook group erreurt hattle ll out to tind the hext hook ot the )ear


Jasper Ftorrde “art-None \. l2\ l’lllleg'S Street. 22h 2hhh h illprn L“

The e\-lloll_\\xmrd tilrrr e\eeutr\ e and hextxellmg author readx trom nen

no\ el Hri' lorur/r Him


* Unpublished Writers Jam Session 'l'ra\er\e 'l‘heatre. (‘arnhrrdge Street. 22‘S Niki, l’rt _\our \Kttl'tlS agarnxt thoxe ol otlter unpuhhxhed authorx helor‘e an e\pert panel. and run a hottle ol \\lll\k} and the opportunrt} to haxe _\our lull rnanuxtrrpt read h) a pr'otexxronal literar} agent [tin or [In lh'lml .‘llllllllfl l'i'xtntn',


* Debut Authors Festival '1 ran-m- 'l'heatre. (’arnhr‘rdge Street. 22S Hm Among thoxe taking part in loda} \ dehx textual are otrr \er'} oun l)oug Johnxtone. evl-mr editor Rrehar'd Benwn and Jane llarrix. author ot 'Ilii' ()lm'rtutrmn. See prex It“. page .ill and :_'U [U dehutauthtrrxlextnaleouk tor lull programme (it‘ltlllS

Sunday 18


Collective Bargaining (ialler) ot Modern Art. Roxal li\ehange Square. 22‘) WW». 2pm. Interaetn e poetr‘} reading \\ here the andienee ehooxex the poem\ that Jim lltrghex Rim ena .\i l.0\ e. Miehael Malone and Sheila 'l‘ernpleton are per'l‘orrning.


* Debut Authors Festival 'l'rarerxe 'l‘heatre. ('amhridge Street. 22S 1404.

The linal hurrah l‘or thix _\ear\ e\eul rneludex appearaneex l'rorn John Bennett. .»\|iee (ireenua) \xith Riehard llolloua} doing \orne ehairing and l’enguin'x Jud} .\lou oll'ering ad\ iee on getting that torrre puhlixhed. See lor lull programme detailx.

Author’s Talk: Wendy Moore (‘ru .-\r't ('entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) “Ni. 2pm. l‘ree. Moore tellx the laxeinating tale ol lSth eentur} \nrgeon and anatolttixl John Hunter. the \uhleet ol‘ HM' Kiri/e .lliur: Ir’liml. "(HIM Snare/tine and [lil' Birth of .lIot/i'rn Surge/“i.

Wednesday 21


Midsummer Night Tales (ilaxgtm (ireen. (ireerrd_\ ke Street. (LS—'1 2le W41).

l 1.45pm lain. l-‘ree. Midnight lll}ll1\. legends and \toriex. eelehrating the Summer Solxtiee \\ tilt the l'eder'ation til? \Vrrterx tSeotlandr nith pri/ex tor the hext tale ahout the Shakexpearean idea ol' animal tr'anxt'orrnation. Meet at the l)oulton l-‘ountarn.


Quintin Jardine The ('axex. \rtltlr} Street South. 55(r3ll34. 7pm. £4. The prolilie Seottixh errme nox ellrxt launehe\ late\t hook Dead and Burn-(l.

Glasgow Quintin Jardine \\'.rter~torre\. 153 I57 Sauehiehall Street. 55tr3ll.‘~4. (r..‘~llprn. £3. See “Cd 2 l


Angus Konstam BlitL‘k\\L‘ll\. 53 5‘) South Bridge. h22 S222. (rpm. l-‘ree. We‘re not sure \\ hat the teehnieal terrn tor a pirate e\pen ix t’piratologixt' perhapxr. hut Kortxtarn ix one. His nen hook Ii’ltrt A/Ji'un/ e\arnrne~ the latext hixtor'ieal and arehaeologieal rexeareh \urrounding .-\rneriea\ rnoxt notoriou~ example.

Comics viiia'ib'u's 52 weeks 1—3

I 0..

k)!frl :;/\ tit" v ttllrl A. [1‘ i' .' I'i‘r ' ._in»"‘ ti‘ tit i.” "l o N r'

(‘lfj‘ i3 ITS V'iT‘r :i'Uz' rnassyi: [)(Z l,'ll..r,'"\z‘ erri‘mrflfl rm-r‘f lrnr‘hratzi ill?» tar ; rr‘tf. rnaeh (grin. “"artar‘tr-r lr. the: DC (.a'rr‘xnrl, Marxivtrt lllllltifi our “low (,()lYlt)it:><. DC ‘raxi’: 'lllthsta’l a .'.’l'«)it: ,r-a' 'r‘ continuity frurrr llltfll current rnrrrttnh 11th:: literati: Yllé: Ont,- \r’rrar latur branding; ant |()£t(i‘» ni launch Tiff-1; sireh at. am Hm We» and S/x'rrro.'.na< and 5:.” hilt; thew: gaps. sat; at Itlt; wit <;\.t:r‘,tnin:; .'.:l rnalw f;::ll5)(:_

Goat? Jflllllfs, Oral" Morrison. Grog; Hr: m: and Mark \'.*a.rl ‘rartrla: tho ‘.'.’lliillr} “faith”; sat!" a selection (ll grrfltifti (ll‘ 'nanzl irrrngz'rgr ‘3 all t: gaudy llit’f. Batman. Superman and \.‘."r,rrrlr:r \‘Jornan arr; 'l‘.25~‘;lllt} arzri the -.'.’)r‘rt s. tatr:r rr-{JI'lr from the;- ( ata(;'.f,r'rv oztdltt‘ a? "1hr: tr: Ursa; int: focus; falls; (/1 sorta: ot Illé: or part (:nar'ar’neru rta‘r'rrrr 1.". the DO). sumo as; Eiurgatul Ma". Buster Gold and Black Adam. grrrng a persona: titflispéflm‘J: 1x a ‘llflllgil tragedy.

It's a tlror’krrrtn, ntrrgirirrg. {Iflltéillb over“, own plinat‘flr. Concept. t,t.t (rifles. .t .'.()YK’:7\.'.(31Lpitiilll‘fjfl‘fis prfllect tj. trrr; frat three: weeks. rt doesn't f;..!t€: na'rr: Paganini 7":;rr; a“: to:; man, f‘!‘.rit'£i”;!‘:t‘) getting; oril, a ’39:. panes eaor‘. But perhaps that's apfav: ,ot. crowds". r»:;«.ie.'.r a turn based on the first true minutes. AS a what;


The Steel Claw: The Vanishing Man

SETH Wimbledon Green

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, 2’} , .' 273', THE LIST 33