Edinburgh amaz-

Activities 6; Events

Nicole Farhi 'l'lie l-ashion l.oti. Mullrecs \Valk. 534 H3ts‘ts'. 7pm. £30. Runuax shou ol the designer‘s spring— summer 00 collection. l’ui'l of lat/I/i/im'u/t Ill/('l'llU/lllllrl/ l‘rfl/llnll /'('\lllrl/. Jonathan Saunders: Elegance in Black and White Asseniltl} Rooms. 54 (ieorgc Street. 333 l 155. S30ptn. £40. A chance to see tlte loriner (iSA student's itllllllllll/“llllt’l' collection. l;//'I'.


The Marketplace Asseinbl} Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. 333 1155. 10am b.30pm. l'rec. ('heck Hlll some (lisllncll_\ Setilllslt design at this showcase. lzll-IV.


ln Conversation with Jonathan Saunders Weston l.ink. llassthornden lecture 'l'hcan‘e. National (iallct'). the Hound. 333 l 155. 3pm. £1(it£13.50i. Scotland‘s inost lashionable son discusses ltis rise to tame. /-.lI-'l-.

Maxwell: The Man who Changed Everything James ('lerk .\la\\\ ell Building. King's Buildings. Minlieltl Road. (i511 530o. 7.30pm. l'ree. See (ilasgou. Thu 37.

Stop the War on Iran Before it Starts St John's (‘hurch. Princes Street. 7.30pm. l‘t'cc. l’rolcssor Abbas lidalat l'roin cainpaigniran.org speaks out against lllllllal'} inlenenlion in Iran.

Friday 28

Activities & Events

Show Scotland Quiz .\ltiscuin ol lidinburgh. 143 (‘anongate. 53‘) 4143. ppm. l-‘ree. 'l‘est _\oui' kno\\ ledge ol' the capital at this lidinburgh-theined qtiiI. Singles’ Night: The Goddess of Love National (iallet') ol' Scotland. The Hound. (i34 (i300. (r50 8.30pm. £5. Where better to meet a like-minded soul than amongst the limo Rising eshibition‘.’ lt' tltai isn't enough to gel )ou in the tnood. there \\ ill also be readings ol short stories on the themes ol line and se\.

* New Edinburgh The l-‘ashion l.oll. .\1ultrees \Valk. 534 S388. 7.30pm. £30. See llllllsl.


Wardrobe Mistress llar\e) Nichols. 30 34 St Andrew Square. 22s I 155.

l 1.30am «k 1.30pm. liree. .-\ cltancc to ask all those burning st_\ le questions. as Stun/m limes columnist ('laudia ('rol't presents this lashion clinic. Iii/“l”. What’s in it for Me? Catwalk Report Autumn 2006 Weston link. llamhornden lecture 'l'heatre. National (ialler). the .\lound. 33S 1155. 4.30pm. f l0.50. Wardrobe Mistress (‘laudia (‘roll picks ottt the hottest trends from the Autumn 3000 camalk shoxs s. Ifll’l".

Saturday 29

Activities & Events

Dedicated Followers of Fashion ()ntni. (irecnside Place. 333 1 I55.

10am 4pm. [Spp £30 team of lour. \Vhoexei' said _\ou can't go orientecring in high heels clearl} hadn't heard ot‘ this lashion treasure hunt. That said. \\ caring them might diminish sour chances ol \sinning the juiciest pri/es. Iii/“I”. Noise Day 'l‘albot Rice (ialler). l'nisersit} ot‘ lidinburgh. Soutlt Bridge. b50 3310. 3 7pm. Free. (ialleries are ll\llall} quiet. t'estl‘ul places but toda_\ is tlte e\ception. l)_iembe drummers \\ ill be twrt‘orniing around the galler). plus _\ou can record )our omi ‘sound portrait' or just come along to the exening conceit. Colour, Pattern and Form: Matthew Williamson Signet Librar). Parliament Square. 338 1 155. 8.30pm. S()l.l) (MT. The stars' llnourite designer presents his allllllnn/\\ inter collection e\clu.si\el} iii the Scottish capital. lz'lI’I-I


May Day Demonstration and Rally Market Street. 1 l 30am Make _\our teelings knoun at this demonstration Edinburgh May Day Rally 'l'lie .\le.ttlo\ss. .\lcl\ille l)ri\e. 084511 .53l 337 lpiti. l‘ree. l’ost-deino tunes trotn ('ulture ('lash and The Bhundhu Boss. plus speeches lt} the Rhl'l‘s Holt ('tou. Rose (ientle and (‘olin l'ox .\lSl’


In Conversation with Matthew Williamson Weston link. llauthoinden lecture 'l‘heati‘e. National (iallcr). the Hound. 338 1155. 3pm. L'lo i£l3.5lli. ('Ulln \lclhm ell talks 10 the elite designer about trocks. parties and Will Young ionl} kiddingi. [all]:

The Agony and the Ecstasy: Fashion in Literature Signet librar}. l’arlianient Square. 33S 1155. 4.30pm. £10.50. (‘olin .\lcl)o\\cll aitd triends read lroin a selection 01 sl_\ le-i‘elaled \Hil'ks. I://‘ I'.


Beltane at Bits and Bobs Hits a Bobs Scrap Store. [int 15 .\'e\\ l.airdship Yards. Brooinhotisc Road. 443 0400.

1 laiit 1.30pm. £5. (‘ellic arts aitd cralts \sot'ksltop to celebrate Beltane.

Activities & Events

* Beltane Fire Festival 2006 ('alton Hill. 473 3000. t) lain. £5 03.3 in ad\ancei. See llillist.


Try Cycling in Edinburgh Royil ('ontinotmealth l’ool. l)alkcitlt Road. 558 3047. 0.45am. 'l'his l3-mile guided c} cle tour goes all the ua} to .\lusselburgh \\ ith \er} little roaduot'k

Edinburgh Wolves v West Coast Trojans .laL‘k Kane Sports ('enli'c. 303 Niddrie Mains Road. (mi) 0404. lpiti.

l‘ree. See tnain piece.

Tuesday 2


Toward a \flsion of a New Civilisation St John's (’hurch. Princes Street. 7P0]. lirce. .-\ talk l‘} the re\ cred Siklt aitd Interfaith leader. Bhai Sahib .\1ohinder Siiigli.

Saturday 6


Aboriginal Art Bits & Bobs Scrap Store. [hit 15 .\'e\\ l.airdship Yards. Broonihotise Road. 443 0490.

l lam 1.30pm. £5. The regular scrap store cralt \sot'ksllop takes on an Australian theme this time.


Spokes Sunday Rides l'slier llall. l.othian Road. 338 1155. 10am. l-‘ree. lixplore the l.othians on l\\o \\ heels b} joining these guided c_\ cle rides.

BUPA Great Edinburgh Run The Nleadoxss. .\lel\ ille l)ri\'e. 0870 011 3337. (her 7.000 sueat} Betty and Beits took place in last )ear's 10k ex ent.


Hergé & Tintin: 75 Years of History lnstitut l’rancais d‘licosse. 13 Randolph (‘rcscenL 335 5300. (3.50pm. lirce. 'l‘ltis \isual talk b} .\1 Damien (iraue/ e\plores the histor) ol e\ c't‘}iiitc"s lamurite Belgian.

Tuesday 9


Saving the Wild Cheetah lidinburgh Zoo. ('orstorphinc Road. .334 9171. 7.30pm. £3 (£3). liind out tnore about the tastest land beast on the planet at this talk b} Dr Laurie Marker from the ('heetah (‘onserxation l-‘und. Namibia.

Joan Collins l'sher llall. l.othian Road. 338 1155. 8pm. £33.5(l77£3(i.50. See picture caption.


Around Town

Having been propelled towards national treasure status by her unforgettable role as uber-bitch Alexis

in 80’s cult/trash series Dynasty, Joan Collins reflects on her life and career at this talk. On loan from Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. special guests Four Poets and a Piano provide suitably camp musical


I Usher Ila/l. Lotti/(iii Hora). {:iir‘itm'i".

Wednesday 1 o


Celebrate the New Scots National l.ibrar_\ ol Scotland. (icoi‘ge l\' Bridge. 330 4531. 7pm. l‘ree. Herman Rodrigues talks about capturing the ll\es o1 lidinburgh‘s Asian L‘Hllllllllllll} on camera.

Activities & Events

ECA Fashion Show lidinburgh ('ollcge ol' :\rt. 74 l.auriston Place. 0370 330 NH». 0pm. £13 £14. The annual lidinburgh ('ollege ol .»\rt lashion slum leaturing the \sork ol the 33 graduating lashion. costume and te\tile students.

Activities & Events

See Me, Love Me, Buy Me Thu

37 Sat 3‘) .-\pi'. \cnties & times \ar}. to Per session. ('atualk \lttMs trotn the capitals lop lasltion slot’es. 'l‘lttn'sda} starts \\ ith contemporar} kills and corsets courtes) ol' 31st ('entur} Kills and linpraclical ('lothes. \shile l‘rida} teatures the best ol' 'l'histle Street. The linal Saturda} shim in\ol\es collections lrom high street lilHllll'llL's such as Miss Scll'ridgc. Ill/"l".


Léopold Sédar Senghor 1906-2001 Tue 3 Ma} [ii 30 Jun iitot Suni. lnstitut l-rancais d‘licosse. 13 Randolph ('rescent. 335 53M). .\lon \Ved & l-‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm; ’l’hu

noon 5.30pm: Sat ‘).30am 3pm. l-‘ree. l)ocutnenlat‘} e\hibition celebrating the l'oriner l’resident ol' the Republic o1 Senegal

The New Scots l'ntil .\lon 22 .\la_\. National l.ibrar_\ ol' Scotland. (ieoi‘ge l\' Bridge. 330 4531. 10am 5pm; 3 5pm. l‘ree. Images b} llerinan Rodrigue/ e\ploring the disersc range ol South Asian communities in Scotland.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l‘.\et"\ Sat. ('astle 'I‘erracc. 053 5040. 9am 3pm. Due to the tren/ied desire ol lidinburghers to till their cupboards u ith local. qualit}. ethical produce. the (‘astle 'l‘crracc markets are non a \seekl} institution.


For Da Girls lixer} Sun. The Bongo ('ltib. .\lora_\ llotise. 37 llol_\rood Road. 558 7604. lpm. £5. Hip-hop and reggae dance classes l‘or ladies.

Zoot Swing li\er_\ .\lon. ('al'e Rinal. 17 \VCSI Register Street. 550 354‘). 7pm.

L450 1 t V510. l'tlll tl.lll\ c \ lasscs (beginners "pin. iinpimeis .Spini Social Swing Nightl \ci} luc llic lioitgo(‘lult. .\loia§ llousc. V llo1_\tood Road. 55S “(it 14. "pin L1 50 l L 3 50: lutoicd session with \asiniii lliishbx ibeginners "pni. iinpio\ets Spiiii StyleTrial: Beginners’ Breakdancing Classes Sun " \las 'lltc liongoflub. .\loi.i_\ lloiisc. 3' llol)iood Road. 55S “hill 3pm L3 l.carn all the tricks ol the It l\o_\ tiadc. lroin a li'iendl} bunch o1 \ei} \silliiig teachers.

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1;, ~ .>' : THE LIST 27