Hap/II 2i.—.’I-I!JP»SDW '
Brick I 15) 1.. Wm, 855. Curious George Ii'.
1);Iil}' llllllum. 1 15. 335. 5 35 The Da Vinci Code I I2.\.
1).I11\ 1100.00. IIIIIIII. 1345. I 30. 3,30: 430. 415. 500. 540. "(III
745. 8 30. 000
.'\1\il lulu 111 .& Sul' 10 30. 11 10 Friends with Money I I5I
1)uI1}‘ 1 30. 345. 555. 1315. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I i l I);II1}: 11.10.00.
The King I i5. Hull}: 13 50. .*\1\ll lulu l‘l’l Ik Sui. Madagascar ll ‘. .\1uIIiqu Sui. 10.00.00.
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 13.\I
I30 (.10. 8 40. 11.20.
1)..I1}: 13.30. 3.30. 0.15. ‘105. Poseidon I 13.'\l
1110 1100.00. 1.05. 3.10. 5.15. 7.30. 8.30. ‘135
1)uI1\: 11.30uiII IN 4.10IIIIII 111111. 8.50.
Shrek 2 il'I .\1uIIIqu Sui: Waiting I I5.
1‘I‘I \‘l'uIl: 1.50. 0.40. .\1\()1311L‘l‘1'|(k Sui: 11,311. The Wild il'I
lluil}: 11.10uIII. 1.05. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00.
X-Men: The Last Stand I i2.-\I
1)uIl_\: 11.15uIII. 13.10. 1.00. 1.45. 2.40. 330. 4.15. 5.I0. (.00. (.45. 7.40. S30. 11.15. .‘\1\U lulu 1'1'1(\ Sui: 11.45. Zathura ll’(Il Muiinuu Sul:
18 .\'u\\huii1u 'I'uI‘I'uuu. 0131 447 477 I. 1010: 0131 447 3(I(I0um1447 8450. ('(' IIIIIIkIIIg: 0131 447 4771. :\I1II1I: SIuIIIlui'Il £5.70. SupuI‘IIII' £(I.(I0. ('IIIuIIIu 3/4 £(I.(.0. llulIIi'u (IpIII. .\lIIn—1"I'I: SiuIIIIuI‘Il £4.70, SIIpurIIII‘ £4.00. ('Inuiiiu 3/4 £5.00. (‘(lllL'L'\\1(111\/(llllltll‘L'lli Sluliilulll £4.30. SIiPuI'IIII~ £5.00. (‘IIIunIu 3/4 £4.30. l’ullmumz .-\l'iuI‘IIIIIIII £0310. 1i\uIIIIIg
£1 1.50. SIIl'ux/Ruulinurx: .I\l‘iuI'IIIIIIII: £7.50.1i\uning £13.50. ('Iiiumu 3 SIIl'uxz .I\1'iuI'IIIIIIn £7.50. 1i\uIIIIIg2 £8.50. SIuIIunix (Sun-11110 £4_(IilIIIuIIII1u\u drink. 15.0011) Iiukuix 0001 £3.40 puI‘ pui'xIIn.
10.00. 11.011
10.01 1:00.
THU, 88 DAY .25
ConiettlIi5I 5.20. 8.30.
The DaVincICodeII2.I\I 3.30. 7.50. MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 13:\l 4.25. 7.15.
X-Men: The Last Stand I i2..\I 4.40.
The Da Vinci Code I I2.-\I
1)uil_\: 3.30. 7.50.
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I 2.-\I 1);.11}: 4.10. 7.00.
.'\1\Il IIIuiInuu Sui & Sun: 1.30. The Squid and the Whale I I5I 1)uil_\: 5.00. 055. 8.50. .'\1\0111111111L‘L‘ 1~'I‘I Sun: 3.45. X-Men: The Last Stand I i 2.~\ I Hull}: 4.40. 7.15.
:\1\0111'.11111L‘L‘ 1'11 Sun: 3.15. X-Men 3 (Parent and Baby Screening) I 13A)
.\luiinuu 1'11: 0000.
88 1.0ihiun R0uI1.0131 338 3688. Bur. Ruxiuuruni. .\1uin mulling \uruuningx: [5.901134501. liurl} 1i\uning \uruunings 4pm 7pm: £5.30 (£3.70). Muiinuuxz £4.00 (£3.50); I‘I‘idm hurguin muiincuxz £3.00 (£1.70). '
THURSDAY 25 MAY 1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes)
(15) 3.30. 5.55. 8.30.
56 THE LIST .35 kin—:3 June 3013:?
2. Time to Leave (Le Temps Dui Reste) I18. 3llll_ ‘lllll
Favela Risinin2.\I <00. "00
3. The MagicianIi5I 330. 815 BBShI13\I (I15
1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) 115I2311.(I1l(1_ 835
2. Cockles 8 Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I 15. 300. 8.25
Our Hospitality II I I. I 5
3. Good Night, and Good Luck 0% “I. 330 0.00.
Capote I I5. (.30
53.31 l I'HDAI/ 1‘ " MAY
1. Edward Said: The Last Interview i1’(iI 3. 30.
Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) il5I (I00. 8, {S
2. It’s Not Fair (Non e’guisto) I i2.\. 300.
Our Hospitality I i ‘I 4.15.
Cookies 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I i5. (..i5. 8 25.
3. My Own Private Idaho I 18I 3.i5. Capote I i5I I. 30.
Good Night, and Good Luck II’( ‘II 0.00.
1. Capote (Subtitled) I i5I 2.30. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) I15I (I00. 8.35.
2. Cookies 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) 1 i5. 3.00. I». I 5. Steamboat BIII Junior 11') 8.30.
3. Lite Blood (Sangue vlvo) I I5I 200. Good Night, and Good Luck ll’( ll 4. I 5. (I311.
War Photographer I I5I 8.45.
MONDAY 2*.) MAY 1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes)
I15I 3.30. 8.35.
Capote I I5. (.00.
2. Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I i5I 3.00. 8.35.
3. Good Night, and Good Luck (Parent 8. Baby Screening) II’( I) i0.30;..... Good Night, and Good Luck 11’(Il 3.30.
My Brother in Law (Mio Cognato) I13.-\I (.30.
Joumallsts (Les Diseurs de Verite) (I5I 8.40.
1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) I I5I 2.30. (.00. 8.35.
2. Steamboat Bill Junior Ii‘I 3.00. Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I i5I (. I 5. 8.35.
3. Tony Takitani (II 3.30. (.00.
Jung (War) In the Land of the Mulaheddln I I5I 8.00.
1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) I I5I 2.30. (.00. 8.35.
2. Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I I5I 3.00. 8.35. COIIOQO (1' I 0.15.
3. Tony Takitani Ii‘I 3.30. 5.30. 0.00.
1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes) I i5I 2.30. (.00. 8.35.
2. College Il'I 3.45.
Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquiliages) I I5I (..I5. 8.25.
3.TonyTakitanlIi'I 3.30. 5.30. 7.|5. 0.00.
1.36II5I 2.30. (.00. 8_4(l.
2. Wah-Wah I I5I 2.00. 4.I5. (.30. 8.45.
3. Ballet Russes I i2.-\I 3.00. 8.30. Glastonbury I I5I 5.40.
1.36II5I 2.30. (.00. 8.40.
2. Wah-WahII5I 1.45. (.30. 8.45. Three-step Dancing (Ballo a tre passi) (15) 4.00.
3. Ballet Russes I I2.-\I GlastonburyIi5I 8.30.
1.00. 5.45.
1.The Little Polar BearIi I i00 36.15. 3i)”. (.114). \41) 2. Wah-WahIi5I I 30. I. 30. 845 The Destination (La Destinazione) I i5I :.;<
3. Ballet Russes I I2 \I Glastonbury I I5I 8 30
3llll_ 5 45
1.The Little Polar BearIi'I i0 30.... 3611.5I331l‘h1lll 8.10 2.Wah-WahIi5I 300. 415. 845 Shoot FITSIII5I (I45
3. GlastonburyIi5I 3IIII I’mlIotScaredIi2.\I (I10.
Ballet Russein2\I S 30
ME 8: I .I'
1.36I15I 230 (.00. 840
2. Wah-WahIi5I 2.00. 4 i5. I» 30. 8.45
3. Ballet Russein2.\I GlastonburyIi5I S 20
3111). 5 411
111.1)N1I31M' '1)“;
1. 36I15I 3 30. 840
Stevenson College Shorts I I5. I. IIII 2. Wah-WahIi5I 2.00. 4 I5. (I 30. 845 3. Ballet Russes I I2.-\I 3.00 8 30 GlastonburyIi5I 5.40. 1'111113S11I‘I‘I/ .Ji JN
1.36II5I 230 (.00. 8.40
2. Wah-WahII5I 2.00. 4 I5. (.30. 8.45.
3. Ballet Russein2.\I I00. 015.
Make a World of Difference lilit‘l 4I II 1. Cinema Dada I I5. 000.
North Edinburgh Arts Centre
15u l’uIIII}\\u|1 ('IIIIi'i. 0131 315 3151. £3.50I£3.50I.
lIiUHSDAY 8 JUN Adelante Muchachas I I’( I. “I II I.
Ddeon Fort Kinnalrd
KIIIIIuII'Ii 1’;II'k. \uuuruigliull RIIuI1. 0131 (IN) 0777. 11110 .8 130010032: 0871 33 44 007. £5.70I£4.701Iul'III'u 5pIIII. (.111lill'L‘ii/Sl111161118“).’\1)\I £4.30.
Tl 1U71'3SDAYV 25>
The Da VincICodeIi2.-\I 1.00. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. 7.00. 8.00. 000. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Ii'I i.40. 4.10. (I30.
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I 2.\ I 2. III. 3.I0. 5.10. (..I0. 8.10. 11.10. PrimeIi2.\I 2.30. 5.00. “.50.
She's the Manll3.v\l 3.00. 5.40, 8.20. 36 China Town I I2.-\I 8.30. WaitingII5I 1.30. 3.50. (.15. 8.50. When a Stranger Calls I I5I 1.10. 3.40. (.00. 8.40.
x-Men: The Last Stand I i2.\I I .20.
.50. 3.00. 4.00. 4.40. 5.40. (.40. ".30. 8.30. 0.15.
F81 DAY. 2324131le BSD/3X- 1 Chicken Little Ii'I Muiinuu Sui .& Sun: Curious George 0'. Hull}: 3.10. 4.30. (I.30. .'\l\il IIIuiIIqu Sui .& Sun: The Da Vinci Code I 13:\l Hull}: 1.00. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. 7.00. 8.00. 000.
.-\1\(1 IIIuIIIqu Sui (k Sim: Fanaa lllk‘ I
|)uil_\: 1.10. 4.40. 8.10. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Ii'I
1'I‘I \Vud: 1.30. 3.50. (I.10IIIIII 'l'uui. .'\1\0111.11111L'L‘ Sui & Sun: 11.30um. MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2.-\I 1)ui1_\: 3.40. (.30. 9.30.
.'\1\U mulinuu Sui 8; Sun: 13.50. Poseidon I I2.-\I
1110: 3.30. 0.00. 8.30. 9.10.
She’s the Man I 13:\l Dull): 8.40.
The Thief Lord I1’(iI Hull}: 3.10. 5.50. 8.30. .-\1~II Inuiinuu Sui Ik Sun:
Waiting I I5I
111 \\C\1 \311
When a Stranger Calls I 15I
1'11 “.0 ‘1 10
The I1 1
l).II1_\ 3411. 500. 7111 \1\\‘lll.illilL‘u Sui .\ Sun 13 30 X-Men: The Last Stand I 13 \I
1X01} 130. 150. 300. 400. 4 5ll_ 5 40‘ I. 40. 74118311015 \l\l‘111.11111k'k‘\.11 .\ SIIII 11 10.00. 12 20
11.81IIi1IIuII1{II.II1.11131 331 1477 Int.» .IIII1(‘(‘ liIIIIkIIIu 0871 33 44 007 13.” MM“ £5 5111\I'1IIiu 3pm. £0 50uliui SIIIIluiII ()\1’ (1111.1 £4 30
1‘1"W:)1’\‘1 ,
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I i 2 \.
IIIIIIII. 345. 5 30. 8 30
[00, 4 30.
PrimeI12\Ii20.345.I.I5.845 X-Men:The Last StandIi2\I i2 I5. 300. 3.13 8 :0
111113731 .'
The DaVIncICodeII2\I
1X01. 1,15. 4 30, 8 (III,
The Da Vinci Code (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I i2.\I
\luiiiiuu liIu. 111 30.00
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I i I .\1uiIiqu 1'11 “(‘11 1 511
Inside Man I i5.
111 “(‘11 (I llll
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2.-\.
111 \Vud: IIIIIIII. 345. 5 30. 8 30. P0581d0n113'\l
1‘1III: 13,45. 3.45. (I15. ‘100 anell3.'\i
l'l'I \Vud: 3.30. 8.45.
The World’s Fastest Indian (Senior Screening) I i2.\. .\1uIIIqu'1‘iIu: 11.00uIII. X-Men: The Last Stand I i2.-\I \
Dull}: 13.15. 3.00. 5.45. I'
Ddeon Wester iialles
\VL'8I8I11L‘ 1’1u/u. 1311\\u\lui llui1u\ RIIuil. \Vuxiui' lluilux. 0871 3344007 .'\L11111\I £5,70I1'I'I. Sui uIIIl hulIIru 3pm £4.70I. ('1II1I1I‘uII/();\1’/SiiII1uIIi: £4.30. l'uIIIII} iiukui: £15. liui'guiii 1);.) '11qu £3.75 ull \uul\. 1’I‘u-IIIIIIII S111l\\\' £3 75.
11*1UHSDAY 25>
ConfettiIi5I 3.40. 7.50. The Da Vinci Code I l3:\l 4,00 5.00. 7.15. 8,00. Eight Below 11’(Il I00. Ice Age 2:The MeltdownIi'I 1.30. 3.20. 5.30.
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2.-\I 2.40, 5.30. 8.15.
PrimeII2.-\I 3.10. (.05. 8.30
The Shaggy 0090'. I20. WaitingII5I 3.20. (.00. 8.10. When a Stranger Calls I I5. I40. 550.
X-Men: The Last Stand I l3:\l mm... 100. 2.30 3.30. 5.00 (.00. 7,30. 8.30.
1110, 3.011
FBLDA‘LZ C): 1111.4 BSDAY .1 Curious GeorgeIi'I
1)uI|_\I 13.15. 3.10. 0.30.
The Da VinciCodeII2AI
Dull}: 1.00. 2.00. 4.00. 5.00. 7.15. 8.00.
Ice Age 2: The MeltdownIi'I
l'll'l \Vuil: 1.30. 3.30.
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 13A) Hull}: 3.50. 5.30. 8.10. Poseidon I 13A)
11...: I20. 3.20. (._I0. 8.20. Pflmei13.-\I
1);.11}: 4.10. 8.30.
The Shaggy Dog Ii'I
Sluiinuu 1‘rI Sun: 13.50. WaitingII5I
Dull}: 6.1141111111111111. 8.10.