Music Rock&Pop
1 They ‘deflne the exquisite beauty of the atomic age in terms of style, sound and lorm’ At least according to Singer Jaz Coleman they do. When the notorious post-punk proto-industrial outfit lormed in the late 70s Coleman uttered the above as their manifesto. Remember when bands had manifestos’? Great days.
2 Alternatively, they’re ‘the sound of the earth vomiting’ This rather less flamboyant btit probably more accwate quote comes from the band's original drummer Paul Ferguson from the same time.
3 They sued Nirvana The rift to 'Come As You Are' sounds suspiciously like the Joke‘s song ‘Eighties'. They sued. then Kurt died and they dropped the case. Hatchets were buried. however. when Dave Grohl turned up to play drums on later Killing Joke records. 4 They’ve influenced [insert band name here] Nine Inch Nails. Metallica. Nirvana. Faith No More, Amen. Marilyn Manson. Helmet, Ministry. Tool, PiL. Laibach. Soundgarden, Fear FactOry. Slipknot and hundreds more have all taken something away from Coleman's unique style.
5 They’ve gone to Iceland Obsessed with the occult in the early 805. the band moved to Iceland to weather the apocalypse. which they thought was imminent. Alter an unapocalyptic while. they sheepishly moved back to Blighty. Rock and roll. (Doug Johnstone)
I ABC, Glasgow, Sat 8 Apr.
I Stepping Stones The Jam llouse. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 7pm midnight i'l'L‘t‘. See Mon .3.
I Open Mic \\'ltistlc'ltiitkrt's. 4 6 Soutlt Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. liree. See Mon 3. I Sweetheart, Milophobia aitd Theme Bannerritan's. .\'iddr_\ Street. 556 3254. 9.30pm. £4. .\'iglti of indie pop arid gtritar hased roek.
I Bonnie Prince Billy with Harem Scarem .-\B(‘. 330 Saueltieliall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l5. \Vill ()ldham hrings ltis mi\ture ol' .-\ppalaehian atittospheres aiid arcane language to the stage. \tith inyentit e l‘olksters Harem Searent.
I Soze, Them Scally Boys, Organised Kaos and Black Jaxx Soundhaus. 47 Hydepark Street. 22l 4659. 7.30pm. £5. ()\ er- l4s shim.
I Atri Rampo Mono. l2 Kings Court. King Street. 552 9458. 8pm. £9.50. Weird-core from this Japanese dtio much
78 THE LIST 30 Mar-13 Apr 2006
lined by the likes ot Sonic Youth
I Andy Miller 'l'chai ()\ na. 42 Utago lane. 357 4524 8pm £2 .-\U‘ll\|lc guitar \ ll'lllitstt and singer/song“iiter
I Grant McCall, Firebrand Boy .lllti Cryotec .\'iee'n’S|ea/y. -12| Sauthiehall Street. 333 090“ 8pm lilettrorttea lrorit l'irehtand Boy
I Paulo Hutini, Standing Order .lllti Scarlet Blue||_\. 2h” ( ~|_\t|c Slrccl. 0870907 0999 8pm £6 l’aisley pop prodigy \tho has played \\ itli the likes ol Speeduay
I The Maccabees, Eastern Lane, De Soto Firefly and Red Snowman King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm £5. Bitglttort \ia Sotitlt l ondon urchin rockers \\|ltt retel in tire names ()rlando. Hugo. |-e|r\. Rupert and riot lorgetting druiiiiiter Robert D} lart 5|2|llllllil8
I You’re Smiling How But We’ll All Turn Into Demons aitd Epideme Bar Bloc. ||7 |ittl|l Street. .574 (tl|(i(t ‘lplll l'ree. Sitapprly rltitlllctl roek'n‘iollin’.
I The Tellers aitd Laura Kenny 'l'lie liqtrid Sltip. l7l |75 (ireat Western Road. 33l l9lll. lice (and) Sessions night. l'ealuring tlte melodic country tinged pop rock (it |.aura Kenny.
I Twin Zero, End of Everything arid My Mind’s Weapon ('aharel Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6|76. 7pm. £the. 'l‘riple hill ol' upcoming hands.
I Imperial Vipers Studio 24. 24 26 ('altort Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm £6. (iuitar dri\ert. hard rock. straight otrt ol Bcdlot‘tlshit‘c.
I Shutter, Small Enclosed Area, Refuse Boy and A Gayboy Scene Henry ‘s ('ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. ||ea\y [TliSlil'HCie
I Band Showcase \‘t'liistlehinkies. 4 (l Sotitlt Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. l-r‘ee. See Tue 4.
Wednesday 1 2
I Fear Factory, Breed 77 arid Mendeed Barron lartd. 244 (iallottgatc. 552 460|. 7.30pm. £l4. ()ter- l4s shim. A soundclash ol' heaty industrial cleclronica and grinding death metal.
I Giant Drag and Foreign Born Barlly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £7. l'S indie duo inlluenced hy the “only likes ol' My Bloody Valentine arid li'onted hy the irreterent Artrtie Hardy.
I Bill Wells, Maher Shalal Hash Bax, Tenniscoats, Kama Aina and Kazumi Nikaidoh ('(‘A. 350 Saucltiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £l0 (£8). lialltirlt ja/l guru Bill Wells dratis together tltis unconterttiortal line-tip ol' |elllie|t| Japanese pop.
I El Dog Brel. 3‘) 43 :\\|tlitlt lane. 342 4966. 8pm. £5. Sell-styled 'iitelodic. hum-kicking music'.
I Kim Edgar and Scott Keenan 'l'lte l'niter‘sal. 57 59 Saueltiehall Lane. 332 8899. 8pm. £4. Acoustic pop. tan and original compositions on piano. gttitar arid mice from lidinhurgh singer/ songxtriter Kim lidgar. supported hy (ihtsgtm singer/song“ riter‘ Keenan.
I Looking for Simon artd Airspiel Nice'it'Slea/y. 42| Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. £5. litdie hill.
I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()\ na. I69 |)eaitstort |)ri\e. 649 7258. 8pm. £2. See Wed .5.
I Small Enclosed Area arid The Rites Bar Bloc. H7 Hall] Street. 574 6066. 9pm. liree. .-\hertloniart outlit headline.
I lan Willis 8. the Willing North lidinhurgh Arts (‘enlre. l5a Penny \\ ell Court. 3|5 2|5l. 7pm. £8 (£4 £6). .\li\ing liery hlues. lo-li arid lart l)urys style delhery as the hand tour their lirst alhum ‘Kerhside to the Stats.
I Junkbox arid Malcolm Ross ('aharet Voltaire. 36 —38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. £5. London based three-piece
peddling dirty. gritty punk rhythm and hlucs
I Bonnie Prince Billy with Harem Scarem Queen‘s Hall. ('Ier'k Street. 668 2lll9 7 30pm £l5 See lue II
I The Oco, Ego, Darklight and Starry Wisdom Cult \Vhistlehrrtkres. 4 6 South Bridge. 55" 5| l4 9pm l iee Big iitdie and rock hill
I POTSO, Granger attd The Curtains Bannertrtan's. \idtliy Street. 556 3254 9 30pm £4 More guitar sounds domt Baniter'rttans
I "Gil Sedaka (.|.\t|L' :\llt|llill'ltltll. l-‘innieston Quay, 08"” H40 401)” 8pm
£ 30 £ 35. \Vriter ol the ubiquitous 'Road to .'\lll.lTlHtt. hut also ol the genius 'Solitaiid.
I Dry Kill Logic, Stillborn, Psyko Dalek and Shell of the Stain Barll}. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7pm £thc Metal and hardcore
I Embrace and Morning Runner Barroxtland. 244 (iallimgate. 552 460l 7pm S()l.l) ()l'l. See Sat 8.
I lan Wills & the Willing ()ian Moi. 73| 735 (it‘eat Western Road. 357 6200 7. 30pm. £5. Rock hand \\l||l a tlteatrteal approach to \ isualisiitg their music \tho hrought their \|lll\\ Ker/mile to the Stun to last year's l-rirtge.
I The 4th Parallel, The Routes aitd Hank Barrick 'l‘he \'ale. 5 l)untlas Street. . 32 4928. 8pm. £3. lrtdie rock.
I St Jude’s Infirmary 'l’he (ioal. I287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. liree Mal/y Starry sounds lrotn this litlinhurgh hand.
I Foxface, Dot to Dot, Tattie Toes artd Jim Dick Mono. 12 Kings (‘ourl. King Street. 552 9458. 8.30pm. Single laurtclt lor strident l'ollty trio |-'o\l'ace.
I Alex Kid Bar Bloc. I I7 Batlt Street. 574 6066. 9pm. l-ree. Dynamic hand lrom doun south.
I Junkbox The Butterfly arid the Mg. 153 Batlt Street. 22| 77l l. 9pm. See Wed 12.
I The Graham Lacy Band and Acoustic Love Experience ||ic liqtiid Ship. l7l I75 (ireat Western Road. 33 Will. Free ('andy Sessions night.
I The Archie Bronson Outfit and Comanchi (‘aharet \"oltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6| 76. 7pm. £6. 'l‘he headliners are a heat} \ intage hlues rock trio lrom the West ('ounti'y. noty signed to Domino. I Riotmen and Dawn Chorus Henry's ('ellar Bar. 8 |6a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. l.otid punk rock influenced by the likes ol Sortic Youth. litiga/i aitd Shellac.
I Robin Williamson 8. John Renbourne Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. (iris 30w. spin. U350 “4.50. l’entangle‘s lingervpiekin' guitarist lorms a hippy alliance with lneredihle String Band space cadet tor a dose ol' tolls» haroque.
I Sunshine Delay and Sub-Opt \Vltisllchinklcs. 4 6 South Bridge. 5.57 5| l4. 9pm. l‘ree. Melodic country- inllueneed Anterrcana from the Sunshine l)elay.
I Sunshine Delay \\'liistlehiitkies. 4 6 Sottth Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. liree. Melodic country -inl|ueneed Antericana. I Andy Gunn, Brotherhood and Jimmy McGhee 8. the Uptown Three Banneriitan‘s. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 9.30pm. £4. Songttriter (iunn returns \\l||l his hluesy sounds.
I The Debonaires The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. l0pni midnight. £3. (‘lassic Motottn arid Stax tront these soullul Jam House regulars.
I Bill Wells, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Tenniscoats, Kama Aina and Kazumi Hikaidoh 'l‘olhooth. Jail Wy nd. 0l786 274000. 7.30pm. £10 (£8). See Tue I l.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 30
. Edgar ||lc .|.tlll ||ittl\c. Queen Street. 226 4 3S” 7 9pm l‘tce Aeolistre pop. |.l// attd original compositions on pratto. guitar and since trortt local musician Kim l-dgai
I Jayne C Wright Sygrr. l5 (‘harlotte lane. 225 6060 8pm. l‘ree Weekly residency lor the pianist arid \oealist playing |.t// \tith a eoitteiitporary |\\l\|
I Fat Sam’s Band .la/l ('entre. the lot. 4/6 (irassirtarlset. 467 5200
8. 30pm. £9 l‘oe tapping tunes. emermg rump toe to swing. .titd ia/x greats lroiit (ilett Miller to l’ats |)oittiito lr'oirt this time piece hand led by Hamish .\le( iregor.
I Beat Root Juice The Jan Bat'. l (‘haiithers Street. 220 4290. Ill3llpm liree. Alto heat. latin aitd slsa liom resident hand the (ioat Slett ()rchestra. pltts l)J Barney arid the odd |l\t' guest and spinner.
I Glenn Miller Orchestra Royal (’oncer't Hall. 2 Sattchiehall Street. 353 8000, 7.30pm. £|4.50 £23. Hits limit the 40s including. "linedo Jurtction'. ‘String ol~ l’earls' and 'Moonlighl Serenade‘. a special trihttte to Sammy Max is .lr'. Dean Martin arid Louis Armstrong as \\ ell as nostalgic laxourites ol~ Judy (iarlartd artd Vera Lynn. ln additiort British Aritateur Ballroom (‘hampions Kristi And Warren Boyce will he pertormiiig .i loc tapping trihttte lo l‘red Astaire arid (iinger Roget‘s.
I The Strathclyde University Big Band ('ale Source. | St Andre“ ’s Square. 548 6020. 9pm. liree. Nou Ill their 27th year. the lllll\el‘stl_\"s Big Baird get down and play a selection ol iaH tunes than their extensixe repertoire.
I The Fusion Experience liliiii. 50 'l‘rongate. Merchant (My. 548 I350.
I lpnt. £5. (ilasgtm ‘s liliesl exponents ol jailhouse electronic ltlsiort. \thosc set includes coy er‘s ol' the Doors arid
Air. Edinburgh I
Wiszniewski/Demuth/Schumaker Project Ja// ('entre. the Lot. 4/6 (irassittarket. 467 5200. 7.30pm. £6 t£5l. liollovting recent success touring in littrope this quartet. leatur'irig young saXophttltlsl Wis/nice. ski. l’ascal Seltttrnaclter tyihes). Marc l)einuth (hass) arid Alan ('iiske-r ltlruinsi. unleash their dramatic sound on a Scottish audience.
I Guest Bands Night The Jan. Bar. l (’hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. l‘ree. l‘eaturing dill'erent local guest groups each week.
I Late Hite Groove The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 220 4290.
Midnight 3am. £5. Regular l‘riday night l‘unkstratagan/a with lite hands and |)Js.
I The Lang Spoon Festival Rothes Halls. Kingdom ('entre. lll592 6| l llll. Times vary. Prices vary. Acottstie music festival with a selection ol'ja/J. l'olk. \M)!’|d arid traditional acts including the Dougie MacLean Band. the Karine Polwart Band. Bodega. Baby Isaac. Al Hughes. Tam White and ('apercaillie.