Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Thu 4, Sat 6. Wed 10. Sat 13. Sat 27 May & Thu 1 Jun; Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Wed 14, Fri 16. Thu 22 & Sat 24 Jun

A new production of Don Giovanni heralds a new chapter in the ongoing story Of Scottish Opera. Since Fidelio almost a year ago and a guest appearance at the Edinburgh Festival, the company has restricted its activity to touring, medium scale Opera, orchestral concerts and education work. Scottish Opera‘s past financial troubles are well documented, but the break - or dark period - away from full-scale Opera means it can now start afresh with a clean slate. ‘lt's all systems go,‘ says Roberta Doyle, Director Of External Affairs, ‘and it hasn‘t felt like a dark period. We haven‘t performed at main-scale, but every other area has been firing on all cylinders.”

However the company has managed to sustain momentum, there is a sense of relief at the return to full-scale work, with Don Giovanni closely followed by Carmen. ‘Morale is good,‘ says Doyle, ‘and we‘re happy to be back on the main stage as well as continuing with everything else.‘ With public funding of 27.6 million wrapped in a complex package, but essentially pegged at the same level as the past few years, main-scale productions are limited to four a year in Edinburgh and Glasgow. But, financial stability allowing, Aberdeen and lnverness performances and a rise in the number of productions are on the wish list. posing a major challenge for new General

Director, Alex Reedijk.

While the search continues for a Music Director to replace Sir Richard Armstrong, who stepped down last year, he remains frontrunner to conduct Tim Albery’s new Don Giovanni and Der Rosenkavalier, Opening in October. However, on stage, Armstrong won‘t see the chorus he was used to. “We couldn‘t keep them on the payroll for 365 days, as we clearly don‘t have a requirement for a full-time chorus,‘ says Doyle. ‘We also made a number Of redundancies to cut our overheads including technicians and backstage people, like props and costume makers. I think Scotland is the poorer for the

loss Of these specialists.‘

As the company moves on with new-found confidence backed by new sponsor Deloitte, a determination to perform is tO the fore. ‘That’s what the future has got to hold' says Doyle, ‘whether it’s education workshops, La Boheme in Clydebank on a wet Monday night or the spectacle of main-scale, performing is what we are about.‘ (Carol Main)

’l‘ht‘ It'nmx Ht'ti litlIIIhIII‘gIIvlxixctl cmnpmci' talk about Ill\ \\oi‘k. lmlh .i\ an IIIlt‘I'IIalIonall) lauded unnpmci .lllti ax .I plonu‘r ul lllL‘ ll\t‘ ul‘ lllll\lL‘ III thump} and rehabilitation lni' clIIltl

\ lL‘lllll\ Hi, (\\lllllt'l.

I Music for Malawi Rmmlmrn Hit‘tlil'k‘. US Ingram SII‘t‘cl. 553 HR”. 4.45-(ipm. 'l‘lIc SII';Il|It‘l}tlt' l'IIIwI‘xil} Harnquc linxcml‘lc pla} Bach. \'I\.Iltli and 'l‘clcmann. plux \clt‘cliunx lmm .II-xux (‘lII'IxI Sir/whit” and l.¢ \ .i/l\II'I1/’/(\ cqu‘It'x} ol‘ the l‘IIIwI'xII} (‘hm'ux Donatiom In lhc .\l;Il;I\\i \Iillcnnium Pl'Itlt‘L‘l \\ CICUIHC.

I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni Unwrapped “Null? Rina]. IQ Hupt‘ SII‘ch. 332 llllllll. 0pm. l-‘I'cc hut tickclctl. -'\ PCL‘R hchind th‘ \(L‘llc\ Hi St‘nllhh ()pcra'x production at \ln/ai'l'x MIC of thc \candaloux Don Juan.

Saturday 6


I RSAMD Youthworks Music Percussion Extravaganza l<.\..\\ll ). Illll Rt'IIlImx \lIt't'l. 333 5H5". i, illpm I'I'ct'. lit‘kt'lctl. l «inking; luI mint-[lung .1 Milk Iv“ l'llll ul lht‘ IIIIIl ’(‘niiit' along [ll lilh upl‘ml t‘oIIt‘t‘Il pt'I lmmul l\_\ charmnalit‘ )0llllf.‘ [‘L'l't‘ll\\ltllll\l\.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music Chamber Music Concert RS \\ll ). lllll Rt'nlicu Slim-l. 1“: 505" -lpm, I-I‘cc. lickt‘lml. Itailui'mg ginupx lIoIII .l \.lllL‘I_\ ol chamhu IIIIIxIt' dt'll‘» lilL'\ hL”iti mt‘h Satuitla} at tho -\(.Itlt‘lll}

I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni [Gilt‘tlllc i\’\\_\.l|. “UPC 5llt‘t'l. ii: ‘lllilll, ‘.l5pm. infill-:55. \L't' lliu l

I Rinaldo \cxx \liicimt'IIIII Hit-n.qu RS \\ll). lllil Ix’cnltcv. \"IIt-t-I. “3 5‘5" ". 15pm L l h l L' l 2‘ Sut- lhu A;

(V “"I\ ' l «l

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra

‘Juct‘nk ii.::..( It'ii. \Iict-l. N“ 3"”

ii‘T'. L" *I' 1‘ .‘..I!.:’x1v.i..”:.“ l‘.x" wt 1:"; \t (M zit-u. Lulu}; \\‘Il\'\ Il‘:~ “.cizla‘fi.‘ it'.'.\7 I»: lit;:zii.;,'xi..:t:.~:i1:4.uti.'\.::‘ Emu: wt 1mm. Ill», .zlllil'.l'.lI‘I‘I\ uni :‘ut‘tzx

in. lutlxli: lwlin ( iizciwn'x t i.l\\l\ ‘1‘! lm tlutuii‘iunlait \ ll... \\lli‘. \chc I'\\ \\ H \mlw. .zzitl chmnan iillll‘t'l‘. Vladimir Ashkenazy and the

Philharmonia Orchestra l \Im Haii lulluan Road. :3\ ll“ L ;< \t‘t' Hlll -1

Glasgosx I BBC SSO Chamber Series:

Greenmarket Square ( 'iix Hallx ()intllt'II-SLN. 141 \llllll {pm g“ ,1;

" Winn Ll‘ ‘WI

I l‘iillt'ti l\_\ \IIIIIj: l‘l.;‘~t‘l\ linzii llIt' HM" \\l ). Ilnx Ht'\‘- IlliJlik'l I‘Ht'l\ .lll m In lit ill\lHll til \Hlllil \t[l\k1lllxllklllllt‘l\kltill1‘llk llmillli'lh Iiiixt'il \\ Illi ( if. In} .lllti ( 'cllit I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: The Night Mail, the Sultan and the Devil's Violin ( ~Il‘. Hallx, ( LIIIillt'Ilugx ii i Mlllll ipIII t‘l-SH : Li Mimi} Nth-l 135' St't‘ \II it

Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia Orchestra RH}.II ('nIIt’t'Il Hall. 3 Sam Illt'hdli \Iit't'l. 5‘ MNHI z[VIII LlR 9,2; lullnmng' iilt'll [It-Iliiiiimnpt' tuiilit'I lll llic \\ct‘k. llit' \t'it'ldil l‘l.llll\l .lllti t'niitlut [Ill jguitlt'x llit' l’hilhaiiiiunia lll .i \l‘k'k I.Il Ilialmt-t' pci’loinmnt'c ul It‘haikm \k\ K /\‘. 'IIII H mm." .IH/Ii I ()'.I IIJIII Shinlakm lk il'\ ( «in! (um I IIU \u / .IIItl \Ilwllux‘x Iii/1min \ [Mug/ill! .Ilhl .\\n:;n'iui:\ \w ' I The Glasgow Lyric Choir RB \\ll ). lllll Rt'nlit'u Sle. “3 41H“ L 1“. \im Ill .1\ <(all) \meI Mir \\\-\1 I mi \‘illlll It'luinx In [ilk‘ R\ \\ll) v. Illi \It'w HIIt‘lI uvIItlIIt‘IIII; .I pt-Ilniiimntt' ml .|\ Hath'x Hi; [MIMI l.‘ /)/l. (ii!!! ( tartan; \HQ‘I .IIIII \io/al'l'x \I/xm \IH/l HI/ll\ ml \IIHHI.

N. illpm


I Scottish Sinfonia I ilt'_\ llI.II\ lx'nk. (ilL'_\lll.ll\ I’lau‘. “(lb :lll‘) ~ IL" [at ihC lllll \lioiig \IIIlnIIIa wit‘lit'\li.i pt'IluI’III Hiuckm‘l'x \x/ii/i/ium \u " !I.'/

Hill”) LU

3ans (:3;

I Glasgow Orchestral Society Panic} l‘mxii Hall. \Nw) ('lmc. "~33 "5-1,".illpn1 L5 I t5 I. \lait'u lx’uiimnn puntlut‘lx .I [‘t'l'itllllldlltt‘ ul Shmlakm It‘li'x ll \Hm/ (“I Him . l l;'.II\ .\( i: I’m lsm \. it‘.llllllll_‘._' \Itlilhl \ll\Hll Hailun. .Hlti 'lt‘IMIkm \k} \ MIN/Iii: in". \u I).

I’IiI/n [It/HI

Tuesday 9


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Rannhnm 'l llt'Jllt‘. ‘l.\ lnumm Slit'cl. “I {15” l :Plll L: \ U‘llt't'H Hi \l'lt‘ .lllii t‘ll‘t'llli‘lk' \limg Inuxit' h} \illtit‘lll\ llHlll

lht' |{.\.\.\H)

Wednesday 1 0


I The Merchant Voices ( in Hallx (fliiitllciigfgx. ‘VMNNl "pm ilt'k' \t't' \\L‘ti :

I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni HlL‘AIIL‘ RQMII. “UPC \llt'cl. {1: WM” —,l.;[‘lll. {USU L55 Sct- Hm 4,

Thursday 1 1


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thoroughly Modern Music ('Il} Hallx. (lintllciiggx. ‘5 1 NM“ \pm. :13 I L—l- .Lulaimxiii; lit-t- IIIIpI'i~\I\.ilIm1.Intlt'wItlt-Iilpniai} tiaxmal. iilh {I‘Hdhillallilll lwmccn H.Il1\HH\H\. [ilL' BBC SST l. lll.:\IL'l lit-igihwnnm iltitilk' i’ltxml .Hlti Inuxit'mnx IlHll! .\.\l.\i Inglutlcx \\«‘l"n\ l\_\ Sgt-la. _l.:llit'\ it'llllc} .mtl \.:It'w.

Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia Orchestra

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(>10 l‘iLlil.

I Classical Guitar Concert lilt' (ilaxguv. \Il ( 'IIIlI. l\* Halil \lit't'l. “I ll (Ilh 3 i ii Rpm t Ill i LXI \llall \mxt- Pt'lilllllh .l pingiaiiinit- ul llllt‘ \‘n'lim it} \nmpwh Intlutlm: I .llllI'. 'lakcimlxu. \ui .lllti Ulilt‘l\

Edml’wrgh I Rinaldo l mlixal lilL'IlHk'. l 3‘! \It'olwn Shawl. ‘3‘) (Will " Ifl‘lll f, I: £3" \t't' Hm 4

Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart’s Requiem l \l;;-: Hill, lwlllIaII Kiwi. 33X ll;< " illpm L3 L: ‘5” llik' \( 'f ) him: then \t'dvlll .lllli lilL‘ll \ln/ail I‘lllh .iIIIIIkt-Ixaij. LL'lt‘i‘lallth lH .. Pk‘li‘ll'llldlltt' nl 'hc [VII/[(117)]. t‘nudutlul h} Inn-pin! nil llit' i‘.llf_'ll\il ('unt't-II. .\HtilL’\\ \1dll/t'

\ [I my ’t‘. [Ill .1

' :.. ' THE LIST 85