
I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh 'l liomax \lorton llall. l'etr} Road. l.e:th. ‘1‘?

5 Vet .Spm. LS-tht See l‘lt 3S.

Saturday 6


I Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra l<o\al (‘orteett llall. Sauehrehall Street. Ni Stttlll ". *tlprn t I“. lhe orehextra‘x llSth annual torreert. 'l he} pettorm a \\rde range ot Seotttxh ntuxre me trdrrrg tttattltex. \lt.rllt\[tt'}\. teelx and \\itll/k'\


I Absolutely Legless St ltridex (‘errtre.()r\\ell lerraee 5 ill pm. LUS (Uri 'l telxt'h (ti: i~10. St‘ttllhlt l‘.l\k'll lrrxh traditional and eontemporar} danee teatrt and In e hartd rrt a eoxtumed xpeetaeular. l.axt _\ear the} pertor'med m .\loxeo\\ and ’l'urke}. 'l'hrx war the} 're ott to Poland arid Spain

I Thunderdog Ceilidh Band St l’eter'x (‘hurelr |.utton l’laee. «Spur trudnrght. Ur. .\ll tlte lllll ot teeltttg arid roelxmg \\ rth 'l'hunderdog. Hit )ll.


I BBC SSO Chamber Series: Greenmarket Square ( 'rt} llallx. (lrrtdlet‘rggx. 35% Htltltl, ipm. £7 tt5l. l'orrrted h} xtrrng pla_\erx trom the Hl’)(' SSt ). thrx rte“ quartet otter'x art eeleetre tuxron ot South .>\triean and liuropean t'ollt tradrtronx mi\ed \\ tllt (i)px} and ('eltre muxie.

I Reinhardt & Grappelli Tribute ('ate ('oxxaehok. Ruxxian (‘ultural ('errtre. King Street. 553 073 i. S,3ttprrr. [.5 (Lil l.e\ .'\tlax (\iolittt arid .\'igel ('lark tgurtart return tor their highl} popular dtret tormat. inxpired h} tlte llot ('luh xourrd.


I Moishe’s Bagel l{o_\al Seouixli .i\eadern_\. the Hound. 325 (to? I. 7pm. U5. lnxpiring ia//»int'leeted kle/mer and llallxan danee muxie t'eaturing (ireg la\\ xotr t.\lr .\lel'a|l'x ('harnherl on lltltllL'. l’L‘lL‘ (iarnet tilt ttL'L‘ttt'tllotl. l’llll .\le\ander on piarto and Mario ('arihe on haxx.

Tuesday 9


I lvan Drever & Duncan Chisholm l.eith liollt (‘luh. The Village. South l-‘ort Street. 478 7M0. 7.30pm. £5. Rexpeeted ()readian gurtarixt and xinger l)re\ er t\\‘o|txtonel ix joined h_\ hix regular muxieal partner and tiddler ('hrxholm.

I Ceilidh Club The lot. (iraxxtttarket.

225 33‘"). 8pm. Ur. See lue 2.

Wednesday 1 0


I Michael Simons 'l‘eliai ()\ na. l)eartxton l)ri\ e. M" 7258. 8pm. [2. See \\ik‘tl 5‘.


I The Anna Massie Band lidinhurgh l-‘olk ('luh. (‘aharet Bar. 'l‘he l’leaxauee. 050 334‘). Spm. in t5 l. .-\eeomplixhed _\otmg all—\\omen trio on aeeordion. gtritar mandolin. tiddle and oeeaxional xong.


I Eugene Brosnan S‘r .-\ttdre\\ ‘x in the Square. St .-\ndre\\ ‘x Square. 55" .5003. 8pm. £0 tfi-lt. lrixlt xinger/xongu riter.


I Huun-HuurbTu 'l'olhooth. .lail \\'_\ rid. (ll-i786 27-1000. Sprtt. [Ill tfiSt. :\xtonixhing 'l‘uxan throat xinging and aeouxtie inxtrumental muxie t‘rorn the eentre ot‘ .-\xia. Strange and heautit‘ul

\ irtuoxo perttrrrnaneex.

84 THE LIST .‘1' itrw‘i‘v Mat gsee

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I BBC 550 Thursday Night Series ('rt} llallx. ('andlerrggx. ‘5‘ St "ttt 3pm £5 ll ltt‘ lil“. .SSl l'x next. a\\t>el.ile g‘tle\l eonduetor. Stetau Sohom. eonduetx llt‘tttettix St n rim/r to! It NHL Hour tutu" Sir/Hex arid Srhelrux‘ dramatre \ .m/w'rw/n .\u 3 ttt hrx tirxt lt\e hroadeaxt tor HIH' Ratlto iix .lttt'lmmrt /’t'/tormirmr Scottish Ensemble (‘rtx llallx. ('andleriggx. ‘5§ Stltllt “,15pin LUS 5“

E l 3.5M t L‘1 thtl 5th 'I he grattd tinale ot Seotlarrtl\ prerrnere xtrrng enxemhlex xeaxon eelehratex l'rnland'x great att'mrt} \\rth xtrmg muxre. teatutrng \\ork h} tuo ot rtx moxt tamoux xonx. Srhelrux and Ratrtautata.

I Balanescu Quartet, Akron/ Family and Adem lrarrm a}. 35 \lhert l)ri\e. tlS‘J5 Nit 35H]. Spin. L' l 2. (‘ortternpor'ar_\ elaxxreal \\ttr‘kx trout Romama'x .'\le\ander Italauexeu \\ ho hax \\orlted \\ lllt \lrehael .\} mart. l’hilrp (ilaxx. Kate lluxh and HM id llu‘rre. \\ith xupport trorn Brooklyt lllttlll inxtr'umentalixtx .\kt‘ott/l’;tttttl_\ and aeouxtie/laptop tolk trom .v\dem. l’ur/ o/ lI'i/r/tt It.


I Edinburgh Telephone Choir (ieorge Square lheatre. l'nnerxit} ot lidinhurgh. (ieorge Sqtrare. (5” Slot. 7.30-9.45pm. Ur. l’opular light muxie t'rom the ltdinhurgh 'l‘elephone (‘houx

Friday 28


I Lunchtime Concert: Philip Jenkins and Marina Nadiradze RS.'\.\ll). ltltl Rent're“ Street. 332 .5057. lprn. £7 tL'5 l. RS.-\.\ll) head ol ke_xhoard xtudiex I’hilip .lk‘lllxtttx ioinx aeaderrn graduate. tutor and international pri/e~\\ inning pianrxt Marina Nadirad/e to prexent a programme ot' the 25(l-}t‘;rr‘-trltl man himxelt‘. .\lo/art.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart 250 - Mozart and Mendelssohn (it) llaltx. (‘andler'iggx 353 Stltltl, 7,3tlpm. Ut-L’Z l ,5tl_ \Vorlxx h_\ .\lendelxxohn trame ,loxeph Suenxen‘x tinal programme ot the xeaxon. 'l‘rading hix hatori tor a \ iolin Suenxen \\ ill he joined h_\ hrilliant )ttllttg \ iola play-r. l.a\\ renee l’o\\ er. tor a pert'ormanee ot' .\lo/ar't\ sin/mm (‘orrt‘erltr/rlt


I Balanescu Quartet and Max Richter The Bongo ('luh. .\lora_\ lltHlSL'. 5- llol}r‘ood Road. 55S 7004. 7pm. L'II. ('ontemporar} elaxxieal \\orlx lt‘ottt Romania‘x .-\le\ander lialartexeu. thix trrne joined h} poxt elaxxieal eornpoxer. programmer and produeer Riehter. l’tu'l of lit/Hull.

I Edinburgh Telephone Choir (ieorge Square 'l‘heatre. l'ni\erxrt} ot' lidinhurgh. (ieorge Square. (350 SM”. 7.30-‘l45pm. Ur. See Thu 37.

I RSNO: Deneve conducts Jean- Yves Thibaudet l'xlrer' llall. l.otliian Road. 328 |l55. 7.30pm. {ll-£28. Stephane l)ene\ e ix one ot the hottext llk'le‘lS on the eondueting eireuit. know it tor hix interpretix e daring. Bringing hix tirxt xeaxon ax muxie direetor to a eoneluxion \\ ith a pert‘ormarree ol l)ehuxx} 'x oeeanie tantax} l.u Her and Satttl—Saenx‘ I’itmo (‘om’erto .\'o 3. he'x joined h} tlamho} ant l‘r'eneh \ irtuoxo pianixt Jean-Yxex 'l'hihaudet.

=51 Scottish Ensemble Queen'x llall. (‘lerk Street. (:68 Illl‘).,'.~15pm. L'l l.5t)- L‘I.‘~.5tl t L'S-L‘S’flh. See Thu 3".

I John Rutter at Cramond: Confessions of 3 Composer ('tamottd l\rtl. 1Hpm LS Mfr ()ne ot llrrtamk moxt .elehrated and ehattt‘ang xometituie ot tux lrte. hrx lllllSh and the

1:“ :ll“!\ l\ t \i ~ t att.:.ettl.tlt\l\lt\t.tt\

people he hax met alone the \\a} Stirling

I The Coull Quartet \l.u l\’ohett.

l nnerxit} ot Stirling. Hl_\l\~1l‘lll‘(‘ll

5” L ltlr tortued m the mid ‘ttx thrx quartet hax extahlrxhed ttxelt ax one lltllalltS moxt :expeeted euxernhlex. \\ ith a hux_\ international x. hedule lomeht the} will he pertormmx' llatdn‘x ()uattet llt ( ( )pux "1 \o l.

Sltoxtalxin reh‘x Quartet \o .\ ( )pux It“ and lteethmen'x ()uattet ml \lmot (lpitx 4‘) \tr:

Saturday 29


I RSNO: Deneve conducts Jean- Yves Thibaudet Roin (‘oneert Hall. I Sauehrehall Street. {5 1 Sttltlt " lttpm

tQI t Llu See I it IS

\pm LI5I1‘


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart 250 - Mozart and Mendelssohn ()ueen'x llall. ('lerk Street. Nth Itll‘t, itlpm LS L“ 5”. See l'tt IS.

I John Rutter at Cramond: Come and Sing ('ramond Kirk. ;W St) Wt. ltlaru ~1 illpm. L'll tL'lltr. llelp eelehrate the hrxtorre lzdmhurgh ltrrlex 15llth .tttttt\et'\at} III the eornparn ot eompoxer .lolur Rutter and poxxihlj. a ten hundred

other xingerx.


I University of Glasgow presents Symposia I<S.\.\tl). ltltl Renlren Street. 533 5ll5N. ipm, l'ree. tteketed. .\ eoneer't ot retent arid ne\\ muxre h_\ )tttlttg‘ L'tllllptlSL'lS.


I Making Tracks Live! MaeRohet't. lilll\L‘l\ll_\ (ll Slll'llllg‘. tllqhh -l(\(l(l(t(l. 3pm. L' lll t £5—L'".5ltr, l’hrx interaetne eoneert tx a tah mtro to the lxalerdoxeopre xoundeuorld ot the orehextra tor " l3 )ear oldx. l-.\peet tno\ re and 'l\' elaxxiex. \\ith gamex hoth xorue and \ rxual. With the |tlt(‘ S}rnphon} ()r‘ehextra and prexented h_\ ('lt|t(”x .\ugeliea ltell.


I Maxim Vengerov in Recital Rinal (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauehrehall Street. 35‘ Stttltl. 5. itlpm, {l5 L35. lle ttta_\ orrl} he it) )e'arx ot age. hut \\ rth a ( iramophone :\rtixt ot the tear .mard and a liext lnxtrumeutal Solorxt l’ertormartee (iramrrn ahead} in hrx ttoplt} eahmet. the eharixmatre Ruxxran rx regarded ax one ot the \\orld'x leading \ rrtuoxo

\ iolrnrxtx. 'l‘hrx e\enmg‘x programme lllt‘llltltW liL‘L'llttnL‘ltS .Srrlttllt: .\I‘ a Sltoxtalxm telt\ \to/t/ Sir/tutti arid l’rokotim ‘x Sonqu \iu/.


I PLUG: The Electroacoustic Event l{S.l\.\ll). llltl Rentreu Street. 332 5tl57'. " _‘~llpm. tree. llL'hL'lL'tl. -\ new textnal on the xeene. l’l.l'(i'x rernrt ix to pt‘exertt all tte\\ \\orlx tor an all-new audienee. 'l'he tirxt e\ent m the xerrex teaturex eleetrome muxre tor amplrtied rnxtrumentx and \oiee \\ rth laptopx. hlaelx ho\ex and multr-eharmel atrdro \peeialixattott,

Wednesday 3


I PLUG: Ooug Whates and his Music Its-\\tl). lilo Rentreu Street. 333 5tl57. lpm. l'ree. lthL'lL'll. Reeent

RS \\ll) graduate \\ hatex leadx lux genre tlet} mg xe\tet lit a pertotmanee ot next eompoxrtronx remrmx.ent ot the Hrrtrxh dartee handx ot the l" ‘tlx

I The Merchant Voices (in ltallx. (atrtllertggx. 1“SUN” “pm ltee liranti ueu tornmumt} ehorr led h\ tenor and eoutluetor ltortnme l‘etkham. towering a htoati \\‘\.ll repertoire “pen to adultx ot all rto pre\ roux lllll\l\.ll e\petrenee rx required ruxt lotx ot enthuxraxm'

I PLUG: New Music for the Theatre RS \\tl t. loll l\'etttte\\ Street. I " ittpm lree. trtketed \n intriguing e\enmg ot trrxt pertormantex

me ludmg _I Sutton \an der \\alt'x \ rim/nu” and ( iareth \\ rllramx ne\\ ‘ho\m_«_' opett lt’lt 1" it Him (hurt;



I ECAT Ensemble: Expression!: Janacek to Rihm ()ueen‘x llall. ( 'lerlt Street. ith-S :ltl" 5 15pm t Ill t L51 llte l-nxemhle ot \ rolm. eello and piano pertorm \\orkx h} lx’rhm. ,lanaeelt ‘lllt\tlll‘tl\tlt;1l} t and a lien piano trro hx l)L‘l\'l \t'lSt‘ll

Thursday 4

Glasgow I PLUG: Stiilenprestaties Ensemble RS \\tl ). tun Rentrexx Street. “I 5H5” lpru ltee. tteketed \ ttrll programme ot trrxt pertormaneex meludmg \lrxtan (‘Iarltxon‘x ‘the I’m ('uxhron ()ueen‘. ('latte .\lel\'ett/te\ llimt me on it lltouumi/ Iorx 'tmtl \rt Ito/ax Xi irrt'x ‘lm/t lair/i". I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni 'l lteatre l{o_\al. 3S2 llope Street. “3 ‘ttttlll. 5 l5pm Ur 5H L55 \lo/art‘x tamoux opera haxed on the lrte ot l)on .luan. a notorioux ladrex' man \\ hoxe terrrhle temper e\eutuall} leadx to hrx dountall. I PLUG: Big Thing RS.\.\tl). tun lx’entreu Street. “I 5H5". 7. ‘tlpm ltee. trelteted. l’rexentmg all next will tor an allneu audrenee. the RS \\tl)'x l’l l‘ti textual xurgex on \\ rtlr thrx pertortnaru e ttom reeeutl} tormed (ilaxgo\\ group. lzrtxemhle 'lhmg. u ho otter a d_\ namre arid engaging ne\\ take on the eotrtetrrpor‘;rr_\ muxre enxemhle. Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Philharmonia Orchestra Rinal ('oueert Hall. 3 Sauehrehall Street. ‘5‘ MN)”. ". itlpm. L l 5 2.35 Veteran praruxt and ('onduetor laureate ot one ot the \\orld'x tiuext orehextrax. \ ladrrrtrr -\xhl\ena/_\ drreetx the l’hrlharmoma through Shoxtalan teh‘x /(‘\II\4' ()r r'llltlt’ arid Raehmamum 'x Soup/rum .\'u 3. I Rinaldo \ev. ;\thenaeum "l heatre. l{S.r\.\ll). lttll Rentreu Street. “I 5ll57 l5pm. {lo t L l 2 l. RS.\.\ll) xtudentx pertormx llandel‘x opera haxed on laxxo‘x epre poem ahotrt the tirxt eruxade. la!(it’l'llHl/(‘Hllllr’[.1/H’I'rlltl.


I Rudsambee National l’ortt‘att (iallL‘t'). l Queen Sheet. (ill 03”” (t frfitlprn. l‘t'ee. l'naeetmtpamed \oreex m harmon}. u rth xougx trom Seotland to ('roatia. l't'artee to leelartd.


I PLUG: Composition Workshop with the Hebrides Ensemble RS.\.\ll). ltttt Rerttreu Street. ‘33 5057. llattt. l'ree. ltL'le‘lL'tl. RS.'\.\ll) llead ()l ('ompoxttiorr (ior'don \lel’herxon leadx thrx \\orkxhop ax the enxemhle prepare tor their lunehtrme eoneert.

I PLUG: Hebrides Ensemble RS.-\.\ll). lttll Rentr'eu Street. 333 5057. lptn. £7 tt.'5 r. A lunehtime pertormanee h} the errxetnhle teaturrng xtudent L‘ttlttpttxet‘ \\ltll (‘ltadu telx'x Htmwx In the Shun and Nigel ()xhorrre'x Shore/me. 'l‘he \\ rnner ot the pr'extrgrotrx Dinah \‘(olte Award tor eompoxrtron \\lll alxo he announeed.

I PLUG: Nigel Osborne in Discussion RSAMI). tun Rettlreu.