

Last chance to see this measured, graceful and intelligent biopic of Truman Capote, and dramatisation of the events that led to the creation of his one true masterpiece In Cold Blood. Philip Seymour Hoffman is astounding as the peevish shrill-voiced writer; Catherine

Keener (as Harper Lee), Clifton Collins Jr (as murderer Perry Smith) and Chris Cooper (as beleaguered DCl Alwin Dewey) manage to hold their own

and not be acted off the screen.

I 11/111/111030. F: 111111011111 110111 PH 80‘ ~ 11.41111 L’F? [11111.

When a Stranger Calls I 1S1

111 Wed: .\'.40.

The Wild Ii'1

1)ui|}: 1.30. 5.50. 0.10.

X-Men: The last Stand I 12.-\1

D1111}: n00n. 1.00. 2.50. 5.30. 5.00. (1.00. 730. 3.30.

Scotsman Screening Room

Se0ixinun 110ie1. 20 .\'01'i11 11110120022 20‘)”. £8.50 101‘ £311 ine e0ekiuil und 1110— L‘iilll‘SL‘ 111eu| uI \'e1‘111i|1011e0111111e11e111g ui 0111111.


The Shawshank Redemption I 1S1 3.00.

SUNDAY .1 JUN Pulp Fiction I I.\‘1 8.00.

We Edinburgh

(1111111. (ireenxide 1’1uee. 11110 line 03212 240240. .-\11011\: £0.30 I£5.25 .\1011 1’11 1‘L‘101'L‘ Spill). 1111 1.;llL‘ Iiekeix £5. (‘111lili'en/Siiiilenix/l ).-\1’: £4.30 I£4 M011 1"1‘1 11e1'0i'e 5111111. 1111101) liekei: £10.40I£15.I\'0 .\1011 1'11 11e1‘01‘e 5111111. (101I1(‘1u\\11e1\ei\ 1010\e1' IS\ 0111}: £8.05 (£2.05 .\1011 1‘11 11el'01‘e 51‘1111.

mLfiSDAY '25.

Brick (Gold Class) I ISI “.40.

Confetti (Gold Class)IIS1 2.20. 4.40. The DaVinciCodeII2.-\1 I2..‘~0. 1.00 1.30. 2.00. 4.00. 4.30. S00. S30. 7.30. 8.00. 3.30. 41.00.

The Da Vinci Code (Gold Class) I l2.»\1 1.00. 4.30. 3.00.

MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2.-\I

12.15. 3.30. 0.20. 9.30.

M:l:3: Mission Impossible 111 (Gold Class)II2..\1 2.SI1. S.4S. MS. PrimeII2.-\1 2.10. 4.50. ".SI1. X-Men: The Last Stand I I2.\1 1111011. I2.4S. I.IS. 2.30. AIS. 3.4S. SIS. (1.00. (1.30. S15. .\‘.4S. i1.IS. FRIDAY 2(171'1IUPSDAY 1

Curious George III

1)ui1}: 1.50. 4.10.

.-\|\0111uii11ee Sui & S011: 11.301101. The Da Vinci Code I I2.-\1

111111}: 12.15. 1.00. 1.30. ‘45. 4.30. S00. 7.30. 3.00, 3.30, .-\1\0111uIii1ee 1‘1‘i & Sui: 10.01 111111. .I\1\0 1uie 1'11 & Sui: 11.15.

The Da Vinci Code (Gold Class) I I2.\1 I)ui|_\: 1.00. 4.30. 300.

Friends with Money (Gold Class) I 1S1 1)uil_\: 1.20. 3.40. 0.10. 3.45.

The King (Gold Class) I ISI

1‘11 \VL‘iiI 2.511. 5.111. 553111.

MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2.-\1 1)uil_\: 1.40 Ik 4.451110i'1‘11111. 7.45. .-\1\0111uiinee Sui & S1111: 10.451011. .I\|\01uie 1511 & Sui: 10.45.

Poseidon I I2.-\1

11111: 1.40. 4.20. “.00. 3.4S. Poseidon (Gold Class) I 12.0

11111: 110011. 2.30. 5.10. ".40.

Prime I I2.-\»

Duil): 0.30. 0.15.

.-\|\0 luie 1‘1'1 Ik Sui: 11.45.

The Wild I11

111 Wed: 2.00. 4.20. (1.40.

11111: 12.40. 3.00, SIS .-\1\0111uiinee Sui Ik Sun: 1 1.4511111.

x-Men: The Last Stand I I 2.-\ 1

1)ui1_\: 110011. 12.45. 1.15. 2.45. 3.30.

4.00. 5.30. (1.1.5. 0.511. 11.30.

.-\1~0 n1uiii1ee Sui & Sun: 10.30.1111. .-\1\01uie 1'1'1 & Sui: 11.00. 11.40.

.\'.1S. 01111

We Edinburgh Ocean

()eeun '1e1‘111i11ul. ()eeun 1)I'I\e. 1.e1l11. 0131 55.211-1111..'\l11111:{(1.51111‘C1U1'k' 511111£5251.('1111111111111e1' 151: £4. 10 111e101'e 511111 £1051. SinIleni/(1.\|" £4. 10 I11e101e 5pm £41. 1'un111} liekei: £10.40 I11el01‘e 511111 £15.S01. K1I1\ ('11111: £2 II111e uee0111pun} 111;; ;111011 ;_'I1e\ lI‘eeI.

111111381 DAL." .

Confetti I ISI =40. 3.10 TheDaVinciCodeII2.\1 1230. HS. 2.00. 2.4S. 4.00. 4.45. 5.111. (115. “.10. S15. 11.00. 0.45. 11.00. II.4S. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I i‘ 1 I240. 2S0.

MI:3: Mission impossible III I I2.\. 1101111. S1111. 51111. 0110. S1111, i115. 11.1S.

PrimeII2.v\1 I2.SI1. 1.20. SSO. Mn. WaitingIISI 2.30. SIS. ".4S. 1015. When a Stranger Calls I ISI I20. (1.20. X-Men: The Last Stand I I2.-\I 12.10. 1.00. 1.30. HIS. SSS. 4.0S. S40. 0.10. 0.40. 8.15. S45. 0.15. 10.50. 11.20. 11.50.

FPIUAY 11109511111 I

Confetti I 151

1);111_\: 0.30.

Curious George III

Hull}: 1.20. 3.50. (1.20. .'\1\I1Iii;iliiiee Sui & Sun: 11 10.1111. The Da Vinci Code I I2.-\1

0.111}: 1.1S. 2.00. 2.30. 4.00. 4.4S. 5.311, (1,1111. “(311. S111. 0,1111. 9.311. .-\1~0111uii11ee Sui & S1111; 0.4511111. 10.30uni. 11.00.1111. 12.30. .'\1\111111L‘ 111 I& Sui: I I00.

Eight Below 11’( ii

\luiinee Sui IK; S1111: 10.001101.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Ii 1

11‘! “0112 1.111. 1.211. .'\1\11111;11111L‘L'S;11 1k S1111. 10.50uin MI:3: Mission Impossible III I l2:\1 11.111}: 1.50. 5.00. H.011. .'\1\l1111111111L'k' Sui 1); Sun: 1040:1111 .\1\I11;11e 1‘I’I 1k Sui: 11.10. Poseidon I 12.0

'1110: 2.10. 5.20. 5' 50. 010 Prime I 12.\I

111111}: 8.40

The Producers (Senior Screening) I 12.41 .\1ulIIIee\\ei1. 11.10.1111.

The Thief Lord I1’(11

111111}: 1.40. 4.20. 7.00. .I\1\0111uiinee Sui & S1111. 1 1211:1111. Waiting I iSI

1-1‘1 \‘x'eilz 0.10.

When a Stranger Calls I 1S1 1.;11e1‘1'11k Sui: 11.15.

The (1'1

Hull}; 2.20. 4.30. (150.

Mm 111ui111ee Sui Ik S1111: 110011. X-Men: The Last Stand I 12.41

1)uil\: 1.00. 1.30. 3.05. 3.35. 405. S40: (1.10. (1.40. HIS. S45. i).IS. .'\1\i1111111111L‘CS&11(k S011: 10.00uin. 102511111. 11.00un1. 12.25. .‘\1\l11111L‘1‘121(\: Sui: 10.50. 11.20.

I I.SI1.

1141111110r11I1e11 Lecture '1‘11euire. .\'uii011ul (iullei') I11 Se0ilunil. '1'11e 31001111. 0131 024 0200. '1'1e1xeix ure u\uilul11e 111 perwn 110111 111e\\'e\i0i1 1.1111\ 111l0r111uii011 Dexk 0r 111 uI1\unee 1r0n1 0131 024 0500 heiueen 9.3011111 4.30111 M011 1“ri. £4 11,51.


Collective Gallery: Artists’ Film Screening Event (1.00.

.' 1; THE LIST 57

./ 1 ~". 1